Mind Your Own Business Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mind-your-own-business" Showing 1-24 of 24
Debasish Mridha
“Clean your home first before complaining about others.”
Debasish Mridha

Steve Maraboli
“How do I have productive days with minimum drama? Simple; I mind my own business.”
Steve Maraboli

“Mind your mind. Think of distinctive footprints. Insofar as all things move forward and not backward, avoid retrogressive thinking, imprison negative thoughts, build a strong wall against negativity , be optimistic enough to deduce the optimisms in pessimism and think ahead of time. Understand the time you have and know what to do with the time, for time can loose it essence with time. If you ignore the real reasons why you wake up each day, you ignore the real reason why you continue to live each day. Life is just once so take the chance and mind your mind”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“Be so focused on being happy,improving yourself and being better than the person you were yesterday that you hardly realize whats going on with other people around you...

In short...

Dru Edmund Kucherera

“I be wanting to speak on stuff sometimes, but Spirit be like, "Leave that shit alone, hear?" And I be like, "Yes, ma'am.”
Trelani Michelle, Women Who Ain't Afraid to Curse When Communicating with God: 31-Day Self-Study Guide to Spiritual Liberation

Eyden I.
“-What is your contribution to society?
-I mind my own business and I always know when to shut the fuck up.”

*Gets Nobel Prize*
If two people are happy together, just leave them alone.”
Eyden I., Woman's Book: Only For Men

Lindsey Ouimet
“While not as common as they used to be, entire groups of people with what seems like an infinite amount of time on their hands to be angry about something that doesn't even affect them in the slightest, still exist.”
Lindsey Ouimet, What's a Soulmate?

Jane Austen
“keep your breath to cool your porridge”
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

P.L. Travers
“If I were some people,” she remarked acidly, “I’d mind my own business!”
P.L. Travers, Mary Poppins Comes Back

Herman Melville
“They have provided a system which for terse comprehensiveness surpasses Justinian's Pandects and the By-laws of the Chinese Society for the Suppression of Meddling with other People's Business.”
Herman Melville, Moby-Dick or, The Whale

Anthony Liccione
“I tend to think my eye's vision is still 20/20, because they mind their own business.”
Anthony Liccione

“It is only when the mirror has not spoken to Chimpanzee in a plain language that it thinks it looks more better than the Gorilla”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Julio Bonilla
“Never tell the people who fooled you your secrets, for they will look like real fools in the future.”
Julio Bonilla

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Wondering about other people’s private affairs is a one-man gossip.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Your purpose is your business, and if you let this be your constant reminder, you will not be intimidated or distracted by the achievement of others. Your purpose needs just as much attention as you're giving to the business of others; and if you don't put your nose in your own business, how can you then experience this beautiful life transition called Growth?”
Chinonye J. Chidolue

Giridhar Alwar
“Most of the problems in this world raise because of not minding one's own business.”
Giridhar Alwar, My Quest For Happy Life

Nitya Prakash
“I dream of a world where everyone minds their own goddamn business.”
Nitya Prakash

Anthon St. Maarten
“Attempting to constantly control everyone and everything around you is not only exhausting...it is also futile. The only real power you can achieve in this life is being in control of yourself.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Lynn Kelling
“Max marvels that you can't tell at all from his voice how this type of thing--the casual prying, snooping and implications--royally pisses him off. He really should have gone into acting. It's a tragically wasted talent.”
Lynn Kelling, Bound By Lies

“Butt out before you butt in”
Douw Prinsloo

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Your government is giant. How many people are in it, top to bottom? Are you going to change them? Can you change even one person, let alone all those hundreds or thousands? Actually, which one can you change? Yourself. Therefore, just practice.

So much complaining—did you control yourself, now you are looking for something else to control? And if you didn't control your own self, your own mind, then wanting to control everybody else, that's embarrassing! You are not qualified! We say, “They should do this!” “They should do that!” But what we should do ourselves, we don't know or we ignore it. Therefore, we are shameless, pointing the finger at everybody else and ignoring the smell coming from our own butt that we didn't clean nicely.

Like myself, here I have a control for my television. I have a television control but no control over my own mind! That's embarrassing!

You might think your own idea is wonderful, and everybody should follow your way. Actually, does your “my way” have any foundation? You should check. If you think you have a wonderful “my way,” then you need to get more educated. Study and check, carefully. Then you can see if your way is really solid or not before you start thinking you are a big hero just because you can blah blah blah. Anybody can blah! Even Odzer the cat can meow lots!

If you really think you are better than others, you should check carefully: what is that 'better?' If you are really better than them, then good. Stay that way. No reason to be proud. Your merit.

Don't lose it, boasting! Or if that 'better' is not really better, then examine your faults. Maybe what you thought was better was actually a mistake. Maybe they are the right way and you are the wrong way. Whatever your wrong way things are, then do confession and Vajrasattva and purify them. Slowly give up your negative things. If you find you are indeed better, you don't need to scream at everyone, “I am good! I am the goodest! The best!” If you find you have faults, you don't need to make a big announcement: “I am bad!” It is just your own business. Good things, keep. Bad things, slowly move away from them.”
Gyatrul Rinpoche

“You understand about boyfriends of boys, God? I don't. But if I had to choose between a somebody who fights with somebody and a somebody who wants to make beleive that a boy is his girlfriend, it should be my business? If it were up to me everybody should mind their own business.”
Ilene Beckerman, The Smartest Woman I Know

“There are people who display envy when you discuss a random topic unrelated to them or their loved ones, but they become offended as if the world revolves around them simply because you're talking about something they or their family and friends have experienced, bottom line you to mind your own damn business and stay out of other people conversation unless they are speaking to you directly about the topic.
Deshawn Yeldell