Peanuts Quotes

Quotes tagged as "peanuts" Showing 1-30 of 30
Charles M. Schulz
“Stop worrying about the world ending today. It's already tomorrow in Australia.”
Charles M. Schulz

Charles M. Schulz
“Exercise is a dirty word. Every time I hear it I wash my mouth out with chocolate.”
Charles Schulz

Charles M. Schulz
“Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask, "Why me?", then a voice answers "Nothing personal, your name just happened to come up.”
Charles Schulz

My mind reels with sarcastic replies!
“My mind reels with sarcastic replies!”
Charles M. Schulz, The Complete Peanuts, Vol. 7: 1963-1964

Charles M. Schulz
“Grownups are the ones who puzzle me at Christmastime...Who, but a grownup, would ruin a beautiful holiday season for himself by suddenly attempting to correspond with four hundred people he doesn't see all year?”
Charles M. Schulz, Charlie Brown's Christmas Stocking

Joey Comeau
“I love those dark moments in Peanuts. I love that they're in there, that Charles Schulz put the sad lonely bits of himself into the comic. I love the silliness too, the dancing Snoopy strips. The little boy Rerun drawing "basement" comics about Tarzan fighting Daffy Duck in a helicopter. Those are the bits that keep me reading. The funny parts! The fun parts. The silly bits that don't make any sense. And when I get to the sad lonely Peppermint Patty standing in a field wondering why nobody shook hands and said "good game," well, it works because that's not all she was. I try to think that way about everything. That's the kind of person I want to be.”
Joey Comeau, We all got it coming

Helene Hanff
“I fail to see why you did not understand that groceryman, he did not call it 'ground ground nuts,' he called it ground ground-nuts which is the only really SENSible thing to call it. Peanuts grow in the GROUND and are therefore GROUND-nuts, and after you take them out of the ground you grind them up and you have ground ground-nuts, which is a much more accurate name than peanut butter, you just don't understand English.”
Helene Hanff, 84, Charing Cross Road

Charles M. Schulz
“We all need someone to kiss us goodbye”
Charles M. Schulz

“Y’know, peanuts are great. Especially when you realize that you pronounce it pee-nuts. Deez nuts pee.”
Howler the Icewing

Charles M. Schulz
“Nothing echoes like an empty mailbox.”
Charles M. Schulz

Charles M. Schulz
“No matter how hard you try,
You can’t build a rainman.”
Charles M.Schulz

George Washington Carver
“NOTE-Always remove the brown hull from the peanuts even though the recipe does not say so.”
George Washington Carver, How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing it for Human Consumption:

Charles M. Schulz
“Everytime there’s a good suggestion, someone brings up the budget.”
Charles M. Schulz

Charles M. Schulz
“Sidewalks always win
Knees always lose!”
Charles M. Schulz

Charles M. Schulz
“Cosa succede, Patty? Stai piangendo…
Una lacrima non è piangere.”
Charles M. Schulz

Charles M. Schulz
“Mi vuoi più bene di quanto te ne voglio io, Ciccio?
Non so… Tu mi vuoi più bene di quanto te ne voglio io?
Non facciamo giochi da innamorati, Ciccio!”
Charles M. Schulz

Charles M. Schulz
“Marcie mi sta facendo un costume, Snoopy. Adesso è solo questione che io e te ci occupiamo del mio pattinaggio in modo che possa far bene nella gara... Come sono le mie figure?
Non sei un grande addolcitore di pillole, vero?”
Charles M. Schulz

Charles M. Schulz
“Il re Luigi II? Beh, sottraendo Luigi XIV da Luigi XVI, si ha Luigi II! Ah, no? Diavolo! Mi pareva una risposta niente male!”
Charles M. Schulz

Charles M. Schulz
“Marcie, hai una macchina per cucire!
Non è mia capo… È di mia madre.
Perché non mi fai un costume da pattinaggio, Marcie?
Io non so cucire, capo…
Ecco! Puoi farmi un costume rosso con tanti lustrini!
Non sei una che ascolta, vero, capo?”
Charles M. Schulz

Charles M. Schulz
“Diciamo che il mio orgoglio aveva l’influenza, ok, Ciccio?”
Charles M. Schulz

Jonathan Franzen
“Con questo non voglio dire che il depresso e insicuro Charlie Brown, l’egoista e sadica Lucy, l’eccentrico filosofo Linus e l’ossessivo Schroeder (che soddisfa le sue ambizioni beethoveniane con un pianoforte giocattolo e una sola ottava) non siano tutti avatar di Schultz. Ma il suo vero alter ego è chiaramente Snoopy: l’imbroglione proteiforme che fonda la propria libertà sulla certezza di essere in fondo adorabile, il trasformista che, per puro divertimento, può diventare un elicottero, un giocatore di hokey o il Grande Brachetto, e poi di nuovo, in un lampo, prima che il suo virtuosismo possa annoiarvi o sminuirvi, tornare a essere il cagnolino vivace che aspetta solo la cena.”
Jonathan Franzen

Charles M. Schulz
“If light travels so fast,
How come afternoons are so long?”
Charles M.Schulz

“It sounds strange, somewhat on the line between irony and absurdity, to think that people would rather label and judge something as significant as each other but completely bypass a peanut. I think this is one of the most important realizations I've ever had. World Peace is only a dream because people won't allow themselves and others around them to simply be peanuts.”
Freedom Writers, The Freedom Writers Diary

Rick Riordan
“His office was on the third floor of the Humanities & Social Sciences Building, just down the hall from the interview room. On the office door was a Peanuts cartoon of Lucy in the psychiatrist's booth with the little DOCTOR is IN sign. Professor Mitchell, a man on the cutting edge of humor.”
Rick Riordan, The Widower's Two-Step

“Mr. Megishima has already begun the broth.
First he minced some garlic...
and then onion, red bell peppers and perfectly ripe tomatoes, building a flavor with a deeply complex acidity and body."
"What sort of stock did you choose?"
"Chicken. Already got it going in a stockpot.
In fact...
... it should be just about ready."
"Just the scent of that stock is enough to make you fidget in anticipation!"
"Man, I'd totally be happy just pouring that over some white rice and chowing down!"

"With the base stock ready, I'll add the veggies I cut up...
... along with some drumettes and other stuff.
Now to let 'em simmer in the pot until their flavors meld together. Then the broth'll be done."
"Another point to watch is the Char Siu pork he put together a moment ago. He made certain to rub it with a certain marinade before binding it."
"A special marinade?"
"Yes. It was made with garlic, soy sauce, sugar, sake, and one more intriguing ingredient...
Those, I believe, will be the key to his entire dish!
Holy crap! What the heck is with that overflowing giant tub of red peppers?!"
"Yes... he will use peanuts...
... to bring out every last drop of deliciousness red peppers possess!

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 26 [Shokugeki no Souma 26]

Brianne Moore
“Dishes are set before him: grilled pheasant and pomegranate salad; the haggis, neeps, and tatties soup; a savory doughnut stuffed with fresh crabmeat; lemon, zucchini, and Anster cheese soufflé; a slab of moist sourdough bread with a pot of freshly made crowdie and preserved lemons to spread on top; and, of course, the pudding.
This one was born from Susan's childhood memories: after-school treats of bananas split in half and spread with peanut butter, and her mother's chocolate-chip studded banana bread, lavished with butter or dripping with honey. This pudding starts with a cake: the bottom layer is a rich, dark, fudgy chocolate as luscious as velvet. On top of that a layer of banana honey cake laced with cinnamon- just sweet enough to balance out the bittersweet bottom layer. And finally, a peanut butter mousse that dissolves as soon as it reaches your tongue, melding creamily with the other layers like a slightly salty, addictive sauce. Shards of honey and peanut praline decorate the cake, and it's accompanied by a little peanut-flavored candy-floss "lollipop" on the side.”
Brianne Moore, All Stirred Up

Jonathan Franzen
“I had a private, intense relationship with Snoopy, the cartoon beagle. He was a solitary not-animal animal who lived among larger creatures of a different species, which was more or less my feeling in my own house.”
Jonathan Franzen, The Discomfort Zone: A Personal History

Laurie Gelman
“Why, oh why, is it always the mother with the most allergic kid who is, herself, a nut? I mean, I get it, allergies are serious. Life-threatening, even. They're nothing to joke about. But when did this all happen? When did peanut butter become the grade-school equivalent of anthrax?”
Laurie Gelman, Class Mom

Charles M. Schulz
“Necks hate to exercise.
If necks were feet,
You’d never go anywhere.”
Charles M.Schulz

Charles M. Schulz
“Life is easier if you only
Dread one day at a time.”
Charles M.Schulz