Psychic Powers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "psychic-powers" Showing 1-30 of 50
Emlyn Chand
“They say that right before you die your whole life flashes before you – a medley of your own personal greatest hits. Well then, I must be about to live, because events that haven’t happened yet are constantly pushing themselves into my head.”
Emlyn Chand, Farsighted

Emlyn Chand
“There are two types of visions. Those that will happen no matter what, and those that can be stopped. Now more than ever, I wish I could tell them apart.”
Emlyn Chand, Farsighted

Florence Scovel Shinn
“Prayer is telephoning to God, and intuition is God telephoning to you.”
Florence Scovel Shinn, The Magic Path of Intuition

Jaime Rush
“Who else is going to do this job? What do you think that classified ad would read like? 'Dangerous job fighting otherworldly beings, no pay, fame or glory. Death possible. Slobber likely. Injuries always. Must distance yourself from family and friends for their protection.'" -- Cheveyo, Beyond the Darkness”
Jaime Rush, Beyond the Darkness

Sonia Choquette
“In order to trust your vibes, you have to first be able to sense them—and to do this, you must quiet your mind.”
Sonia Choquette

Emlyn Chand
“Do good. That’s all any of us can do.”
Emlyn Chand, Farsighted

Sylvia Plath
“Between Sylvia and me there existed as between my own mother and me - a sort of psychic osmosis which, at times, was very wonderful and comforting; at other times an unwelcome invasion of privacy (words from Aurelia Plath from the Introduction)”
Sylvia Plath, Letters Home

Anthon St. Maarten
“Psychic and paranormal phenomena will always be a source of controversy, because it is an inconvenient reminder that there is more to our reality than meets the eye.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Anthon St. Maarten
“I have always disliked the term 'paranormal’ because it refers to anomalies — ‘abnormal’ phenomena not yet understood by science. It implies that psychic perception is something that exists ‘outside of what is considered normal'...This notion of ‘abnormality’ never sat well with me. I have spent too many years of my life being made to feel defective or ‘outside of normal,’ and I am no longer willing to consider my psychic abilities to be an ‘unfortunate anomaly.”
Anthon St. Maarten, The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The seer is feared and alienated for seeing too much. And, seeing and knowing too much is deemed a punishable crime in a society where the masses are comfortable in their blindfold.”
Michael Bassey Johnson , The Oneironaut’s Diary

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A psychic is a person who knows without being told; who learns without being taught; who sees without being shown.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Craig Hamilton-Parker
“J.W. Dunne was a distinguished man of science and professor of mathematics. [...] He embarked upon a lifetime study of precognition. In 1927 he published his basic conclusions in his bestselling book An Experiment with Time. [...]

He argued that if time was a fourth dimension then the passage of time must itself take time. If therefore time takes time there must be a time outside of time. He called this "time 2". [...]

Most of our life we live in "time 1", which is synonymous with the passing ordinary moments of everyday life. But during sleep a part of our personality (observer 2) can slip into this other dimension of time and experience events in the future which are communicated to our ordinary self (observer 1).

Investigations led Dunne to conclude that under certain circumstances past, present and future events were accessible to consciousness and that during dreams we can enter this fourth dimension of space-time.”
Craig Hamilton-Parker, Your Psychic Powers: A Beginner's Guide

Mark A. McCormick
“There will be no holding off, there will be no remorse and there will be no hesitation. They will die and they will die a horrible death. This is my pledge and vow, so bank on it and don’t try to stop me.”
Mark A. McCormick, The Remote Viewer

Aspen Kendrick
“No, I don't have psychic powers, Declan. That'd be crazy.”
Aspen Kendrick, Searching For Home

Donna Goddard
“Extrasensory abilities are naturally developed within us by being more receptive to the subtler and finer messages around us. We all have extrasensory, as well as sensory, faculties.”
Donna Goddard, The Love of Being Loving

“My local library was whole shelves in the older children's section on vampires and demons — and not a single sensible psychic advice book.”
Cassandra Eason, Everyday Psychic Defense: White Magic for Dark Moments

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Beyond the veil lies what our eyes cannot see. Beyond the veil lies what our skin cannot feel. Beyond the veil lies what our consciousness cannot absorb.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

“•Is your love life falling apart
•Is your life facing financial ruin
•Do you need protection from your enemies
•For Relationship and Love Advice
•Witchcraft and Sangoma Healing
•Spiritual/Native Healing
•Lost Love and Love Spells
•Marriage Advice
•Divorce Advice
•Are you constantly afflicted by bad luck
•Do you need protection from your enemies
•Do you need to even the score with someone
•Do you want to control your partner”
lost love spells in south africa

Sonia Choquette
“I wondered if [people] weren't psychic because they didn't have the ability, or because they didn't want to have it. [...]

Later I'd come to understand how negative behavior and thought patterns block people from their psychic sense.”
Sonia Choquette, Diary of a Psychic: Shattering the Myths

José Silva
“As the imagination grows even stronger, so do our psychic powers. It is the imaginative mind which holds them.”
José Silva, The Silva Mind Control Method

“We all have Psychic ability. It's time to understand!”
Linda Mackenzie

Anthon St. Maarten
“Authentic psychic perceptions are not merely a physical or neurological result of the ‘mind-brain’ or the ‘mind-body,’ but it instead of the metaphysical mind-soul.”
Anthon St. Maarten, The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception

Craig Hamilton-Parker
“[When testing psychic abilities of normal people who claimed no psychic powers, J.B Rhine found that] success rate deteriorates if you undertake prolonged experimentation. As with telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition experiments, J.B Rhine observed that this decline effect reflected the subject's loss of interest. [...] And as with other ESP experiments, the degree of belief in your powers can prove significant. Rhine found that sceptics again scored below what you would expect from chance alone.”
Craig Hamilton-Parker, Your Psychic Powers: A Beginner's Guide

Anthon St. Maarten
“A psychic development program cannot 'teach' or 'train' someone to become psychic. Instead, it can only strive to sharpen and refine the already existing talent or predisposition of someone born with psychic sensitivity by teaching the gifted person how to better utilize their innate gift.”
Anthon St. Maarten, The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception

Anthon St. Maarten
“Seeing is not believing when it comes to psychic phenomena. To see, one must first believe. It truly is that simple.”
Anthon St. Maarten, The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception

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