Realms Quotes

Quotes tagged as "realms" Showing 1-24 of 24
Russell Brand
“The world is awash with colours unseen and abuzz with unheard frequencies. Undetected and disregarded. The wise have always known that these inaccessible realms, these dimensions that cannot be breached by our beautifully blunt senses, hold the very codes to our existence, the invisible, electromagnetic foundations upon which our gross reality clumsily rests.”
Russell Brand, Revolution

Marie Montine
“You should have come the minute you suspected anything. You tell me you would not betray me, and yet your actions challenge your words.”
Marie Montine, Mourning Grey: Part Two

Lada Ray
“Shaman is a spiritual shuttle between three realms of existence: Heaven, Mankind and Earth. He pierces through inter-dimensional veils in order to heal the parts and unite the whole.”
Lada Ray, The Earth Shifter

Marie Montine
“I know a little more about you now, Audray, or whoever you really are. The New Year is near, and my son’s resolution will not include you. Or I could make your life very uncomfortable after I tell James about you.”
Marie Montine, Mourning Grey: Part One: The Guardians Of The Temple Saga

Marie Montine
“Come on, Wind Dancer, it’s time to go. It’ll be just you and me asking for the night’s companionship.”
Marie Montine, Mourning Grey: Part One: The Guardians Of The Temple Saga

Marie Montine
“It cannot be your child one day; once you became a Kin, you became immortal like a Night Empian, and lost the ability to create life.”
Marie Montine, Mourning Grey: Part Two

Algernon Blackwood
“All my life," he said, "I have been strangely, vividly conscious of another region—not far removed from our own world in one sense, yet wholly different in kind—where great things go on unceasingly, where immense and terrible personalities hurry by, intent on vast purposes compared to which earthly affairs, the rise and fall of nations, the destinies of empires, the fate of armies and continents, are all as dust in the balance”
Algernon Blackwood, The Willows

Marie Montine
“Do you see the river of truth, Lharkin? Do you understand that two are one?”
Marie Montine, Mourning Grey: Part Two

Marie Montine
“When you come to understand that play you take part in, you will realize what a hypocrite you sound. You cannot see in your own world the real truths that exist on both sides; only when you join in on mine will you. There, I can reveal the awesome mysteries behind the tragedies. There, I can ease your pains because the ones you bear now will be trivial in comparison; my kind has suffered much more than you can imagine. But I can also show you the real boundaries of existence where pain from neither side can exist. Tonight I sense that you seek that place. But after tomorrow,” he grabbed his hat and mask from the bench, “you may only know death. Perhaps I had made a mistake on placing you in a situation such as this. You still have time; no human has survived as long as you.”
Marie Montine, Mourning Grey: Part One: The Guardians Of The Temple Saga

Marie Montine
“She became uncontrollable and violent, succumbing to a greater depth of evilness than any Night Empian had ever seen. She turned on us, one by one, taking men away for her own torture and art she mastered well. She claimed she only wanted to keep the Night Empians in line and strengthen them. But she opened a more dangerous depth to the Night Empians psyche that not even the Dark Guardian was able to reach.”
Marie Montine, Mourning Grey: Part Three The Guardians Of The Temple Saga

Sandeep N. Tripathi
“Within the realms of what goes around, resides the magnitude and severity of what comes around.”
Sandeep N. Tripathi

Katie Reus
“You’re mine,” he growled. He hoped she really understood that too. That she was his in every sense of the word. And vice versa. The female completely owned him. Until the day he died, he would be hers.”
Katie Reus, Hunted by Darkness

Heather Fawcett
“All dryadologists accept the existence of those doors that lead to individual faerie homes and villages, such as those inhabited by the common fae. Theories about a second class of door are more controversial, but I myself believe highly credible, given the stories we have of the courtly fae. These are thought to be doors that lead deep into Faerie, into a world wholly separate from our own.”
Heather Fawcett, Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries

D.R. Schervish
“(OSCAR - – -) “When you become sensitive to forces outside and inside yourself, you become sort of a light to others in this world and beyond. It is at this stage that you become very vulnerable to your own vices and weaknesses. The thing that lives under the bed is real—it always has been and it always will be. Walls can’t stop it. Concrete can’t stop it, steel can’t stop it; it slips past a lead, titanium, or garlic buffer like a hot knife through butter. The one and only force that can stop it is you. You never have to take delivery on any package in this realm or others if you remember that they always need your signature. You have the power to stop all of this if you choose, and you should always do so until you find out the entities’ purpose and motives. You are the sentry of your own mind and body, so challenge whomever or whatever wants to come to visit. If it’s beneficial and loving, it will wait or recede until you are ready. If it’s not at all friendly, you and only you have the power to send it back to where it came from, until you give up the right. The strong will eat the weak. What the weak have to remember is that power is a choice given to all. Die on your feet or die on your knees, you decide … death will come to all.”
D.R. Schervish, The Mayhem Wrangler

Israelmore Ayivor
“Avoid all doubtful ideas and put your mind into the realms of true belief.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Dream big!: See your bigger picture!

Robert Ian Wilson
“Yes, King Eirik, I can't do this alone. I'm not a knight or even a fighter for that matter. I'm just a normal boy, who is looking for his Grandfather.”
Robert Ian Wilson, Egbert's World

“Within today's anthropology, therefore, there are attempts being made to find ways to discuss such experiences, dealing with concepts such as the reality of the experience to the participant, and within it (or its narration) the use of what is seen by outside observers as symbol and metaphor. Goulet and Young (1994) speak of such 'extraordinary experiences' in terms of multiple realities. Within one reality mode, so to speak, we construct experience and meaning by attending to sets of symbols and sensations that within another reality mode would go unchecked. As we shift mode, new possibilities become apparent, and old ones disappear. Ms Paxson's commentary on her experience illustrates this point. By her account, she had to work rather hard to prevent her rationalist preconceptions from disrupting her journey; and the subsequent events involving finding her teacher led her to consider that she was not simply inventing a scenario. I know that I can make up stories, Diana said. Was I inventing this one now?”
Jenny Blain, Nine Worlds of Seid-Magic

Laurence Galian
“How can you tell if a Chinese poem is a good poem if you do not read the kind of Chinese in which it is written? Certain realms of experience charge an entrance fee. To evaluate certain experiences a person must have encountered that realm of experience in some fashion. He or she must have access to that realm.”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

Laurence Galian
“Bees are a recurring symbol of the Merovingians and the humming or buzzing sound of bees is likened to supersensible “sounds” experienced by many Sufis as they enter spirit realms.”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

Alexandra Monir
Those who cross the realms are possessed of the greatest magic. The past and future, angels and demons, the mythical and mortal--- each lay claim to their own realm. Our world is but one in a universe full of them, orbiting in their own separate dimension.
Alexandra Monir, Realm of Wonders

Robin S. Baker
“If you feel disconnected from reality or the 3D world, you can still become wealthy or financially stable by tapping into the spiritual aspects of yourself. Delusion wins with these individuals.”
Robin S. Baker

Anthony T. Hincks
“Emotions are still etched on the faces of the dead between realms.”
Anthony T. Hincks