Rooms Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rooms" Showing 1-30 of 40
Marcel Proust
“I cannot express the uneasiness caused in me by this intrusion of mystery and beauty into a room I had at last filled with myself to the point of paying no more attention to the room than to that self. The anesthetizing influence of habit having ceased, I would begin to have thoughts, and feelings, and they are such sad things.”
Marcel Proust, Du côté de chez Swann

Hugh Laurie
“I was shown into a room. A red room. Red wallpaper, red curtains, red carpet. They said it was a sitting-room, but I don’t know why they’d decided to confine its purpose just to sitting. Obviously, sitting was one of the things you could do in a room this size; but you could also stage operas, hold cycling races, and have an absolutely cracking game of frisbee, all at the same time, without having to move any of the furniture.
It could rain in a room this big.”
Hugh Laurie, The Gun Seller

Anne Spollen
“I looked around at the rooms that I did not see as rooms but more as a landscape for my emotions, a biography of memory.”
Anne Spollen, The Shape of Water

Lauren Oliver
“People, Caroline thought, were like houses. They could open their doors. You could walk through their rooms and touch the objects hidden in their corners. But something--the structure, the wiring, the invisible mechanism that kept the whole thing standing--remained invisible, suggested only by the fact of its existing at all.”
Lauren Oliver, Rooms
tags: rooms

Anthony Liccione
“Every corner and room of a house will carry memories, make these the most pleasurable times you shared with your family.”
Anthony Liccione

Munia Khan
“Sitting in a corner, I live like a toad
Oh! How I love my room: my tiny abode!
Here I wake up; and I sleep in here
The world far away; yet virtually near
Not that I'm jailed in this place of grace
Just don't want to face another face”
Munia Khan

Benjamin Wood
“If you construct a room in paint, you haunt it. Your life rests in every stroke. So paint only the rooms that you can bear to occupy forever. Or paint the stars instead.”
Benjamin Wood, The Ecliptic

Tim O'Brien
“The afternoon had passed to a ghostly gray. She was struck by the immensity of things, so much water and sky and forest, and after a time it occurred to her that she’d lived a life almost entirely indoors. Her memories were indoor memories, fixed by ceilings and plastered white walls. Her whole life had been locked to geometries: suburban rectangles, city squares. First the house she’d grown up in, then dorms and apartments. The open air had been nothing but a medium of transit, a place for rooms to exist.”
Tim O'Brien, In the Lake of the Woods

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“My life is an extraordinary journey. It takes me into many rooms in which I wear many coats of many colours. Underneath and beyond all these is myself as I am. I speak many words and sing many songs to help others find their own voice and path. But the music is always the same: embrace yourself, embrace life itself.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Charles Dickens
“Rooms get an awful look about them when they are fitted up, like these, for one person you are used to see in them, and that person is away under any shadow: let alone being God knows where.”
Charles Dickens, Bleak House

Nelson Algren
“Then the wooden benches along the walls, where so many outcasts had slept, would be lit by a sort of slow, clocked lightning til the bulb steadied and fastened its tiny feral fury upon the center of the room like a single sullen and manic eye. To burn on there with a steady hate. Til morning wearied and dimmed it away to nothing more than some sort of little old lost gray child of a district-station moon, all its hatred spent.”
Nelson Algren, The Man with the Golden Arm

Ana Claudia Antunes
“Every cactus blooms,
some with little rooms,
some give flowers that grow,
others so small it won't show!

Todo cacto floresce,
com um pouco de calor,
alguns dão flor que cresce,
outros tão pequena flor!”
Ana Claudia Antunes, Pierrot & Columbine

“Memory is as thick as mud. It rises up, it overwhelms. It sucks you down and freezes you where you stand.”
Laurence Oliver
tags: rooms

Mercedes Lackey
“Tiny rooms opened up onto the corridor, rooms that would have been like monastic cells if each of the girls hadn't made hers comfortable in her own way and according to her own taste. As she passed, Andie got glimpses of a riot of draped fabrics like a gypsy tent in one, a tapestry loom in another, painted murals of garden scenes in a third.”
Mercedes Lackey, One Good Knight

Alain Bremond-Torrent
“There are still no curtains in the rooms, still no sign of eccentricity.”
Alain Bremond-Torrent, running is flying intermittently

Wang Shuo
“In this place you can become the person you want to be. Anything can be gotten from books. In books there are rooms of gold, in books there is jadelike beauty.”
Wang Shuo, Please Don't Call Me Human

Rosamund Hodge
“The next room was a great round ballroom. Its walls were arrayed in gold-painted moldings; its floor was a swirling mosaic of blue and gold; its dome was painted with the loves of all the gods, a vast tangle of plump limbs and writhing fabric. The air was cool, still, and hugely silent. My footsteps were only a soft tap-tap-tap, but they echoed through the room.
After that came what seemed like a hundred more rooms and hallways. In every one, the air was different: hot or cold, fresh or stuffy, smelling of rosemary, incense, pomegranates, old paper, pickled fish, cedarwood. None of the rooms frightened me like the first hallway. But sometimes--especially when sunlight glowed through a window--I thought I heard the faint laughter.
Finally, at the end of a long hallway with a cherrywood wainscot and lace-hung windows between the doors, we came to my room. I could see why the Gentle Lord called it the "bridal suite": the walls were papered with a silver pattern of hearts and doves, and most of the room was taken up by a huge canopied bed, more than big enough for two. The four posts were shaped like four maidens, coiffed and dressed in gauzy robes that clung to their bodies, their faces serene. They were exactly like the caryatids holding up the porch of a temple. The bed curtains were great falls of white lace, woven through with crimson ribbons. A vase of roses sat on the bedside table. Their red petals had blossomed wide to expose their gold centers, and their musk wove through the air.
It was a bed that had been built for pleasure, just like my dress, and as I stared at it I felt hot and cold at once.”
Rosamund Hodge, Cruel Beauty

Joshua Becker
“Approach the spaces in your home this way:
First, your living room and family room.
Second, your own bedroom and the other bedrooms in the house.
Third, all the clothes closets.
Fourth, your home's bathrooms and the laundry room.
Fifth, your kitchen and dining areas.
Sixth, your home office.
Seventh, your storage areas, including your toy room and craft work spaces.
Eighth, your garage and yard.
...this represents the easier-to-harder progression.”
Joshua Becker, The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The biggest disadvantage of a minimalist room is that you may even find yourself unnecessary in that minimalism and feel uncomfortable with yourself!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“For breakfast to be called ‘in bed’ instead of ‘on top of a bed,’ the house in which it is about to be eaten has to have at least two rooms (excluding the kitchen); (at least) three, if it has a bathroom.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Deyth Banger
“Okay we both know... what happens... with sex... different places... different time... different date... different rooms... the biatch is still bitchy.... very bitchy as pitchy.... The agony - DOOOOOO YOU FEEL IT?

Deyth Banger

Dada Bhagwan
“Eternal joy arises by living in the 'permanent room'. Living in the 'temporary room' gives temporary joy.”
Dada Bhagwan

Nitya Prakash
“You are a mansion with infinite rooms, yet you've convinced yourself you have to live in the basement.”
Nitya Prakash

Steven Magee
“The State of Arizona warns about the toxicity of sitting near to electrical rooms.”
Steven Magee

Rosamund Hodge
“Day and night, I was free to explore the house-- and I went everywhere that I could, for my key opened almost half the doors. I found a rose garden under a glass dome; the roses formed a labyrinth in which I always got lost, and yet-- according to the cuckoo clock at the door-- I would always stumble out again in exactly twenty-three minutes. I found a greenhouse full of potted ferns and orange trees. The air was thick with the warm, wet smell of earth. Bees hummed through the air; the glass walls were frosted with condensation. I found a round room whose walls were covered in mosaics of naiads and tossing waves, and the air always smelled of salt, and no matter which way I turned, the door was always directly behind me.”
Rosamund Hodge, Cruel Beauty

Joshua Becker
“The bathroom and the laundry room may be humble, utilitarian spaces, but let me point out a simple fact you may have overlooked: they can also be noble places.
If you're cleaning yourself and attending to your own grooming regularly, you're making an effort to present yourself well to the world.
If you're taking the time to relax in a bubble bath periodically, you're recognizing that life is not all about activity and achievement and that there are suitable times to de-stress and meditate.
If you're monitoring your weight on a scale or taking vitamin supplements kept in your bathroom, you're pursuing the value of health.
If you're storing medical supplies that you can grab when a child wakes up sick in the night, you're prepared to bring relief.
If you're bathing an infant, or perhaps a disabled spouse or elderly parent, you're giving comfort while serving a basic human need.
If you're teaching and modeling a simple approach to health and beauty for your kids, you're helping to start them out well in life.
If you're going through the routine of washing your family's clothes week in and week out, they may not thank you but they owe you.
Let me say it: thank you for caring and thank you for making the most of these spaces in your house by keeping them tidy and uncluttered.”
Joshua Becker, The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life

“Imagine a room you could go to for some time out, to switch off or to meditate. What would you find there?...

- Windows and natural light
- Views out onto greenery (or add some window planters)
- A timber-clad wall or timber furniture to make the space feel warm and rich
- Artwork containing biophilic fractals
- An immersive planting arrangement where you can sit among the foliage
- Soft, natural fabrics and textures
- Adjustable lighting (salt lamps give off a lovely warm glow)
- A scent diffuser
- Carefully considered colors to suit the mood you wish to create
- A lock on the door if you need it
- Your favorite things that help you relax: perhaps a TV, a selection of things to read, or whatever you need in order to feel as though you've given yourself a break.”
Oliver Heath, Design A Healthy Home: 100 ways to transform your space for physical and mental wellbeing

Steven Magee
“The inverter rooms at the dangerous Desoto Solar Farm were so hot, it was like walking into a sauna!”
Steven Magee

Mitta Xinindlu
“The room could either be empty or filled with people but always know that it's full of energy.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Ashley Poston
“She took me through the parlors and the kitchen, and I marveled at the beautiful ceiling molding, the wooden banisters up to the second floor, the crystalline chandelier in the dining room. The furniture was tasteful and sparse, plastic over the fainting couches and coffee tables and wingback chairs, so that as they stood in stasis they wouldn't collect dust.
The second floor was just as gorgeous, the rooms all themed in different flowers. The yellow daffodil room was my favorite. The wall with the headboard had an entire mural of huge daffodils blooming across it. Junie's handiwork, I was sure. Just like the mural on the side of Frank's Auto Shop, and the logo for the Grumpy Possum, and even Gail's bar scene. She showed me all the different rooms, each with a different flower theme and a different focal color--- lavender and coral and sage. The pink ones--- roses--- matched Junie's pastel hair.”
Ashley Poston, A Novel Love Story

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