Safe Haven Quotes

Quotes tagged as "safe-haven" Showing 1-30 of 30
Nicholas Sparks
“She wasnt exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray that he was feeling the same way.”
Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven

Nicholas Sparks
“Deep in her heart, she wasn't sure she deserved to be happy, nor did she believe that she was worthy of someone who seemed...normal.”
Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven

Nicholas Sparks
“Consider yourself lucky for having met him, for he's the kind of man who'll prove you right.”
Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven

Erik Pevernagie
“When we feel life escapes us and we don’t recognize ourselves anymore, we do well to build a safe haven in our frame of mind before the essence of our being evaporates and the keystones of our mental structure disintegrate. ("Absence of Desire" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“As people tend to ring-fence their privacy they become ever-more “incommunicado”, deliberately untouchable. By retreating in the secrecy of the safe haven of their living, their habitats become impregnable castles, with the draw-bridges of non-attendance always up. Adopting an attitude of "ghosting", constantly shamming ‘absence’, homes gradually become ghost houses and, extensively, communities grow into ghost towns. (“Could we leave the door unlocked?”)”
Erik Pevernagie

Nicholas Sparks
“but she realized that she wanted him to know her. She wanted him to understand her, if only because she had strange sense that he was the kind of man she could fall in love with, even if she didn't want to.”
Nicholas Sparks, Safe Haven

Fuyumi Ono
“I'd rather be in danger with you than be safe without you.”
Fuyumi Ono, The Twelve Kingdoms: Sea of Shadow

Carol Storm
“When Crystal May woke up the next morning, she felt like she'd died and gone to heaven. She rolled over on her back, her sleepy eyes blinking in the sunlight. The window curtains were frilly and feminine, softening the light and making her feel protected from the world outside. It was mighty late, but she didn't care. Just lying there in the warm, golden light made her feel so good. She was safe here. She could feel it right down to her bones.”
Carol Storm, Crystal and Gold

Nicholas Sparks
“I've yet to meet anyone who wants to accept it—but that’s pretty much what I’m supposed to do. Because in the end,and no matter how hard it is, acceptance helps people move on with the rest of their lives”
Nicholas Sparks -Safe Haven

“The library is my safe harbor since I dare not go into the cafeteria alone, a whale surrounded by starving sharks.”
Lisa Fipps, Starfish

Iris Murdoch
“He was glad she had come; she was for him, as he for her, 'another place'.”
Iris Murdoch, The Message to the Planet

“I used to be in control of a yard on Milton Street, where fellas could come there and sleep. If they came there with jewelry, money, guns, or drugs, whatever they came with in their possession under my watch, they always left with what they came with. There was no one there trying to take advantage of them, or trying to take their possessions. This was one of the main things that I stood for, but in other parts of the gang that trust was not there. They did not feel safe. Even though we were a part of the same gang, they knew that they could be robbed by their own fellow gang members. Galen ‘Ninja’ Nordelus former leader of the Public Terrorist Rebellions through Milton Street”
Drexel Deal, The Fight of My Life is Wrapped Up in My Father

Martha Begley Schade
“You know, everyone needs a place they can call home! They need people and a place to go which is theirs, a safe haven. A place to feel protected, where you can be yourself and unwind. A place where you are accepted. A safe roof over your head.”
Martha Begley Schade, Billa & Buster: The Circle Of Kindness

Jonathan Carroll
“Animals are on earth to protect mankind. When you gather a bunch of them together like this, you create a safe haven. Nothing can touch you here.”
Jonathan Carroll, White Apples

Carla Reighard
“He reminds me of how one would feel when they think of home. A place where you eventually have to find your way back to, because it is where you are safe and loved.”
Carla Reighard, Settlers

Sara Bareilles
“... collectively they all taught us generosity, kindness, and inclusion, and that you always share what you have, even when it's not much. My parents managed to construct a little safe haven for my sisters and me to build ourselves within, which seems almost impossible to me when I think about how quickly childhood seems to disappear these days. They have taught me about the truest kind of love: the kind that is steadfast and strong, even when it changes shape.”
Sara Bareilles, Sounds Like Me: My Life (So Far) in Song

“The only place you were nearly safest was your mother's womb.”
Dido Stargaze

Heather Webber
“For me, the library had been my Narnia, a magical place that took me away to another land, where I learned more than I had ever hoped. Librarians instinctively took me under their wings, protecting me as much as they could from the evils inherent in my mother's way of life. Books had become my refuge, my only friends, family, my escape from my everyday reality.”
Heather Webber, In the Middle of Hickory Lane

K.U. Grudowski
“Force Field. The place where you are safe. You are loved. You are free!”
K. U. Grudowski, Force Field

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Even at that time, my only friends were made of paper and ink. At school I had learned to read and write long before the other children. Where my school friends saw notches of ink on incomprehensible pages, I saw light, streets , and people. Words and the mystery of their hidden science fascinated me and I saw in them a key with which I could unlock a boundless world, a safe haven from that home, those streets and those troubled days in which even I could sense that only a limited fortune awaited me. My father didn’t like to see books in the house. There was something about them – apart from the letters he could not decipher – that offended him. He used to tell me as soon as I was ten he would send me off to work and that I’d better get rid of all my scatterbrained ideas because otherwise I’d end up being a loser, a nobody.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Petter Dass
“Du Trænen, du berger saa mangen en Baad,
Naar Allene raser, u-børgen og kaad,
Gud haver dig selver beskantzet,
Med Halser og Hikler, med Staver og Meed,
Paa hvilke de Aller sin Skanker af Leed
Har ofte forsprunget og dantzet.”
Petter Dass, The Trumpet of Nordland

Olawale Daniel
“The government wants to fool you by doubling the minimum wage and at the same time doubling the money printing. If you look at it critically, they haven't solved the problem of escalated poverty and lack, which is why Bitcoin and other blockchain technology related projects might be your safe haven.”
Olawale Daniel

Sheniz Janmohamed
“There are many ways to hold sanctuary
May I be one of them.”
Sheniz Janmohamed , Reminders on the Path

“At the street level, Sugar Fair welcomed customers into a bright, child-like fantasy. The architecturally designed enchanted forest was awash in jewel tones, and gorgeous smells, and the waterfall of free-flowing chocolate.
But it was the Dark Forest downstairs that had proved an unexpected money-spinner, an income stream that had helped keep them afloat through the precarious first year.
Four nights a week, through a haze of purple smoke and bubbling cauldrons, Sylvie taught pre-booked groups how to make concoctions that would tease the senses, delight the mind... and knock people flat on their arse if they weren't careful. High percentage of alcohol. It was a mixology class with a lot of tricks and pyrotechnics. It had been Jay's idea to get a liquor license.
"Pleasures of the mouth," he'd said at the time. "The holy trinity--- chocolate, coffee, and booze."
With even her weekends completely blocked out, Sylvie had almost made a crack about forfeiting certain other pleasures of the mouth, but Jay had inherited a puritanical streak from his mother. Both their mouths looked like dried cranberries if someone made a sex joke.
The sensuous, moody haven in the basement was a counterbalance to the carefully manufactured atmosphere upstairs. There were, after all, reasons to shy away from relentless cheer. Perhaps someone had just been through a breakup, or a family reunion. A really distressing haircut. Maybe they'd logged on to Twitter and realized half the population were a bunch of pricks. Or maybe the'd picked up the Metropolitan News and found Dominic De Vere indirectly thrashing their entire business aesthetic in a major London daily.
Whatever the reason--- feeling a little stressed? A bit peeved? Annoyed as fuck? Welcome to the Dark Forest. Through the bakery, turn left, down the stairs.”
Lucy Parker, Battle Royal

K.U. Grudowski
“I tried to create my own Force Field—something that would embody the beauty itself,
a place that could give strength even in the toughest of times.”
K. U. Grudowski, Force Field

Florence Rivieres
“Did you ever fall
in a place that felt genuinely
Florence Rivieres, evidence room

Jennifer Pierre
“Follow the path of luv. Seek the haven of certainty–the stability, the constancy, the comforting reassurance, & above all, peace. Once u find it, stay anchored there.”
Jennifer Pierre