Soulmate Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "soulmate-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 88
Nikki Rowe
“Our hearts speak the same language but more importantly our souls share the same voice.”
Nikki Rowe

“He was the wind to her sail, the anchor to her ship, the shore to her sea; she would follow him to any horizon, and he would do the same for her, regardless of what uncharted waters might lie ahead.”
Giselle Beaumont, On the Edge of Daylight

Sarah A. Bailey
“Someone told me once that all atoms lived in pairs. When the Big Bang happened, they were blasted across the universe and separated from each other. Ever since then, each pair of atoms has worked to find its way back to its other half… sometimes those atoms find each other again in the form of human beings. We call them soulmates.”
Sarah A. Bailey, The Soulmate Theory

Sarah A. Bailey
“I think I loved her the day I was born. Maybe even before. I think I’ll be falling in love with her until the day I die. Maybe even after.”
Sarah A. Bailey, The Soulmate Theory

Namrata Gupta
“It felt like I always wanted him, even before I knew him. He was the dream I couldn't explain in words but always knew it existed deep down within me. It was only when I found that dream breathing in a person that I realized that he was what I was looking for all this while.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

Namrata Gupta
“Heartbreak is very hard to live with. In the morning, it made me wish that I could just snooze my alarm and hide from the sunlight. In the afternoon, I cried at work silently, then I ran to the washroom so that nobody noticed. In the late afternoon, my brain would unsuccessfully try to take control for an hour after which I would be exhausted from the emotional roller coaster led by my heart. At night, I would squeeze my pillow, howling inside and yet not being able to scream, wishing that I could stop feeling the stinging pain.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

Paulo Coelho
“He may pretend to be running after wisdom, money, or power, but none of that matters. Whatever he achieves will be incomplete if he fails to find his SoulMate.”
Paulo Coelho

Avijeet Das
“And I could read you far easily than I could the books in the library.”
Avijeet Das

“Sentence me to life in your heart and watch me prosper.”
Mireille Mehr

Sarah A. Bailey
“It was an all-consuming, all-encompassing, breath-stealing type of feeling. It was as if I dissolved into her, forged my body and my heart with hers until only our souls were left.”
Sarah A. Bailey, The Soulmate Theory

“Like watercolors blurring together upon a canvas, they had formed something beautiful, something inseparable, their hues blending to create a brilliant new shade. It was warm and secure, a color soft as the sunrise, and she welcomed it, letting its light spill into her being.”
Giselle Beaumont, On the Edge of Daylight

Namrata Gupta
“I think you forgot that love is as much a verb as it is a noun,
It demands an action as much as it makes us swoon under its feeling.
And if not you, I'm sure I have no need for a wedding gown,
Running back to you and finding an escape in your memories will always be more thrilling.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

C. JoyBell C.
“A lot of these relationships out here are sticking together thanks to ropes of co-dependency, unhealthy and insecure attachment patterns, fears, control issues, and familiarity. Love is seldom. Soulmates are endangered.”
C. JoyBell C.

Avijeet Das
“There are moments in our life when we meet someone and we feel as if we have known them all our lives.”
Avijeet Das

Verliza Gajeles
“If you want to look at me,
I want you to look at me not only in the eyes. I want you to look at me like you can see my once shattered soul, and trace everu crack it in with pure intentions. I want you to look at me like you can see the scars in my heart. I want you to see how broken it was, how it bleeds. I want you to understand my bruises and see all the marks from my wounded past. And lastly, I want you to ask yourself, would you still want to look at me the same way?”
Verliza Gajeles

Mehmet Murat ildan
“A person whose words once entered your heart, whose philosophy of life coincided with your philosophy of life and whose soul became friends with your soul, will never be forgotten!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

J.T. Geissinger
“Whatever love asks of you must be given, no matter the price. And I’d gladly give what love asked of me a thousand times over. Even if I had to do it every day until the end of eternity, I’d slice open my own veins with a razor blade and happily bleed myself dry.”
J.T. Geissinger, Pen Pal

Brooke Gilbert
“Soulmates don’t come to us as we expect them to. They don’t come in the package we expect, they don’t come the way we expect, and they certainly don’t come when we expect.”
Brooke Gilbert, The Paris Soulmate

Namrata Gupta
“The hope of uniting with you kept me alive and yet killed me,
Wrapped up in possibilities I had no control over, it ate me.
If anything could've stopped you, I would've raised wars for you,
My love couldn't make miracles but I've got these scars for you.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

Namrata Gupta
“I couldn't think of anything except him. I didn't want to be anyone except his. I didn't want to do anything except be with him. I looked at other things but I was lost in his thoughts. Nothing except him made me happy anymore. Nothing except him made me sad anymore. I felt only him.”
Namrata Gupta, Lost Love Late Love

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“You can imagine or pretend to know your partner, but you will still be surprised at the end of the day.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“Some will touch your heart; some will touch your soul. If you are ever fortunate enough to have someone that touches both, you would be a fool to let them go!”
Gautam Bharthry

“Veracious love is not coming together of two souls, but it is one incomplete soul finding its other half to live a complete life.”
Gautam Bharthry

Avijeet Das
“Something surreal was happening in the background when she and I met. She was looking at me, and I could feel that she wanted to tell me many things. So, I started deciphering the vocabulary of her eyes. She felt the understanding in my eyes to read her unsaid words. Her eyes told me things that perhaps she may not have been able to say in words. When two sensitive people meet, then words become unnecessary. The eyes speak their own language. And sparks fly in the air.”
Avijeet Das

Verliza Gajeles
“You are the metaphors in every line of my unwritten poetry.”
Verliza Gajeles

Janet Autherine
“Soulmates are friends whose spirits travel together, hearts break and mend together, and souls rise together in love acceptance and harmony.”
Janet Autherine, The Heart and Soul of Black Women: Poems of Love, Struggle and Resilience

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Dear love, If you're not mine, I'm not your soulmate.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Sarah A. Bailey
“There is a reason for everything, even the bad things. And that I have to appreciate you so much that it almost hurts because for all the bad in the Universe, there is a lot of good too, and you are proof of that. And just this lifetime with you isn’t enough to appreciate all of it, so I have to make sure I find you in all of them– that I know you in all of them. And if I’m really, really lucky, I’ll get to love you in all of them too.”
Sarah A. Bailey, The Soulmate Theory

Sophie Kinsella
“Tears suddenly edge my closed eyes. I love him. The universe sent him to me and thought, Let’s give her one she’ll fall desperately in love with.”
Sophie Kinsella, The Burnout

Mystqx Skye
“As the sky unveils the path, may every step I take lead me closer to our fate.”
Mystqx Skye

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