Transgenderism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "transgenderism" Showing 1-23 of 23
Sol Luckman
“bathroom: (n.) where Americans go to argue about gender while the country goes down the toilet.”
Sol Luckman, The Angel's Dictionary

Jasper Fforde
“We're all something we're not,' he said. 'Every one of us is stuck between the person we want to be and the person we can be. And there doesn't have to be a why. All things have to do is feel right.”
Jasper Fforde, Early Riser

“I really feel that people who have problem with Lesbians‬, Gays‬ and Transgenders‬, should be blessed with any one of them Only to realize that they are human beings too..Let them live peacefully for gods sake!”

Jeffery Russell
“Dwarves are sequential hermaphroditic parthenogens," Ruby said, anticipating his question.


"They can change back and forth from male to female and are capable of fertilizing themselves to make more dwarves. They exhibit what we regard as male characteristics, typically, but some favor a more feminine approach."

Durham sat with his mouth hanging open. Ruby poked him in the tongue with her quill feather making him gag and sputter.

"So, Ginny is, what, short for Regina? Virginia?"

"I rather think it's long to 'Gin'," Ruby answered. "She's head of hazard team and Thud's second."

"So, the changing sex thing. How does that work? Does it take a while or is it the sort of thing that might happen in the middle of a conversation?"

"Hard to say," Ruby said. "Does she need to clear her throat or did she just become a male? Is he just pausing for thought or did he just impregnate himself mid-sentence?" She shrugged. "Dwarf physiology isn't really my field."

"Is there an easy way to tell?"

"Which sex a dwarf is at the moment? Not that I'm aware of but I haven't managed to think of a situation where it would matter, either, so I've not dwelt on it much.”
Jeffery Russell, The Dungeoneers

Nancy R. Pearcey
“Why is it considered acceptable to carve up a person's body to match their inner sense of self but bigoted to help them change their sense of self to match their body?”
Nancy Pearcey

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“When Hemans’ are the masters of this universe, Shemans’ are the beggars in this universe”
Sir P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Juno  Dawson
“people are so wary of transgender progress because we highlight how something we often consider carved in stone can be so easily manipulated”
Juno Dawson, The Gender Games: The Problem with Men and Women, from Someone Who Has Been Both

Mitta Xinindlu
“There was a time when the West correctly condemned Africa and its people for genital and breast mutilation performed on children. Indeed they were correct to condemn it because it was and still is a form of child abuse. But the irony is that the West is now doing the exact same thing and calling it transgenderism. And all of a sudden child abuse is celebrated as a form of a Human Right. It's sad.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Alex Reeve
“I disliked looking in mirrors, but I wanted to check I had everything right, so I went into Alfie's room and stood in front of his with my eyes shut. I counted down from ten, and when I got to three, I opened them.
There was Lottie in the flesh, with her long chin and awkward stance, and her fidgeting fingers that never knew what to do with themselves. I almost felt sorry for her. She put her hands on her hips, accentuating her waistline. I glared at her, and she glared straight back.”
Alex Reeve, The House on Half Moon Street

Alex Reeve
“It amazed me. Maria had been brought up in this place, and yet she had shone like a kingfisher flickering across the water. Perhaps that was why. Perhaps she looked at these streets and decided she was not part of them, and they were not part of her. She became what she chose to be, over and over again, every day. Something I could understand.”
Alex Reeve, The House on Half Moon Street

Alex Reeve
“My body was an error, as if I'd received the wrong parcel in the post. I had hidden my form, faked its sex, lowered my voice and starved my hips, and in all that time I never considered that it might betray me at the first opportunity, and assert beyond doubt it was female. I never imagined there might be one rule that did apply to me.”
Alex Reeve, The House on Half Moon Street

Alex Reeve
“Most of the time, Jacob ignored what I was under these clothes, treating me as a young man in need of his guidance and wisdom. Whenever reminded, he shrugged and offered nothing. I think he imagined my previous life was a part I'd once performed in a play, or a character I'd made up, which wasn't all that far from the truth. I had been constructed from little more than petticoats and bonnets, and hadn't been sure there was anyone real inside.”
Alex Reeve, The Anarchists' Club

Jessica Marie Baumgartner
“Now that public schools and Western leaders are supporting child transgenderism, we will only witness a further increase in childhood mental illness and life-long struggles.”
Jessica Marie Baumgartner, Reclaiming Femininity: Saving Women's Traditions & Our Future

Lisa  Shultz
“My experience as a parent whose young adult daughter needed time, exploration of treatment options, and healing of multiple issues but instead clambered aboard the medicalized trans train has led me to feel like I’m in a tortured dream state.”
Lisa Shultz, The Trans Train: A Parent's Perspective on Transgender Medicalization and Ideology

“Inscribed to Nature’s Step-Children — the sexually abnormal by birth — in the hope that their lives may be rendered more tolerable through the publication of this Autobiography.”
Jennie June, Autobiography of an Androgyne

“How can one explain why a six-year-old boy (the author) should class himself as a girl, give himself a girl’s name, fight against his parents’ course of bringing him up as a boy, and grieve because he could not be brought up as a girl, except on the assumption that the cells of his brain were identical with the cells of a girl’s brain and fundamentally different from those of a normal boy?”
Jennie June, Autobiography of an Androgyne

“What have I ever done that God should make me suffer so? I feel that my abnormality bars me out of the ministry, the profession of my choice, and most likely out of all other professions. I feel that this passion is going to wreck my life, and never permit me to make any return to my parents for all they have done for me. I have no hope for the future. In the convention, while I would be singing, I was in thought hacking my body to pieces with a sword, or piercing my breast with a dagger. My continuous prayer was :

‘ Father, Father, hear my humble cry.

While on others thou art smiling,

Do not pass me by !”
Jennie June, Autobiography of an Androgyne

“I am a woman entombed in the body of a man.”
Jennie June, Autobiography of an Androgyne

“An androgyne, even when living out his nature, can attain the same ethical and religious heights as any other individual.”
Jennie June, Autobiography of an Androgyne

“I trust that the publication of my life story will contribute to a correct estimate of androgvnism on the part of scientists, the molders of public opinion, and the lawmakers, and to a more kindly treatment by society of those born with this curse. It is only expressing half the truth to say that they are more to be pitied than scorned. They are wholly to be pitied.”
Jennie June, Autobiography of an Androgyne

Lili Elbe
“I knew that I would never in any book find anything about people who were like me...... no poet had yet written about such a being, because it had never occurred to any poet that it could exist.”
Lili Elbe, Man into Woman: The First Sex Change

Lili Elbe
“That I, Lili, am vital and have a right to life I have proved by living for 14 months. It may be said that 14 months is not much, but they seem to me like a whole and happy human life.”
Lili Elbe

“Transgenderism is a vehicle for social engineering by the Establishment, and its methods of recruitment and mental re-configuring map very closely with those of notorious cults like Synanon—and with very good reason, as we shall see later. It preys on the mentally ill and vulnerable, breaking them down and re-forming their identities in the desired image of the cult leader or leaders. Extensive research shows that between 52% and 82% of self-identified transgender persons have at least one or more DSM-listed psychiatric conditions or personality disorders beyond their gender dysphoria. Happy, well-adjusted people do not join cults, and, as Margaret Singer noted, “If the social structure has not broken down, very few people will follow.”
Scott Howard, The Transgender-Industrial Complex