Unusual Quotes

Quotes tagged as "unusual" Showing 1-30 of 75
Lana Del Rey
“I was always an unusual girl.
My mother told me I had a chameleon soul, no moral compass pointing due north, no fixed personality; just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean.”
Lana Del Rey

L. Frank Baum
“That proves you are unusual," returned the Scarecrow; "and I am convinced that the only people worthy of consideration in this world are the unusual ones. For the common folks are like the leaves of a tree, and live and die unnoticed.”
L. Frank Baum, The Land of Oz

Criss Jami
“Creative people are often found either disagreeable or intimidating by mediocrities.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Gabriel García Márquez
“It is not that the girl is unfit for everything, it is that she is not of this world.”
Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez, Of Love and Other Demons

Georgette Heyer
“Oh, yes, she's unusual!" he said bitterly. "She blurts out whatever may come into her head; she tumbles from one outrageous escapade into another; she's happier grooming horses and hobnobbing with stable-hands than going to parties; she's impertinent; you daren't catch her eye for fear she should start to giggle; she hasn't any accomplishments; I never saw anyone with less dignity; she's abominable, and damnably hot at hand, frank to a fault, and – a darling!”
Georgette Heyer, Sylvester or The Wicked Uncle

Jasper Fforde
“…Tell me, has anything odd happened to you recently?
What do you mean, odd?'
Unusual. Deviating from the customary. Something outside the usual parameters of normalcy. An occurrence of unprecedented weird.”
Jasper Fforde, Lost in a Good Book

Anna Godbersen
“Oh yes, well, I find myself unconventional everywhere.”
Anna Godbersen

Vera Nazarian
“Today is an ephemeral ghost...

A strange amazing day that comes only once every four years. For the rest of the time it does not "exist."

In mundane terms, it marks a "leap" in time, when the calendar is adjusted to make up for extra seconds accumulated over the preceding three years due to the rotation of the earth. A day of temporal tune up!

But this day holds another secret—it contains one of those truly rare moments of delightful transience and light uncertainty that only exist on the razor edge of things, along a buzzing plane of quantum probability...

A day of unlocked potential.

Will you or won't you? Should you or shouldn't you?

Use this day to do something daring, extraordinary and unlike yourself. Take a chance and shape a different pattern in your personal cloud of probability!”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Cormac McCarthy
“The small wad of burning paper drew down to a wisp of flame and then died out leaving a faint pattern for just a moment in the incandescence like the shape of a flower, a molten rose. Then all was dark again.”
Cormac McCarthy, The Road

Toba Beta
“Resistance is common to the unusual.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

Anne Rice
“What does all this mean finally, I kept asking like a college kid. Why does it make me want to cry? Maybe it’s that we are all outsiders, we are all making our own unusual way through a wilderness of
normality that is just a myth.”
Anne Rice, Exit to Eden

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Spiritual love is when you see new faces as the oldest.”
michael bassey johnson

“I don't perform. Seals perform.”

Lori R. Lopez
“I'm the first to admit that I don't write right. Now, relax and enjoy the show! The sideshow, that is.”
Lori R. Lopez

Toba Beta
“If you want to be sure of unusual thing such as aliens or UFOs,
then you have to think about it from an unusual way of thinking.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Kelly Braffet
“There are people who live their entire lives and never know this kind of love.”
Kelly Braffet, Josie and Jack

Anna Godbersen
“...she considered herself unconventional...”
Anna Godbersen, Rumors

Toba Beta
“A tyrant has uncommon moral compass.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Melody  Lee
“I have an attraction to strange
and unusual things.
I find them interesting,
utterly fascinating.”
Melody Lee, Moon Gypsy

Heather Fawcett
“We rode for perhaps an hour with the snow tapping at our cheeks before we came to a little gully where the mountainside folded itself around a grove of misshapen willows. Even if the changeling hadn't directed us there, I would have taken it for a faerie door of some sort; though there are many sorts of doors, they all have a similar quality which can best---and quite inadequately---be described as unusual. A round ring of mushrooms is the obvious example, but one must additionally be on the lookout for large, hoary trees that dwarf their neighbors; for twisted trunks and gaping hollows; for wildflowers out of sync with the forest's floral denizens; for patterns of things; for mounds and depressions and inexplicable clearings. Anything that does not fit.”
Heather Fawcett, Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries

Steven Magee
“If your ex-girlfriend has a new lover that is a police officer, your radar should be on for unusual police encounters.”
Steven Magee

Michael Bassey Johnson
“People who look unartistic create the most artistic art.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Steven Magee
“Solar eclipses are associated with changed health. After watching the cloudy ring of fire eclipse on 14th October 2023 I had changed health. I noticed a change in mental state and had a lowered mood in the hours afterwards. It was followed by a mild afternoon headache. The next day I had unusual digestive disturbances that felt like mild food poisoning.”
Steven Magee

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The more strange things you see throughout your life, the more mental leaps you will have, and the more ordinary things you see throughout your life, the more mental stagnation you will experience!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Elizabeth Tebby Germaine
“Jeremy, I’ll say this once,’ he (Jonathan) began, ‘I’m not going to be drawn into any silly squabble you want to invent. I am not going to defend my recent behaviour in the village or anywhere else. I am not going to tell you my plans, I have had reasons for everything I’ve done and a great deal of thinking has gone into my recent very painful decisions…”
Elizabeth Tebby Germaine, A MAN WHO SEEMED REAL: A story of love, lies, fear and kindness

Elizabeth Tebby Germaine
“Stop it!’ The girl jumped out of her chair, ‘Stop torturing me! Stop pretending you didn’t know each other, you planned all this, and then you waited for a wet day and then he was going to come in and then there is this story, and then he’d send the photos off, stop it! Leave me alone!’ She rushed to the door and tore it open and vanished down the hotel stairs.”
Elizabeth Tebby Germaine, A MAN WHO SEEMED REAL: A story of love, lies, fear and kindness

Elizabeth Tebby Germaine
“This sounds admirable! I do so much admire what you are doing. Using this wonderful old house.”
Elizabeth Tebby Germaine, A MAN WHO SEEMED REAL: A story of love, lies, fear and kindness

Elizabeth Tebby Germaine
“Ask if you would like to,’ he said, smiling, ‘Or if you prefer, we could just sit.’    ‘But I guess you’re not just sitting.’   He smiled again. ‘No.’   ‘So … are you praying?’   ‘Yes. I try and pray a lot.’  ‘Can I pray?’  ‘Yes. Of course.’  ‘I think … maybe …’  ‘Yes?’  ‘You are praying that I might be able to pray. Because you know that I don’t know how to.’ ‘Yes, I am. And I believe you will be able to. There is something you need help with, and you will get that help.’  ‘So … is God there then?’  ‘Yes, God is there. God is here. Everywhere. He wants you to ask for help and He will give it. He wants you to know what to ask for. You can ask Him anything.’ ‘Anything?’   ‘Anything at all. Absolutely anything at all. He will give you strength and guidance and protect you from evil.’  Natasha sat very still and wiped away the tears. She wished she could believe it.”
Elizabeth Tebby Germaine, A MAN WHO SEEMED REAL: A story of love, lies, fear and kindness

Elizabeth Tebby Germaine
“He turned to look at her and spoke in a low voice. ‘So many questions Anthea. Perhaps it’s time I asked you a few questions.’ ‘What do you mean.’ ‘Who were you thinking about? This morning?’ ‘What? You mean when we …’ ‘You know what I mean. Who was in your mind?’ ‘I don’t really think while, you know … ‘  ‘I don’t believe you.”
Elizabeth Tebby Germaine, A MAN WHO SEEMED REAL: A story of love, lies, fear and kindness

Elizabeth Tebby Germaine
“She ran down the street and round the corner and up two more streets and crossed the road. ‘Will I be safe from him?’ the girl had said. And will I be safe from Samuel? She reached her car and threw her bag on the front seat and sat holding the steering wheel. Where to go, where to run to?”
Elizabeth Tebby Germaine, A MAN WHO SEEMED REAL: A story of love, lies, fear and kindness

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