Word Play Quotes

Quotes tagged as "word-play" Showing 1-30 of 41
Suman Pokhrel
“सिर्जनात्मक अभिव्यक्तिको सामर्थ्य तथा सौन्दर्य तिनको शब्दसञ्चालन शिल्प तथा अनुभूतिको कलात्मक सम्प्रेषण नै रहेछ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“कवितामा प्रयोग भएका कतिपय शब्दहरू कागजमा स्थिर रहँदा पनि म तिनलाई गतिशील देख्ने गर्दछु ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“भाषा भनेको दृष्य र सङ्गीतको सम्मिश्रण रहेछ । हामी दृष्य र सङ्गीत बोल्दारहेछौँ ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“ठ्याक्कै आफू नभएर आफ्नो हिँडाइमा आफैंले छेकेर अदृष्य बनाएका दृष्यहरू नै कविताका अर्थ हुँदा रहेछन्‌ ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“कविता पढ्नु र अझभित्र पसेर कविता अध्ययन गर्नु एउटा योग हो भन्ठान्छु, म । यसलाई काव्ययोग भन्न पनि सकिएला ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“कविताको अनुवादमा दुईवटा कुराको सन्तुलन अत्यन्त आवश्यक हुनेरहेछ । पहिलो, मूलभाषाले अनुवाद हुने भाषामा गर्ने हस्तक्षेप र दोस्रो, त्यसलाई जोगाउन खोज्दा कविको मूल शैलीमाथि अनुवादकको हस्तक्षेप ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“कतिपय अवस्थामा अन्य भाषामा लेखिएका कवितालाई तिनको शैली जस्ताको तस्तै अनुवाद गर्दा ओल्लो भाषामा त्यसले हस्तक्षेप गर्दो रहेछ र त्यहाँ नमिल्ने र कुरो नबुझिने वाक्यांश भएर आउँदो रहेछ । र फेरि त्यस किसिमको हस्तक्षेप हुन नदिन ओर्तिरकै भाषामा चलिरहेको संरचनामा अनुवाद गर्दा मूल कविको शैलीमाथि अनुवादकको हस्तक्षेप हुन पुग्दोरहेछ ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“कविताको अनुवादमा दुईवटा कुराको सन्तुलन अत्यन्त आवश्यक हुनेरहेछ । पहिलो, मूलभाषाले अनुवाद हुने भाषामा गर्ने हस्तक्षेप र दोस्रो, त्यसलाई जोगाउन खोज्दा कविको मूल शैलीमाथि अनुवादकको हस्तक्षेप । कतिपय अवस्थामा अन्य भाषामा लेखिएका कवितालाई तिनको शैली जस्ताको तस्तै अनुवाद गर्दा ओल्लो भाषामा त्यसले हस्तक्षेप गर्दो रहेछ र त्यहाँ नमिल्ने र कुरो नबुझिने वाक्यांश भएर आउँदो रहेछ । र फेरि त्यस किसिमको हस्तक्षेप हुन नदिन ओर्तिरकै भाषामा चलिरहेको संरचनामा अनुवाद गर्दा मूल कविको शैलीमाथि अनुवादकको हस्तक्षेप हुन पुग्दोरहेछ ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“अन्य भाषाका शब्दलाई कविताबाट झिकेर नेपालीमा चोब्दै राख्दै गरेर मात्र नहुँदोरहेछ । तिनलाई पखालेर, धोएर, कुँदेर, सकेसम्म सिँगारेर जतनसाथ राख्नु पर्दोरहेछ । सिर्जनाको अनुवाद गर्नु भनेको प्रतिसिर्जना वा अधिसिर्जना गर्नु रहेछ।त्यसैले मैले यहाँ शब्दको अनुवाद गरेको छैन । अर्थ वा भावको वा अझ त्यसभन्दाभित्र बरू ती शब्दहरूले छेकेर बसेका दृष्य र सङ्गीतहरूको अनुवाद गर्ने प्रयास गरेको छु ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“अन्य भाषाका शब्दलाई कविताबाट झिकेर नेपालीमा चोब्दै राख्दै गरेर मात्र नहुँदोरहेछ । तिनलाई पखालेर, धोएर, कुँदेर, सकेसम्म सिँगारेर जतनसाथ राख्नु पर्दोरहेछ ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“सिर्जनाको अनुवाद गर्नु भनेको प्रतिसिर्जना वा अधिसिर्जना गर्नु रहेछ ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“कवितामा प्रयोग भएका कतिपय शब्दहरू कागजमा स्थिर रहँदा पनि म तिनलाई गतिशील देख्ने गर्दछु ।ऴठ्याक्कै आफू नभएर आफ्नो हिँडाइमा आफैंले छेकेर अदृष्य बनाएका दृष्यहरू नै तिनका अर्थ हुँदा रहेछन्‌।ती शब्दहरू नसुनिने एकएक सुमधुर सङ्गीतमा वाक्यखण्ड भएर कागजबाहिर गुनगुनाइरहेका हुँदा रहेछन्‌ ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Suman Pokhrel
“सिर्जनात्मक अभिव्यक्तिको सामर्थ्य तथा सौन्दर्य तिनको शब्दसञ्चालन शिल्प तथा अनुभूतिको कलात्मक सम्प्रेषण नै रहेछ । कवितामा प्रयोग भएका कतिपय शब्दहरू कागजमा स्थिर रहँदा पनि म तिनलाई गतिशील देख्ने गर्दछु । ठ्याक्कै आफू नभएर आफ्नो हिँडाइमा आफैंले छेकेर अदृष्य बनाएका दृष्यहरू नै तिनका अर्थ हुँदा रहेछन्‌ । ती शब्दहरू नसुनिने एकएक सुमधुर सङ्गीतमा वाक्यखण्ड भएर कागजबाहिर गुनगुनाइरहेका हुँदा रहेछन्‌ । भाषा भनेको नै त्यही दृष्य र सङ्गीतको सम्मिश्रण रहेछ । हामी दृष्य र सङ्गीत बोल्दारहेछौँ ।”
Suman Pokhrel, मनपरेका केही कविता [Manpareka Kehi Kavita]

Ben H. Winters
“It's an attempted murder. It's a suicide, but you're attempting to make it seem like a murder.”
Ben H. Winters, The Last Policeman

Ken Kesey
“That first day still came about as close to undoing me completely, both physically and mentally, as any day had in almost a week.”
Ken Kesey, Sometimes a Great Notion

Sean F. Hogan
“What goes up must come down. But what is up? And what is down? Are you up there looking down on me? Or is it I who has the trick with gravity? Reach for me and I'll reach for you. For in the middle is where grounds stand true. 'Tis not a lie nor a deceived eye, but an understanding between you and I. So I ask again to a friend with a cup, have a drink with me if you know what's up!”
Sean F. Hogan, Painting Angels

F. Scott Fitzgerald
“We’re going to play football and nothing but football. If you don’t want to play football, you can’t play at all.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Sarah  Clay
“My mum always said the three most important letters in my name were the EDN, because if you rearranged them it spelled ‘END' and I was the end of anything good in her life.
Ryan says the letters rearranged in my name are NEED and he will always need me to be the best version of himself he can be.
I think I like Ryan’s version better.”
Sarah Clay, Never Enough

“Put your temper to more use
Being broke is a poor excuse”

Emma Richler
“When he leaves home to sow his oats—"

"Wild oats, Tasha. They have to be wild. Unless he ran off to be a farmer.”
Emma Richler, Be My Wolff

Varun Sayal
“I loved the fact that I hated this fight in you. Or I hated the fact that I loved it.”
Varun Sayal, Demons of Time: Race to the 7th Sunset

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Father having fun fixing PC: Mother bored.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Kristian Ventura
“There are two types of people. The first are people who think there are two types of people. The second are those who’ve accepted that everyone is tragically, and gloriously, different.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

Kristian Ventura
“I’m not good at writing letters, even though I just wrote eighty-two of them in this one sentence alone.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

Lucy  Carter
“It's better to be contemptuous than to be contemptible!”
Lucy Carter, The Reformation

Lucy  Carter
“When I said that I was sick, I was not lying. I always like to try to lie at the minimum level, so I found an innovative way to tell the truth.

I was sick, which was definitely true.

I was sick of not staying true to my name, and I was sick of having to sacrifice my own freedoms of speech just because of philosophical intolerance. (Capacianism might become a religion soon, since they use the term Capacianist Evangelism.) I was sick of restricting my pursuit of education and my pursuit of philosophy and philosophical accuracy.”
Lucy Carter, The Reformation

Lucy  Carter
“What about ‘Just-ification,’ but with a hyphen? Just-hyphen-ification?” Michael asked.

“What inspired you to come up with this idea?” I inquired.

“Well, if you hyphenate the word justification, it separates the term just from ication. The term just means to be fair and equitable, and since you told us that you wanted to advocate for tolerance between Reformists and Capacianists, I found that justness would be especially relevant to our new movement. Plus, writing that name on paper may intrigue more people, so the movement could become more widespread and well-known. And if you consider the word just and the word justification and put the ideas behind the words together, you would pretty much be saying that you would be using what is just as a justification to the new movement.”
Lucy Carter, The Reformation

Karen Swan
“They glided down the magnificent staircase, the builders' cacophony increasingly audible as they descended, while the open windows at each level brought in raucous shouts from the square, too. Rabble on one side, rubble on the other”
Karen Swan, The Rome Affair

Lucy  Carter
“Death invokes fear in heroes,

while small talk invokes fear in me”
Lucy Carter, For the Intellect

“The sun set. The stars rose. (they are a rose, right? Or something? Dante said that,)”
Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone

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