World War Two Quotes

Quotes tagged as "world-war-two" Showing 1-30 of 108
Sarah Sundin
“Sonetimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself.”
Sarah Sundin

Ellen Brazer
“Some people like the Jews, and some do not. But no thoughtful man can deny the fact that they are, beyond any question, the most formidable and most remarkable race which has appeared in the world.
— Winston S. Churchill”
Ellen Brazer, Clouds Across the Sun

Richard Weikart
“Darwinism by itself did not produce the Holocaust, but without Darwinism... neither Hitler nor his Nazi followers would have had the necessary scientific underpinnings to convince themselves and their collaborators that one of the worlds greatest atrocities was really morally praiseworthy.”
Richard Weikart, From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics and Racism in Germany

Anton Sammut
“...How many would like to get out of this world at the cheapest price?”
Anton Sammut, Memories of Recurrent Echoes

E.A. Bucchianeri
“When Hitler marched
across the Rhine
To take the land of France,
La dame de fer decided,
‘Let’s make the tyrant dance.’
Let him take the land and city,
The hills and every flower,
One thing he will never have,
The elegant Eiffel Tower.
The French cut the cables,
The elevators stood still,
‘If he wants to reach the top,
Let him walk it, if he will.’
The invaders hung a swastika
The largest ever seen.
But a fresh breeze blew
And away it flew,
Never more to be seen.
They hung up a second mark,
Smaller than the first,
But a patriot climbed
With a thought in mind:
‘Never your duty shirk.’
Up the iron lady
He stealthily made his way,
Hanging the bright tricolour,
He heroically saved the day.
Then, for some strange reason,
A mystery to this day,
Hitler never climbed the tower,
On the ground he had to stay.
At last he ordered she be razed
Down to a twisted pile.
A futile attack, for still she stands
Beaming her metallic smile.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

Jan Karon
“In World War One, they called it shell shock. Second time around, they called it battle fatigue. After 'Nam, it was post-traumatic stress disorder.”
Jan Karon, Home to Holly Springs

Leon Uris
“Today a great shot for freedom was heard. I think it stands a chance of being heard forever. It marls a turning point in the history of the Jewish people. The beginning of the return to a statues of dignity we have not known for two thousand years. Yes, today was the first step back. My battle is done. Now I turn the command over to the soldiers. ”
Leon Uris

J.G. Ballard
“After a few minutes Jim was forced to admit that he could recognize none of the constellations. Like everything else since the war, the sky was in a state of change. For all their movements, the Japanese aircraft were its only fixed points, a second zodiac above the broken land.”
J.G. Ballard, Empire of the Sun

J.G. Ballard
“Jim knew that he was awake and asleep at the same time, dreaming of the war and yet dreamed of by the war.”
J.G. Ballard, Empire of the Sun

Studs Terkel
“How goddamn foolish it is, the war. They's no war in the worth that's worth fightin' for. I don't care where it is. They can't tell me any different. Money, money is the thing that causes it all. I wouldn't be a bit surprised that the people that start wars and promote 'em are the men that make the money, make the ammunition, make the clothing and so forth. Just think of the poor kids that are starvin' to death in Asia and so forth that could be fed with how much you make one big shell of. ~Alvin "Tommy" Bridges”
Studs Terkel

Alfred Nestor
“Many Germans nowadays say they were not Nazi, and many were not, but they were nearly ALL Party members. It was safer ... and if you were not, you could end up in a ‘camp’ for retraining ... so they mostly all paid ‘lip service’ to the Nazi Party.”
Alfred Nestor, Uncle Hitler: A Child's Traumatic Journey Through Nazi Hell to the Safety of Britain

Elizabeth Berg
“For all that we might be, if only we'd let ourselves.”
Elizabeth Berg, Dream When You're Feeling Blue

Alfred Nestor
“A very important man used to visit her sometimes, and I met him too. He loved children and used to dandle me on his knee. This was how the title came about for this book, Uncle Hitler, although in the old German tradition, I called him Uncle Adolf, even though I was not related to him. This was a sign of respect to an older person, which is why I called Frau Eva ‘Aunty Eva’.”
Alfred Nestor

Timothy Snyder
“The American and British soldiers who liberated the dying inmates from camps in Germany believed that they had discovered the horrors of Nazism. The images their photographers and cameramen captured of the corpses and the living skeletons at Bergen-Belsen and Buchenwald seemed to convey the worst crimes of Hitler...this was far from the truth. The worst was in the ruins of Warsaw, or the fields of Treblinka, or the marshes of Belarus, or the pits of Babi Yar.”
Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin

Shari J. Ryan
“I want the freedom to explore the world, sleep beneath the stars, eat from the land, and take pride of every feat I endure.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“It’s easier to dream of a future where we are not in a war.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Doctor's Daughter

Shari J. Ryan
“Whispers in the dark were something of a nightmare years ago. Today, it’s the only form of communication we have inside these walls.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Doctor's Daughter

Shari J. Ryan
“I knew there would come a morning when I would wake up differently than I had become used to, or there would be a night I never fell asleep.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Doctor's Daughter

Shari J. Ryan
“Our bodies sway together like an airtight package of greased flesh—side to side and front to back with the waver of every curve the train takes. ”
Shari J. Ryan

Shari J. Ryan
“A woman can be strong but lack the willpower to carry her to greater heights. She can also be weak, but with iron fists held out in front of her.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“He reaches out, touching his fingertips to my shoulder, but I pull away as if I’m a fire that will burn him.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“I want the freedom to explore the world, sleep beneath the stars, eat from the land, and take pride in every feat I endure.”
Shari J. Ryan

Shari J. Ryan
“He’s speaking nonsense, and his portrayal of my life—my past—is something he has conjured up like a fairy tale. The life he dreams of is one I’ve run away from. Only a stupid man would run toward the shadows of my past, and he’s anything but senseless.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“We’re living within a fog—one that will lift and expose the truth.”
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“We all face the threat of losing how much or how little we have, and I can’t help wondering what the point would be in destroying something that has survived much longer than either of us.
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“Ben is everything that is wrong with my world, and I know well enough to walk away from temptation.
Shari J. Ryan, The Maid's Secret

Shari J. Ryan
“Denial is like a glass wall, easy to see beyond, but impossible to walk through.”

— The Doctor’s Daughter: Totally heartbreaking and completely unforgettable World War Two historical fiction”
Shari J. Ryan

Shari J. Ryan
“It’s a mother’s job to give us the confidence needed to push through hard times.”

— The Doctor’s Daughter: Totally heartbreaking and completely unforgettable World War Two historical fiction”
Shari J. Ryan, The Doctor's Daughter

Shari J. Ryan
“There is life after death, happiness after misery, and the chance to create new memories that replace the old.”

— The Doctor’s Daughter: Totally heartbreaking and completely unforgettable World War Two historical fiction”
Shari J. Ryan, The Doctor's Daughter

“Love comes along--casting a spell
Will it sing you a song?
Will it say farewell?
Who can tell?
(Jacqueline Bouvier, Paris 1950)”
M.J. Bachman, Was it Love? Or Was it Paris?

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