Cindi's Reviews > Amara: The Rebirth

Amara by Zathyn Priest
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: zathyn-priest, vamps, 2014, m-m, faves-published-in-2014, favorites, on-blog

My #1 Favorite Book of 2014.

Zathyn Priest stopped by On Top Down Under and discussed his art, his books and his writing process. You can find the interview here.

Full review can be found at -

 photo Potential-OTDU-Banner-9-Smaller2_zpsf0878d67.png

I have been a huge fan of Zathyn Priest since I was first introduced to the LGBT genre. He was actually the first author whose work I read in it. I have since read everything he's written - more than once - and my love for his writing continues to grow with each new release. The Curtis Reincarnation is (and forever will be) my all-time favorite M/M book.

With that being said -

Matthew and Dean are vampire slayers. They are also married, though no one would ever say their marriage is a good one. Dean is the ultimate ass. He's constantly berating and criticizing Matthew but Matthew stays in the marriage. He stays, even knowing that Dean is cheating on him. He stays because he doesn't want to deal with the shame of walking away. This changes when he and Dean meet the elusive Emrys Amara.

Emrys is the most powerful, and pure, vampire in existence. He is the only survivor of the Amara clan. When a diary of Emrys' is sent to Matthew and Dean, Dean is convinced that Emrys exists. Matthew doesn't buy it. He's convinced that the diary is a forgery and that Emrys is long dead. The last entry in the diary was in 1942. If Emrys Amara were still alive, wouldn't he have made his presence known before now? Would rogue vampires be on the loose, and growing in numbers daily, if the legendary Emrys Amara were still around?

That doubt disappears the day Matthew meets the vampire face-to-face. There is a connection between Matthew and Emrys that can't be denied. This ultimately leads to the end of the marriage to Dean and one of the sweetest love stories Zathyn Priest has written to date.

There are rogue vamps that need to be taken care of, missing children, and even werewolves.

The characters are all amazing. Emrys is adorable. I fell head over heels in love with him and this love grew the more I read. Then there's Matthew, who only wants to be loved. He thankfully finds that love in Emrys. There's Vic, Matthew's father, who everyone would love to have as theirs. And then there's Dean. Dean is a character you will love to hate, and believe me, you will hate him from his introduction. The way the Dean thing was resolved was perfect.

I've had a couple of people ask me about the cheating aspects of this story. If you're not a fan of cheating in your books, you have nothing to worry about with Amara: The Rebirth. Yes, Matthew falls in love with Emrys while he's still married to Dean, but I assure you that you will be on Matthew and Emrys' side from the very beginning. Don't allow that part of it to keep you from reading this book.

There's a lot of humor, a bit of violence, and a lovely love story between two very special men. You'll fall in love with some characters and hate others. You'll laugh a lot and I can guarantee more than a few sappy tears. You'll probably cringe a couple of times but in the end, you'll be glad you read this.

This is another outstanding book by Zathyn Priest. He simply can not write a bad book.

Highly recommended.

Update on 05/13/2014: Original review of serial fiction removed from "merged" review.
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Reading Progress

February 26, 2012 –
0.0% "Finally got caught up through all 8 parts. I can't wait for #9 and beyond."
April 18, 2014 – Started Reading
April 18, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
April 18, 2014 – Shelved
April 18, 2014 – Shelved as: zathyn-priest
April 18, 2014 – Shelved as: vamps
April 18, 2014 – Shelved as: m-m
April 18, 2014 – Shelved as: 2014
April 18, 2014 –
7.0% "A vampire could survive two hours without a head. Not that amazing in my opinion, I'd survived without head for a year.

April 18, 2014 –
8.0% "I had a sudden urge to slam on the brakes, watch him shatter the windscreen and bounce off the car hood. My God, things had got bad if I preferred to fantasise about killing my husband rather than having sex with him.

I am in love with Matthew."
April 18, 2014 –
17.0% "Emrys sat beside me, stroking my face, offering his comfort, and I saw inside his vampire eyes the gaze of an angel. He touched me like an angel. He spoke consoling words of reassurance like an angel.

My worst fear was something I'd never before considered possible and yet there it was coming to life. A sweeping attraction toward Emrys surged through me. My heart beat faster for a vampire."
April 18, 2014 –
19.0% ""I've never wanted to search for love, Matthew. Perhaps I'm crazy, perhaps my views on mateship are old-fashioned and romantic. If I were meant to have true love then I do believe love would somehow have found me." He smiled a small, weary smile. "I don't want to hunt for love or a mate. To do so would make me feel like a common vampire hunting for prey. Love shouldn't be hunted, cornered, or coerced.""
April 18, 2014 –
20.0% ""He's not centuries old, Matthew, he's been sixteen for centuries." Furious I'd pushed him, Dean scrambled to his feet and shouted, "He'll always be sixteen. You're sick for fantasising about a child.""
April 18, 2014 –
37.0% ""The killer look of determination in your eyes... the way you're taking control..." The tip of Emrys' tongue licked my earlobe. "I'm so turned on, I could drop my pants and let you take me right here."

... all I could think was, Must stop at a pharmacy on the way home and buy lube.

"You realize I've popped a boner?""
April 18, 2014 –
43.0% ""Please tell me it's not a carrot. I'd never be able to eat another carrot in my life."

"Might be an orange dildo."

"You sure?"


"Has he no shame? People get things like that stuck up there, you know. They go to a hospital to get them removed."

He said it like foreign objects stuck up the rectum was something I never knew happened.
April 18, 2014 –
51.0% "Grrr! Oh, for God's sake, Matthew, quit thinking you're starring in a vampire/werewolf porn movie and focus!"
April 18, 2014 –
51.0% "I'd fast developed a liking for long nails on my skin. Mind you, at that point, Emrys could've pulled out a ball of yarn and started crocheting and I'd have thought it was hot. The sight of the lube packets did something to my brain."
April 18, 2014 –
53.0% ""You're beautiful, Matthew. Oh my God, you're so beautiful. I love you.""
April 18, 2014 –
April 19, 2014 –
64.0% ""Here we are trudging through a fucking drain because the ugly-redheaded-husband-stealing-whore told fairytales about ancient vampires and wolf fights."

I gripped Dean's neck. "Disrespect my mate one more time and I'll empty your veins."
April 19, 2014 –
64.0% "Dad squeezed the bridge of his nose. "When this mission is done and dusted, Dean, I suggest you see a shrink." He slapped Dean in the stomach with the back of his hand. "Seriously, you're a few screws short of a full toolbox." He then slapped me in the stomach. "Let him go, Matty. It isn't nice to pick on mentally challenged individuals.""
April 19, 2014 –
67.0% ""God Himself couldn't stop Emrys now.""
April 19, 2014 –
72.0% "Didn't see that coming."
April 19, 2014 –
92.0% "Now the hubby wants to go somewhere. :("
April 19, 2014 –
100.0% "Excellent. Review to come later."
April 19, 2014 – Finished Reading
April 20, 2014 – Shelved as: faves-published-in-2014
April 20, 2014 – Shelved as: favorites
April 20, 2014 – Shelved as: on-blog

Comments Showing 1-27 of 27 (27 new)

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message 1: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Looking forward to this review.

Cindi Kazza wrote: "Looking forward to this review."

I am really enjoying the book. Was there any doubt? :)

message 3: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Looking forward to this review."

I am really enjoying the book. Was there any doubt? :)"

Never any doubts on that one!

message 4: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza *Tapping foot* Waiting on review here...not so patiently :)

Cindi Kazza wrote: "*Tapping foot* Waiting on review here...not so patiently :)"

It's actually ready to go but I won't publish it until tomorrow. Time got away from me. :( I loved the book. A lot. Of course, we both knew I would.

message 6: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Love, love, love the review. Off to buy the book! :)

message 7: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P

Cindi Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

I say buy the book and write an opinion of it. :) You'll love Emrys. He's so damn adorable and he reminds me of someone you and I both know well. :D

message 9: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

I say buy the book and write an opinion of it. :) You'll love Emrys. He's so damn adorable and he remin..."

I know, that's what I keep thinking...who it reminds us both of. I have it and I will take it to bed with me tonight as a good night time read. You just know vampires are good bedtime material :)

Cindi Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

Nah, you aren't like those who make it up as they go along. You're genuine. :)

Cindi Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

I say buy the book and write an opinion of it. :) You'll love Emrys. He's so damn adorabl..."

This is the perfect bedtime material. :) It's not your typical vampire novel, so not much creepiness to keep you awake.

When you read it and discover Emrys, I have no doubt you'll see what I see in how he reminds me of one of my (our) favorite people in the real world.

message 12: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

Nah, you aren't like those who make it up as they go along. You're genuine. :)"

Once upon a time there was a vampire, and then I said, 'blah, blah, blah'....Nope, have to read it to write something :)

Cindi Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

Nah, you aren't like those who make it up as they go along. You're genuine. :)"

Once upo..."

How many reviews have we seen exactly like that? You must read it and discover a different kind of vampire love. :D

message 14: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

I say buy the book and write an opinion of it. :) You'll love Emrys. He's s..."

I can just tell from your review, but reading will make it more apparent I'm sure.

Cindi Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

I say buy the book and write an opinion of it. :) You'll love..."

I think it will. Emrys is not exactly like this person, but he has a lot of his mannerisms. I was smiling over that the entire time I was reading it.

message 16: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

I say buy the book and write an opinion of it. ..."

I hear you on that. The similarities are there for sure.

The reading begins when I say, "Shit look at the time!" as per usual.

Cindi Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

I say buy the book and write an o..."

Of course. As in "Oh look, it's 3:00 a.m. in Australia and I've been sitting here chatting with Cindi for the past few hours. I should probably go read about the cute vampire now." I know you so well.

message 18: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

I say buy the book ..."

Yes, that is the clean version. Mine is normally full of expletives and other, uh, interesting word choices :)

Cindi Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about nothing :P"

I say..."

There is nothing funnier than hearing your boy mock you about your cursing and interesting word choices. Every time he does that on the phone I laugh so hard I have tears running down my face. :D

message 20: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opinion about noth..."

He is a bitch, lol. I'll get him back one day if I can only figure out how. You encourage him. I'll get you one day as well...sneak ninja attacks all around!!

Cindi Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and write an opin..."

You will not do anything to get him back! He's a sweetheart and his Auntie Cindi will continue to encourage him. He's so damn funny. I still need to teach him how to say y'all. It's so cute when he says it in his Aussie accent.

message 22: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not get the book and..."

You are an enabler :P

I have one word for you. Vegemite!

Cindi Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I should just not ge..."

I have two for you - Bite me!


Noooooooo on the Vegemite. Now you're playing nasty.

message 24: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Cindi wrote: "Kazza wrote: "Or maybe I shou..."

Ha! I am.

Holy shit, look at the time - 3am...night/morning

Alex is The Romance Fox Fantastic review. I want to get this one.
I love this author.

Cindi Alex E wrote: "Fantastic review. I want to get this one.
I love this author."

Thanks, Alex. I know you'll love it. It's classic Zathyn Priest.

Alex is The Romance Fox Cindi wrote: "Alex E wrote: "Fantastic review. I want to get this one.
I love this author."

Thanks, Alex. I know you'll love it. It's classic Zathyn Priest."

Can't wait.

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