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Marked (House of Night, #1)
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Archived Buddy Reads > Marked (House of Night) - October 16th

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Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Buddyread for the House of Night series, starting Sunday October 16th

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments We still good to start this tomorrow?

Monika Leubner | 32 comments yes!

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Okay perfect! :) Did you want to make a schedule maybe?

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Did you start yesterday? I didn't end up having time, but I could read up to where you are plus some if you want.

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Quinty (Taylor's Version) wrote: "Did you start yesterday? I didn't end up having time, but I could read up to where you are plus some if you want."

i gotta look but got to like chapter 3 or 4

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Okay cool, I'll try to get to chapter 8 or something tonight then :) But I have to say this is a re-read for me so I know what to expect

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I finished chapter 8 and already I'm starting to remember why I liked these books so much

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Quinty (Taylor's Version) wrote: "I finished chapter 8 and already I'm starting to remember why I liked these books so much"

lol my reaction was just purely cringe ah the teens years. legit do not remember any of this

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Lol yeah it definitely wasn't any high brow literature, but I do like it, for the nostalgia if nothing else

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Quinty (Taylor's Version) wrote: "Lol yeah it definitely wasn't any high brow literature, but I do like it, for the nostalgia if nothing else"

i like it because i'm making it my mission to finally finish it compltely finish it

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Yeah I own the first 3 books already, but definitely want to finish the rest of the series too. Just don't know how long it'll take lol since there are 12 books excluding novellas and stuff

Monika Leubner | 32 comments oh shit

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments So I just finished chapter 20 and have come across 2 slurs and not a lot of feminism so far (like really, you have to call other woman a slut? Build each other up instead of tearing down). But since the book is 15 years old, I suppose that makes sense since those things have only started to become known as being bad in the last couple of years

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Whoa ok not sure when i will get to it have a bunch i have to start on but will try this weekend

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I finished the book today. I didn't like it as much as I remembered, but I also remember the second book being better, so we'll see. Just gotta find time to read that one lmao

Monika Leubner | 32 comments still havent finished first one

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Yeah no worries just let me know when you have and we can discuss then

Monika Leubner | 32 comments i will try to get to it this weekend have like 6 other books to read but i will try my best

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments No worries take your time, if you want to read the other books first that's totally cool

Monika Leubner | 32 comments no its okay actually ill listen to it on my way to my parents house

Monika Leubner | 32 comments halfway through

Monika Leubner | 32 comments 77% done getting there luckily i had today off and stuck in a car inspection got a lot done

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments How you liking it so far?

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Finished .. I don't remember most of this except the rituals but its making me wanna know whats gonna happen now

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I read the books first when I was really young, then last year or the year before I reread the first 2 books, so I did remember most of this but from book 3 on won't remember a lot haha. I will probably read the second book sometime next month if you wanted to buddyread that too?

Monika Leubner | 32 comments yeah definitely did you want to buddy read the whole series cause i would love to

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Oh yeah for sure! But I wasn't planning to bingeread them all, maybe like one a month. So not sure if that works for you

Monika Leubner | 32 comments oh thats perfect i will suspend the next one for a little when do you wanna start the 2nd

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I should be able to start it in like a week or two if that's cool?

Monika Leubner | 32 comments perfect yeah just let me know and ill put it in my calendar

Monika Leubner | 32 comments just checking in

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Hi yes sorry! Maybe we could read it starting this Sunday or Monday and then finishing Thursday or Friday?

Monika Leubner | 32 comments This coming Sunday ?

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Yeah if that works for you? Otherwise we could do it the 13th (or another time) instead if that fits better for you?

Monika Leubner | 32 comments yeah i think sunday would work let me put it in my calendar

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I completely forgot about this, sorry! I can read both yesterday's and today's parts though if you did read yesterday?

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Okay I decided to only read up to chapter 7 today, which should be about 1/5th of the book :) If you did happen to read both yesterday and today, let me know so I can try to catch up tomorrow!

But ugh I forgot what a creep Loren is

Monika Leubner | 32 comments i have to look on where i am lost 2 day for health reasons

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments No worries, obviously your health comes first! I read up to chapter 13 yesterday and didn't have time to read today. I'll finish it tomorrow or Friday :)

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I just finished chapter 22 and I forgot how heartbreaking this book is

Monika Leubner | 32 comments oh whelp gotta get going dont i ?

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I am going to finish it today, but if you don't have time totally no worries. It will probably be December before I get time to get to the next one anyway (if you'd still like to buddyread the entire series)

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I just finished and I just love this series so much. Pulls at all the right heart strings, it has such cute moments but then also heartbreaking ones. Please don't feel rushed to finish it yourself, we can discuss whenever you have time :)

Monika Leubner | 32 comments Quinty (Taylor's Version) wrote: "I just finished and I just love this series so much. Pulls at all the right heart strings, it has such cute moments but then also heartbreaking ones. Please don't feel rushed to finish it yourself,..."

okay yeah ill try my best to get some done this weekend

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments Cool let me know!

Monika Leubner | 32 comments ahh stevie rae NOOOOOO

Quinty (Taylor's Version) (queenq) | 578 comments I know it's so sad :((

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