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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Mar 31, 2015 02:47PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32707 comments Mod

Audrey (CAPTAIN)
Agnès Renié

Team Spreadsheet

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32707 comments Mod

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32707 comments Mod

message 4: by Audrey Jane (last edited May 03, 2015 01:50PM) (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 commentsTeam Rankings: here

Team Emerald's Wheelathon shelves:

Cristina: challenge
Erin: wheelathon
Agnès: wheelathon II
Imke: w-a-t II
Camilla: wat 2015
Jane: wheel-a-thon 2
Elinaly: wheelathon 2015
Audrey: wheel-a-thon 2015

Weekly Deadlines:

*Post finished books each Saturday (NA) / Sunday (EU) before: Time Zone Converter
==> Countdown to Round 8 - FINAL ROUND

Wheelathon II Rules:


10 points - Books less than 500 pages
20 points - Books more than 500 pages
15 points - Complete spell-it-out word
30 points - At least 50% bookcover colour
20 points - write BOM discussion questions

What can be used for the spell-it-out

- The author's first or last name
- The book title
- The series title
- The characters first name, last name or nickname
- The narrator's first or last name (audiobooks)

(view spoiler)

(view spoiler)

message 5: by Audrey Jane (last edited Apr 18, 2015 02:18PM) (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Team Emerald - TRACKING SHEET

Week 1 (22 - 28 March): Pink Flamingo


Total Points: 395

✔ Pink cover: Mõrv maasika-vahukooretordiga by Joanne Fluke - Elinaly
Mõrv maasika-vahukooretordiga (Hannah Swensen, #2) by Joanne Fluke
BOM DQ's: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr - Imke
✔ Letters: 12/12
✔ Number of readthrough: 2

Week 2 (29 March - 5 April): Maize


Total Points: 315

✔ Brown cover: Fortuna tütar by Isabel Allende - Elinaly
Fortuna tütar by Isabel Allende
- BOM DQ's: no
✔ Letters: 5/5
✔ Number of readthrough: 4

Week 3 (6 April - 12 April): Almond


Total Points: 305

✔ Brown cover: Slow Apocalypse by John Varley - Camilla
Slow Apocalypse by John Varley
- BOM DQ's: no
✔ Letters: 6/6
✔ Number of readthrough: 4

Week 4 (12 - 19 April): Pink Flamingo


Total Points: 325

✔ Pink cover: My Life as a White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland - Imke
My Life as a White Trash Zombie (White Trash Zombie, #1) by Diana Rowland
BOM DQ's: The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton - Imke
✔ Letters: 12/12
✔ Number of readthrough: 1

message 6: by Audrey Jane (last edited May 16, 2015 03:38PM) (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Week 5 (19 - 26 April): Neon Carrot


Total Points: 265

✔ Orange cover: The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared - Imke
The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson
- BOM DQ's: no
✔ Letters: 10/10
✔ Number of readthrough: 1

Week 6 (26 April - 3 May): Fuchsia


Total Points: 315

✔ Purple cover: Fifth Grave Past the Light by Darynda Jones - Imke
Fifth Grave Past the Light (Charley Davidson, #5) by Darynda Jones
- BOM DQ's: No
✔ Letters: 7/7
✔ Number of readthrough: 3

Week 7 (3 - 10 May): Shamrock


Total Points: 245

✔ Green cover: Everlost by Neal Shusterman - Elinaly
Everlost (Skinjacker, #1) by Neal Shusterman
✔ BOM DQ's: Me Before You by Jojo Moyes - Imke
✔ Letters: 8/8
✔ Number of readthrough: 2

*Green Teams Mini-Challenge: 220

Week 8 (10 - 17 May): Black Coral


Total Points: 295

✔ Black cover: Iso paha susi by James Patterson - Camilla
Iso paha susi (Alex Cross, #9) by James Patterson
BOM DQ's: Red Rising by Pierce Brown - Imke
✔ Letters: 10/10
✔ Number of readthrough: 2

*Green Teams Mini-Challenge: 430

message 7: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Hi team! I'm Audrey, your team captain, my favourite genres are historical fiction, mystery, urban-fantasy, and occasionally romance. But I will try anything and I'm open to recommendations.

I hope everyone is getting excited for this second round of Wheelathon :) I participated to the wheelathon challenge last year, and had a great time. If there are questions or suggestions please feel free to post them here or send them via pm.

When checking in could you please link your challenge shelf as well.

(Btw I love the gemstone our team got!)

message 8: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly Hei-hei teammates!

This is the first time for me to participate in such challenge, but I promise to give 110%! :)
(Nice gem indeed!)

I read any genre (always ready to try anything new), maybe little less excited about romances.

My challenge shelf can be found HERE

message 9: by Audrey Jane (last edited Mar 14, 2015 01:12PM) (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Hi Elinaly and welcome to Wheelathon! Hope you're going to have a great time with us :)

@ Teammates: Our first spell-it-out word has been announced already (see spreadsheet in post 1), it's Pink Flamingo. I've put all the practical info about the challenge in one of the first posts. Tell me if I need to change something to make it easier for our team.

message 10: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly How we do this?
Everyone will tell which book(s) they are going to read this week and then we observe that the word of the week will be "spelled out"?
And of course at least one of us will have to "choose the book by its cover colour" :D

Btw, I am from Europa (Estonia) and I will be reading books in English, but also in Estonian.
With the translated books the rule is I belive that the version you read counts, right? (the first letter of the title and the colour of the cover)

May we start planning what to read? (=:

PS! I'm afraid I'm able to start and finish only one book in a week. (sry)

message 11: by Lauren (new)

Lauren (laurenjberman) Hey AudreyJane! Just popping in to wish you and your team the best of luck. Have fun!

message 12: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly Oh dear, how its possible to read over 10 books just in a week?!? (I peeked other teams discussions) :D

Is it ok to post the books f.e. like this?:

I'm planning to read:
The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson (Millennium series)
Title: G
Author: L
Series: M
Characters: L (Lisbeth); M (Mikael)
Bonus: 630 pages!
Cover: no
The Girl Who Played With Fire (Millennium #2) by Stieg Larsson

This way it's easier for a captain to decide which letter to use (which one from the week's word isn't covered)

PS! Amazing poster for pinkflamingo (very motivating!) LOL

message 13: by Audrey Jane (last edited Mar 14, 2015 03:00PM) (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments @ Elinaly: Thanks Elinaly, that looks great! And very good you're already snooping around on other team's threads, we need all the inside information we can get ;)
Remember the start date doesn't matter, it's the finished date that counts. Also don't forget to put your book on your wheelathon shelf once finished.

Yes, indeed it's the version you read that counts, and that can be one of our advantages when it comes to difficult letters to find in the English language :) I think most of our teammates our from Europe and some of us might be reading in other languages too.

Of course you may! If we succeed in spelling out the word once entirely then we're all pretty much free to read what we want afterwards, since we can't claim completion points twice.

No worries, as long as you can contribute one way or another, have fun, and enjoy your books :)

message 14: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Elinaly wrote: "Oh dear, how its possible to read over 10 books just in a week?!? (I peeked other teams discussions)"

Yes I know, I wish I could do that. But luckily we have all kinds of readers on our team too. I also think it depends on which books you read and how many pages.

message 15: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (last edited Mar 15, 2015 12:05AM) (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15982 comments Mod
Hi team Emerald!

I am one of the NBRC Mods and I have been assigned as the "mentor" for the green teams (Jade, Emerald and Malachite) which means I'm here to help out your captain and check your weekly submissions.

For those who didn't play the first wheelathon, a tip from me is that the "tougher" letters to spell were E,N,Y,I so keep an eye out for books that may count for these letters.

Your team spreadsheet has been set up for you to allocate your books and points. You may also want to set up a tracking spreadsheet to help you track all the different options for your books. I've done one for Malachite here ; if you'd like one set up for you just let me know. Audrey, I'll also need you email you use for google docs to give you edit rights.

That's about it for now. Enjoy planning over the next week!!

message 16: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Hello teammates! I'm excited to start my first Wheel-A-Thon! I'm Camilla from Finland, working full-time, so will not be able to read 10 books per week, LOL! usually I manage 2-3 books per week. I read mostly fantasy, horror, scifi, non-fiction and thrillers. My shelf for the challenge:
Looking forward to getting to know you all!

message 17: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15982 comments Mod
Elinaly wrote: "Oh dear, how its possible to read over 10 books just in a week?!? (I peeked other teams discussions) :D..."

Don't worry, all teams have been set up with a total average per team of 85 books per month. So some teams have less players (but bigger readers), and others more players and smaller readers. It should all work out in the end ;)

message 18: by Jane (new)

Jane | 705 comments Hi team-mates.

I am Jane and I am from Denmark.

My shelf is wheel-a-thon-2

message 19: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments If possible, for the first week I would like to read Never Saw it Coming by Linwood Barclay , since I need to return it to the library on the 23rd of March. It would cover N for title or L for author's first name.

message 20: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Thanks Karen! Send you a PM. We would gladly use the tracking spreadsheet.

message 21: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Welcome Camilla and Jane!

No worries Camilla, 2/3 books per week is good. That's pretty much my reading speed too. Your book looks good.

Jane, great to be on the same team :)

I'm planning to read A Faint Cold Fear by Karin Slaughter which works for letters K, F, L, A, G. I can also cover the letters I and O with my next read if needed, the pink cover will be a bit tricky though.

message 22: by Camilla (last edited Mar 15, 2015 11:06AM) (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Is there a thread where we can get covers approved? Sometimes I'm unsure whether they contain enough of the required color. Would this be pink enough?
Ei kahta kolmannetta by Eila Palmgren

message 23: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments It's difficult to say. I'm going to ask the Wheel Master once everything is set up ;)

Meanwhile there's still the tool we used during TT:

message 24: by Imke (last edited Mar 15, 2015 12:23PM) (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Hey Team

I'm Imke and I'm from The Netherlands. This is my second wheel-a-thon and this is my shelve: w-a-t-ii.
I'm not sure what I'll be reading for the wheel-a-thon, but I'll be planning some books this week.

message 25: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments I'm planning on reading book of the month: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr starting on March 19 and I've volunteerd to write a set of discussion questions.

message 26: by Jane (new)

Jane | 705 comments I really try to plan but I am not very good at it as I have a few challenges going on. But I read a fair bit and should be able to throw some letters out there on short notice.

message 27: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly Audrey Jane wrote: "It's difficult to say. I'm going to ask the Wheel Master once everything is set up ;)

Meanwhile there's still the tool we used during TT:"

I tested the book Camilla pointed out and the result said 53% (counting 4 different shades of pink).
So it seems pink enough :)

message 28: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly PS! (sry for the stupid question)
why we have 3 "pinkflamingo" words in our spreadsheet?
The more words we complete during the week, the more points we get?
(and only for letters, because the bonus points only count once - cover and one complete word?)

message 29: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Hi Imke! Glad you're part of our team. Great for the BOM, I hope it's a good one.

@ Jane: I completely understand. I'm planning to let everybody read what they want. When we're closer to the deadline we can discuss our options to fill in the possible gap(s).

@ Elinaly: No worries. Yes, you got it right. Some teams will be able to spell their word multiple times, but after the first spell-it-out they can only claim points for their letters.

message 30: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly I´m gonna try to read also another book (as the read-date counts, I think I can manage):

Mõrv maasika-vahukooretordiga by Joanne Fluke
(It´s a translation of Strawberry Shortcake Murder)

Title: M
Author: F
Series: -
Characters: dont know yet
Bonus: -
Cover: yes!!! :D
Mõrv maasika-vahukooretordiga (Hannah Swensen, #2) by Joanne Fluke

That should cover our cover-problem ;)

message 31: by Agnès (new)

Agnès (margali87) Hi Team, I'm Agnès and I'm from France, and I'm really excited to be doing this challenge with you all :)

My shelf for the challenge is wheelathon-ii :

message 32: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly Oh, so great we have team-mates all from different corners of Europe!

We have Belgium, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, The Netherlands, France...

Nice to meet you all! :)

message 33: by Audrey Jane (last edited Mar 17, 2015 02:22PM) (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Hi Agnès! Welcome to the challenge, it's going to be lots of fun :)

@ Elinaly: Isn't that amazing! Partly why I love doing this challenges is getting to know other readers around the world.
Great for the pink cover Elinaly :) I've tried a few cozy mysteries before but never that one. I'm currently quite enjoying police procedurals/mysteries.

message 34: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments I guess it's a bit late for it but since we're Team Emerald I feel obliged :p
So, Happy description everyone! We're going to have some great craic the next 8 weeks ;)

message 35: by Agnès (new)

Agnès (margali87) I'm reading The Careful Use of Compliments which main character is named Isabel Dalhousie so I can use I or A or M.

I will also start another book which main charater is named Kévin so I can use K or F (because the author's name is Fanny Chiarello) : Holden, mon frère.

What do you think?

message 36: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments @ Agnès: Yes, that's good for me :) Hope they are good ones.

Team, I quickly checked and put all the letters we had with the planned reads so far. This round our difficult letters seems to be: I, N and O.

message 37: by Karen ⊰✿, Fiction Aficionado (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 15982 comments Mod
Here is a link that may help ;)

message 38: by Imke (last edited Mar 22, 2015 11:51AM) (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments I have a few Ilona Andrews books on my TBR. I've made a wheel a thon possible shelve (w-a-t-possibles) and I can pick from that shelve what I would like to read or the letters that are needed.

I'm working on the following books:

Forgotten Sins (Sin Brothers, #1) by Rebecca Zanetti Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti 384 pages
Works for F - Title, M - Character Matt or N - Character Nathan (Nate)

The Mime Order (The Bone Season, #2) by Samantha Shannon The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon 510 pages
Works for M - Title, P - Character Paige or N - Character Nick

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr 531 pages
Works for A - Title, P - Character Werner Pfennig, M and L - Character Marie-Laure LeBlanc, F - Character Frank Volkheimer
Also for bonus points I'm writing DQ's on March 22. I will post the link to the to discussion questions

message 39: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments I'm currently in the middle of In the Woods and will finish it only after the start of the challenge, so there is one I accounted for in the title.

message 40: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Great Imke & Camilla! Thanks for taking care of the BOM DQ.
I still have a couple of The Edge books by Ilona Andrews too. Can't wait for the next Kate Daniels book!

I've recently been recommended Rosemary and Rue (series October Daye), it's good for letter O so I'm going to keep it close just in case.

I've currently put our planned reads with the letters in post 5 to give us an overview of what we have already. I'm going to give it more thought and organise it better during the weekend :)

message 41: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32707 comments Mod
As Maria (6) and Shannon (4) have not checked-in or responded to PMs, they have been replaced with Erin (10).

Please welcome her to the team!

message 42: by Erin (last edited Mar 19, 2015 09:20PM) (new)

Erin (Bluestocking Bookworm) (bluestockingbookworm) | 353 comments Hey, that's me! Hi team!

I had a little blurb all written and GR ate it.
My Shelf

I am from Canada, which I think puts me on a different continent than the rest of the team. I will try to plan, but I read a lot of review copies and need to have them read by specific days.

message 43: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Welcome Erin!

message 44: by Imke (new)

Imke (immie75) | 1644 comments Hi Erin

message 45: by Elinaly (new)

Elinaly Hei Erin and big welcome! :)

message 46: by Erin (new)

Erin (Bluestocking Bookworm) (bluestockingbookworm) | 353 comments So, we can only get one letter per book we read, yes? I am working on one called The Infinite by Lori M Lee, with a main character Kai. So I can only get I or L or K, not all three?

message 47: by Jane (new)

Jane | 705 comments Welcome Erin.

message 48: by Camilla (new)

Camilla | 1885 comments Erin wrote: "So, we can only get one letter per book we read, yes? I am working on one called The Infinite by Lori M Lee, with a main character Kai. So I can only get I or L or K, not all three?"

Yes, at least that's how I've understood the rules.

message 49: by ❀Tea❀ (new)

❀Tea❀ (ttea) | 9600 comments Erin wrote: "So, we can only get one letter per book we read, yes? I am working on one called The Infinite by Lori M Lee, with a main character Kai. So I can only get I or L or K, not all three?"


message 50: by Audrey Jane (new)

Audrey Jane | 1713 comments Hi Erin! I will check in as much as I can ;) You may plan or not it's up to you. I've put everyone's timezone in post 4 under time zone converter, I took a wild guess and put Ottawa, tell me if I need to change it :)

Almost there Team! Official countdown here.

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