Dhivyasree Selvaraj

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The One-Straw Rev...
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Sonia Choquette
“Being calm is a skill that starts with proper breathing. Dr. Tully taught me that breathing deeply and regularly is not only the key to remaining calm, but also instantly connects us to a higher vibration.”
Sonia Choquette

Vishen Lakhiani
“The people making you feel guilty for going your own way and choosing your own life are simply saying, ‘Look at me. I’m better than you because my chains are bigger.’ It takes courage to break those chains and define your own life.” So dare to live your precious days on Earth to their fullest, true to yourself, with open heart and thoughtful mind, and with the courage to change what doesn’t work and accept the consequences. You may find that you can fly farther than you ever imagined.”
Vishen Lakhiani, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed On Your Own Terms

Tomislav Perko
“Koja je to iluzija, zapravo. Fotografije s putovanja, putopisni filmovi, blogovi i statusi na fejsbuku - sve. Fotke poboljšaš, video urediš, priče skratiš i ispričaš samo one najzanimljivije. Nikad nećeš moći fotografirati trenutak kada si prvi put nešto vidio, uhvatiti svoj osjećaj u tom trenutku. Nikad nećeš snimiti vjerodostojan video jer saznanje da se snima čitavu situaciju stavlja u drugačiji kontekst, oduzima mu slobodu, prirodnost. Nijednu priču neću moći ispričati, prenijeti točno onako kako se odvijala, na koji način, kojim intenzitetom i što sam osjećao dok se to događalo.
Prava istina, prava ljepota je sve ono što se događa između tih fotki, tih filmova, tih ispričanih priča. Sve ono što se ne da uhvatiti fotoaparatom, kamerom ili olovkom. Sve ono što se ne može ispričati.”
Tomislav Perko, 1000 dana ljeta

Robin S. Sharma
“Give out what you most want to come back.”
Robin S. Sharma, The Greatness Guide: Powerful Secrets for Getting to World Class

Sonia Choquette
“Remember that you’re intimately connected to everyone else in the world, so when you attack another person, you attack yourself.”
Sonia Choquette

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