Ras-ras Umat Manusia Quotes

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Ras-ras Umat Manusia Ras-ras Umat Manusia by Mikhail Nesturkh
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Ras-ras Umat Manusia Quotes Showing 1-6 of 6
“the concepts race and class must not be confused. In studying the history of the development of human society the really existing class struggle must not be replaced by an invented ‘race struggle’. From the above it may be seen that it is typical of racism to confuse the biological category of race with other categories of a social character, such as nation and class. The unprincipled way in which racism identifies race with nation or class depending on whether it is necessary to justify war between nations or exploitation within one nation, shows clearly that racism is unscientific and reactionary.”
Mikhail Nesturkh, Ras-ras Umat Manusia
“Why do the racists insist on their false views? The answer is a simple one. The theory of ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ races, of the right of one race to dominate over another, justifies war between nations – it is the ideological mask concealing imperialist politics. The racists equate the class struggle in human society with the struggle going on in the animal kingdom; they make use of the reactionary theory of social-Darwinism that developed in the latter half of the nineteenth century. This theory states that modern human society is governed by biological laws that are the same as those that operate in the animal kingdom – the brute struggle for existence, the survival of the fittest, the extinction of the unfit. The racists, like the social-Darwinists, maintain that the division of human society into classes is the result of biological inequality and is due to natural selection. In this way racism attempts to use the laws of nature to explain social inequality in capitalist society. The racists developed the theory of social-Darwinism and maintained that people belonging to a certain class possess certain racial features.”
Mikhail Nesturkh, Ras-ras Umat Manusia
“The raison d'être of racism is the substantiation and defense of the false idea of the biological inequality of the races of man.”
Mikhail Nesturkh, Ras-ras Umat Manusia
tags: race
“Various ‘race theories’ are very widespread among reactionary scientists in some countries who regard the ruling class of their own nation as the ‘higher’ race and the working people as the ‘lower’ race, or classify nations other than their own as ‘lower’ races and make their own nation the ‘higher race’. In this way they unreasonably confuse the grouping of people by classes and by other socio-economic factors with their biological grouping. It is precisely by means of race theories that the ‘white’ imperialists justify the enslavement and exploitation of the colonial peoples…”
Mikhail Nesturkh, Ras-ras Umat Manusia
“the 'Aryan' race theory... claims that the North Europeoids originated in ancient days in India and Iran...”
Mikhail Nesturkh, Ras-ras Umat Manusia
“It is believed that the ancestors of the American or Red Indian race began their migration to North America and then from North to South some 25,000 or less years ago. The probable road they took was from Asia across the Bering Isthmus that formerly existed where the present straits are situated. This isthmus became approachable only at the time the glaciers were receding; until that time the entire American continent had been almost unpopulated...”
Mikhail Nesturkh, Ras-ras Umat Manusia