The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady Quotes

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The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady (McBride Family #2) The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady by Samantha James
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The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady Quotes Showing 1-30 of 41
“Watch," he whispered hoarsely. "Watch me make love to you."
No power in the heavens could have made her look away as he withdrew- all the way so that she saw the passionate sheen of her body's juices glazing his rod.
Her eyes widened. Coarse dark hair mingled with soft, chestnut curls, a sight that was incredibly erotic. Even more erotic was when he plunged again, gliding deeper this time, harder. She couldn't tear her gaze away. She was both amazed and stunned at the way male joined female, feeling the walls of her passage yield- soft tender flesh clinging tight and wanton to hard male steel.Everything inside her went wild. Every part of her was melting, every fiber of her being.
With a helpless little moan she caught the sides of his head. She wanted to tell him how wonderful he made her feel. But the power of words had once again deserted her. The pleasure was climbing, spiraling high and fast, taking her by storm. Unable to hold back, her hands slipped to his shoulders. She clutched at him; sensation gathered there, in the very center of her body, the place he possessed so fully. Had she surrendered? Or had he? she wondered vaguely.
Eyes closed, she flung her head back. Release was close. She could feel it coming, shivering throughout her body. His head dropped low. He kissed the arch of her throat. "Fionna," he said, his tone almost raw. "Fionna!"
Her nails bit into his shoulders. The walls of her channel contracted around him, again and again and again, sending spasms of release hurtling through them both.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“She nestled against him, already limp and relaxed. With a tremulous little sigh, she curled her fist against his chest.
Aidan had to force himself to relax. He held himself very still, tempering the desire that churned and clamored in his chest, twisting and turning restlessly. He was still shocked by it, by its strength, its persistence, for it grew more rousing with every moment spent with her.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“He wanted more. Much more. He wanted Miss Fionna Hawkes beneath him, around him, above him, her slim, naked limbs twined with his. He ached with the need to feel himself rooted deep and hard, all the way to her womb.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“An arm about her back, he guided his rod between soft, silken thighs, rubbing her cleft, letting her feel the rigidness of his erection. Her eyes widened; it was as if he could see her heart stop.
Her legs went wide. Aidan groaned and clamped her against him. He was shaking with need. God help him, he couldn't stop. He couldn't stave off his desire. Not now. Not yet. And when he plunged deep, her silken heat and warmth surrounded him, sending him to a place where nothing existed but the two of them.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“He kissed her again. And indeed they touched nowhere but their lips. Sensation exploded inside her. Everywhere. Yes, everywhere. It was as if he touched her all over. Her nipples, tingling as if he stroked them. Between her thighs, warm as if he stroked there. She would have blushed- but it felt so good. It felt too good. That it seemed almost forbidden was the last thought in her mind.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“She made a faint sound. "Please do not do this." Her tone was very low. "Do not-"
"What? Kiss you again?"
Already his head was lowering, his mouth so close their breath mingled, his and hers... together. As if they were one...
Hers caught, then became ragged. She made a small sound, almost a whimper.
"Shh, it's all right. No touching. Only kissing."
"Kissing? What is this? Aidan's Rules again?"
His lips were against hers now, molding and warm and coaxing. His kiss was long and leisurely and made her insides melt to butter. She reveled in the texture and heat and pressure of his mouth. His mouth was warm, his lips softer than she had realized before. She sensed his absolute control- she envied him his control!- along with his restraint. Yet she could also feel his slight smile as he ended the kiss.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“Aidan," she said with a tiny shake of her head, very low. "I..."
Her jaw seemed to have locked in place- why, her entire body. She could say no more. She'd certainly lost the power to move.
And Aidan... she was heatedly aware of those sapphire eyes roving her features until she longed to scream.
"No need to say more," he said very quietly. "I see I am to take my leave now."
He released her hands. It came then, when she least expected it... perhaps when she should have most expected it.
His lips were rather cold from the frigid air outside.
His kiss was not.
And it was like nothing she'd ever imagined. She thought immediately of Raven and Rowan, for it was one thing to write about a kiss, having never truly experienced it...
And quite another to actually feel it.
And feel it she did, a kiss so heated and intense, it burned clear to the very bottom of her soul. The taste of him was like nothing she'd ever expected; the combination of warmth and cold turned to fire with blistering heat. His kiss sent heat blazing to every part of her.
His hands stole inside her cloak, closing around her waist and pulling her hard against him. She chafed at the burden of his greatcoat. She itched to rip it open, tear at his shirt until she could feel warm, masculine skin and truly know what it was to feel a man's flesh.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“He made her feel out of kilter, wholly off-balance. The other night in his arms, it had felt so good to lean on him, if only for a while. To forget the load she had borne for so long now.
And she could see it, God help her, she could, an erotic vision that ran through her mind, filled her world; her hands running over his shoulders- dark and burnished as his face. His form, long and muscular and naked, all fluid masculinity as he raised himself above her.
Heat seemed to gather at the place between her thighs. Her breasts were swelling, as if her nipples sought to stab through every layer of stiff, starched cloth. She knew that if she looked down- there would be no hiding the sight of her nipples standing pebbled and hard beneath her gown. She wanted to clamp her hands over them; better still, she wanted him to clamp those strong, masculine hands over them both and...”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“A strong hand snared one buttock. Fionna emitted a sound of pleasure. Her thighs were open. Damp and waiting. But at the last instant, with another swift move that astounded her, he twisted so that she lay atop him.
"Aidan." His name was half-stammer, half-plea. "I'm not sure how to... what to..."
Both hands now clamped around her buttocks, he showed her what she needed to know. "There, sweet," he breathed, there's not much to it."
One single, gliding move found him planted to the hilt inside her. Her eyes flew wide. "I think there is," she said faintly.
And then there was no stopping it. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, she churned and thrust, with Aidan gasped and plunged. She buried her head against his throat. He arched his head and exploded inside her.
When it was over, Fionna realized she still lay sprawled above him. It had been a heated, hasty- and unquestionably lusty- union.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“Sitting on his lap, their limbs all a-tangle, she splayed her hands wide across the dark fur on his chest, coasting them down his belly to tangle in the thick nest between his thighs.
Her mouth followed, her lips hot on his naked skin.
She sank to her knees on the floor.
Aidan went very still. No. He could not believe that she would...
His hands twisted in her hair. It was the most incredibly erotic sensation in his life. Her tongue danced and circled, down to the very root of him and back up, tasting and exploring that most sensitive part of him.
He gritted his teeth until he could stand no more.
He caught his hand in her hair and pulled her up and onto his rod. They were both frantic, twisting wildly in perfect union, until at last he exploded inside her, spurting wildly again and again and again.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“Naked, Aidan watched from the bed with smoldering eyes. He grinned. "But come tame this monster first!”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“She enticed him. She intrigued him. By heaven, she entranced him.
A woman, he thought again. Aidan hadn't been convinced, yet maybe Alec was right. Perhaps a woman was just what he needed.
But he rather suspected this prickly chit wasn't what either of them had in mind. No, he strongly suspected, Miss Fionna Hawkes was not the kind of woman with whom one had a hot, torrid affair.
Yet there was no denying that desire that scalded his veins like fire.
He wanted her, the lovely Miss Fionna Hawkes.
Around him. Beneath him. Atop him... he didn't care how.
And that certainly shocked him, as much as he was sure it would shock the fetchingly lovely Miss Hawkes.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“His eyes had grown dark and smoky. A silky undertone crept into his voice. "Never tempted by any man, Fionna. Never tempted by any man... before me. Never tempted by desire. Untouched by any man... before me." Lightly he molded the shape of her breast in his palm, his thumb traced the outline of her nipple. Bending low, his lips pressed a tiny kiss at the corner of her mouth, his breath warming her cheek as he whispered, "Are you tempted, sweet?”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“She buried her face against his shoulder, her face hot. "I want you, Aidan," she said again. This time it was a helpless cry. "I want to be yours."
A low growl erupted from his throat. "Then be mine."
Fiercely, he caught her up against him, his arms like bands of iron around her back, almost crushing her. It was exactly what she wanted, what she needed. He kissed her with fiery greed, almost wild, his tongue twining around hers. He allowed no room for reticence; there was none. She returned in equal measure precisely what he demanded and reveled in it.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“Her mouth dry, her gaze ventured inevitably down, past the curls on his chest and belly, clear to where his rod thrust high and hard against the white of one bare thigh.
Her recall was instantaneous- as if she'd ever forgotten. As if she ever could! With stark, unremitting clarity, she remembered precisely how it had felt to touch him there, her knuckles buried in the coarse nest of curls that thickened and surrounded the base of his erection.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“The fist on his chest uncurled. A finger began to stray, tracing the line of hair down toward his navel. It was a slow, tentative movement, for this was all too new. Passion unchained. Not just her own nakedness, but his.Especially his. She was still half-afraid to touch him. Then all at once he caught her hand, as if he could stand it no longer, and guided it down the tight grid of his belly, between the ridge of his hips.
Straight to the heart of him.
She gasped in shock when he dragged her hand up and down, up and down. Her eyes flew wide. It was a caress as outrageously shocking as when he'd slid his fingers inside her; as bold and daring as the man himself.
"Aid- Aidan!" She stuttered his name, part-question, part jarringly shocked.
"No, it's all right. Touch me, sweet, just like that... Oh, yes, just like that."
His whisper compelled surrender. Watching him, the glint of his eyes, half-closed now, her reserve slipped away.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“Sweat popped out on his brow. Little by little he advanced. Higher. Deeper. Her flesh yielding beneath his gentle but inevitable penetration.
She moaned. "It's not enough. Dammit, it's not enough!"
His laugh was triumphant. "Patience, love. Patience."
She buried her head against his shoulder.
He buried his finger inside her cleft, as far as he could. His thumb slowly circled her velvety pearl, pressed, then circled anew, faster and faster, gaining a tempo he knew would drive her wild.
Her hands came up, clenching and unclenching against his chest. He felt the tension strung throughout her body and knew precisely what caused it.
Knew precisely how to ease it.
"Don't fight it." The words were a low, silken whisper, yet his tone was almost gritty with self-control. "Just let it happen, darling. Just let it happen."
She couldn't stop it. He knew that pure sensation burned inside her. She writhed around his finger, her hips seeking, stark and wanton.
He knew precisely when the spasms of release seized hold. She cried aloud. Her body contracted around him, again and again. She collapsed against him, spent and satiated, his finger still deep inside her.
Aidan, however, was more aroused than he had ever been in his life. Every part of his body, every muscle, every nerve, was taut and on edge, almost to the breaking point. A crimson haze of desire scorched his insides, for though Fionna had gained release, he had not. He could barely think.
Powerful arms lifted her, catching her so that she faced him, her bare legs bracketed around his. a long arm swept around her back. "You pleased me, love. And I am glad that I pleased you so much. But the next time we are together like this, it will be a different part of me that will be inside you. The next time it will be this."
Reaching between them, he fumbled with his trousers, freeing his rigid erection, curling her fingers around his thick, swollen flesh and sealing it there with the pressure of his own. "And there will be nothing between us, sweet. No barriers of clothing. No barriers of words. Do you understand what I am saying?"
Fionna gaped at him, stunned at what he'd said. Stunned at what he was doing. She could feel that rigidly masculine part of him... good heavens, her palm was filled with that rigidly masculine part of him.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“Fionna had thought he could shock her no more.
But what he did next...
Pleasantly rough fingertips skimmed the sensitive skin behind her knees, then lifted them high. With the breadth of his shoulders, he braced her wide apart. Wide apart... and open.
She gasped, for now she was vulnerable in a way she'd never dreamed might happen.
"You said you trusted me," he reminded her, one side of his mouth curling up. "Do you trust me, Fionna?"
Fionna let out a ragged breath. Acknowledgement came in the merest rise and fall of her chin.
Yet her body jerked when he brushed his lips across the hollow of her belly.
Her heart jolted when his mouth traced a shattering path to the inside of one slender thigh.
Her every thought gave way when the journey continued. His hands slid beneath her to cradle her buttocks. With the pads of his thumbs, he parted her soft down, exposing hot, furrowed flesh. Her eyes widened, for she had gleamed his intent. Her heart was near to bursting.
With the wanton blade of his tongue he touched the center of her core, circling that aching bud of desire and tugging it into his mouth, much the same way as he had sucked her nipples. And in so doing... he proved that he was far more learned than one might ever have imagined.
And immensely more talented as well.
Time stood still as he tasted her again and again, his mouth divinely tormenting. Tasted her until she was slick from his tongue, slick with desire.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“Did she have any idea of the way she tempted him? How much she stirred him? How she tasted like rain upon dry, parched earth- God, he could still taste her! What sweet, delicious torture it was to kiss her. To taste every sleek little hollow of her mouth, every damp, tiny crevice of her tongue, and touch her nowhere but her lips.
Yet he didn't regret it. Not for an instant.
The reward was too great. Feeling her trapped against him, the sweet, hungry clinging of her lips no less than his, the surging rise of hot, innocent passion...
It was like dying and being reborn.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“One glimpse of a wide, hair-matted chest, the merest hint of a jutting arousal was all she had before he planted his hands very deliberately alongside her body. Fionna smothered a sound of disappointment. Maidenly honest be damned, she'd wanted to see for herself the part of him that-
The thought was cut abruptly short when he stretched out above her. Skin against skin. Breasts against chest. Belly to belly. There was not an inch of her body that wasn't engulfed by his. Had he not propped himself up on his elbows, his weight would have been intolerable. He kissed her again, and she sensed his struggle to keep his desire in check.
A little playfully- no, perhaps naughtily- she ran her toe up and down the knotted muscles of his calf.
Aidan lifted his head. Now he was the one who gave a hoarse laugh. "Do you toy with me, you little witch?"
The shift in her leg had also made her breathtakingly aware of the steely erection that lay thick and hard against her belly... as well as the twin fullness that lay below.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
Good God!"
Fionna half-raised an arm self-consciously. "What?" she queried. "What is it?" Anxious dismay shot through her. Had her coiffure come undone? Was she underdressed for the occasion? Overdressed? What? she wondered. What?
"A moment," was all he said. "Allow me a moment."
His eyes wandered over her, at least twice over. His regard was long and undeniably appreciative. When at length those incredibly blue eyes fused with hers, Fionna's heart gave a little leap, then began to beat with a frenzy she could not control at what she read there. Oh, bother! Whom did she fool? Why should she hide it? Everything inside her glowed. Her heart sang, and she didn't care a whit.
Lean fingers caught hers. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingertips, never breaking the hold of their eyes. "You're truly stunning," he said simply.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“I fear you'd inflict little damage, my love."
"Then I must remind you of the night we met, Aidan. The night you enlightened me as to the... vulnerable areas of a man's anatomy. My memory is quite vivid," she said sweetly. "The face, you said. The eyes, if one is able. The chest or belly or"- she emulated perfectly the swirl of his finger as he had done that night- "parts thereunder. A knee, I believe you said, was particularly effective at bringing a man down. Yes, that was it- precisely."
His grin was wiped clean. It was Fionna's turn to smile smugly.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“All I see is a man brave enough to look inside and see himself so clearly." There was the merest pause. "A man who has punished himself far too long already, a man who is still punishing himself." She shook her head. Very gently she smoothed the lines scored beside his mouth. "It's time to stop, Aidan. It's time to let yourself heal."
He moved suddenly, snaring her close and tight. "Then help me, sweet." The words were a hot, muttered plea against her lips. "Help me heal. Help me now.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“Well," he said lightly, "where shall we go?"
"I thought I was being kidnapped, sir."
"Well, you are. But you are being allowed the privilege of being asked if there's anywhere in particular you would like to go?"
Fionna's heart caught. All the way to Gleneden, she longed to cry. She remembered the night he'd first suggested he might kidnap her.
If I should kidnap you, he had said, why, we would not be seen for many days and many nights... I admit, though, I find the prospect quite fascinating. I'd take you to Gleneden, I think, where we would be far, far away from everyone... quite alone, you and I.
How long ago that seemed. Yet in truth, it had been only a few weeks.
In that uncanny way he had, he always knew her every thought. She knew it for certain when she spied the smile lurking at the corners of his mouth.
"North?" he murmured. "To Scotland?"
Fionna tried to stifle a smile and didn't succeed. Which in turn, only encouraged him.
He slid an arm around her shoulder, drawing her close. With the other he tossed her stylish little hat so that it landed precisely beside his on the other seat. That, of course, enabled him to lower his mouth to her ear, nuzzling the tiny little hollow there.
"I could take you all the way to heaven if you like," he murmured suggestively.
Fionna couldn't resist. "You already have, remember?" A finger on his cheek, she led his mouth to hers, boldly taking the lead. When he sucked in a breath, she knew she'd startled him.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“Fionna had dredged the weapon from her reticule. She clung to the grip, but the barrel was wavering.
He willed his thoughts into hers.
One shot. One shot is all you have.
But it was not to be. Colson spied Fionna holding the pistol. He wrenched it from her grasp and turned, searching for Aidan.
The pistol was in his hands, pointed at Aidan's chest. Colson threw back his head. "You can't have her, you stupid fool! She's mine!" Colson crowed.
Fionna, it appeared, had been totally dismissed.
A stupid mistake on Colson's part. Aidan was rather stunned... and wholly proud.
It all happened in an instant. Fionna seized her parasol with all the frenzy of a woman protecting her own. She whacked Colson full on in the belly the way she'd once tried to do with Aidan.
This time she succeeded.
This time with a power borne of fury and fire.
Colson grunted with pain. His eyes went wide with shock. He clutched his belly and began to slump...
Just as Fionna's knee came up.
His jaw cracked like the sound of a pistol.
There was no sweeter sound on earth. No sweeter feeling than Fionna clinging to him with all her might.
"Aidan! Aidan, I knew you would come. I knew it!"
Aidan's laugh was breathless with love and laughter. "Remind me, sweet, never to cross you when you're holding a parasol.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“She browsed many a shop for just the right gown. The dressmaker had started it for another woman, who had decided she did not want it after all. A few alterations were all it needed.
And it was exquisite, made of pale green silk that brought out tiny gold flecks in her eyes. The neckline was à la grecque, deep and off the shoulders, giving way to a deep vee that made her waist look unbelievably tiny.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“Almost before the strings of her corset were freed, his palms slid into the bodice of her gown, closing around her breasts, filling his hands with soft, overflowing flesh, for her breasts seemed to swell of their own volition. His palms rubbed tiny circles around the points of her nipples, first one way, then the other.
She'd written about this, with Raven and Rowan. She recalled moving restlessly in her chair as she'd written the scene, pressing her hands against her bosom in order to quell the sensation that gathered there.
But this was so much better than she could have ever imagined. This, then, was what he meant by touching, she realized hazily.
Tiny needlelike pinpricks centered there, in the very peaks. He tantalized. He tormented. Yet she longed for it to go on and on, for she sensed there was more. Her lips parted. She panted softly, aware that he watched his hands lift her breasts, his thumbs whisking across her nipples, then circling slowly. Yes, he watched... and she watched, and it was arousing beyond belief.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“She should have known! Beneath his polished exterior lurked the heart of a rogue. His slow-growing smile was utterly wicked. "I forget nothing, my dear Fionna. In fact, quite the opposite. I know precisely what I did, what we did. We kissed. No more. Indeed, I believe you should be aware I exercised a great deal of restraint, for it was but a hint of all I long for-”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“Like Alec, his complexion was almost swarthy. But the Indian sun had darkened Aidan's still more, so that his skin was a dark, burnished hue that made him appear almost a foreigner- particularly when combined with the beard he'd grown, the patch he'd still worn over one eye upon his return home.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady
“She opened her mouth, but his was already there. She knew what he was doing. Making her want... this. Making her want him.
And she did. God help her, she did.
On and on he kissed her, turning his mouth this way and that, his tongue twining with hers, long and deep. Then drawing back, his mouth almost flirting with hers.”
Samantha James, The Seduction Of An Unknown Lady

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