Lust & Wonder Quotes

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Lust & Wonder Lust & Wonder by Augusten Burroughs
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Lust & Wonder Quotes Showing 1-30 of 49
“I know now: what is is all that matters. Not the thing you know is meant to be, not what could be, not what should be, not what ought to be, not what once was.
Only the is.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“Was I heartbroken or furious? I didn’t know. I did know: that’s it. Our relationship could not continue like this, out of balance, unequal.
And as surely as I knew this, I knew something else: But of course it can. We can continue to live exactly as we do right now, in a heavy-lidded state of love and unspeakable compromise. Isn’t that what people do? Every day? Don’t they ache but rename it tired?
It made me wonder: Was it even fair to expect the person you’re with to be just as happy as you? Furthermore, how could you ever even know for sure? You couldn’t, was the truth of it. You could not know this.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“Awe, I discovered, was my favorite feeling. It was a rare experience, but when it happened, it was like an orgasm for the mind.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“How many of the things I fear or dread are actually things that I want?”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“How the fuck did I get here? I thought. If I was going to be completely sober for the rest of my life, if I couldn't even have one drink at the end of a long and brittle day, then the life I lived needed to be a life from which I did not seek escape.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“Normal people who weren’t raised by mentally ill goats probably took the feeling of safety for granted. They only noticed when they suddenly felt unsafe. When the hands reach up for under the bed and grab their ankles, they scream, whereas I’m like “Wait, can you scratch my knee before you kill me?”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
tags: ptsd
“The horrible thing about being sober is you lose your excuse for being so fucked up.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“You should know, I tried for many years not to be in love with you, but I failed. And I really did try very hard. But it was not possible, and it never has been, because I have actually loved you from very early in our relationship. Possibly as early as our first meeting.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“It is an awful, just sickening feeling, I discovered, to live with somebody, to exist in the midst of sharing a life, only to realize it is utterly doomed.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“The other thing is slightly out of the blue. I love you, is the thing. And I mean love love, not love you, bro. I mean, I am in love with you, and it’s an eye-color kind of love, unchangeable and bright. I know this must be somewhat shocking (appalling?) to you, because you’ve never given any indication that you felt anything but professional agent friendliness for me, but I have felt much more for so long it’s possibly caused me brain damage. Also, I am certain you love me, too. Or at least mostly certain. Or at least I hope.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“On the one hand, I was happy to have a proper diagnosis. Aside from a trust fund and a royal title, that was really the only thing I'd ever wanted in life. On the other hand, I was offended to learn that my brain was defective. Or, I suppose I should say, "differently abled."
One thing I was not was surprised. Four generations of manic depression on my mother's side of the family. Three of autism on my father's side. Drug addict uncles, a pyromaniac cousin, a couple of schizophrenics and suicides, several flesh-and-blood geniuses, and a pecan farmer. You just cannot mix those raw ingredients together and then stick them inside my mother for nine months and expect something normal to come out. It's a wonder I wasn't born with a set of horns.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“Wanting to want something isn’t the same as wanting it. I suppose what I really wanted, then, was to give more of a shit, because about certain things, I simply did not.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“I had never before considered the possibility that I might never even want a drink yet still be left with this horrible, throbbing vacancy in the center of my being, right where my mental health and contentment were supposed to be.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“As my friend Amy observed: "Divorce is like a Polaroid picture. What truly happened will develop over time and you will see.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“I thought, This is how it feels inside the right decision.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“I placed my hand against the side of his precious, electric face and felt the stubble beneath my fingers. I was overwhelmed with the lust and wonder of it all.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“If you loathe your job, the situation is improved if you can do it in your underwear. Drunk.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“he already knew how horrible I could be, yet he loved me, anyway.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“It is an awful, just sickening feeling, I discovered, to live with somebody, to exist in the midst of sharing a life, only to realize it is utterly doomed. It was botulism of the soul. I’d had such ambition for building a life together, because I wanted that strength of character and security. But I had overlooked the most important thing: he wasn’t right for me. I wasn’t right for him. Merely wanting us to be right and good together wasn’t enough.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“What you’ve written isn’t a novel. It’s a cry for help.” I”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“If you loathe your job, the situation is improved if you can do it in your underwear. Drunk. *”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“When strangers saw him cowering and shivering and skittering, they all assumed he’d had a dramatically abusive past. And by “all,” I mean every single person who saw him. Each one felt the need to make sad faces and say, “Awwww, look at how scared he is. He must be a rescue.” I quickly got to the point where I wanted to say, “Actually, no, he’s a purebred, but I beat him.” Thin”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“He was terrified (his word) of us becoming “isolated.” What alarmed me is that his idea of isolated was much closer to my concept of ideal. If we lived on a great expanse of land, Dennis would want a grand swimming pool so that we could invite all our friends over for long, leisurely weekends. Whereas I would want a moat filled with saltwater crocodiles to keep the riffraff out. *”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“Granted, many of them were indistinguishable blobs in my alcoholic smear of a social life, but I knew how the mind lulled you into a state of perilous complacency when all you had was a personality and a disassociated voice. Meeting”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“I lay back against the pillows and stared up at the ceiling. I hated myself. I thought, I am just a destructive force in the world. Look at all the bodies I leave behind me. *”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“When your psychiatrist forgets to look at the clock and is hanging on your every word, that’s when you know, out of all his patients, you are the sickest. He”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“Olives are the wishbones of the cocktail world; rarely are they freely passed along to somebody else.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“I understood that I was clearly insane. But he apparently hadn’t picked up on how many times in one short letter I asserted that I was not. This acceptance of my questionable mental health made me feel confident that we would be compatible, possibly for life. I”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“Dennis asked, “Do you enjoy jazz? Because I love it, and I know of a place downtown where we could go.” “And then we can have broken glass and arsenic for dinner!” I felt like replying, because I barely tolerated jazz when I encountered it in elevators or dental offices. But I considered that when you meet somebody who really loves something, the high-road thing to do is to try to love it, too, so I wrote back, “That sounds great!”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
“Normal people hadn’t been molested or reared by a clinically psychotic mother, an alcoholic father, or a perversely mad psychiatrist who wore a Santa hat and performed toilet bowl readings. These were normal people, and I lived among them now. I thought, This must be what I want.”
Augusten Burroughs, Lust & Wonder
tags: ptsd

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