Utopia Avenue Quotes

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Utopia Avenue Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell
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Utopia Avenue Quotes Showing 1-30 of 125
“My Dutch grandfather used to say, ‘If you don’t know what to do, do nothing for eight days.’ ” Dean asked, “Why eight?” “Less than eight is haste. More than eight is procrastination. Eight days is long enough for the world to shuffle the deck and deal you another hand.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
Art is memory made public. Time wins in the long run. Books turn to dust, negatives decay, records get worn out, civilizations burn. But as long as the art endures, a song or a view or a thought or a feeling someone once thought worth keeping is saved and stays shareable. Others can say, “I feel that too.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Songs do not change the world,’ declares Jasper. ‘People do. People pass laws, riot, hear God and act accordingly. People invent, kill, make babies, start wars.’ Jasper lights a Marlboro. ‘Which begs a question. “Who or what influences the minds of the people who change the world?” My answer is “Ideas and feelings.” Which begs a question. “Where do ideas and feelings originate?” My answer is, “Others. One’s heart and mind. The press. The arts. Stories. Last, but not least, songs.” Songs. Songs, like dandelion seeds, billowing across space and time. Who knows where they’ll land? Or what they’ll bring?’ Jasper leans into the mic and, without a wisp of self-consciousness, sings a miscellany of single lines from nine or ten songs. Dean recognises, ‘It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)’, ‘Strange Fruit’ and ‘The Trail of the Lonesome Pine’. Others, Dean can’t identify, but the hardboiled press pack look on. Nobody laughs, nobody scoffs. Cameras click. ‘Where will these song-seeds land? It’s the Parable of the Sower. Often, usually, they land on barren soil and don’t take root. But sometimes, they land in a mind that is ready. Is fertile. What happens then? Feelings and ideas happen. Joy, solace, sympathy. Assurance. Cathartic sorrow. The idea that life could be, should be, better than this. An invitation to slip into somebody else’s skin for a little while. If a song plants an idea or a feeling in a mind, it has already changed the world.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Grief is the bill of love, fallen due.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Labels. I stuck them on everything. 'Good.' 'Bad.' 'Right.' 'Wrong.' 'Square.' 'Hip.' 'Queer.' 'Normal.' 'Friend.' 'Enemy.' 'Success.' 'Failure.' They're easy to use. They save you the bother of thinking. Those labels stay stuck. They proliferate. They become a habit. Soon, they're covering everything, and everybody, up. You start thinking reality is the labels. Simple labels, written in permanent marker. The trouble is, reality's the opposite. Reality is nuanced, paradoxical, shifting. It's difficult. It's many things at once. That's why we're so crummy at it. People harp on about freedom. All the time. It's everywhere. There are riots and wars about what freedom is and who it's for. But the Queen of Freedoms is this: to be free of labels.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“If we could read the script of the future, we'd never turn the page.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“If a song plants an idea or a feeling in a mind, it has already changed the world.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“To have your photo taken is to be told, “You exist.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Writing is a forest of faint paths, of dead-ends, hidden pits, unresolved chords, words that won’t rhyme. You can be lost in there for hours. Days, even.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“But reality creeps in wherever you live, however pretty the flowers are, however blue the sky, however great the parties. The only people who actually live in dreams are people in comas.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Fuck all war. Fuck old people who start them, who send young people to die in them. Fuck the hate that war makes. And fuck people who feed that hate, even twenty years after.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Marriage is an anchor, lads. Stops you drifting onto rocks, but stops you voyaging as well.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Each square light, thinks Elf, is a life as big as mine.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“A brain constructs a model of reality. If that model isn’t too different from most people’s model, you’re labeled sane. If the model is different, you’re labeled a genius, a misfit, a visionary, or a nutcase. In extreme cases, you’re labeled a schizophrenic and locked up.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Suffering is the one promise life always keeps.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“True love is the act of trying to love. Effortless love is as dubious as effortless gardening…”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Jasper notes that Jesus's disciples were, essentially, hippies: long hair, gowns, stoner expressions, irregular employment, spiritual convictions, dubious sleeping arrangements and a guru.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“True love is the act of trying to love. Effortless love is as dubious as effortless gardening …”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Jasper notes that Jesus’s disciples were, essentially, hippies: long hair, gowns, stoner expressions, irregular employment, spiritual convictions, dubious sleeping arrangements, and a guru.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“At your age - says Mr. Hughees -, you think getting old and dying's what other people do. At my age, you think, Where did it all go? If you want to do something, do it. 'Cause your turn to be in that box, it's coming. No doctor, no diet, no nothing'll keep it away. It'll be here. Quick as - she snaps her fingers and Elf blinks - that.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“The best pop songs are art,” says Jasper. “Making art is already a political act. The artist rejects the dominant version of the world. The artist proposes a new version. A subversion. It’s there in the etymology. Tyrants are right to fear art.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“For a brief spell, we share a stage. Others are coming to kick us off. But while you're here, write yourself a good part. Act it well.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“If reason worked on alcoholics, there’d be no alcoholics.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Once I knew a stable-boy,” says Francis Bacon. “He used to say, ‘Grief is the bill of love, fallen due.’ I can’t recall his face or even name, but I remember that line. Isn’t it odd, what sticks?”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“The mystery o’ fishing’s this,’ said Dean’s dad, ‘what’s the hook, who’s got the rod, what’s the maggot, what’s the fish?’ ‘Why’s that a mystery, Dad?’ ‘Yer’ll understand when yer older.’ ‘But ain’t it obvious what’s what?’ ‘It changes, son. In a heartbeat.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Good for you. The word ‘faster’ is becoming a synonym of ‘better.’ As if the goal of human evolution is to be a sentient bullet.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Small talk, thinks Elf, is Polyfilla you fill cracks with so you don’t have to watch them widening.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“He wondered if identity is drawn not in indelible ink, but by a light 5H pencil.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“I asked if I could ever learn to play like that. "No," he told me, "because" -I'll always remember this- "you haven't lived my life and the blues is a language you can't lie in." But if I wanted enough, he said, then one day I'd learn to play like me.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue
“Utopia" means "no place". An avenue is a place. So is music. When we're playing well, I'm here, but elsewhere, too. That's the paradox. Utopia is unattainble. Avenues are everywhere.”
David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue

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