We cover different grades
Our classes are categorized by grades to ensure every student learns what is appropriate to their level.

Thank you for your interest In GOOD SHEPHERD ACADEMY website. Know about our vision, mission and beliefs. Welcome to Good Shepherd Academy. Nursery, Primary and Secondary School. We are a Government Approved Anglican Mission School dedicated to providing an outstanding education for the children using the latest 21st-century teaching method and learning techniques for our learners. Join us today and give your child/ward an excellent learning experience
- We believe every child is intelligent so we care.
- Teachers make a difference of your child.
Why choose Our School
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About Good Shepherd Academy
GOOD SHEPHERD NURSERY, PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL operates with the new system of education in Nigeria as directed by relevant Government agencies. Hence the school offers all the relevant subjects based on the new curriculum of the federal Ministry of Education.
We believe that education should connect you to the world around you, providing context and insight into today's most pressing issues. Drawing from the 21st Century most innovative and effective educational models, the ''Change Maker-Curriculum'' combines high academic standards with interdisciplinary, project-based learning, so your environment informs your studies and your studies give meaning to your environment. Through development in three key areas of learning, the ''Change-Maker Curriculum'' builds informed, intelligent global citizens who are empowered to enact real and lasting change.
Students are assigned to one teacher as their main advisor, but all THINK teachers provide individualized academic support as well as the general supervision and mentoring necessary to smooth the occasional turbulence that accompanies adolescence and world education.
We provide nutritious food for our students so they can perform their best in the classroom. Dining with teachers and classmates creates the convivial social atmosphere of a home away from home. We also believe cuisine is an integral part of learning and understanding a culture. Students are exposed to a variety of food experiences during their time in each city, and periodically take cooking lessons that give them a chance to experiment hands-on with local ingredients and flavors.
Our Best Teachers
With the help of teachers and the environment as the third teacher, students
have opportunities to confidently take risks.
Parents Says
With the help of teachers and the environment as the third teacher, students have
opportunities to confidently take risks.

They have impacted positively on the children, given them a sense of direction, and hastened their graces and gifts. Academically, morally and spiritually, my children are sound. The school has inculcated in them Christ-like virtues and Godly character

Catherine Grace

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Good Shepherd Academy believes that good questions drive good answers. Whether it's an enquiry
the world around us or a challenge.