Organize Your Time to Complete the Application

Scope Note

Consider creating two timelines: one for your planned project, another for the application writing and preparation process. Allow plenty of time to draft the application, reread, and revise. Finalize your application well before your organization’s internal deadline.

At this point, your application planning stage is nearly complete. You have identified an opportunity that fits your project idea, got advice from your organization and NIH staff, and you know who will help along the way.

We recommend that you create two detailed timelines to spell out how and when everything should be accomplished.

  • Plan a scientific timeline of your project:
    • Make sure your research goals can be accomplished within the proposed time and resources.
    • Build in extra time to deal with any unforeseen circumstances, such as equipment or personnel issues.
    • If necessary, schedule time to get adequate preliminary data.
  • Plan your writing timeline to draft the application, reread, revise, and finalize well before your organization’s internal deadline:
    • Be realistic about the time it can take to write, revise, incorporate feedback, and get your parts of the application to your Office of Sponsored Research on time.
    • If you will collaborate with other investigators to create the application, allow extra time for their steps. You may need additional revisions for a consistent tone.
    • Consider incorporating enough time to have someone who is not familiar with your science read the application and provide feedback, keeping the review criteria in mind. Some institutions and investigators even convene their own internal review panel so they can incorporate that feedback before submitting the application. 
    • We strongly recommend that you plan to submit your application to NIH at least a few days before the deadline.

With your plans in place, you are ready for the next step: Write Application.


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      This page last updated on: September 4, 2024
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