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Unanswered Questions

3,782 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
15 votes
3 answers

Where did the early graphic design theory in Asia originate from?

As a North American designer, most of the graphic design theory I've encountered can be traced back to the Bauhaus in Germany. I've also read there was a less famous Russian equivalent to the Bauhaus ...
10 votes
0 answers

Add Git log as table to InDesign Document

I use InDesign CC as the last step in document processing. The source is written in Markdown and converted via pandoc to an InCopy document which gets linked to a text frame in InDesign. The whole ...
10 votes
0 answers

Inconsistent kernings shown in metrics view in FontForge

I am working to modify an existing font (Sacramento, under SIL OFL license), and wish to adjust kernings after having made a few stylistic changes. I thought I had found the proper way to do it (...
8 votes
0 answers

Isolated > medial substitutions in FontForge

I've been working on a font for a fictional language (Ta'agra from Skyrim) and I'm having issues getting the substitutions to work. It's supposed to be written similarly to Arabic where each letter ...
8 votes
0 answers

How do I make sure the unicode box drawing characters work properly in my font?

Unicode has a set of characters for drawing simple graphics. Here is an example from Wikipedia: ┌─┬┐ ╔═╦╗ ╓─╥╖ ╒═╤╕ │ ││ ║ ║║ ║ ║║ │ ││ ├─┼┤ ╠═╬╣ ╟─╫╢ ╞═╪╡ └─┴┘ ╚═╩╝ ╙─╨╜ ╘═╧╛ There there ...
7 votes
2 answers

Ending a Photoshop script when no layers are selected

I've been working with a function I found on stackoverflow here that works as far as I can tell by grouping the layers, dumping layer names into an array then ungrouping them. function ...
7 votes
3 answers

Critique request: Vtuber logo

Was searching for a site/forum where I can get some design critique about a logo I am creating for my brand, for the vtubing industry, and found this forum by chance! :D I am not a professional ...
6 votes
2 answers

Indication at page bottom that a poem's stanza breaks or does not break?

When a poem written in stanzas carries over on to more than one page, it is common when submitting it to a publisher to type "[stanza break]" or "[no stanza break]" where necessary,...
6 votes
1 answer

Font with its name displayed in different font

When looking in Microsoft Word, some fonts, such as Wingdings, are shown in the dropdown using a different font for the font's name, so that you can actually read it. I have designed a font, but its ...
6 votes
3 answers

Why are images with proPhotoRGB profile not displaying colours in inDesign correctly

I have been experimenting with exporting images from Lightroom 6 using a variety of rgb and cmyk profiles as both jpegs and tif (8bit and 16 bit). The images all look much the same on Windows Explorer ...
6 votes
2 answers

Does Ink Manager use official Pantone recommended values?

I was wondering if anyone knows if you use the Ink Manager to convert Pantone Spot Colors to CMYK in InDesign is the outcome an official Pantone recommended value?
5 votes
1 answer

How do I make the letters seem as a part of the entire type set?

Tldr; Help me identify elements/qualities in "I" that makes it seem belonged to this set Greetings I am a design enthusiast, and to understand typefaces, I started 36 days of type. ...
5 votes
2 answers

"Pitch" when we talk about /computer/ monospaced fonts

Pitch is the number of (monospaced) letters, numbers and spaces in one inch (25.4 mm) of running text, that is, characters per inch (abbreviated cpi). The pitch was most often used as a measurement of ...
5 votes
0 answers

Soft proofing grayscale images in Photoshop

When printing a grayscale image it's treated exactly like the black channel of a color image. So in order to get a correct preview of how it will look on print it must be soft proofed with the CMYK ...
5 votes
0 answers

How to batch convert multiple Inkscape SVG to plain svg and converts all objects/layers to paths?

I'm making some illustrations for a dissertation in Inkscape and I like this software. However, when inserting those illustrations to Word files, there appear some weird artifacts like: disappeared ...

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