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I got advice from all that is
It wasn't what I expected
Make less plans
Have way more fun
Be super clear 'bout what you want
Just create
Don't hesitate
Dream so much bigger than the sun
Dream so much bigger than the sun

There are infinite paths
There's really not just one right one
Don't be afraid to change course
Shift direction or take a detour

I thought I knew what steps to take
But then I questioned everything
Goodbye to plans
It's time for fun
I know exactly what I want
I'll make and make
I won't hesitate
These dreams are growing, flowing on
These dreams are growing, flowing on

There are infinite paths
There's really not just one right one
Don't be afraid to change course
Shift direction or take a detour
It's not too late to get lost
Stumble round and round or deviate
Remember you are free, so
Explore exactly what makes your soul sing 

There's possibility right here
I just feel it, yeah I feel it, deep inside
Here's to surrendering in uncertainty
And trusting in the mystery
This road is wild and winding
And I am here for it all, all, all

There are infinite paths
There's really not just one right one
Don't be afraid to change course
Shift direction or take a detour
It's not too late to get lost
Stumble round and round or deviate
Remember you are free, so
Explore exactly what makes your soul sing
Explore exactly what makes your soul sing


released December 25, 2020


all rights reserved



Green as the Soul Michigan

Singer, Songwriter, Mystic, Musician

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