Contact Us

Thanks for your interest in contacting the Queensland Greens.

Your location or the topic of your correspondence may determine who is best for you to contact. If you live in an electorate with a Greens MP in the state parliament or in the House of Representatives at a Federal level, please contact their office first and foremost. Find your state electorate

If you do not live in an electorate with a Greens MP, please direct your correspondence to the most suitable Senator or the portfolio holder who covers the topic of your correspondence.

Our Federal Representatives

Larissa Waters, Senator for Queensland

Portfolios: Women, Democracy
Email: [email protected]

Level 2, 251 Given Terrace, Paddington 4064
(entrance off Great George St)
Ph: (07) 3367 0566
Fax: (07) 3367 0577

Postal address
Locked Bag 3004, Paddington QLD 4064

Penny Allman-Payne, Senator for Queensland

Portfolios: Education: Primary & Secondary, Transition & Regional Development, Social Services, Government Services, Aged Care, Sport
Email: [email protected]

20-22 Herbert Street, Gladstone Central, 4680
Ph: (07) 4972 0380
Local Call Rate: 1300 301 907

Postal address
PO Box 5304, Gladstone Central QLD 4680

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Elizabeth Watson-Brown, MP for Ryan

Portfolios: Transport, Sustainable Cities, Infrastructure
Email: [email protected]

188 Moggill Road, Taringa 4068
Ph: (07) 3378 1599

Postal address
PO Box 704, Indooroopilly Centre QLD 4068

Facebook | TwitterInstagram

Stephen Bates, MP for Brisbane

Portfolios: Youth, LGBTIQA+
Email: [email protected]

349 Sandgate Road, Albion 4010
Ph: (07) 3862 4044

Postal address
PO Box 143, Albion DC QLD 4010

Facebook | TwitterInstagram

Max Chandler-Mather, MP for Griffith

Portfolios: Housing, Homelessness
Email: [email protected]

Unit 14, 76 Old Cleveland Road, Greenslopes 4120
Ph: (07) 3397 1674

Postal address
PO Box 737, Coorparoo QLD 4151

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Our State Representative

Michael Berkman, MP for Maiwar

Email: [email protected]

1/49 Station Road, Indooroopilly QLD 4068
Ph: (07) 3737 4100
Fax: (07) 3737 4109


Our Local Government Representatives

Trina Massey, Councillor for the Gabba Ward

Email: [email protected]

2/63 Annerley Road, Woolloongabba 4102
(entrance off Crown St)
Ph: (07) 3403 2165

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Seal Chong Wah, Councillor for the Paddington Ward

Email: [email protected]

44 Latrobe Terrace, Paddington 4064
Ph: (07) 3403 2520

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Other Contacts

Queensland Greens

For memberships, donations and party administration.
Email: [email protected]

PO Box 2335
Milton Qld 4064
Ph: (07) 3357 8458

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Australian Greens

Email: [email protected]

GPO Box 1108
Canberra ACT 2601
Ph: (02) 6140 3217
Freecall: 1 800 017 011
Fax: (02) 6247 6455
Senators and MPs in other states

International Greens