Happy 100th Birthday: Living a whole century is a different kind of high that only a few of the luckiest individuals can manage to experience. Turning 100 means you have seen your children’s weddings, probably your grand kid’s weddings too, and are completely free from all the responsibilities. For any individual, celebrating the 100th birthday is the profoundest milestone because surviving after 100 becomes super daunting. A person with 100 years in his/her kitty is no less than a priceless asset because of the accumulation of gargantuan life experiences and timeless wisdom. To pay deep reverence to your grandparents or parents, here are the top happy 100th birthday wishes and quotes that will celebrate the centennial milestone in a special way.
Happy 100th Birthday Wishes
Living 100 years is no less than winning a football world cup or becoming the president of some country. Hey grandpa, it must feel good to experience everything, see everything, and hit the milestone of 100th birthday when most of your peers have already departed. Happy 100th birthday to my incredible father!
Dear grandmother, celebrating the 100th birthday is one of the most jaw-dropping and incredible milestones that only a few lucky individuals can achieve. You are one of them, and you should be utterly proud of that. Wishing a cheerful 100th birthday to my dazzling grandmother!

For most people, living 100 years is nothing more than a dream because they want to experience and savor every aspect of life. For you, it has become a reality as you are the most experienced and respected in our family. Happiest 100th birthday to my sagacious father.
Today, the whole family is going to celebrate the most pivotal event of the year – the 100th birthday of my lovely grandfather. May you love 100 more years so that we can nurture and thrive under your shadow. Wishing you a happy 100th birthday, grandfather. God bless you with impeccable health till your last breath.
I am still flabbergasted by the fact that despite being 100 years old, neither you have any physical problem nor you are suffering from any serious mental condition. I thank god every single day for keeping you in great health and a frisky state of mind. Wishing a wonderful 100th birthday to my awesome father!
Dear mother, on your 100th birthday, I wish nothing but absolutely fine health for you till the end. May you keep intriguing us with your life stories and keep entertaining us with your quirky laughter and jokes. Happy 100th birthday to the loveliest mother!
Hey grandpa, I am 20 and you have just turned 100 which simply means you are 80 decades more experienced, sagacious, and crankier than me. May you keep showering your unconditional love and oceanic knowledge as long as you are alive. God bless you with 100 more years of vivacious life. Happy 100th birthday!
May your 100th birthday be filled with the laughter of your lovely kids, nephews, nieces, and your favorite dishes that you cannot eat anymore because of the absence of teeth. You are truly a special human being in every sense. Happy 100th birthday to the cutest grandmother ever!
On your scintillating 100th birthday, you deserve nothing less than 100 hugs and kisses from all your chirpy and chubby grandkids. You have gone through a lot in life. Now is your time to relish every single moment remaining in your life. Happy 100th birthday wishes!
Mighty congratulations to my forever glowing mother for hitting the 100th birthday in a stylish manner. You are the most graceful, elegant, and intellectual 100 years old I have ever seen. May God bless you with more liveliness and age so that you can fulfill your unfulfilled wishes.
Also see: Birthday Wishes for Father
Funny 100th Birthday Wishes
Hey grandpa, you are 100 finally yet your zestfulness to flirt with girls and play manly games has never dwindled a bit. I suggest you to control your urges or else someone may file a course of harassment against you. Have a jovial 100th birthday celebration, my awesome grandfather!

Dear mother, may your 100th birthday be filled with a lot of gossips and spicy dishes because those are the only two things you have ever loved. Have a cranky and absolutely unforgettable 100th birthday celebration!
As they say; the older you become, the wiser you get. However, in your case, everything is totally upside down. The older you got, the crankier and mischievous you become. Happy 100th birthday to my super crazy grandmother!
Hey father, you are not the victim of old age and weakness. You are a victim of a sweet tooth, drinking, and smoking which is not at all good for someone who has just crossed their 100th birthday. May God bless you with conscience and sensibility so that you can live for a few more years. Happy 100th birthday!
My lovely grandmother, the 100th birthday celebration is surely not the right time to wear mini skirts and silhouettes. I mean nobody would like to see your wrinkles and chicken legs. Happy 100th birthday, grandmother. May God bless you with everlasting youth so that you can fulfill your girly dreams. Happy 100th birthday.
Also see: Birthday Wishes for Grandfather
100th Birthday Grandma Wishes
Oh my God, my dearest grandma you have turned hundred. It feels like so like something magical. I wish may smile live on your face forever and still in your hundredth year you are looking beautiful! Happy 100th birthday!

Look on your face my cutest fairest grandma, how rainbow like colorful you are looking. You are an extremely beautiful lady. I pray may you live more hundred years. Happy 100th birthday grandma!
Even though it is your hundredth birthday grandma yet I want you live thousand years more. Wishing you happy birthday and this 100 wonderful year to you!
Seeing you still I am really lucky and fortunate that my grandmother is still with me. May no evil eye touch you! and I pray you live healthy. Wishing you 100th birthday grandmother!
None and nothing is special for me than you grandmother. You have raised me well when my parents had departed earliest. So many thanks to you and I want you live forever with me. Wishing you happiest 100th birthday grandma!
Also see: Birthday Wishes for Grandmother
100th Birthday in Heaven Dad
In the middle of my age you have left me dad and I didn’t know and understand how to face this world and life. Yet you have always guided me soulfully and always there for me. Wishing you happy 100th birthday in heaven!

A father is always a father and none like him could be and take his place. For my whole life I have missed you dad knowing you not being there. Wishing you happy 100th birthday dad in heaven!
I know heaven is a beautiful place, a paradise but I don’t know so earliest you would have gone dad. I still question myself why? With all your memories I every year celebrate your birthday hoping you would be seeing from above heaven place. Wishing you happy 100th birthday dad!
No one lasts longer in this life. Everyone has to go one day but from my life you went so early dad. At least some years you should have stayed with me. Every day seeing the stars I miss you. Wishing you happy 100th birthday dad in heaven!
Before you went to this heaven place you have taught me everything and for this I thank you so much. I wanted to do everything for you but you left me early in mother’s hands. Every year with your photo I celebrate your birthday. Wishing happy 100th birthday dad!
Also see: Happy Birthday DAD in Heaven
100th Birthday in Heaven Mom
Without mom what this world is and what this life is!? A child without mother is like without water in desert. Every second mom I miss you and still today. Wishing you happy 100th birthday in heaven!

When you come next time in my life I pray you would stay with me forever. I know you have sent your angels to me to guard me. Your love is forever there for me. Wishing you happy 100th birthday my loveliest mom in heaven!
The dreams that you have seen for me mom I will accomplish them all. I know you are watching over me. Wishing you happy 100th birthday mom in heaven!
Today I have everything in my life but not you mother. This lack could never ever be fulfilled. Every year I celebrate your birthday feeding thousand abandoned women. I love you mom. Happiest 100th birthday to you in heaven!
With all my heart I wish you 100th birthday to you mother in heaven! Your touch and sleeping in your lap I still remember. So many hugs sending to you in heaven!
Also see: Happy Birthday Mom In Heaven