I'm starting a movement and I need your help!
Are you ready to clean up your act? I am. This is the year I'm finally opening my eyes to the truth about what's really in our products we use every day.
Since this is going to be a new journey for me, I thought it would be fun to take you along with me and get everyone involved! Why? Because as we all start cleaning up our act together, we can share the products we love and why! We all want to be safe, but we also want products that are going to perform. We can help one another find cleaner, safer products that work the way we need them to. Join this movement with me!
Now, before we go any further, I want to point one thing out. I don't want you going down the rabbit hole on this! Don't let it consume you. The point is to just do better. We cannot be perfect and I'm not asking you to be. Let's just be aware and when we can choose a safer product....make the switch! ...Okay, now we can move on.
Here's what we can do to help each other...
- Download the Skin Deep App to start checking your products like make up, skin care, lotions, toothpaste, deodorant, and shampoo to see how they score. Let's aim for products that have a "low" hazard score of 1 or 2. What this means is it has a low hazard for health concerns like Cancer, Developmental/Reprotoxicity, and Allergies. Get your kids involved and make it fun! Decide where you need to make improvements. You don't need to do it all at once, the key is to start paying closer attention to your products and what's really in them.
- Start switching out your current products that score a "moderate" to "high" hazard score (unsafe) to new products that ARE safe. If you find a product with a low score that you love...and works well...I want to hear from you so we can all know about it! Share your switch by posting it on Instagram or social media of your choice with the hashtag #safeproductmovement so others can search and see all the safer products that people have already tried out and love! This will be a great way to get recommendations! Let's say someone is looking for a new safer sunscreen for their family.... they can search the hashtag to find one that maybe someone has already tried and loves! I will also have a Pinterest Board called Safe Product Movement where I will share mine and yours!
- Spread the word! Tell everyone you know you have joined the Safe Product Movement! Share this post with them to show them how it works. First, it will help more people get safer products into their homes. Second, it will help more people find high performing safe products because more people will be sharing their "switches"!
Decide for yourself how quickly you want to make "switches". Maybe you're the kind of person who will throw out all of the unsafe products at once. Maybe you plan to make one healthy switch per week. Not all products are in the EWG Skin Deep Database, but as we search products it tells them what products are being scanned and searched...so they are adding new info all the time to their database. Just do the best you can. Use your common sense and if you're unsure, call the company or do some online research about the brand.
One ingredient I want to mention is "Fragrance". This is an ingredient to AVOID. There can be dozens to hundreds of chemicals legally hidden in this word that are linked to birth defects, breast cancer, diabetes, obesity, autism, and ADHD. Any chemical that a manufacturer doesn't want to disclose, they can just hide it under that one dangerous word... "Fragrance". Pretty messed up, huh? Instead look for "frangrance-free" or essential oils are okay.
I'm calling this a "Movement" because things need to change in this country. There are 1400 toxic ingredients that have been banned from products in Europe. There have only been ELEVEN ingredients that have been banned from products in the U.S. The last time Congress passed a law regulating the cosmetics industry was 1938. Not okay. It's up to us to make a change in our homes, for our families. If you're looking for a skin care and cosmetic line that is known to be safe, read my page here about why I chose this one. I love that by choosing products from this company, I don't even have to spend time checking...I know it's safe. Time saver;)
I'm SO excited to start seeing your "switches"!! Like I said, I need your help so please get involved and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! I've already made skin care switches, toothpaste switch and counter spray switch. I'll post them soon! Share your switches and share this message! Thanks everyone, let's make a difference!
These are the kinds of things you'll see me posting on social media...
As you can see in the EWG Skin Deep app, the score on the Colgate just isn't okay with me anymore. I've been putting ingredients that only "moderately" cause cancer directly onto my gums twice a day? That's going right into our bloodstream! Not okay. Make a "switch" to a safer product for your family. I feel so much better now every time I brush now that I've switched. Toothpaste may be something you may not remember to switch, so check yours!
Now, I've heard that Colgate actually owns Tom's now....I heard that from some of you after posting this on Instagram. I want you to know that that's not the part that concerns me. All I'm focusing on is making better choices, safer choices.