Description (en)
More and more information that is considered for digital
long-term preservation is generated by Web 2.0 applications
like wikis, blogs or social networking tools. However,
there is little support for the preservation of these data today.
Currently they are preserved like regular Web sites
without taking the flexible, lightweight and mostly graphbased
data models of the underlying Web 2.0 applications
into consideration. By this, valuable information about the
relations within these data and about links to other data is
lost. Furthermore, information about the internal structure
of the data, e.g., expressed by wiki markup languages is
not preserved entirely.
We argue that this currently neglected information is
of high value in a long-term preservation strategy of Web
2.0 data and describe our approach for the preservation
of wiki contents that is based on Semantic Web technologies.
In particular we describe the distributed architecture
of our wiki preservation prototype (Urobe) which implements
a migration strategy for wiki contents and is based
on Semantic Web and Linked Data principles. Further,
we present a first vocabulary for the description of wiki
core elements derived from a combination of established
vocabularies/standards from the Semantic Web and digital
preservation domains, namely Dublin Core, SIOC, VoiD