To get in touch regarding brand partnerships, media trips, sponsored posts or hotel stays, or full media kit please email [email protected]

Press + Media Trips
Sponsored Social Media Posts
Sponsored Blog Posts
Hosted trips
Content Creation
Photo and Media Rights
Editorial Opportunities
Event Coverage
Guest Posts
Live Speaking
Social media and blog consultations
…. and many more! Don't see what you're looking for? Contact me: [email protected]
To get in touch regarding event design, please fill out the form on the contact page. You can find previous events here, as well as on the press page.
Check out my press featured work here.
Some of the brands I've Worked with…
Collaborate with Helene in Between
You want to grow your blog or website, get more page views, have more readers or followers, and get noticed? You've come to the right place. Here you'll find options for advertising or sponsoring on my site. You can also view my stats.
My blog began as a hobby and morphed into a business. Those who advertised with my blog have grown along with me, reporting increased traffic, followers, more overall exposure, and some have boosted their sales. Check out my options and review testimonials below:
Some fun facts:
Over 3 Million pageviews a year.
I've been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, People Magazine, House Hunters International, international and national TV, radio, and news.
I taught a workshop for the company Brit + Co on Phone Photography and Instagram Growth!
Feel free to contact me: [email protected] Check out my full service blogging resources, geared to help you grow. Right here.
If you represent a business, travel destination, adventure or cultural experience, musical act, festival or community event and are looking for press or media coverage, please email me with the subject line “Press” at [email protected] Click here for a list of events I've covered.
If you would like me to review your product (beauty, food or spirits, health, lifestyle, travel, tech gadget, etc.), sponsor your giveaway or discuss a great deal, please email me: [email protected] I promote all of my blog posts through social media, resulting in increased opportunities for views!