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Figma Slides
Crea, presenta y comparte hermosas presentaciones con Figma Slides
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Intro to Figma Slides
Get ready to enter the next level of storytelling with Figma Slides! Figma Slides helps you and your team co-create stunning presentations that bring your audience into the conversation. With advanced editing tools and built-in interactivity, Figma Slides makes it easy to design and co-create presentations.
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Config 2024: Figma product launch keynote
CEO Dylan Field takes the stage to walk through how we’re rethinking product development from the ground up and new methods to help you make great work.
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Intro to Design Systems
Design systems are a hot topic these days, but what are they? And why do you need one? In this video, we'll explore the basics of design systems and how they can help you and your team.
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Figma for Edu: Introduction to Figma Design (in UI3)
This video is for those just getting started with the Figma Design looking to familiarize themselves with some of the basic design tooling and features. We cover concepts from shapes, vector graphics, to typography, resizing, basic Auto layout to and apply the concepts in building a simple user interface card. This video was recorded while demonstrating the redesigned Figma UI3 interface.
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Figma for UX Writers
Figma is a great tool for UX writers to learn but sometimes it's hard to know where to start. In this video, we'll walk through the basics of navigating in Figma, working with text, and collaborating with others.
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Figma for Edu: Using FigJam and Figma together
Figma and FigJam are great tools that go together like peanut butter and fig jam! In this workshop, we will cover some ways to go from the whiteboard to design tools and back. We will discuss how to create and publish your own stickers to FigJam, how to design elements in Figma for use in whiteboard templates, and much more!
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Guías que te ayudarán a familiarizarte rápidamente con Figma y FigJam para que puedas comenzar a colaborar con tu equipo y desarrollar mejores productos.
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Level up with a video course
Introduction to design systems
Learn everything you need to know from system foundations, component creation, naming conventions, and documentation in this fun, comprehensive course.
Start the courseFigma for beginners
New to Figma? This course covers everything you need to know to start bringing your ideas to life in Figma design. Designed for everyone, no matter your skill or experience.
Start the courseBuild your first plugin
Plugins help extend the functionality of Figma. No coding experience? No problem. Learn to leverage Figma’s API to make your first plugin.
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