Von Nebula

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"The world will tremble when I have my revenge!"
― Von Nebula, Hero Factory Promotional Magazine

Parent Page: Characters

Von Nebula
Hero 1.0
Hero Team Alpha 1 Team (formerly)
Weapons Gravity weapon[SM2]
Status Rebuilt

Von Nebula, formerly known as Von Ness, is a rogue Hero-turned-villain. He was once a rookie member of the Alpha 1 Team, but defected during a mission, and eventually became a reputed crime lord.


Von Ness

Von Ness (unknown first name) was created in the Hero Factory. He was formerly a rookie Hero who joined his four fellow Heroes, Dunkan Bulk, Jimi Stringer, Preston Stormer, and Thresher, to form the Alpha 1 Team, the first ever Hero Factory team and which was led by Thresher. There was one mission where Von Ness and Stormer exposed at least one plan''Italic textetary government's rampant corruption and secret deals with criminals, shutting it down.

Thresher sent Von Ness and Bulk to do a mission where they had to guard and escort a freight convoy. The two Heroes completed the mission when the freight convoy reached its destination without incident, and the shipmasters made sure everyone knew that the Hero Factory was providing security and scared off the local pirates. After the Heroes returned from the mission, they saw how Stormer and Stringer returned with an industrial robot who claimed to be a Hero. However, XT4 was later revealed to be a villain working for Black Phantom. XT4 escaped and stunned all the Heroes including Von Ness. The robot was tracked to Asteroid J-54, and the Heroes arrived in order to stop him. Bulk and Von Ness entered the prison, and confronted XT4, who was escaping with Toxic Reapa and Voltix. XT4 then released all the villains from the prison, and while Bulk held them off, Von Ness went to the top of the prison. Von Ness witnessed Stringer and Stormer's apparent death in mid-air, though the two Heroes actually survived without him noticing. Then, he was approached by the escaping criminals on the top of the prison, and he realized that he would die if he challenged them because he was outnumbered by them. Voltix convinced Von Ness to let him and the others pass. Von Ness did what Voltix said. After Bulk finished defeating the other escapees and then rejoined Von Ness, Von Ness lied to him by saying that he never saw XT4, Voltix, or Toxic Reapa. Bulk and Von Ness tried to go after the three villains, but Toxic Reapa destroyed their Drop Ship to make it unable to fly, making the two Heroes stranded on the asteroid, making them feel hopeless. Von Ness and Bulk were recovered by Thresher who arrived after a mission to planet Mechna. Von Ness and the other four Heroes were later informed by Thresher and Nathaniel Zib about the XT4 being one of Makuro Industries' XT4 robots, the disastrous results of the Heroes' failure to XT4, Voltix, and Toxic Reapa from fleeing, and Hero Factory closing down. Von Ness, Stringer, and Bulk took up Akiyama Makuro's offer of having them be security guards in various Makuro Industries plants. Right before the Heroes went to a Makuhero freighter to go to their new jobs, Stormer gave them ring-shaped devices called Hero Factory signalers just in case he needs their help. Von Ness, Bulk, and Stringer used the freighter to leave the Hero Factory building. Shortly after, Stormer signaled for help. Despite Von Ness feeling skeptical about it, the three Heroes arrived back at the Hero Factory where they saw the Legion of Darkness attempting to take over it. Von Ness defeated XT4 by increasing the gravity under him, starting to make up for his mistake on Asteroid J-54. He and the other three Heroes chased Black Phantom into the Assembly Tower. Von Ness helped Thresher free himself from the Legion by lowering his leader's gravity. He then raised Speeda Demon's to slow him down to prevent him from escaping. After the battle, all the villains were easily captured. Von Ness, Bulk, and Stringer were scheduled to use another freighter to go to their security guard jobs, but Zib announced to the Alpha 1 Team that Hero Factory would become active again, despite Von Ness not being excited about it. Von Ness stayed in the Hero Factory again instead. The Alpha 1 Team became aware of Von Ness' mistake on the asteroid.[SM2]

Von Ness left with an injured Thresher

The team was once sent on mission where they were called to New Stellac City in order to investigate a routine burglary alarm. Instead, they encountered a gigantic robot. Stormer and Thresher shot at the drone to draw its attention. Thresher told the rookies to go to the Drop Ship in order to protect them from the drone while Thresher fought the drone alone.[Episode 2] After the drone knocked out Thresher, Stormer and Von Ness argued about how to handle the situation, but Stormer told Von Ness to guard Thresher while Stormer would draw the drone away from them. However, Von Ness instead retreated to their Drop Ship, and attempted to flee in it. Stormer tried to stop him, but Von Ness tried to pushed him away, trying to avoid getting himself killed. However, Stormer grabbed on the edge of the Drop Ship. He used this as an opportunity to disable the drone.[Episode 4][C4] Stormer tried to track down Von Ness, Von Ness scrambled his signal in his built-in tracking chip, stopping Stormer.[Episode 3] Because of Stormer's success in defeating the drone, Von Ness blamed Stormer for his own failure, grew bitter about Hero Factory, and went rogue. He eventually rebuilt himself into the tall criminal, Von Nebula. He vowed revenge on Stormer and the Hero Factory.[HFPM]

Von Nebula

Von Nebula established a lair, which is on a barren place with several dark structures, in a dark building, for himself.[C2][C3] He had a weapon called the Black Hole Orb Staff and used it to create a giant black hole, which he used as a base of operations.[Episode 3][Episode 4][C4] Von Nebula recruited an assortment of villains to his criminal empire, who are XPlode, Rotor, Meltdown, Corroder, Thunder, and Vapor. Using his criminal associates, Von Nebula enacted a plan to get revenge on Stormer and the Hero Factory.

At one time, Von Nebula was recently chased by a Hero, but he escaped from this Hero.[Black Hole Orb Staff] At one time, Von Nebula smashed an inhabited house, making the house's dweller call the Hero Factory to stop him, but he got away as well. Later, at one time, Von Nebula, XPlode, Rotor, Meltdown, Corroder, and Thunder stole Palamino Diamonds from the Deltari Quadrant.(Hero Factory FM)

At one time, he created a device that could drain energy from Heroes' Hero Cores in order to set a trap for Heroes. He assigned XPlode and Rotor to go to the sixth planet of the Taygeta system to hide the device in order to set the trap. Von Nebula also told the villains to lure Heroes to the planet. When Stringer and Bulk arrived at the planet to arrest XPlode and Rotor, Von Nebula jammed radio communications around the planet to prevent the Heroes from calling Hero Factory for backup. The plan failed when Rotor unintetionally revealed the device to the Heroes, allowing them to break the device and arrest the villains. After the Heroes imprisoned the villains in a prison, Von Nebula sent Thunder to break XPlode and Rotor out.(Galaxy's Most Wanted - Evil to the Core)

As part of the first phase of his plan, Von Nebula instructed XPlode and Rotor to steal explosives, though Rotor was eventually apprehended.[C1][Episode 1] He next directed Corroder to attack a prison construction site on Tantalus 5. Corroder was eventually repelled as well[Episode 2] while Von Nebula knew that William Furno tricked Corroder into thinking that he is bringing more Heroes to fight Corroder. Corroder returned to Von Nebula in his lair, reported him on the battle, and told him that he could not handle ten heroes in the battle. However, Von Nebula corrected him that Furno tricked him. Von Nebula then immediately directed Meltdown to infect Stormer with nanobots.[C2] Meltdown was successful in his mission, and evaded capture. However, Stormer was eventually cured before causing too much damage. Von Nebula became aware of Drax and Stormer having been cured from the nanobots.[Episode 3][C3]

Von Nebula organized Thunder, Corroder, XPlode, and Meltdown and told them to go to New Stellac City in order to draw the Alpha 1 Team out. He first gave Thunder a Nebula Gas Cannon, which shoots nebula gases. He launched a meteor at the city's plaza to get the Alpha 1 Team's attention. He then sent Thunder and Corroder to the city to fight Stormer, Stringer, and Bulk. When Furno, Mark Surge, and Natalie Breez arrived at the city, Von Nebula sent XPlode and Meltdown there to help Thunder and Corroder fight the six Heroes. Von Nebula later arrived at the city with his black hole base. He used the black hole to steal the Heroes' weapons and gadgets, though he did not steal the Heroes' Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings and Particle Separators because he did not notice them. Von Nebula then revealed himself, speaking to the Heroes from his black hole. He said that he is no longer Von Ness and is now Von Nebula. Stormer let himself get sucked into the black hole to face him, and Furno followed. Von Nebula explained his plan to use their Hero Cores' energy to enhance his black hole. He then vanished into the black hole base's walls, monitoring the heroes with his staff and waiting for them to lose their grip on the black hole and fall into the black hole's vortex. When the two Heroes came up with a plan to use their Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings to negate the vortex, Von Nebula reappeared and demanded the devices. The two Heroes made him believe that Stormer had them, so Von Nebula attacked him, but Furno was actually in possession of the rings and dropped them in the vortex, starting to destroy the black hole. Stormer then pushed Von Nebula to make him let go of the Black Hole Staff. Stormer grabbed the staff and started using it against Von Nebula, despite Von Nebula warning him that the staff could be used to destroy them all. Stormer used the staff to suck Von Nebula into it. Stormer and Furno escaped the black hole, which exploded, and after Von Nebula's henchmen were defeated, the six Heroes took the staff back to Hero Factory, putting it in an isolation cell.[Episode 4][C4]

Von Nebula being absorbed into his staff


A projection of Von Nebula created by Voltix

When Voltix was imprisoned in the Hero Factory's Storage Facility, he explained that Von Nebula's staff, which was placed in that room, represented a symbol of hope to him. He used his electric power to project an entity that looked like Von Nebula. When the entity activated the staff by touching its orb part, the orb part was destroyed, causing the staff to create a massive black hole that freed all imprisoned villains in the Storage Facility, so they could escape, causing a breakout.[Episode 8] It is unknown where Von Nebula is, but his hand was seen getting the stolen schematics of the Hero Factory building from Black Phantom through a laptop.[Episode 9]

Alternate Universes

Reality 11275.6

Early into Akiyama Makuro's Hero Factory, Von Ness decided to betray the Heroes early to Black Phantom because he felt fighting an entire galaxy was no way to live, and he would rather be on the winning side of the battle to come. Von Ness gave Black Phantom plans of the Hero Factory, so Black Phantom formed the Legion of Darkness, and the villains went to attack the Hero Factory. They destroyed the building and imprisoned some of the Heroes. Von Ness rebuilt himself into Von Nebula and led a crime ring called the Citadel that took over Makuhero City and many planets in the galaxy. He also secretly imprisoned Makuro and forced him to make Amelium for him, so Von Nebula would not destroy the city with his 'engineering marvel'. Von Nebula obtained an XT4 robot and reprogrammed it to be a villain, XT4. Leading the city, which he renamed Von Nebula City, Von Nebula and the inner circle of the Citadel, which consisted of the Legion of Darkness, XT4, and Core Hunter, created a society where it was against the rules not to commit a robbery and where power was valued.

Noticing his dependence on his Black Hole Orb Staff, Von Nebula attempted to merge its power in him, but Stormer stopped him midway through the process and both of their bodies were heavily distorted. Stormer got away. Von Nebula thought he had seen the last of him.

Three years ago, Von Nebula made Makuro make an Amelium cylinder. Since then, Makuro refused to cooperate with him. Von Nebula had a wrist communicator, so he could contact the inner circle.

Recently, Von Nebula and the inner circle were making and testing a generator, and he used the Amelium cylinder to power it. Speeda Demon approached Von Nebula and told him that a robotic clerk named L-22 had recorded robots searching for Hero Factory at Von Nebula University. Von Nebula told Speeda Demon to bring L-22 to him. After L-22 was delivered to Von Nebula by Speeda Demon, she told Von Nebula of the robots and that Stormer was the one who activated the search. Robots matching L-22's description were then reported encroaching on Citadel territory, calling themselves the Alpha Team. Von Nebula gave L-22 a job as promised. He sent XT4 to get Alpha Team to negotiate. Later, Von Nebula signaled them to come to the Citadel by giving them an imprisoned Jawblade at their base. Alpha Team arrived at the Citadel and met Von Nebula, Black Phantom, Speeda Demon, XT4, Toxic Reapa, and Core Hunter at their meeting room. The Heroes demanded the Citadel's surrender, but Von Nebula was shocked to see the Stormer of the main reality, so Von Nebula had a group of jolters put the Heroes in prison.

When the Brains invaded Von Nebula City and two of them crashed into Von Nebula's room, Von Nebula asked these two Brains why are they and their kind invading. The Brains told him that they seek the Heroes for their information. Von Nebula made a bargain with the Brains that they will help him find information in Stormer's mind and they and their kind stop the invasion when the Brains find the Heroes. After the Brains stopped the invasion, when the Heroes spied on Von Nebula and the Brains, the Brains found and knocked them unconscious. The Brains wanted to go back on their word, but Von Nebula forced them to do their bargain. After Von Nebula, the jolters, and the Brains imprisoned the Heroes, Von Nebula had one of the Brains scan Stormer's mind. After this was done, Stormer faked having his mind destroyed by the Brain, tricking Von Nebula and the Brains. The Brain that read Stormer's mind informed Von Nebula that Stormer was from another universe and that another Von Nebula existed there, making the alternate Von Nebula fearful that the prime Von Nebula would infringe upon his empire, and jealous of his assumed lack of physical deformities. The Brains told the alternate Von Nebula to take them to the generator, making Von Nebula deduce that the prime Heroes had used theirs to get to his universe. As the Brains went to activate Von Nebula's generator to go to the main universe, he told them he had to get it to work personally first.

Due to Von Nebula's fear of his prime counterpart coming to his universe, fear of the Brains destroying the Ctiadel if the alternate Von Nebula refused to let them use the generator, and the Brains barring the other Citadel villains from the generator's testing laboratory, Von Nebula decided to ally with the Alpha Team, betraying the Brains. He cut half of the Amelium cylinder and then took one of the halves to disable the generator. When the Heroes entered found the generator and discovered that it was missing the stolen half, Von Nebula appeared and forced the Heroes to help him defeat the Brains by threatening to destroy the half. He explained his reasons and then showed the Heroes that Makuro made the cylinder. Von Nebula took Stormer to Makuro's cell, where Stormer convinced Makuro to help him and Von Nebula fight the Brains. Makuro created a low-emission beta wave device that can put the Brains to sleep. Stormer threatened Von Nebula that he would let the Brains get him if Von Nebula would not let Makuro go after the crisis is over. Von Nebula agreed to the deal because he no longer saw Makuro as a threat, though Makuro doubted Von Nebula's belief. The Brains noticed the deception and attacked again. Von Nebula contacted Speeda Demon to have the jolters defend the Citadel's laboratory section from the Brains, or Von Nebula would have the jolters dismantled if they did not do what he says. When Von Nebula saw a unit of jolters getting defeated by the Brains, he impatiently took the jammer from Stormer and used it to aggressively defeat some of the Brains, but this attracted the rest of the Brains' attention. The Brains overwhelmed the Heroes, but they were attacked in turn by the Alpha Team of Von Nebula's universe and their fellow Heroes of it, led by a repaired alternate Stormer. Von Nebula was shocked to see his Stormer return, allowing Breez and Furno to take the jammer from him. Von Nebula's rage at seeing Stormer caused him to activate his staff to prepare to destroy his enemy, but both Stormers attacked and overloaded Von Nebula's staff, causing Von Nebula's body to fold on itself and vanish, ending his reign.[SM5]

Reality 37834.1

In this reality, Von Ness never betrayed the Hero Factory, and became a prominent Hero and leader of the Factory after Makuro retired. He was eventually killed by a reformed Legion of Darkness.(Dangerous Dimensions)

Abilities and Traits

After Von Ness was created, he did not have the same commitment to his duty as his fellow Heroes. He was cowardly, unsure, pessimistic, and sarcastic.[SM2][FO:MSG] His cowardice caused him to eventually flee during a crucial mission. However, Von Ness did not accept responsibility for his actions, and instead blamed Stormer for it. He developed a deep, unyielding hatred for Hero Factory, the Heroes, and his old teammate, and set out to exact revenge against the perceived wrongs they had inflicted upon him.

As a criminal mastermind, Von Nebula excels in planning and organization, applying his talents to criminal enterprises.[HFPM]

When Von Ness was Von Ness, he always thought that Stormer always has to claim the glory and goes first, which was why he believed Stormer had Anti-Gravity Thruster Rings, so he attacked him before Furno threw the Rings to Von Nebula's black hole base's vortex to destroy the base.[Episode 4][C4]

When Von Ness became Von Nebula, he became taller than all of his henchmen except Rotor, who is around the same size as him.

Armor and Tools

Von Ness was built with Hero Factory standards with a Hero Core, as he was a 1.0 Hero. He had spikes on his arms. He later transformed into a larger, sinister villian, and renamed himself Von Nebula. He seemingly lost his Hero Core during the process.

As a Hero, Von Ness carried a handheld weapon that could alter gravity.[SM2] After his transformation into Von Nebula, he carried a staff called the Black Hole Orb Staff, which allowed him to create powerful black holes.

Von Nebula has spikes on his arms, mandibles on his head, and claws.

Set Stats

Face Off: Makuro's Secret Guidebook Stats


Set Information

Von Nebula Set
Von Nebula
Set 7145 Von Nebula

7145 Von Nebula was released as a large box set in the summer of 2010. The set contains 156 pieces. The Black Hole Orb Staff can spin its two blades around its orb part.


"I'm a Hero. They're villains. It's my job. But ... I never asked for this job. I just got created and told this is what I would be doing. No one asked if it was what I wanted to do."
― Von Ness' thoughts, Secret Mission 2: Legion of Darkness

"Hero Factory will be crushed, by the hand of Von Nebula!"
― Von Nebula, The Enemy Within

"We take it back to the Hero Factory and put it in an isolation cell. And then we hope there's a prison that can hold his evil. We hope very, very hard."
― Preston Stormer, Von Nebula Rising


  • Von Ness/Von Nebula was voiced by Mark Hamill in Episode 3: The Enemy Within and Episode 4: Von Nebula.
    • He is the first character to be voiced by Hamill, the other being Black Phantom
  • Von Nebula is considered to be one of the Hero Factory's archenemies, the other being Black Phantom.[FO:MSG, p. 29] Bulk also looks at Von Nebula as Stormer's worst enemy.[SM5]
  • Von Nebula is the first Hero to turn into a villain, the second being Core Hunter.
  • In Von Nebula's set form, he has short forearms and his arms cannot bend, but in the television episodes, the forearms are extended to look like Rotor, Thunder, and Meltdown's, and his arms can bend.
  • Von Ness looks different in various Hero Factory media. In the television episodes, he wears black armor, has yellow eyes, and arm spikes, meanwhile in Comic 4: Von Nebula Rising, his eyes are blue, and in Secret Mission 2: Legion of Darkness, he was described as wearing gray armor.
  • According to Von Nebula's set description, he is powerful. His counterpart from Reality 11275.6 in Secret Mission 5: Mirror World also considered himself as powerful.


Books Comics Online Multimedia

Secret Mission

DK Readers


Promotional Newspapers





Online Games

See also

External links

Heroes of Hero Factory
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | William Furno | Mark Surge | Natalie Breez
Rookies Julius Nex | Nathan Evo | Daniel Rocka
Alpha 1 Team
Heroes Thresher (retired)
Rookies Preston Stormer | Dunkan Bulk | Jimi Stringer | Von Ness (rogue)
Recon Team Merrick Fortis | "Omega" | Vic Tory | Thelonious Fox (rumored) | "Smith" | Daniel Rocka
Delta 9 Team Lucas Valor | Nathan Slick | Emily Wise
Other Core Hunter (rogue)

Von Nebula's Gang Von Nebula | XPlode | Meltdown | Corroder | Thunder | Rotor | Vapor
Fire Villains Fire Lord | Drilldozer | Jetbug | Nitroblast
Legion of Darkness Black Phantom | Toxic Reapa | Jawblade | Splitface | Thornraxx | Voltix | XT4 | Speeda Demon
Brains Bruizer | Pyrox | Scarox | Ogrum | Aquagon | Frost Beast | Dragon Bolt (all reverted)
Galactic Conspiracy Karter (deceased) | Dumacc (reformed) | Perjast
The Doom Box's Creators Arctur (reformed, deceased) | Deneb
Other Silver (destroyed) | Witch Doctor | Core Hunter | Geb