BASIC BUCKET HAT - g8m zpac obj fbx highpoly फ्री 3D मॉडल

- उपलब्ध फ़ॉर्मेट्स:
Autodesk FBX: fbx 53.65 MBWavefront OBJ: obj 44.47 MBCLO3D Project File: zprj 3.81 MB
- बहुभुज:4,961
- वर्टिसिस:5,938
- एनिमेटेड:No
- टेक्सचर:
- रिग्ड:No
- सामग्रियां:No
- लो-पॉली:No
- कलेक्शन:No
- UVW मैपिंग:No
- इस्तेमाल किए गए प्लगइन्स:No
- प्रिंट के लिए तैयार:No
- 3D स्कैन:No
- एडल्ट कंटेन्ट:No
- PBR:No
- एआई प्रशिक्षण:No
- ज्यामिति:Polygonal
- खुला हुआ UVs:Non-overlapping
- व्यूस:631
- तिथि: 2024-12-12
- आइटम ID:545461
- रेटिंग:
BASIC BUCKET HAT / Genesis 8.1
clo 3d / marvelous designer .zpac info:
- fits the default Genesis 8.1 male avatar in A pose (580 mm head size, 1 mm skin offset, hairless)
- raw highpoly quad mesh type (particle distance = 5 mm), without retopology or auto-remesh
- made in normal (default) simulation mode
- default clo 3d twill texture (2 colorways), topstitched
.obj export info:
- moved to ground center, cm scale (DAZ Studio)
- single object, thin unweld + thin weld
- unwrapped UV's (diffuse, normal), 4096x4096
- UV multisampling = 4, UV fill texture seam = 5 mm
- without topstitch
- white colorway
.fbx export info:
- moved to ground center, cm scale (DAZ Studio)
- binary file type (SDK 2020)
- single object, thin unweld
- unwrapped UV's (diffuse, normal), 4096x4096, embed media
- UV multisampling = 4, UV fill texture seam = 5 mm
- without topstitch
- white colorway
additional .fbx export with thickness and thick topstitch:
- moved to ground center, cm scale (DAZ Studio)
- binary file type (SDK 2020)
- single object, thick unweld
- unwrapped UV's (diffuse, normal), 4096x4096, embed media
- UV multisampling = 4, UV fill texture seam = 5 mm
- topstitch: highpoly, triangle mesh, thick
- white colorway
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to DM me!
प्रिंट के लिए तैयार: नहींअगर आपको किसी अलग फ़ॉर्मेट की जरूरत है, तो कृपया हमें कन्वर्शन अनुरोध भेजें। हम 3D मॉडल को इसमें कन्वर्ट कर सकते हैं: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. हम 3D दृश्यों को कन्वर्ट नहीं करते हैं और .step, .uges, .stp, .sldprt जैसे प्रारूप।!