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Journalism boils down to giving voice to those who are normally deprived of it. It is about capturing life far away from those on the top and in power.
Paweł Kapusta editor-in-chief of WP
„True journalism is characterized by intentionality; i.e. it pursues certain goals and attempts to bring about some sort of change. This is what it takes for journalism to be good”, said Ryszard Kapuściński. I couldn’t agree more.
Sylwester Ruszkiewicz investigative journalist of WP
What matters most in journalism? Curiosity. It is about being continuously astounded about the complexity of the world. Along with everlasting excitement that so much about the world is yet to be written and shown.
Mateusz Ratajczak head of WP Wiadomości
The cornerstone of political journalism is peeking behind the scenes of politics and revealing its secrets to the world. It is in the privacy of quiet offices where most crucial decisions are taken, impacting each one of us. It is our duty to reveal and explain them.
Michał Wróblewski journalist and columnist of WP
What I’m interested in is to keep an eye on the dealings of people in power. That is why the media are sometimes called the fourth estate – because they control the other three branches of government.
Patrycjusz Wyżga journalist of WP Wiadomości
For me, journalism is a passion that lets me exert a tangible impact on what’s going on in public life around me and enables me to make a change for the better. To crown it all, I’m having a lot of fun practicing my profession.
Szymon Jadczak journalist of Magazyn WP