Welcome to the Workforce Development and Administrative Services Division of the Directorate of Human Services in Fort Bliss, Texas.
Fingerprint OperationsThe United States Army Garrison Fingerprint Operations provides both electronic and hard-copy fingerprints for the purposes of background checks, licensure (i.e., concealed carry, etc.), and/or certifications (i.e., nursing, etc.).
Services are available to Garrison, Army and Air Force Exchange Service, Defense Commissary Agency, Reservists, and Contracting personnel ONLY. Military and DA Civilian personnel assigned to a non-Garrison unit must use their Brigade/Battalion Security Office (S-2).
Currently, fingerprints are by appointment ONLY. You must bring an official photo ID and the Submitting Office Number, Security Office Identifier, and Agency Location Code from your requesting agency to the appointment. To schedule an appointment, please call 915-568-2125/5348 or send an email to [email protected].
Publications ManagementAdministrative Services Division provides distribution of accountable forms, blank forms, and certificates to publication account holders. The stockroom also provides account holders with assistance in establishing and managing pin-point publication accounts in accordance with DA Pam 25-30, and DA Pam 25-33.
To establish a publications account, call 915-568-5332, or visit us in Building 516A, 1st Floor on Pleasonton Road.
Establishing a New Account: The unit must have a valid publications account to receive publications from the Army Publishing Directorate and forms from the publications stockroom. Opening a new account is easy: simply submit the required documentation DA Form 12, Appointment Order, and DA Form 1687. Use the links below to access these forms:
*See DA PAM 25-33, Chapter 2, Paragraph 2-2c for instructions to complete DA Form 12.
You must have duty appointment orders for all personnel assigned to the account (memorandum) and a Certificate of Training for the publications course, scheduled through Fort Bliss. Your account may be established without the certificate of training, however the certificate must be received within 90 days of the account being established. To enroll, submit the completed packet through: ASD Publications Office, Building 516A, 1st Floor on Pleasonton Road, Fort Bliss, Texas, 79916.
**NOTE: Adding your e-mail address:
The current DA Form 12 does not provide a specific block for your e-mail address. You can add this online after the account is activated. If you would like to include your e-mail address in order to be notified when your new account number is assigned, or when it is processed, please write your valid official e-mail address in "Block 7b" of the DA Form 12.
Account Activation
A customer service representative from the Army Publishing Directorate and/or an ASD publications staff member will notify you when your account has been established through an e-mail (If you provided an e-mail address). Once activated, you can log on to the APD home page at http://www.apd.army.mil, select the "Order/Subscriptions" tab at the top center of the page, and log in to the "point and click ordering system" with your new account number and zip code.
Updating Packets
Information submitted on DA Form 12 is important to get the best support from APD. Ensure information about your account is current and account identification data such as your Unit Identification Code, Table of Organization and Equipment, Table of Distribution and Allowances, and address is correct. Update the information on your account when there is a change in any of the following:
• Type of service (Block 7a)
• Unit description data (Blocks 8a through 8g)
• Publications officer (Blocks 9a through 9c)
• Classification level (Blocks 19 through 11c)
• Change of address (Blocks 12a and 12b)
• Deployment: to ensure the assigned personnel to the rear detachment will be able to obtain forms and publications.
Active Account
To keep your account current, submit an updated DA Form 1687 to the Publication Office when required. If new personnel are added to or deleted from your account, submit appointment orders and/or revocation orders along with an updated DA Form 1687 as soon as possible.
How to Order Publications
Information on how to order publications is provided by the Army Publishing Directorate.
Deploying Units
Fort Bliss Publications Office cannot support units while deployed, use this link to view the POC for deployed units.
DA, DD, DoD Blank Forms and Certificates Blank forms, certificates, and service tags are available for all units and organizations at Building 516A, 1st Floor on Pleasonton Road. Contact the publications Officer for availability of the forms (915-568-5332).
Welcome to the Fort Bliss Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Office.
What is the Freedom of Information Act?
Since 1967, the Freedom of Information Act has provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. Any person may file a FOIA request for any reason.
Federal agencies are required to disclose any information requested under the FOIA unless it falls under one of nine exemptions which protect interests such as personal privacy, national security, and law enforcement. More information about exemptions and frequently asked questions may be found at http://open.defense.gov/Transparency/FOIA/FOIA-Handbook/
1. Request must be in writing.
2. Records must be described in enough detail so that it can be located with a reasonable amount of effort.
3. Requester must indicate a willingness to pay fees for the requested information.
4. Requests must contain the requester's full name, mailing address, e-mail, and phone number.
5. Records must exist and be in possession of the DoD at the time of the request. There is no obligation to create a record to satisfy a FOIA request or to answer questions posed as a FOIA request.
A FOIA request form may be found here. (NOTE: Certain internet browsers may not display or open pdf files, therefore, it is advisable to download the pdf file first, then open either the Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.)
Where do I submit my request?
Requests may be submitted via mail to the following:
Email: [email protected]
Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act
Building 516A, Pleasonton Road
Fort Bliss, Texas 79916
For questions, contact the Fort Bliss Government Information Specialist at (915) 568-5279.
To Request Criminal Investigation (CID) Records
U.S. Crime Records Center (CRC)
Russell Knox Bldg.
27130 Telegraph Road
Quantico, VA 22134-2253
- For more information on the policies and procedures related to the Department of the Army implementation of the FOIA, please refer to AR 25-55 (The Department of the Army Freedom of Information Act Program).
What is the Privacy Act (PA)? The Privacy Act promotes and safeguards Personally Identifiable Information maintained by a system of record. It is our job to ensure collection, storage, use, maintenance, processing, dissemination and disclosure of personal information adheres to statutory and regulatory compliance.
The Privacy Act focuses on four basic guidelines:
1. To restrict disclosure of personally identifiable records maintained by agencies;
2. To grant individuals increased rights of access to agency records maintained on themselves;
3. To grant individuals the right to seek amendment of agency records maintained on themselves upon a showing that the records are not accurate, relevant, timely or complete; and
4. To establish a code of “fair information practices” which requires agencies to comply with the statutory norms for collection, maintenance and dissemination of records.
For more information on the policies and procedures related to the Department of the Army implementation of the PA, please refer to AR 25-22 (The Army Privacy Program).
For questions related to FOIA/PA, please contact the Fort Bliss Government Information Specialist at 915-568-5279.
Official Mail and Distribution CenterOMDC Frequently Asked Questions
1. What regulations, DA Pam, policies and procedures govern official and personal mail?
- DoD Postal Manual, 4525.8-M, 26 December 2001
- DoD Instruction, 4525.8, 26 December 2001
- DoD Postal Manual, 4525.6-M, 15 August 2002
- Official Mail and Distribution Management, AR 25-51, 14 January 2015
- Unit Postal Operations, AR 600-8-3, 7 January 2013
- Mail Facility Security and Handling Suspicious Mail, DA Pam 25-52, 6 November 2001
- Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), with USPS Postal Bulletins/Publications
- Fort Bliss OMDC External SOP, 11 August 2015
2. What is official mail?
Official mail is all mail that pertains exclusively to the business of the United State Government.
3. What special services are offered?
- Registered Mail: Outgoing Registered Mail must be received by 3 p.m. for same day service. All Registered Mail must be wrapped in brown paper and sealed with brown paper tape.
- Certified Mail: Outgoing Certified Mail must be received by 3:30 p.m. for same day service.
- USPS Express Mail: Outgoing Express Mail must be received by 3 p.m. for same day service. Express Mail is not available to all APO/FPO locations. Overnight service through Express Mail is not guaranteed next day delivery to all domestic locations.
- Contact the DOL Transportation Manager at (915) 568-5292 for other services.
4. When can official mail be searched?
Official mail can be searched by the Installation Official Mail Manager before postage is applied to the mailing.
5. What is the proper addressing for outgoing Official Mail?
- The "DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY" is the first line of the return address.
- All return addresses will possess ZIP + 4 values (80913-1234). Customers need to check with the OMDC Mailroom, Mail Supervisor for their proper address and ZIP + 4 values.
- All address labels must be typed.
- No rubber stamped or handwritten addresses are authorized.
- Use only black or blue ink on address labels.
- Use a single space between lines.
- Addresses shall be limited from a minimum of three to a maximum of five lines.
6. Can we send awards through the OMDC?
The only awards sent using appropriated funds are awards that are authorized to be placed into an individual’s service record. Authorized awards can be sent to an individual’s home address. No plaques, trophies, or pictures are authorized to be sent through the OMDC Mailroom.
7. Can welcome packets be sent through the OMDC?
The only authorized mailable Welcome Packet is the electronic version prepared by ACS. Of course, you may include a welcome letter.
8. What do I do if I consider a mailing suspicious (potential biological/chemical or bomb threat)?
Call 911 or 744-2115
9. What address do I use if I am being transferred to Fort Bliss and I do not have an address yet?
INCOMING PERSONNEL (Expected arrival date)
10. How should personal mail be addressed if the Soldier will reside in the Single Soldiers Quarters?
Personal mail on Fort Bliss is delivered to their prospective UMR by the USPS and should be addressed to the unit of assignment.
UNIT OF ASSIGNMENT, plus the BCT (1st, 2nd or, 3rd BCT)
11. I am residing at the IHG Army Hotel, how do I receive my mail?
P.O. BOX 6034 (ROOM #______)
12. When is the Unit Mail Service Training Course scheduled for Unit Mail Clerks and Unit Postal Officers?
The class is conducted monthly, please call 915-568-1912 for instructions on how to register. The location of the training course is in Bldg 11190, on East Bliss, Room 136 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Everyone must complete 30 days of OJT in their mailroom with the Primary UMC before attending the mail class.
13. Who do I contact about my personal mail?
If you are already assigned to an organization, then check with your Unit Mail Clerk. If you just arrived and have not in-processed through your unit, then check with the OMDC Mailroom. If you have sent out or expect to receive accountable (registered, certified, insured, signature confirmation) mail, please call the United States Postal Service at 915-568-8124. USPS Tracking is not accountable mail therefore no one signs for this type of mail. You can only track it to the destination Post Office. The Post Office delivers it without signature.
14. How long will the OMDC hold my mail?
Personal mail that is addressed “Replacement Detachment” or “General Delivery” is held for 30 days. After 30 days, the mail is returned to the sender if addressee’s address is still unknown. Accountable mail is held for the following periods before it is returned to the sender: Register, certified, signature confirmation, and insured is held for 15 days; USPS Express mail is held for 5 days.
15. Will the OMDC sign for packages from a private carrier sent to an individual?
The OMDC will not sign for any private carrier packages addressed for an individual unless that individual receives direct mail service from the OMDC. Customers must use their own organization to receive private carrier mailings. All refused private carrier mailings must be handled by the addressee or individual who signed for the mail. They must coordinate with the private carrier for its return. The USPS does not redirect private carrier mail.
16. How many UMCs and Unit Postal Officers are required per unit mailroom?
At a minimum, two UMCs and two Unit Postal Officers are required IAW with DoD 4525.6-M Postal Manual.
17. Where can I get a blank DD Form 285 card?
This form can be retrieved at armypubs.army.mil.
18. Where can I get other mail forms?
All DA, SF, and DoD forms are requested through the Installation Publications Control Officer at 915-568-5332. All PS Forms can be requested through the OMDC.
19. How often are UMRs inspected?
The Unit Postal Officers shall inspect their prospective UMR at least monthly. The Installation Mail Inspector will conduct unannounced inspections of all UMRs at least quarterly.
20. What is the difference between a UMC and a mail orderly?
A UMC is authorized to handle all mail both accountable and unaccountable. A UMC is authorized to pick mail directly from the USPS. A mail orderly can only handle unaccountable mail received from the UMC. A mail orderly can only deliver unaccountable mail to the addressee.
21. Who has unfettered access to the UMR?
Only the primary UMC.
22. What grade does the Unit Postal Officer have to be?
Both the primary and alternate Unit Postal Officers must be an E-6 or senior or civilian GS-06 or higher.