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The hotel industry is a striking example of the variance between the earnings of the majority employed by the industry and the wealthy hotel owners and their guests, especially at the luxury end. It’s a similar tale for interior designers working in this sector, often serving demanding clients while earning in a month what guests might easily spend on an overnight stay. With this in mind, Hotel Interior Designs aims to write about the latest information and trends of hotels interiors, lobby, include rooms, meeting rooms, hotel bars and hotel restaurants design.


If you’re an architect, interior designer, brand manager or simply a fan of good design, please feel free to join us. Hotel Interior Designs wants to share with you all the best Interior Design trends for Hospitality. As you love to travel we’ll inspire you with some key solutions to the hospitality world so you can enjoy your accommodation according to Interior Design trends all over the world.


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If your passions include writing and design, Hotel Interior Designs is the perfect place for you! To be one of our contributors, the “admission” process is quite simple: you just email us, send us a little article and you’re done. If you impress us, you will join our team immediately and have the opportunity to write for thousands of people every day.

If you have a new project that hasn’t been published before, simply email us a selection of good jpegs (at least 1000 pixels on the shortest side), a bit of text and links where appropriate. Please do not send unsolicited PDFs, zipped images, links to FTP sites or file sharing sites, or very large files – we publish at 72dpi so we don’t need huge images.

Don’t scrimp on the number of images – the more, the better. If you must send zipped images or links to downloadable images, please send a few sample images in your email to give us an idea of your project. Architects: plans, sections, elevations and drawings are very popular with our readers, so please include them if you can.


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Keep in mind that Hotel Interior Designs has a wide audience of affluent readers that love design, architecture and everything in between.


Hospitality Interior Design Ideas