Current Employee Resources

Human Resources Document Library

The UCCS Human Resources Document Library provides access to common calendars, forms, templates, step-by-step directions, and more.

Resources for Employee Leave

Reporting Leave

Both employees and supervisors have responsibilities when it comes to reporting leave and time keeping.

Reporting Leave

Vacation and Sick Leave

Benefits eligible employees at UCCS may be eligible for certain types of paid leave, including sick and vacation.

Employee Leave

FAMLI - FML - Parental Leave

UCCS employees have access to Paid Sick Leave, Family Medical Leave, Paid Parental Leave, FAMLI

Explore FAMLI, FML and Parental Leave Options

Medical and Emotional Health Benefits

Medical Plans

UCCS employees have access to choose between CU's four offered medical plans.

Explore Medical Plan Options

Employee Wellbeing

UCCS faculty and staff have access to any of the following mental and emotional health resources:

Healing Resources for Faculty and Staff

Red folder

Office of Institutional Equity

CU Advantage

Wellbeing Resources

Single Stop

Emotional Health Resources

Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is a benefit that pays a percentage of your salary for a specified amount of time if you are unable to perform your duties due to illness, injury, or pregnancy.

Explore Disability Plan Options

Dental and Vision Benefits

Dental Plans

The CU System offers two options for dental plans, both provided by Delta Dental.

Explore Dental Plan Options

Vision Plan

Employee medical plans include an optional Vision Plan.

Explore Vision Plan Options

Employee and Retiree Benefits

Trees on Campus

Explore other benefits available to CU employees.

Employee Handbooks

Merit FAQs

Access merit FAQs for UCCS faculty and staff

UCCS Employee Payroll Resources

Access the UCCS employee payroll calendar, W--2 reporting, instructions for direct deposit, and more.

On-Campus and Policy Resources for Employees

Parking & Transportation

Access information on specific UCCS employee parking and transportation options.

Visit the Parking & Transportation Website

Policy Resources

Click here for information on campus policy, Regent laws and policy, and State of CO policy

View Resources

Job Classification Structure

Main Hall on UCCS Campus

To recruit and retain talented employees and bring consistency to the value of jobs, UCCS must create a framework for fair and consistent pay policies, using market data for categorizing jobs and establishing pay ranges.

ASL Interpreting Services

Human Resources provides a staff American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter and coordinator for the UCCS campus.

Workplace Accommodations

Access the accommodations request form, lactation station locations, and more.

Guidelines for Remote Employees

Some UCCS employees are working through remote or hybrid schedules. Get access to helpful resources, best practices, and guidance related to working remotely.

Conflict of Interest

The policy requires all employees to submit a conflict of interest disclosure within 60 days of hire and thereafter annually, and within thirty (30) days when there is a change impacting the actual or perceived conflicts of interest or commitments.

Frequently Asked Questions