I ALWAYS Get Consent! is a sexual violence awareness organization located on the Arizona State University - Tempe Campus. Our organization's focus is to facilitate discussion and reflection on issues of sexual violence and rape culture on college campuses. All major trigger warnings will be tagged, but if there is something we're missing please feel free to message. Our inbox is always open!
“ source: https://www.facebook.com/UnpackingtheFword


source: https://www.facebook.com/UnpackingtheFword

  #rape culture    #quote  
Until we, as a society, are able to get over our discomfort and anxieties around producing young people who are sexually healthy adults, we’re going to continue to have the all too prevalent problems of sexual assault and rape.
  #sex education    #sexual assault    #tw: sexual assault    #consent    #consent education    #quote  
  #consent    #sexual assault    #tw: sexual assault    #no means no  
A woman who says “No thanks, I’ll sleep on the floor”; a woman who freezes up and tenses at your touch; a woman who says “I really don’t want to” and “We really shouldn’t” and “We can’t” and “Please at least wear a condom” is not saying yes to you, and if you would like to pretend that that is unclear, you are a liar, you are being disingenuous, you are lying and you know it.
Mallory Ortberg, “What counts?” (via dolorimeter)
  #consent    #tw:sexual assault  
“ cabronaenojada:
“ Consent is
I didn’t write this, but you all need to read this
I’m reblogging this because we’ve had messages in the past related to this topic (e.g. “does it count as rape if you’re married?”) All of you ladies...



Consent is

I didn’t write this, but you all need to read this 

I’m reblogging this because we’ve had messages in the past related to this topic (e.g. “does it count as rape if you’re married?”) All of you ladies (and a few gentlemen who follow as well) need to know this stuff!

  #consent    #sex    #swears  
“ This photo is Abuse No More’s from facebook. What an awesome photo!


This photo is Abuse No More’s from facebook. What an awesome photo!

  #consent    #tw: sexual assault    #fear    #power dynamics  
“ You can’t address violence against women without teaching people about healthy relationships. Reblog if you agree.


You can’t address violence against women without teaching people about healthy relationships. Reblog if you agree.

  #sex    #sex education    #consent    #quote  
“ thebasehrbi:
“ A lot of people like to explain consent in sexual encounters as “No means no.” This is true, but doesn’t capture as many crucial parts of happy fun sex and experiences as “Yes means yes!” Consent should always be informed...



A lot of people like to explain consent in sexual encounters as “No means no.” This is true, but doesn’t capture as many crucial parts of happy fun sex and experiences as “Yes means yes!” Consent should always be informed and enthusiastic, never coerced, and you and your partner should be looking for consent continuously. Stay safe, stay happy, and have fun!

Consent can look different for different people, but that’s why communication between partners is so important. No matter what it looks like though, consent should not hinge on any fear, discomfort, or pressure. 

  #consent    #sex    #enthusiastic consent    #communication    #relationships  


A reminder to all sexual assault survivors and victims that you shouldn’t feel pressured to feel any certain way about your assault. If it devastated you, you have that right. If you don’t feel impacted by it, you have that right. It isn’t up to anybody else to decide how you ought to feel.

  #tw: sexual assault    #emotions    #reactions    #gentle reminder    #emotional autonomy  


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  #rape    #tw: rape    #rape culture    #victim blaming