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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris








TAHUN 2022

@2022, Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 1

Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris


PENYUSUN ............................................................................................................................................. 1
DAFTAR ISI ............................................................................................................................................ 2
TES LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS PERSIAPAN SNBT 2023 ................................................. 3
LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS 1 ....................................................................................................... 9
SOAL LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS - PAKET 1 ....................................................... 9
PEMBAHASAN LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS - PAKET 1 ................................... 22
LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS 2 .....................................................................................................30
SOAL LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS - PAKET 2 .................................................... 30
PEMBAHASAN LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS - PAKET 2 ................................... 41
LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS 3 ......................................................................................................47
SOAL LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS – PAKET 3..................................................... 47
PEMBAHASAN LITERASI BAHASA INGGRIS – PAKET 3 ................................... 56

@2022, Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 2

Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Soal literasi Bahasa Inggris pada SNBT (Seleksi Nasional Berdasarkan Tes) menguji
kemampuan calon mahasiswa dalam memahami teks bacaan berbahasa Inggris. Dengan
waktu yang singkat, peserta tes diharapkan mampu menjawab dengan tepat. Untuk itu
diperlukan strategi agar dapat menjawab soal literasi Bahasa Inggris dengan cepat dan

Strategi menjawab soal literasi Bahasa Inggris

1. Skimming
Jenis soal literasi Bahasa Inggris kadang hanya memerlukan strategi skimming, yaitu
membaca dengan cepat. Beberapa pertanyaan dapat dijawab dengan skimming, tidak
perlu membaca secara detail. Biasanya, soal yang ditanyakan adalah topik sebuah teks.

2. Scanning
Scanning adalah strategi membaca secara detail. Ini digunakan untuk mencari informasi
tertentu, spesifik atau rinci dalam bacaan. Tipsnya adalah dengan membaca soal
terlebih dahulu, lalu mencari kata yang bermakna sama dengan soal, lalu pilihlah
jawaban yang tepat.

3. Inference (menarik kesimpulan)

Inference atau menarik kesimpulan adalah pendapat pembaca yang logis berdasarkan
informasi pada bacaan. Soal inference digunakan untuk menguji penalaran pembaca.
Pembaca diminta menyimpulkan suatu paragraf, menyatakan ulang, maupun
berhipotesa sesuai secara logis sesuai fakta dan argumen yang ada pada bacaan

4. Pahami struktur wacana

Umumnya soal SNBT literasi Bahasa Inggris berupa teks eksposisi yang bertujuan
memberi informasi (informing), menjelaskan (explaining), dan membujuk pembaca
Perhatikan struktur teks tersebut, apakah menyajikan cause and effect (hubungan sebab
akibat). Problem and solution (masalah dan pemecahannya), compare and contrast
(membandingkan dan memperbedakan)
5. Manfaatkan pengetahuan awal (prior knowledge)
Pengetahuan awal yang dimiliki akan sangat membantu kalian memahami bacaan jika
pengetahuan awal yang ada berkaitan dengan topik yang dibahas.
Jenis soal dalam literasi Bahasa Inggris dan tips menjawab

Pada dasarnya, jenis soal yang diujikan selalu soal pemahaman dan penalaran. Tujuan
soal misalnya seperti mengidentifikasi topik bacaan, ide utama, ataupun menyimpulkan
selalu muncul di ujian hanya saja redaksi pertanyaannya berbeda-beda.

1. Topik /tema Bacaan

Topik utama merupakan subjek utama bacaan, tentang apa bacaan itu. Topik atau tema
bisa berupa inti isi tulisan (the text is about) atau judul tulisan (title)

@2022, Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 3

Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh pertanyaan:

➢ What is the topic of the text?

➢ What is the best title of the passage?
➢ The passage mainly talks about …

Cara mencari topik suatu paragraf

Baca dulu baris pertama dan kedua paragraph jika ada satu atau lebih paragraph
Temukan kata kunci (keyword) yang selalu diulang-ulang baik pada bagian awal,
tengah atau akhir, terutama bagian kesimpulan
Kata kunci (keyword) ini dapat berupa sinonim atau kata yang sama artinya

Cara menjawab soal menentukan topik bacaan topik adalah:

Membaca paragraf pertama dari teks secara utuh

Membaca kalimat pertama setiap paragraf
Membaca paragraf terakhir.
Temukan kata kunci (keyword) yang selalu diulang-ulang baik pada bagian awal,
tengah atau akhir, terutama bagian kesimpulan
Kata kunci (keyword) ini dapat berupa sinonim atau kata yang sama artinya
Simpulkan dan pilih jawaban yang sesuai. Topik ataupun judul umumnya berbentuk
frasa, bukan kalimat utuh
2. Tujuan penulis
Pertanyaan tipe soal ini kadang menanyakan tujuan penulis terhadap keseluruhan teks,
kadang juga terhadap kalimat atau frasa. tujuan penulis menulis wacana biasanya
menjelaskan, (explaining), menggambarkan (describing), atau mendiskusikan
(discussing) atau membujuk (persuading).

Untuk mengetahui tujuan suatu teks atau tujuan penulis, cari tahu dulu topik dari
bacaan, perhatikan paragraf pertama dan terakhir. Penulis akan mengulang kembali
intisari bahasannya pada paragraf terakhir. Juga perhatikan struktur teks, dan kata-kata
penghubung pada bacaan sehingga kesimpulan tentang tujuan penulis atas teks maupun
tujuan penulis atas kalimat yang ada dapat diidentifikasi.

Linkers atau connective words (kata penghubung) yang mengikuti misalnya for
example atau to illustrate berarti penulis bertujuan memberi contoh.

Tujuan Linkers
To illustrate/to give For example, as an illustration, to
examples illustrate, for isntance
To show cause and Consequently
effect Because
To show contrast However, nevertheless, in contrast, in the
other hand, conversely

To add more idea Furthermore, in addition, moreover,


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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

➢ What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
➢ What is the motive of the writer to write the text
➢ With the second sentence in the first paragraph, the writer intends to…

3. Sikap Penulis
Sikap penulis dapat disimpulkan dengan mengetahui tujuan penulis menulis wacana,
apakah menjelaskan, (explaining), menggambarkan (describing), atau mendiskusikan
(discussing) atau membujuk (persuading). Selain itu, dapat dilihat dari pemilihan kata
yang digunakan. Misalnya dalam sebuah teks yang membahas pro dan kontra,
perhatikan makna teks secara keseluruhan apakah penulis pro pada satu isu atau
cenderung netral.

➢ What’s the author’s attitude toward the topic of the passage?

➢ The writer’s attitude regarding the topic in the passage is ….

4. Ide Utama

Gagasan utama merupakan penjelasan untuk judul dari topik, menjelaskan dari sudut
pandang si penulis. Gagasan utama merupakan penjelasan topik, maka akan lebih
panjang dan berupa kalimat lengkap. Jika pertanyaannya tentang main idea atau pokok
pikiran, maka jawabannya berupa kalimat lengkap (complete sentence), yaitu terdiri
dari subject dan predikat.

Trik and tips mencari gagasan utama dalam bacaan:

Cari dulu topik/tema dari paragpraph utama
Perhatikan kata-kata/frase yang digunakan oleh pengarang dalam mengembangkan
Perhatikan kesimpulan dari paragraf itu yang akan mengungkapkan main ideanya
Main idea biasanya terletak diawal, akhir atau bahkan di tengah sebuah paragraf
Jika pertanyaanya tentang main idea atau pokok pikiran, maka jawabannya berupa
kalimat lengkap (complete sentence) yang terdiri dari subjek dan predikat.

Contoh soal:
➢ What does the passage mainly discuss?
➢ The main idea of paragraph two is ….
➢ In paragraph 2, the author presents…
➢ Which paragraph is presenting the bad impacts of social media?

5. Menemukan informasi spesifik (why, which, how, irrelevant sentence)

Tips untuk menjawab soal ini adalah membaca soal dengan seksama, lalu merujuk pada
pernyataan yang dimaksud, lalu membaca dan menganalisis tiap pilihan jawaban dan
menentukan jawaban yang tepat

➢ According to the writer, how is sustainable behaviour acceptable and

➢ According to the passage, which of the following is NOT

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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

➢ Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

➢ The sentence which is irrelevant to the text can be found ….

6. Mengidentifikasi hubungan antar paragraf/kalimat

Tips menjawab soal ini adalah:
Temukan ide pokok dari setiap paragraf/kalimat
Gunakan linkers (kata sambung) untuk membantu kalian menemukan perbedaan tiap
paragraph. Buat kesimpulan dan pilih jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan kesimpulan
Contoh soal:
➢ How are paragraph one and two related?
➢ What is the relation between sentence 1 and sentence 2 in the second

7. Memprediksi paragraph sebelum atau setelah teks

Cara menentukan jawaban untuk soal memprediksi adalah:
Tentukan ide utama setiap paragraf dan pahami hubungan tiap paragraf. Jika soal
meminta mengenai lanjutan sebuah paragraf, perhatikan paragraf sebelumnya, carilah
pernyataan yang logis yang cocok sebagai lanjutan paragraf.
Contoh soal:

➢ What topic does the paragraph following the passage most likely
➢ The paragraph following the passage will most probably discuss…

8. Menyimpulkan (inferring)

Menyimpulkan atau inferring dari suatu kalimat atau teks diperlukan kemampuan
membaca teks secara kontekstual dan tersirat. Cara menjawab soal inference adalah
dengan menentukan ide pokok setiap paragraf, tentukan ide pendukung setiap paragraf,
lalu kembangkan ide pokok dan pendukung menjadi kalimat. Cek pilihan jawaban, cari
pilihan yang paling sesuai.

➢ It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that …

➢ It is implied in paragraph 2 that …
➢ It can be concluded that ….

9. Summarizing (merangkum)
Untuk menjawab soal summarizing atau merangkum sebuah teks, pahami ide pokok
setiap paragraf, lalu baca seksama setiap pilihan jawaban, tentukan pilihan jawaban
yang paling mewakili sebagai rangkuman dari isi teks.
➢ What is the best summary of the passage?
➢ The passage can be summarized as ….

10. Menyatakan ulang (Restatement)

Tips menjawab soal restatement atau menyatakan ulang isi teks adalah dengan
memahami pernyataan yang ada pada soal, pahami setiap pilihan jawaba, perhatikan
makna kata atau sinonim yang ada pada pilihan jawaban.

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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh soal restastatement:

➢ The sentence “ ..” in line 2 paragraph 2 can be restated ….
➢ The best restatement of paragraph 1 sentence 1 is …

11. Menemukan makna/persamaan kata

Menemukan makna kata bisa sangat mudah jika kalian tahu maknanya. Namun, jika
kesulitan, bacalah kalimat yang maksud, pahami sesuai konteks kalimat tersebut dan
tebaklah makna kata. Lalu pilih jawaban yang paling sesuai.
Contoh soal:
➢ The word “…” in line 2 has similar meaning as …
➢ The closest meaning of …in line 2 is ….

12. Menanyakan rujukan kata (Reference)

Kata-kata pronouns seperti he-him-his-himself, she-her-hers-herself, this, those, dan
sebagainya, digunakan oleh penulis untuk mengganti kata benda yang baru saja
disebutkan. Untuk menemukannya, baca kalimat sebelumnya, apa yang penulis maksud
dengan kata reference yang ia gunakan. Pilih jawaban sesuai dengan rujukan yang
Contoh soal reference:
➢ The word “ they” refers to …
➢ What does the word “they” in line 2 refer to?

Daftar Vocabulary Sulit yang Sering Dijumpai pada UTBK SBMPTN

1. Accumulate = Terkumpul

2. Abundant = Sangat banyak

3. Acquire = Memperoleh

4. Advocate = Membela

5. Arbitrary = Sewenang-wenang/berubah-ubah

6. Cohesion = Kepaduan

7. Coincide = Bertepatan/Bersamaan

8. Continuously= Terus menerus

9. Contradict = Bertentangan

10. Decay = Kehilangan

11. Deny = Menyangkal/membantah

12. Disrupt = Mengganggu/mengacaukan

13. Diverse = Berbeda-beda/bermacam-macam

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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

14. Emphasize = Menekankan

15. Enhance = Meningkatkan/menambah

16. Endure = Menahan

17. Evidence= Bukti

18. Evolve = Berkembang

19. Expand = Memperluas

20. Fundamental = Mendasar

21. Generate = Membangkitkan/menghasilkan

22. Hesitate = Ragu-ragu/sungkan

23. Hierarchy = Hirarki/bertingkat

24. Hollow = Kosong/ hampa

25. Imply = Menunjukkan kebenaran

26. Infer = Menyimpulkan

27. Inquiry = Pemeriksaan/penyelidikan

28. Legitimate = Sah/absah

29. Maintain = Menjaga/memelihara

30. Obtain = Memperoleh

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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris



Read the following text for question no 1-3

The present study sought to document the word reading and comprehension levels
attained by children who were implanted by 5 year age. IT was hypothesezed that
the improved speech perception abiliites acquired with cochlear implantation
would promote phonologival coding skills. (1)...

Three subtest from diagnostic reading assessment batteries standardized on

hearing children were administered to 181 children between 8 year 0 month to 9
years 11 month of age who had 4 to 6 years of implant experience. (2)…it included
lexical decision task, a rhyme task and the digit span subtest of the Wechlser
Intelegence Scale for children.

Over half of the children scored within the average range for their age compared
with the normative data for hearing children. (3)… they were higher nonverbal
intelligence, higher family socio-ecnomic status, famel gender and later onset of
deafness (between birth and 36 month)
(Adapted from journal of ear and hearing) UTBK 2015
1. Which option best completes (1)
A. the finding showed that the hypothesis was accepted
B. the following was eventually shown to be successful
C. the following paragraph would discuss the findings of the study
D. the objective of the study was to see the subjects reading skills
E. it would also facilitate the acquisition of beginning reading skill
2. Which option best completes (2)?
A. likewise, the chiddren were obliged to take reading test
B. in addition, a battery of processing measures was administered
C. however, standard measurement was used to evaluate the reading skills
D. consequently, the assessment was used to evaluate the reading skill
E. instead, an interview consisting of many different task was conducted

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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

3. Which option best completes (3)?

A. the result were categorized based on the subject’s status
B. data were collected on the basis of several different items
C. reading competence was associated with three aspects
D. the subjects consisted of different age children
E. findings showed various levels of reading skills

Read the following text for question no 4-9

These are amazing advances, but while all this scientific back-slapping is going on,
the dark cloud on the horizon is the emerging Ebolaepidemic in est Africa and the
warning undercurrent that comes with it. At that time of writing at least 7000
people have been infected and half of those have died. The CDC in America also
estimate that, because the level of reporting is so poor, the numbers can, in all
likelihood, be doubled or evne tripled. And because the rates of infection appear to
be growing exponentially, tens of thousands, or even millions, might ultimately be

To put the scale of the present situation into perspective, since first recorded case
of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo 38 years ago there have been fever
than 2.500 death documented in total. So this single presents outbreak is already
three times larger than the entire Ebola death toll ever. Its also no longer just an
African problem. The West has had its own wake-up call this week as the US ans
Spain, countries previously cases of the condition and despite strict infection-
control guide lines and practices, onward transmission of Ebolaon their home soil.

What is remarkable is that, while Ebola is terrifying and dramatic in its impact when
it causes an outreak, it appears to be relatively easy agengt o fight. Experimental
vaccines tested so far on animals have been impressively effective, protecting
against even injection of the live Ebola virus. But because they are at a test stage,
these agents, which will be critical if we’re to nip this outbreak in the bud, are
nowhere near ready for mass production. Trials are only now getting underway of
human versions of the vaccines in Oxford, UK, and the US. “way too late,” many are
saying, to prevent the inevitable.

@2022, Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 10

Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

So why is is that, that nearly 40 years after Ebola first surfaced. The world finds itself
in a state of panic, and up to ten thousand people are dead, owing to a bug that’s
probably preventable thanks to scientific research done decades ago? The answer
is that Ebola was regarded as someone else’s problem. It was a tropical disease of
low importance and (presumed to be) constrained by geography and climate to a
part of the world that held little economic interest to rest of us. But there inlies a
salutary lesson: because if even a tiny fraction-less tthan 1%-of what the present
outbreak is now costing the world in terms of lost productivity. Humanitary in aid
and human lives lost had been spent 20 years ago to develop an Ebola vaccine, we
probably wouldt’n be in this position now. Its easy ti dismiss tropical desease as an
issue that won’t affect the West, but the present situation is a warming shot across
our bows that we ignore at our peril. (UTBK 2015)
4. How are the ideas in paragraph 1 and 2 related?
A. paragraph 1 and 2 highlight the horros of the Ebola outbreak.
B. Paragraph 1 contradics the explanation of Ebola in paragraph 2
C. paragraph 1 and 2 argue Ebola can be prevented with latest vaccines.
D. paragraph 1 states the causes of Ebola and paragraph 2 explains the effects
E. paragraph 1 defines an epidemic disease and paragraph 2 gives the
5. Which of the following is most relevant with the idea of Ebola outbreak described
in the passage?
A. scientists are developing a new drug, but they are running out of fund
B. a mother does not comfort her crying son who merely wants her ttention.
C. a diabetic man ignored a slight wound on his toe, that he got infected horribly
D. students choose not to study for an upcoming test since the test was book-
E. a recently launched book has caused a problem due to its controversial
6. The assumption the author has about the West is…
A. they act fast to prevent a disease only if it is important for them
B. tropical disease are considered exotic and dangerous by the people
C. it is difficuly to convincr them that they need to send medical help to Africa

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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

D. they are reallu interested in developing Ebola vaccines for mass production
E. they intentionally postpone developing Ebola vaccines because it is
7. Which sentences most effectively illustrate the current Ebola prevalence?
A. 2-4 of paragraph 1
B. 1-2 of paragraph 2
C. 2-3 of paragraph 3
D. 1-2 of paragraph 4
E. 4-5 of paragraph 5
8. Paragraph in 3 implies that …
A. Ebola vaccines are very complex and time consuming to create.
B. Ebola vaccines should have been tested on humans much earlier.
C. It is in approapriate for Ebola vaccines to be safely tested on humans.
D. The UK and US are countries that are in urgent needs of Ebola vaccines.
E. Testing Ebola vaccines on animals takes many years before their use on
9. Which of the following best restates ideas of paragraph 4?
A. Ebola has been a major problem for 40 years, so it will be over soon
B. Ebola only affects the countries with little economic and political power
C. The number of patients dying from Ebola will likely to remain the same
D. Scientists are developing vaccines that can be used for animals and humans
E. Had its vaccines been seriously created earlier, Ebola could have been
Read the following text for question no 10 & 11
There are two crucial points on the topic of education and training of future
educational psychologists. They are: the space and context of the
school/educational psychologist’s performance; and the psychology undergraduate
course curriculum. On the first point, it is understood and defended that there is a
big difference between being an educational psychologist on the staff of a school,
and acting as a school psychologist in a private office outside the institution. Even
though the profession is defined by education (degree) and the purpose of the work
(responding to school’s demands), it is understood that the local/position in which
the professional stands makes a big difference in the role of its

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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

actions. Consequently, different elements are required in the process of the

individual’s education/training, such as: knowledge about educational policies,
organization and laws; training to deal with institution dynamic and continued
education, etc.
On the second point, it is defended that the school environment and the whole
structure that delimits this space should be considered when choosing disciplines
and the method of knowledge construction for undergraduate curricula design,
thereby expanding the professional’s insight into other knowledge fields, such as
education and politics, among others. About the curriculum related to the
performance of educational psychologists outside (as consultants or autonomous
professionals) and inside the school (as part of the teacher/functionary board), a
discussion is proposed between the professional practice and the reflections
enabled by the application of the Network of Meanings concept, which may show,
among others, connections between elements. (UTBK 2018)
10. The passage is mainly concerned with…
A. psychological elements in education
B. important points of education and training
C. the work of educational psychologists
D. educational policies for psychologists
E. educational psychologists’ education and training

11. “Consequently, different elements are required in the process of the

individual’s education/training…”
The underlined word can be best replaced with…
A. as a result
B. therefore
C. on the other hand
D. meanwhile
E. moreover

Read the text to answer question no 12

Before engineers dreamed of eliminating drivers in cars, they imagined eliminating
the side mirrors. Now a long-sought solution looks closer to finally stripping cars of
side mirrors. Many automakers demonstrate video systems that replace the Mickey

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Mouse ears with cameras. Continental, a major parts and systems supplier to
automakers, was one of them.

In a customized Mercedes-Benz CLS, Continental demonstrated how its system

would work. Thumb-size video cameras on the exterior of the car replace the side-
mounted mirrors and use interior screens on the left and right side of the dashboard
to deliver views of what is next to and behind the car. The screens are near where a
driver would normally look to check a mirror, and the camera views are wider than
what a physical mirror can provide, eliminating blind spots along the side of the car.
The cameras, which can automatically adjust to reduce glare from sunlight or
increase brightness at night, are also helpful in tight parking spots.

Technology suppliers hope that regulations requiring old-fashioned physical

mirrors will be amended. Philipp Hoffmann, BMW’s project manager for camera
monitor systems expected to begin road testing of the mirrorless systems in Europe
this year, quickly followed by additional testing in Asia. He remained hopeful that
the United States would follow soon.

He may have a good reason to be optimistic. Daimler AG, parent company of

Mercedes-Benz, is already testing a couple of autonomous tractor-trailers in Nevada
that use large high-definition screens instead of side mirrors. Also, BMW recently
received an exemption from the Transportation Department in the U.S. to allow it to
deploy an automatic parking feature that enables a BMW 7 Series car to park itself,
while the driver stands on the curb. It is a feature the company demonstrated only
a year ago.

Using cameras instead of physical mirrors could also end dangling damaged
mirrors. To replace a typical mirror can be expensive as much as $946 on a 2015
Acura RLX, according to the insurance institute. However, Mr. McConnell at
Continental noted potential savings in building cars that no longer need the
structural support for side-mounted mirrors. UTBK 2018

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12. How is the last sentence of paragraph 3 related to paragraph 4?

A. the last sentence of paragraph 3 describes the regulation in implementing
the technology in the U.S. and the following paragraph elaborates it.
B. the sentence discusses the possibility for the technology to be implemented
in the U.S. and the following paragraph explains the reason for the
C. the sentence states Philipp Hoffman’s idea about eliminating drivers in car
and the following paragraph elaborates the idea.
D. paragraph 4 provides an example to support the idea about the
implementation of Mercedes-Benz technology mentioned in the previous
E. paragraph 4 explicates Continental’s sense of optimism provided in the last
sentence of paragraph 3

Read the following text for question no 13

The green movement is catching on in many pockets of the world. This is especially
true in the construction industry. Today’s buzzwords, which include global warming
and zero emission, are causing everyday people to look for ways to reduce their
carbon footprint. Purchasing environmentally-friendly property is a good
investment for those who are concerned about their own health and the well-being
of the earth. Based on this trend, entire districts, known as eco-communities, are
being designed with green initiatives in mind. Dockside Green in Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada is one of these communities. Its goal is to become the world’s first
zero-emissions neighborhood.
Builders of Dockside Green have the environment in mind with every choice they
make. They ensure proper ventilation, and guarantee residents 100% fresh indoor
air. Interior and exterior building materials, such as paints and wood, are natural
and non-toxic. Eco-conscious builders use bamboo wherever possible because it is
durable and does not require pesticides to grow.

Energy efficiency is one of the top priorities in eco-communities, such as Dockside

Green. Not only do energy-efficient appliances and light fixtures reduce the
environmental impact of heating and hot water, they also save residents and

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business owners money. Dockside Green claims that homeowners will use 55% less
energy than average residents in Canada. Though they are sharing space by
investing in condo-style living, residents will have individual utility metres. Studies
show that people use approximately 20% less energy when they are billed for
exactly what they use. In addition, water is treated at Dockside Green and reused on
site for flushing toilets.

Planners of eco-communities such as Dockside Green must take the future into
account. Dockside Green will reuse 90% of its construction waste. They also plan to
continue using local suppliers for all of their transport and maintenance needs. This
is a great way to reduce emissions. Dockside residents will be encouraged to make
use of a mini transit system and buy into the community’s car share program.
Finally, plans are in the works for a high-tech heating system that will use renewable
biomass instead of fossil fuels. UTBK 2018
13. The false idea that the author may hold about Dockside Green is that…
A. it is where more natural living can exist.
B. it provides all eco-friendly properties.
C. it encourages all houses to utilize efficient energy.
D. it is a good asset to buy a property in it.
E. it reduces global warming and emissions.

Read the following text to answer no 14 & 15

Having known the benefit of seasonal detoxification, it is then important for us to
know how to do it. The best way to begin a spring cleanse, and to optimize results,
is to incorporate cleansing and alkalizing foods, nutrients, botanicals, and mind-
body healing practices into a gentle program. They also allow healing and
transformation to spring forth naturally.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) philosophy, every season

correlates to different “elements” or organ systems in the body. For example, winter
correlates with the water element and the kidneys/bladder system. From a Western
naturopathic perspective, cold weather can put stress on your adrenal and thyroid

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glands. As a result, the blood becomes more acidic and there is a buildup of lactic
acid. This can lead to sluggishness, muscle and joint pain, and arthritis.
Both Eastern and Western naturopathic medical systems agree that the transition
from winter to spring offers an ideal opportunity to shed extra weight. It is also a
good time to gently cleanse accumulated toxins from the body. This excess buildup
can be the result of numerous factors. The main causes include unhealthy diet, poor
digestion, lack of exercise, winter dehydration, normal metabolic processes, and
environmental pollution.

In TCM, spring corresponds to the liver and the gallbladder. A gentle spring cleanse
effectively supports the liver’s vital detoxification processes. It also eliminates
toxins stored in organs and tissues, helps shed excess weight, alkalizes the body, and
gets your circulation and energy moving. Digestion is improved and inflammation
is reduced. Moreover, blood sugar is balanced and immune functions better.

A cleansing diet is the most critical component of any detoxification program.

Animal protein, particularly red meat, should be minimized during a cleanse. It
emphasizes lighter, organic plant-based proteins that are easier for the body to
digest. Below are the critical components of a detox diet which can help improve
digestion and enhance detoxification, resulting in greater energy and vitality.
(UTBK 2018)
14. What is the best summary of the passage?
A. traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) philosophy believes that seasonal
detoxification is a crucial practice for a holistic mind-body healing. This is
because every season correlates to our body differently. According to this
philosophy, our body is craving for a spring cleanse every year, and we
must listen to our body.
B. seasonal detoxification should be done during the transition from winter to
spring since it is the right time to get rid of toxins, shed extra weight and
alkalize the body. To do this, people should incorporate cleansing and
organic plant-based diet and combine them with mind-body healing

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C. to obtain the best outcome for health, a detoxification program can only be
done during winter of spring for three days up to three weeks. An effective
way to do this is by combining cleansing and alkaline foods with light
D. to achieve the best result, a detoxification program needs to be done in
between April and May. To do this, people need to combine cleansing with
an alkaline-based diet that relies heavily on organic foods.
E. cleansing and alkalizing foods, nutrients, botanical and mind-body healing
practices are the foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine. To
incorporate a TCM philosophy, every person must do a fast cleansing
program in the spring.
15. About seasonal detoxification, which topic does the paragraph preceding the
passage most likely discuss?
A. its process
B. its side effect
C. its origin
D. its definition
E. its advantage

Read the following text to answer no 16-18

Electric scooter has become more popular nowadays. However, they are assumed
to be dangerous, yet so are axes when we do not know how to use them properly.
Without right laws and regulation, e-scooters may cause bigger fatalities like sever
injurie. Some countries have been created rules for the use of e-scooters, yet they
might be not enough. There some rules that you can consider when riding an e-

First, choose the rught electric scooter for you. Do not quickly deciding to buy and
ride the fastest and the most powerful one. You have to make sure to learn the basics
and get accustomed with the control and power of your scooter. It is best for you to
limit your riding area furst in the environment that you know well. Once you are
good at it, yu may join the experienced to the roam the city.

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Moreover, never forget to wear a protection kit, such as helmet, knee pads, and
elbow pads. Imagine this, when you fall while standing, it might br hurt but the pain
may still be tolerate, but when you fall while ridingan e-scooter at 20+mph, the pain
is much worse than the previous scenario. You may also hit other objects while
falling in motion and it may cause sver injuries like nasty bruises and fractures.
Remember to purchase the certified protection kit and do not tempted to buy the
cheap one because safety comes first. Also, avoid riding in the rain since it is

Last, common sense is important while riding e-scooters. Do not listen to the music
while riding your e-scooter because you have to be alert with your surroundings.
You may not be able to hear cars, honks, or sirens if you are only focus on your
music. You have to make sure that your scooter fits you well, both in size and weight,
so you will find no difficulty to contorlit. Other important thing is you should never
ride damaged e-scooter since you know it is risky to ride. (UTBK 2018)
16. What does the text mainly talk about?
A. the bad impacts of e-scooters for people
B. the rules of riding an e-scooter safely
C. E-scooter and its pros and contras
D. the danger of e-scooter
E. the trend of e-scooter
17. However, they are assumed to be dangerous, yet so are axes when we do not
know how to use them properly (P.1) The sentence can be written in another
way, for example…they are used properly, electric scooters are dangerous.
A. if
B. even if
C. unless
D. even though
E. however

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18. Why are you NOT allowed to listen to music whole riding an e-scooter according
to the text?
A. because you cannot get around without it
B. because you cannot hear other sounds
C. because listening to music is enjoyable
D. because e-scooter is completed with music
E. because music cannot be heard clearly when riding an e-scooter
Read the following text to answer no 19&20
Over this decade, employment in jobs requiring education beyond a high school
diploma will grow more rapidly then employment in jobs that do not, of the 30
fastest growing occupations, more than half require post-secondary education. With
the average earnings of college graduates at a level is twice as high as that of
workers with only a high school diploma, higher education is now the clearest
(1)…into the middle class.
In higher education, the U.S has been outpaced internationally. While the United
States ranks ninth in the world in the proportion of young adults enrolled in college,
we have fallen to 16th in the world iin our shape of certificates and degrees awarded
to adult ages 25-34, kagging behind Korea, Canada, Japan, and other nations. While
more than half of college students graduate within six years, the (2)…for low-
income students is around 25 percent.
Acknowledging these factors early in his administration, President Obama
challenged every American to commit to at least one year of higher education or
post-secondary training (3)…that American would once again have the highest
proportionof college graduates in the world by 2020. (UTBK 2013)
19. The option that best completes 1 is…
A. Effort
B. Position
C. Pathway
D. Advantage
E. Beginning

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20. The option that best completes 2 is…

A. completion rate
B. academic capacity
C. logical understanding
D. learning achievement
E. intellectual development

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1. Pembahasan: Pada paragraph pertama dijelaskan tentnag kemampuan
membaca dan pemahaman kata yang dicapai oleh anak-anak yang ditanamkan
pada usia 5 tahun.Hipotesanya bahwa penginkatan kemampuan tersebut akan
menaikkan kemampuan perbendaharaan Bahasa
Maka opsi yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraph 1: “it would also facilitate the
acquisitionof beginning reading skills” (ini yang akan memfasilitasi perolehan
ketrampilan pada prmulaan membaca )
Jawaban : E

2. Pembahasan: Pada paragraph kedua menginformasikan tentang tiga subtes dari

dertan penilaian diagnostic membaca…penialaian diagnostic
tersebutmenggunakan skala intelenjensia Wechsler.
Maka opsi yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragarf 2, “in addition a battery of
processing measures was administered” (selain itu serankaian tindakan yang
diberikan selama proses).
Jawaban : B

3. Pembahasan: Pada paragraph ketiga “over half ogf he children scared with the
avaragerange for their age compared with the normative data for hearing
children… they were higher nonverbal intelligence, higher family socio-economic
status, female gender, and later onset of deafness (between birth and 36 month)”.

Opsi yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraph 3 adalah”Reading competence was

associated with three aspects”, tia aspek yang dimaksud yaitu they wer higher
nonverbal intelligence, higher family socio-economic status, femal gender and
later onset of deafness (between birth and 36 month).
Jawaban : C

4. Pembahasan: Bagaimana ide-ide dalam paragraph 1 dan 2 terkait?

Keterkaitan paragraph 1 dan 2 terdapat pada kalimat:
…” emerging Ebola epidemic in West Africa and warnig undercurrent that comes
with it”

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…”this single present outbreak is already three times lafger that the entire Ebola
death toll ever”
Dua kalimat di atas berasal dari paragraph 1 dan 2 yang menyatakan tentang:
“ Paragraph 1 and 2 highlight the horror of the Ebola outbreak”
Jawaban : A
5. Pembahasan: Pernyataan diatas adalah manakah dar pernyataan berikut ini
yang paling relevan dengan penjelasan wabah Ebola pada teks tersebut?

Kalimat di paragraph ke-3:…”while Ebola is terrifying and dramatic in its impact

when it causes an outbreak. It appears to be a relatively easy agent to fight”
Pernyataan yang paling relevan adalah “ a diabetic man ignored a slight wound
on his toe that he got infected horribly” (seorang pria diabetes mengabaikan luka
kecil di jari kakinya. Dia terinfeksicara mengerikan)
Jawaban : C

6. Pembahasan: Maksud pertanyaan di atas : Asumsi penuis tentang orang Barat

Perhatikan kalimat terakhir pada paragraf terakhir: “It’s easy to dismiss tropical
diseases as an issue that won’t affect the west, but the present situation is a
warming shot across our bows that we ignore at our peril”. Orang barat
menganggap Ebola merupakan penyakit tropis yang tidak akan mempengaruhi
barat sehingga mereka tidak bertindak cepat untuk menanganinya.

Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “They act fast to prevent a disease only if it is
important for them”. (mereka akan bertindak dengan cepat untuk mencegah
penyakit jika itu berpengaruh pada mereka).
Jawaban : A

7. Pembahasan: Kalimat mana yang paling efektif menggambarkan meratanya

wabah Ebola saat ini?

Perhatikan pada paragraph terakhir: “So why is it that, nearly 40 years after
Ebola first surfaced, the world finds itself in a state of panic, and up to ten

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thousand people are dead, owing to a bug that’s probably preventable thanks to
scientific research done decades ago? The answer is that Ebola was regarded as
someone else’s problem. It was a tropical disease of low importance and
(presumed to be) constrained by geography and climate to a part of the world
that held little economic interest to the rest of us. But there in lies a salutary
lesson: because if even a tiny fraction – less than 1% - of what the present
outbreak is now costing the world in terms of lost productivity, humanitarian aid
and human lives lost had been spent 20 years ago to develop an Ebola vaccine,
we probably woldn’t be in this position now. It’s easy to dismiss tropical diseases
as an issue that won’t affect the west, but the present situation is a warming shot
across our bows that we ignore at our peril.
Maksud kalimat yang dicetak tebal adalah hamper 40 tahun setelah Ebola
pertama kali muncul, dunia dalam keadaan panik, korban tewas hingga sepuluh
ribu orang. Pernyataan pada kalimat tersebut sangat efektif karena menyebutkan
data korban yang terinfeksi.
Jawaban : D

8. Pembahasan: Paragraf 3 menyiratkan bahwa, perhatikan kalimat “Trials are

only now getting underway of human versions of the vaccines in Oxford, UK and
the US. “Way too late”, many are saying, to prevent the inevitable yang berarti uji
coba untuk vaksin terlambat dilakukan. Maka jawaban yang sesuai adalah “Ebola
vaccines should have been tested on humans much earlier” (vaksin Ebola
seharusnya diuji pada manusia jauh lebih awal.
Jawaban : B

9. Pembahasan: Peryataan berikut mana yang paling tepat menyatakan ide

paragraph 4?
Salah satu ide pokok pada paragraph 4 : “ what the present outbreak is now
costing the world in terms of lost productivity, humanitarian aid and human lives
lost had been spent 20 years ago to develop an Ebola vaccine, we probably
wouldn’t be in this position now”. Maksud kalimat tersebut adalah akan lebih
baik jika vaksin Ebola sudah ada lebih awal maka Ebola dapat segera

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Jawaban : E

10. Pembahasan: Paragraf tersebut membahas mengenai dua poin penting dalam
pendidikan dan pelatihan psikolog pendidikan di masa yang akan datang.
Paragraf pertama membahas mengenai kinerja psikolog pendidikan terkait
ruang dan konteks, yakni bekerja di sekolah atau bekerja sebagai profesional di
luar sekolah atau institusi pendidikan.
Paragraf kedua membahas mengenai desain kurikulum sarjana psikologi yang
seharusnya mempertimbangkan batasan-batasan yang muncul dari bekerja di
lingkungan sekolah.
Jadi, teks tersebut membahas mengenai pendidikan dan pelatihan psikolog
pendidikan (educational psychologists’ education and training).
Jawaban: B

11. Pembahasan: consequently adalah salah satu conjuction (kata sambung) yang
digunakan utuk menghubungkan dua buah kalimat. Mari perhatikan pengertian
dari pilihan jawaban
a. as a result berarti sebagai akibat, b. therefore: oleh karena itu. C. on the
otherhand: disamping itu, d. meanwhile: sementara itu, e. moreover: lebih
dari itu…
Maka jawabanyang palling tepat adalah as a result

Jawaban A

12. Pembahasan: Kalimat terakhir paragraf ke-3 membahas mengenai harapan

Philipp Hoffman, selaku manajer BMW, agar sistem tanpa kaca spion ini bisa diuji
coba di Amerika Serikat.
Paragraf ke-4 menunjukkan alasan-alasan mengapa Hoffman dapat bersikap
optimis akan harapannya tersebut. Salah satu alasan itu adalah perusahaan
induk Mercedes-Benz, yakni Daimler AG telah menguji truk trailer yang
menggunakan layar – bukan spion – di Nevada, Amerika Serikat.
Jadi, hubungan kalimat terakhir paragraf ke-3 dengan paragraf ke-4 adalah the
sentence discusses the possibility for the technology to be implemented in the U.S.
and the following paragraph explain the reasons for the possibility (kalimat ini
membahas mengenai kemungkinan teknologi tersebut digunakan di Amerika

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Serikat, dan paragraf selanjutnya menjelaskan alasan-alasan terjadinya

kemungkinan tersebut).
Jawaban: A

13. Pembahasan: Teks tersebut menjabarkan mengenai Dockside Green, yakni

sebuah kawasan hunian yang ramah lingkungan. Kawasan ini didesain agar tidak
menghasilkan zat buang (emisi) ke lingkungan. Desain bangunannya pun ramah
lingkungan menggunakan material alami seperti bambu dan bahan bangunan
yang tidak beracun (paragraf ke-2).
Penulis juga menyebutkan bahwa properti ramah lingkungan adalah investasi
properti yang baik terutama untuk mereka yang peduli akan kesehatan
lingkungan dan dirinya (paragraf ke-1). Oleh karenanya, bisa disimpulkan bahwa
properti di Dockside Green adalah aset yang baik.
Sistem permukiman di Dockside Green, di mana setiap penghuni memiliki
pencatat penggunaan energi individu akan mendorong penghuni lebih hemat
dalam menggunakan energi (paragraf ke-3). Kawasan hunian ini juga akan
menggunakan kembali 90% limbah konstruksinya sehingga menurunkan jumlah
emisi ke lingkungan (paragraf ke-4).
Jadi, kesalahpahaman yang mungkin timbul dari penjabaran mengenai Dockside
Green adalah lokasi tersebut merupakan tempat di mana lebih banyak kehidupan
alami dapat terwujud (it is where more natural livings can exist).
Padahal, berdasarkan penjabaran di atas, Dockside Green adalah kawasan
permukiman yang didesain ramah lingkungan dengan model kondominium
(paragraf ke-4).
Jawaban: B

14. Pembahasan: Teks tersebut menjabarkan mengenai bagaimana cara

melakukan detoksifikasi berdasarkan musim, terutama detoksifikasi musim
semi. Pada paragraf ke-3 disebutkan bahwa waktu paling tepat untuk
melaksanakan detoksifikasi musim semi adalah pada fase pergantian musim dari
musim dingin ke musim semi.

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Detoksifikasi musim semi seperti disebutkan di paragraf ke-4 dapat membantu

menurunkan berat badan berlebih, membuat tubuh lebih bersifat alkali atau
basa, dan lebih melancarkan peredaran darah serta energi.
Untuk melakukan detoksifikasi ini berdasarkan paragraf ke-5, asupan makanan
harus lebih diperhatikan, yakni lebih memilih protein nabati. Selain itu,
berdasarkan paragraf ke-1, detoksifikasi bukan hanya mengenai mengubah
ragam makanan, melainkan juga melakukan praktik penyembuhan pikiran dan
tubuh (mind-body healing practices).
Jadi, berdasarkan penjelasan tersebut, kesimpulan terbaik akan teks ini
dinyatakan pada opsi pilihan jawaban yaitu Seasonal detoxification should be
done during the transition from winter to spring since it is the right time to get rid
of toxins, shed extra weight and alkalize the body. To do this, people should
incorporate cleansing and organic plant-based diet and combine them with mind-
body healing practices.
Atau dalam bahasa Indonesia-nya, detoksifikasi berdasarkan musim harus
dilaksanakan pada masa pergantian musim dingin ke musim semi karena pada
waktu tersebut adalah waktu yang tepat untuk menyingkirkan racun, membuang
kelebihan berat badan, dan membasakan tubuh. Untuk melakukan hal ini,
masyarakat harus menggabungkan antara detoksifikasi dengan makanan berasal
dari tumbuhan serta mengombinasikan keduanya dengan praktik penyembuhan
pikiran dan tubuh.
Jawaban: E

15. Pembahasan: Kalimat pertama di paragraf ke-1 berbunyi, “Having known

the benefit of seasonal detoxification, …” (setelah mengetahui keuntungan dari
detoksifikasi berdasarkan musim,…).
Jadi, berdasarkan kutipan paragraf ini, maka paragraf yang mendahului teks
tersebut pasti membahas mengenai keuntungan detoksifikasi (its advantage).

16. Pembahasan : Soal di atas menanyakan tentang ide utama dari bacaan
keseluruhan. Kita harus memahami isi dari teks tersebut untuk menjawab
pertanyaan tersebut. Dalam teks di atas, terdapat berbagai macam poin yang
menjelaskan mengenai aturan yang dapat kita lakukan ketika mengendarai

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skuter listrik. Jawaabn yang benar adalah B. The rules of riding an e-scooter
Jawaban B
17. Pembahasan: Soal yang menanyakan pemahaman hubungan antara ide dalam
kalimat mejemuk membutuhkan pengetahuan yang mumpuni tentang kata
hubung atau conjunction. Kalimat di atas bermakna” skuter elektrik, juga kapak,
bisa berbahaya ketika digunakan dengan tidak sesuai/benar. Sedangkan pilihan
A berarti Jika, pilhan B: bahkan seandainya, C: jika tidak, D: meskipun, E: namun.
Clue yang diberikan adalah”…they are used properly, electric scooters are
dangerous yang artinya skuter elektrik akan berbahaya jika diguankan denga
tidak tepat. Maka jawaban yang benar adalah C: unless
Jawaban : C
18. Pembahasan: Soal di atas menanyakan tentang informasi rinci yang terdapat di
paragraph 4. Secara rinci jawaban soal tersebut dapat diambil dari kalimat Do
not listen to the music while riding your e-scooter because you have to alert with
your surruondings. You may not be able to hear cars, honks, or sirens if you are
only focus on your music. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa seseorang tidak
boleh mendengarkan music karena bisa saja tidak waspada dengan suara-suara
di sekitranya. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B, Because you
cannot hear other sounds.
Jawaban B
19. Pembahasan: With the average earnings of college graduates at a level is twice
as high as that of workers with only a high school diploma, higher education is
now the clearest (1)…into the middle class.
Maksud paragraph 1 diatas adalah bahwa pendapatan lulusan perguruan tinggi
dua kali lebih besar dari pada lulusan SMA. Maka lulusan Pendidikan tinggi
merupakan jalan untuk masuk ke golongan kelas menengah.
Jawaban C
20. Pembahasan: we have fallen to 16th in the world iin our shape of certificates
and degrees awarded to adult ages 25-34, kagging behind Korea, Canada, Japan,
and other nations. While more than half of college students graduate within six
years, the (2)…for low-income students is around 25 percent.

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Maksud dari paragraph 2 diatas adalah kami telah turun ke peringkat 16 untuk
sertifikasi dan gelar penduduk yang berusia dewasa antara 25-34 tahun,
dimana lebih dari setengah mahasiswa perguruan tinggi lulus dalam 6 tahun,
tingkat penyelesaian untuk mahasiswa berpendapatan rendah sekitar 25%.
Frase tersebut adalah yang paling tepat karena sebelumnya membicarakan
tentang waktu tentang menyelesaikan Pendidikan.
Jawaban A

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Read the following text for question no 1

Over this decade, employment in jobs requiring education beyond a high school
diploma will grow more rapidly then employment in jobs that do not, of the 30
fastest growing occupations, more than half require post-secondary education.
With the average earnings of college graduates at a level is twice as high as that of
workers with only a high school diploma, higher education is now the clearest
(1)…into the middle class.
In higher education, the U.S has been outpaced internationally. While the United
States ranks ninth in the world in the proportion of young adults enrolled in
college, we have fallen to 16th in the world iin our shape of certificates and degrees
awarded to adult ages 25-34, kagging behind Korea, Canada, Japan, and other
nations. While more than half of college students graduate within six years, the
(2)…for low-income students is around 25 percent.
Acknowledging these factors early in his administration, President Obama
challenged every American to commit to at least one year of higher education or
post-secondary training (3)…that American would once again have the highest
proportionof college graduates in the world by 2020.

UTBK 2013
1. The option that best completes 3 is…
A. American will deserve higher education for their future
B. Middle class American are invited to provide financial aids
C. American students are suggested to take entrepreneurial skills
D. The government recommends Americans for college education
E. the president has set up a new educational goal for the country

Read the following text for question no 2-5

Agroecologist do not always agree about what agroecology is or should be in the
long term. Different definition of the term agroecology can be distinguished largely

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by the specificity with which one difines the term’s potential political connotations.
Definitions of agroecology, therefore may be first grouped according to the specific
contexts within which they situate agriculture. Agroecology is defined as “the study
of the relation of agricultural crops and environment.”This definition refers to “-
ecology” part of “agroecology” narrowly as the natural environment. Following this
definition an agroecologist would study agriculture’s various relationships with soil
health, water quality, meso-and -micro-fauna, surrounding flora, environmental
toxins, and othet environmental contexts.

A more common definition of the word can be taken from Dalgaard et al, who refer
to agroecology as the sudy of the interactions between plants, animals, humans, and
the environment within agricultural systems. Consequently, agroecology is
inherently multidisciplinary, including factors from agroeconomy, ecology,
sociology, economics, and related disciplines. In this case, the “-ecology” include
social, cultural, and economic contexts as well.

In the global south, the term often carries overtly political connotations. Such
political definitions of the term usually ascribe to it the goals of social and economic
justice; special attention, in this case, is often paid to the traditional farming
knowledge of indigenous populations. Notrsh Amerian and European uses of the
term sometimes avoid of the inclusion of such overtly political goals. In there,
agroecology is seen more strictly as a scientific discipline with less specific social
goals. ( (UTBK 2013)
2. Idea in paragraph 2 and 3 define agroecology as shown in the constructive
realation as …
A. Poltical and interactive approaches
B. Geeral and cross-authoritative sides
C. Multidisciplinary and restricted angels
D. Ecological and socio-economic viewpoints
E. Agricultural and socio-cultural perspective

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3. Based on the passage above, if someone is genuine agroecologist, he/she will


A. Examine social, amd economic aspects

B. Do research on environmental and political loads
C. Include scientific methodology in his/her approach
D. Put aside socaila spets in his/her ecological studies
E. Make use of multidiscipline analysis in his/her inquiry

4. Regarding the definition of agroecology, the author assumes that it…

A. tends to donate scientific loads

B. may be understood contextually
C. can be interpreted differently
D. has universal underlying values
E. should be exclusively situated

5. The points provided in paragraph 3 of the passage explain that…

A. Interpreting acroecology needs to include political sides

B. Agroecology is associated geographically and politically
C. Different places tend to define scientifically
D. People’s aspiration of agroecology differs significantly
E. Nobody can define agroecology with scientific precision.

Read the following text for question no 6-9

The development of technology has changed many things in workplaces. No, we can
see many industries entrust their operations to certain gadgets, softwaren and
programs in order to make it more efficient. One of technologies that might
transform workplaces in the future is RPA (Robotic Process automation). This
technology can handle various repetitive tasks that usually dealt in clerical work by
administrative staff. By embracing the new technology, companies can lower their
cost in human resources and increase productivity in their workplaces.

The use of certain technologies in workplaces increases the concern of

unemployment. Some companies will only be interested in increasing their profit by

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reducing the cost in human resource sector and it will gradually make people
become unemplyed. However, such changing in administrative and clerival jobs also
has positive impact. Even though dmand on average office workers decreases, there
is an increase in demand of workers in creative work, amagerial duties, and
communication with business parties, such as clients and suppliers.

With the unavoidable changing, workers have to develop their skills in order to
adapt new era. Some basic data skills might not be useful for the future since it can
be handled by technology. Now, many of them are expected to acquire problem-
solving and critical thinking skills that will help them handling any difficult
situations and finding solutions for every problem.

Being adaptable and agile are important to be able to survive in this complex,
uncertain, and volatile world. The successful workers are people who can combine
flexibility, willingness to learn, and initiative in order to seek out opportunities, take
new challenges, and improve themselves to be better.

By preparing the future generations of workers with variousbusiness skills, we

already provide them with survival skills to become better employees and they
would not feel unprepared when automation takes over.
(UTBK 2013)
6. Which one is the best title for the text above?
A. Important skills fro workforce iin the future.
B. Robotic Process Automation Software
C. Challenges for our future generation
D. The uncertain and complex world
E. How to tackle difficult situation.

7. “Being adaptable and agile are important to be able to survive in this comple,
uncertain, and volatile world.” Which pharases best replace the underline word?

A. Be resilient nad flexible

B. Be critical in any situation
C. Be able to move quickly and easily

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D. Be able to take action independently

E. Be able to analyze facts and apply knowledge

8. In paragraph 2, the writer tries to connect two ideas below.

“The use of certain technology in workplaces increases the concern of
unemployment. Some companies will only be interested in increasing their profit
by reducing the cosy in human resource sector and it will gradually make people
become unemplyed. However, such changing in administrative and clerical jobs
has positive impact”
Which word in the sentence connect between two different ideas?
A. such
B. certain
C. Impact
D. however
E. gradually

9. How does the writer write his/her first paragraph?

A. ask an open ended question to begin with
B. give some examples to begin the discussion on the topic
C. use a variety of phrases to show different points about matter
D. start with more general statement before narrowing it down to specific
E. connect new paragraph to what was previously written in order to achieve
better cohesion.
Read the following text for question no 10-12
Panic attack is a sudden feeling of terros. Usually it does not last long, but it manny
feel like forever. The cause can be something as normal as driving over a bridge or
flying in an airpleane. It can happen even if the person has driven over mnay bridges
or flown many times before. The signs of panic disorder include a fast hearbeat,
sweety hands, difficulty breathing, and lightheaded feeling.

At the first a person may have what is wrong. The first appearance is between the
ages of eighteen and twenty-four. In some cases it develops after tragedy. For
example, the death of a loved one or some other difficult situation. In the United

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States, the National Institute of Mental Health says more than two million people
are affected in one-year period. The American Psychological Association says that it
happens more to women than men. It can last anywhere from a few months to

Some people who suffer a panic attack develop a phobia, a deep fear of ever
repeating the activity that brought on the attack. But experts say panic disorder can
be treated. Doctors might suggest anti-anxiety or antidepressant medicines. Talking
to a counsellor could help a person learn to deal with or avoid a panic attack. There
are breathing methods, for example, that might help a person calm down.

Panic disorder is include among what mental health professionals call anxiety
disorders. A study published last week reported a link between anxiety disorders
and several physical diseases. It says these include thyroid disease, lung and
stomach problems, arthritis, migraine headaches, and allergic conditions. (UTBK

10. What is the topic of the passage?

A. Mental hazards
B. Physical diseases
C. Emotional problems
D. Panic disorders
E. Panic attack

11. The word "lightheaded" in line 5 means...

A. Sad
B. Dizzy
C. Excited
D. Sorrwful
E. Distressed

12. Based on paragraph 4, what did the study reveal about anxiety disorders?
A. The need for anti-depressant medicines for those suffering a panic attack
B. The connection between the disorder and some physical disease
C. The need for talking to a counsellor to deal with a panic attack

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D. The possibility of developing a panic attack to a phobia

E. The possible treatment of a panic attack

The following text for question 13-16

Light pollution is the change of natural light levels in the night environment
produced by introduction of artificial light. Because of the continuous growth of the
nighttime artificial lighting, this problem is increasingly debated. In fact, many
localities have develoved regulations to restrict the wasteful loss of light into the
sky and environment.

The expanding use of light at night is because humans are diurnal animals. They are
trying to extend activities into the usually dark hours. This increasing use is driven
by what seems common sense, and by the lighting industry with justifications that
at first may seem correct. With few exceptions, everything we build is lit at night.
This includes street, roads, bridges, airports, commercial, and industrial building,
parking lots, sport centers and homes. Outdoor lighting continues to expend as more
infrastructure are built. Lighting levels in public areas are often set high with one
more secondary objectives in mind. For instance, building exteriors are often lit for
a merely beautiful effect. Shopping centers are typically lit to attract shoppers. They
also create a lively environment to stimulate spending. Lighting levels in public
areas often set high to prevent crime, even though studies have not proven this to
have any effect on crime rates. Indeed, the cores of our urban centers are bathed in
light. The resulting light pollution can extend more than a hundred kilometers out
from the city's edge.

Reliable evidence shows that this artificial of the day produce serious and risky
consequences to human health and environment. Ciszano, Falchi and Elvidge (2001)
have studied the impact of light pollution on the night sky. The result indicates that
more than 60% of world population live under light polluted skies (99% of the
population of USA and Europe) and almost one-fifth of world terrain is under light
polluted skies. In regards to human, there are no doubts that exposure to light at
night (LAN) decreases pineal melatonin (a kind of hormone) production and
secretion and are not only a source for phase shift in daily rhythms. (UTBK 2017)

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13. Which of the following best restates the sentence "... humans are diurnal
animals" in line 4?
A. Humans are day light active creature
B. Humans require light to live like animals
C. Humans and animals equally need light to live
D. Both humans and animals are active during the day
E. Humans and animals try to prolog their activities at night

14. The author introduces the problems of light pollution followed by ...
A. Research evidence indicating the danger of light pollution on human health
B. Further explanation about why and how people use more light
C. More examples of light and causes that might
D. The use of regulation to minimize the effect of light
E. Details on areas requiring light for business

15. What does the author imply in the second paragraph?

A. Providing light could increase economic activities
B. Both humans and animals rely on light for survival
C. Using more light may mean increasing light pollution
D. Light should be provided according to people's needs
E. Building unfrastructure in mainly used for public facilities

16. The author reminds readers to be more careful with commercialism in free
applications in paragraph(s)
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1 dan 4
E. 2 dan 3

Read the following text for question no 17-20

The application, games, and websites that are promoted as 'educational' are not
always the best ones for supporting learning. The fact that they are interactive does
not necessarily mean that they are much better than an old-fashioned workbook
with its right and wrong answers. Children may enjoy these products for a while but

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then get a bit bored, and we now know that they are not the most appropriate or
engaging way to learn.

Treat so-called 'free' application with caution. Some will expose your child to
advertisiment. Others are designed to wait until your child is engaged in a game or
storyline and then demand payment before they can go any further. This can lead to
frustration as young children do not understand why they can not continue.
Sometimes it is better to make a small payment in advance if the application
promises no further purchases. However, some applications are free to download
and completely free of advertisement or in-app purchases.

Choosing an app needs the same kind of thought and care you would put into buying
anything else for your child. Do not rely only on the star rating. Instead, read the
user reviews and check the privacy policy if you are worried about the personal
information that the app might be collecting. If you want your child to enjoy
learning, to develop curiosity, and think about things creatively, provide them with
a range of games and apps. Open-ended games have become progressively more
challenging and encourage children to explore and have fun. They are, therefore,
more likely to establish a love of learning and to lay the foundation for their future

Physical activity, reading, and other more 'traditional' activities continue to play a
very important part in children's development. But, most parents do rely on screen
devices from time to time to engage their child while they are busy with something
else. This is not a problem in itself, just as long as children's time is made up of
balanced range of activities. (UTBK 2017)

17. The author reminds readers to be more careful with commercialism in free
applications in paragraph(s)
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1 dan 4
E. 2 dan 3

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18. How does the idea in sentence 6 relate to the other ideas in paragraph 27
A. Sentence 6 elaborates the other ideas in paragraph 2
B. Sentence 6 is the result of the other ideas in paragraph 2
C. Sentence 6 strongly contradicts the other ideas in paragraph 2
D. Sentence 6 is the implementation of the theory discussed in paragraph 2
E. Sentence 6 provides another type of free applications discussed in
paragraph 2

19. The author would apparently agree that

A. Open-ended games can stimulate children's love for learning
B. Some games and applications are boring because they are too easy
C. There is no convincing prediction for the future of the games and apps
D. It is better to pay for games in advance so that children can learn freely
E. Apps star rating provides users with reviews on the good things of games
and apps

20. Regarding busy parents reliance on screen device to help keep their children
entertained, the author assumes that ..
A. It is the parents responsibility to make their children less engaged with
screen devices
B. Children whose parents are busy with their activities must usescreen
devices less
C. Parent need to be aware of their children's need for varied activities
D. Such parent's reliance is acceptable as long as the children are given the
right proportion of the other activities
E. It is not tolerable as their children need to have more physical activities

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1. Pembahasan: President Obama challenged every American to commit to at

least one year of higher education or post-secondary training (3)…that American
would once again have the highest proportionof college graduates in the world by
2020. Maksud paragraph 3 diatas adalah Presiden Obama menantang setiap orang
Amerika untuk berkomitmen pada setidaknya satu tahun Pendidikan tinggi atau
pelatihan pasca sekolah menegah. Presiden telah menetpkan tujuan baru
Pendidikan untuk negara, bahwa Amerika akaln sekali lagi memiliki proporsi
lulusan perguruan tinggi tertinggi di dunia pada tahun 2020.
Jawaban E

2. Pembahasan : Pembahasan: Maksud pertanyaan di atas adalah gagasan

dalam paragrf 2&3 mendefinisikan agroekologi seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam
hubungan terkait sebagai…Perhatikan pada paragraph 2: Consequently,
agrodecology is inherently multidisciplinary, including factors from agroeconomy,
ecology, sociology, economics, and related disciplines. (Agroekonomi berhubungan
erta dengan multidisiplin termasuk factor-faktor agronomi,ekologi, sosiologi,
ekonomi, dan disiplin yang terkait)

Maka, agroekologi sangat terkait dengan factor agroekonomi dan sosial-ekonomi

Jawaban E

3. Pembahasan: jika seseorang adalah ahli egroekolgi sejati, kemungkinan

besar dia akan…

Pada paragraph, agroecology is inherently multidisciplinary, including factors from

agroeconomy, ecology, sociology, economics, and related disciplines.

Pada kalimat tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa seorang agroekolgis sejati akan
memanfaatkan analisis multidisipliner dalam penelitiannya.

Jawaban E

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4. Pembahasan: Maksud pertanyaan diatas adalah asumsi penulis mengenai

pengertian agroekologi.

Pada paragraph 1: Different definition of the term agroecology can be distinguished

largely by the specificity with which one difines the term’s potential political
connotations. Maksud

kalimat tersebut adalah agroekologi dapat diinterpretasikan secara berbeda-beda.

Jawaban C

5. Pembahasan: Maksud dari pertanyaan di atas adalah poin-poin pada

paragraph 3 menjelaskan tentang…

Paragraf 3: In the global south, the term often carries overtly political connotations.
Such political definitions of the term usually ascribe to it the goals of social and
economic justice; special attention, in this case, is often paid to the traditional
farming knowledge of indigenous populations. Notrsh Amerian and European uses of
the term sometimes avoid of the inclusion of such overtly political goals. In there,
agroecology is seen more strictly as a scientific discipline with less specific social

Paragraf tersebut menjelaskan tentang perbedaan ruang lingkup pembelajarn

antara daerah selatan yang memasukkan tujuan politik secara terbuka dan daerah
utara yang biasanya tidak memasukkan tujuan politik. Maka, pernytaan yang tepat
adalah bahwa aspirasi masyarakat pada agroekologi sangat berbeda.

Jawaban D

6. Pembahasan: Soal ini menanyakan pokok pikiran dari teks dengan

menggunakan pertanyaan tentang judul yang paling tepat di antara pilihan. Untuk
menjawab soal serupa, bacalah paragraph pertama atau kalimat awal paragraph
pertama. Setelah itu, lakukan skimming atau membaca cepat untuk mendapatkan
ide utama. Pada teks tersebut, semua paragraph mewakili satu ide utama, yaitu
tentang keahlian yang harus dimiliki oleh generasi yang akan datang, secara
umum. Teks tersebut tidak menyebutkan secara khusus tentang RPA saja. RPA

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hanya salah satu teknologi yang diambil sebagai contoh. Oleh sebab itu, jawaban
yang benar adalah A. Important skills for workforce in the future.
Jawaban A
7. Pembahasan: Untuk menjawab sinonim atau persamaan kata, kita perlu
memahami konteks dari kata tersebut di dalam bacaan. Meskipun kita telah mengetahui
arti dari kata tersebut, namun setelah kita masukkan ke dalam konteks kalimat atau
paragraph, kata tersebut memilik arti yang berbeda. Seandainya kata tersebut benar-
benar baru, jangna cepat menyerah, karena konteks dan kata-kata sebelum dan
sesudahnya akan memberikan clue. Agile berhubungan dengan kemampuan untuk
ebradaptasi, dunia yang kompleks, penuh ketidak pastina, beruah dengan cepat dan
makna sejenisnya. Keseluruhan teks membangun konteks tersebut. Jawaban yangbenar
adalah C. Be able to move quickly and easily.
Jawaban C

8. Pembahasan: Tipe soal correlation atau hubungan antar kalimat dalam

paragraph membutuhkan pengetahuan dasar tentang kata hubung atau
conjunction. Pilihan jawaban yang tersedia sudah menunjukkan clue bahwa satu-
satunya conjunction yang tersedia adalah such, yang memberikan makna mengacu
pada ujaran sebelumnya. Kalimat pertama menjelaskan emnegnai penggunaan
teknologi, kalimat kedua mendukung argument kalimat pertama, dan kalimat ketiga
mengacu pada perubahan yang disebutkan dalam kalimat pertama. Such berarti
demikian atua seperti yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya. Jawaban yang paling
benar adalah A. Such

Jawaban A

9. Pembahasan: Pertanyaan tentang text organization pada bagian awal atau

paragraf pertama dapat dijawab dengan memahami alur berpikir penulisnya.
Perhatikan kalimat pertama dan kedua pada paragraph pertama. Pada kalimat
pertama, penulis memberikan gambaran umum tentang perubahan dan inovasi di
dunia pekerjaan. Sedangkan di kalimat kedua, penulis memberikan contoh dari
perubahan tersebut. Jawaban yang paling benar adalah D. Start with more general
statement before narrowing it down to a specific example.

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Jawaban D

Jawaban E

10. Pembahasan: Topik pada suatu teks dapat diketahui dengan menentukan
gagasan pokoknya. Perhatikan pada setiap paragraf gagasan pokoknya menjelaskan
tentang panic attack atau panic disorder. Maka topik pada teks di atas adalah panic

Jawaban : D

11. Pembahasan: Kata “lightheaded" terdapat pada kalimat "The signs of panic
disorder include a fast heartbeat, sweaty hands, difficulty breathing, and a
lightheaded feeling. Kata tersebut memiliki arti yang sama dengan dizzy (pusing).
Jawaban B

12. Pembahasan: Paragraph 4: Panic disorder is include among what mental

health professionals call anxiety disorders. A study published last week reported a
link between anxiety disorders and several physical diseases. It says these include
thyroid disease, lung and stomach problems, arthritis, migraine headaches, and
allergic conditions.

Paragraph tersebut menjelaskan beberapa penyakit fisik yang berhubungan dengan

penyakit kecemasan, yaitu: penyakit tiroid, masalah paru-paru dan perut, radang
sendi. sakit kepala migrain, dan kondisi alergi.

Jawaban : B

13. Pembahasan: Pada kalimat " humans are diurnal animals" in line 4 dapat
dinyatakan kembali dengan kalimat yang tepat yaitu manusia adalah mahluk yang
aktif di siang hari (Humans are day light active creature).

Jawaban : A

14. Pembahasan: Pada kalimat "In fact, many localities have develoved
regulations to restrict the wasteful loss of light into the sky and environment"

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maksudnya penulis mengungkapkan fakta tentang pencegahan pemborosan

cahaya. Maka pernyataan tersebut diikuti dengan "The use of regulation to
minimize the effect of light."

Jawaban : D

15. Pembahasan: Maksud penulis pada paragraf ke-2 adalah perhatikan

kutipan di bawah ini:

Lighting levels in public areas are often set high with one more secondary objectives
in mind. For instance, building exteriors are often lit for a merely beautiful effect.
Lighting levels in public areas often set high. Indeed, the cores of our urban centers
are bathed in light. The resulting light pollution can extend more than a hundred
kilometers out from the city's edge.

Maka dapat disimpulkan maksud dari paragraf ke - 2 adalah "Using more light may
mean increasing light pollution."

Jawaban : C

16. Pembahasan: Paragraf yang menjelaskan tentang "penulis mengingatkan

pembaca untuk lebih berhati-hati dengan komersialisme di aplikasi gratis"

Perhatikan kalimat di bawah ini!

Treat so-called 'free' application with caution. Some will expose your child to
advertisiment. Others are designed to wait until your child is engaged in a game or
storyline and then demand payment before they can go any further.

Kalimat di atas terdapat pada paragraf ke-2

Jawaban : B

17. Pembahasan: Pada paragraf ke-2 pada kalimat "Some will expose your child
to advertisiment" menjelaskan tentang jenis-jenis aplikasi gratis yang dijelaskan
pada isi paragraf ke-2 secara keseluruhan.

Jawaban : E

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18. Pembahasan: Pernyataan pada teks yang disetujui penulis terdapat di

paragraf 2 kalimat "Sometimes it is better to make a small payment in advance if the
application promises no further purchases." Penulis setuju jika pembayaran lebih
baik dilakukan lebih dahulu sehingga anak-anak tidak akan merasa frustasi karena
tidak bisa melanjutkan aplikasinya.

Jawaban : D

19. Pembahasan: Orang tua yang sibuk sangat bergantung pada media
elektronik untuk menghibur anak- anak mereka. Pernyataan yang tersebut terdapat
di paragraf 4 pada kalimat terakhir "This is not a problem in itself, just as long as
children's time is made up of balanced range of activities." (asumsi penulis bahwa
ketergantungan tersebut dapat dibenarkan selama anak-anak diberikan proporsi
yang tepat dengan kegiatan lainnya).

Jawaban : D

20. Pembahasan: Orang tua sibuk bergantung pada media elektronik untuk
menghibur anak-anak mereka. Pernyataan yang tersebut terdapat di paragraph 4
pada kalimat terakhir “This is not a problem in itself., just as longas children’s time
is made up of balanced range of activites.” (asumsi penulis bahwa ketergantungan
tersebut dapat dibenarkan selama anak-anak diberikan proporsi yang tepat
dengan kegiatan lainnya.
Jawaban D

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Read the following text for questions 1-5

The second advantage of herbal medicine is the absence of long term effect.
Repeated and long-term use of herbal remedies does no result in long-term effects
on the body. Certain pharmaceutical drugs like paracetamol when used for long
periods results in permanent body damage and long-term ill effect. Herbal remedies
on the other hand are not harmful to the body in the long-term. One can use most
herbal remedies repeatedly and regularly without any worries.

Another benefit of using herbal remedies is that they are completely natural. They
do not have chemical composition or drugs. Due to their natural nature they can be
consumed regularly. These natural remedies also result in a better immune system.

Furthermore, herbal remedies have multipurpose benefits. For instance, ginger is

usually used as an herbal remedy for colds and digestive disorders, but one can also
use it in their tea, beverages, and daily home cooked food for flavoring. Similarly,
herbal extracts for peppermint can not only add spice and flavor to your kitchen
recipe, but can also be used as anti-depressant.

Herbal remedies are absolutely inexpensive and sometimes even absolutely free of
cost. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, herbal remedies have no manufacturing costs,
making them far cheeper. Some herbal remedies like ginseng, peppermint and
ginger can even be grown in your backyard.

Herbal remedies are easily accessible. Certain herbal remedies like ginger,
peppermint and basil leaves can be acquired anywhere in the world. One can even
visit any local drug store and purchase herbal remedies without any trouble.
Besides this you can even grow some of the remedies in your garden.

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Another excellent benefit of herbal remedies is that can be used to cure people of all
ages. Children, adults and even elderly people can resort to herbal remedies to get
rid of their ailment.

Due to their natural nature, herbal remedies most often do not cause an allergic
reaction in the body. Several people are allergic to certain chemical that are part of
pharmacheutical drugs. Herbal remedies on the other hand create no allergic
reaction (Adapted from

1. In presenting the text, the writer probably wants to….

A. present the two points of view of medication
B. describe the benefits of herbal remedies
C. explain why herbal remedies is important
D. explain herbal remedies are easy to find
E. convince people the pharmaceutical drugs are better

2. One of disadvantages of pharmaceutical drugs mentioned in the text is…

A. used for colds and digestive disorders
B. used as anti-depressant
C. free of cost
D. does no result in long-term effects on the body
E. long-term used will effect permanent body damage

3. “Herbal remedies on the other hand are not harmful to the body in the long-
The underlined word has same meaning s with….
A. adverse
B. aiding
C. beneficial
D. honest
E. fortunate
4. Based on the text we can conclude that the writer suggest that we….
A. stop consume pharmaceutical drug
B. should not buy a pharmaceutical drug

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C. should not consume pharmaceutical drug for long period

D. replace pharmaceutical drug with herbal remedies
E. reduce consume herbal remedies
5. The writer mentioned that herbal remedies as a “natural nature”. This idea
means that….
A. not cause an allergic reaction in the body
B. can be used to cure people of all ages
C. inexpensive and sometimes even absolutely free of cost
D. can be acquired anywhere in the world
E. can be used repeatedly and regularly without any worries

Read the following text for questions no 6-9

Recently, many fake COVID-19-free letters were sold in big e-commerce platforms.
The phenomenon itself was linked with the exodus (mudik) ban since the number
of COVID-19 cases I was still high. The COVID-19-free letter becomes important
because it is one of the requirements for passengers who want to travel with certain
transportation. The fake letters became viral regarding news about a crowded
situation in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.
The letters contained a letterhead and a stamp of one of big private hospitals in
Indonesia. There was also a signature from a general practitioner to support its
genuineness. The letters were offered with various prices, starting from IDR 70,000.
The hospital, whose name has been used for the fake letters, denied having issued
the letters and decided to take legal action against any parties who used its name in
the fake letters.

Regarding to the e-commerce platforms, one of the platforms stated that it had
taken down both the products and the merchants and no one had purchased the
letters before they were taken down. The company also encouraged the platform's
users to report products that violate Indonesia laws. Other platforms also confirmed
that they had done the same with the products and the merchants for they were not
supporting any violations that harm people and communities (Adapted from

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6. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. requirement to travel with airplanes
B. E-commerce offers for patients of COVID-19-free
C. Illegal offers of COVID-19-free-letters in e-commerce
D. E-commerce platforms regulation for COVID-19 medication
E. Soekarno-Hatta International Airport regulation concerning COVID-19
7. “Recently, many fake COVID-19-free-letters were sokd in big e-commerce
platforms.” (paragraph 1). The underlined word can be best replaced with…
A. important
B. genuine
C. original
D. bogus
E. clear

8. “The phenomenon itself was linked with the exodus (mudik) ban since the
number of COVID-19 cases was still high.”(paragraph 1). In other words, we can
say that…
A. many people were successfully purchased the letter in e-commerce platforms
B. e-commerce platforms embraced all users to profit from their selling
C. the letter was necessary to be sold online so that anyone can purchase it
D. the target market of the letter might be people who were hoping to do
exodues (mudik)
E. people who were travelling for exodus (mudik) had to do self-quarantine for
at least 14 days.
9. What does the platforms suggest concerning the products that violates law?
A. report digitally
B. block the merchants
C. protest the merchants
D. write the complaint letter
E. report to police for ITE law breaker

Read the following text for question 10-14

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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Fresh water is one of the most important resources for human beings. The increase
of population has caused problems for the availability of this resource, especially in
dry regions. Supplying fresh water becomes an important task to do since all living
creatures depend on it. Meanwhile, the Earth surface mostly consists of water, yet
ocean water, which has the biggest percentage, cannot be used for humnas’ daily
activities. Desalination process becomes an important key to fulfill fresh water

Desalination process can be conducted using solar-powered desalination unit. This

unit works using solar power, directly or indirectly, by changing salt water to
drinking water. The work of the unit is similar with natural rainfall process. The
direct solar desalination unit, or usually called solar still, works really simple and is
similar with condensation trap. The Sun heats the salt water into gas (water
vapour). Then, the water vapour is collected in the inside lid abd condenses back as
fresh water in different container. This unit does not produce a lot of water per day
because the amount of produced water is proportional with the surface for the unit.
Weather conditions and the intensity of solar power become challenges for this unit
since it depends much on the solar power.

Direct solar-powered destination unit is indeed good for water purification, yet the
output is not enough for mass operation. Therefore, the implementation of idirect
solar-powered desalination method is useful to increase the amount of fresh water.
This method merges two different technologies, a solar energy collection system
(using various methods, such as multistage flsh (MSF)distillation, multiple effect
evaporation (MEE) or reserve osmosis (RO)).

Using solar-powered desalination unit is better than using fossil-fuels energy sinceit
is more environmentally-friendly. Since the increase of fresh water demands and
the development of solar technology, solar-powered desalination unit might be one
of the best alternatives in order to maintain the availability of fresh water for all
living creatures
(Adapted from

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10. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. Solar energy to produce salt water
B. Description of direct desalination unit
C. Direct and indirect desalination devices
D. Process of converting salt water into fresh water
E. The average number of human’s daily fluid intake
11. In presenting the idea, the writer starts by…
A. reviewing how rainfall generated
B. giving examples of drinking water
C. describing the solar desalination unit
D. explaining how the Sun creates energy
E. explaining the importance of fresh water
12. Why does the indirect desalination method should be conducted?
A. because it relies on the Sun
B. because it can produce more fresh water
C. because it uses inexpensive technology
D. because it is faster to produce fresh water
E. because it combines two different technologies
13. “This unit does not produce a lot of water per day because the amount of
produced waters proportional with the surface of the unit.” (paragraph 2)
It can be concluded that…
A. The output of desalination process is directly changed into energy
B. The bigger the direct desalinationunit, the more wter is produced
C. The production of direct desalination unit is enough for a whole country
D. to produce drinking water, the device must have proportional surface
E. the power desalination unit determines the amount of water being
14. “Then, the water vapour is collected in the inside lid and
condenses…(paragraph 2)
The underlined word can be best replaced with…
A. condensation
B. dryness

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C. reek
D. hazard
E. breath

Read the following for questions no 15-20

Mobile phones have been part of our lives. They are used by many people, from
children to elderly people. Everyone seems to have their own mobile phones.
Nowadays, there are many activities that people do without mobile phones, from
playing video games to browsing latest information by using internet connection.
Despite of its various functions, we might wonder how often people actually use
their mobile phones to talk to each other, like it is used to be in the past.

The massive use of mobile phones and its intensity of influencing people’s lives
cause a new type of disease called Nomophobia (No Mobile Phone Phobia). Some
signs of nomophobia are fear of finding your mobile phone not working and fear of
losing your mobile phone or forgetting it somewhere. The disease become more
common now since many people are already diagnosed with this issue and more
people suffer from disease without realizing it. Scientists predict that two third of
world population is prone to this problem.

Many people depends on their lives on gadgets, including mobile phones. They do
not realize that a mobile phones is a tool that had been initially invented to make
their lives easy and simple, not more complicated and harm them. Mobile phone
addcition is dangerous since it forces people to become dependent on advance
technology and it distracts them for living their life fully. Instead of going out and
meeting people, many people send text messages, do video calls, and say “hi”
through social media platforms on their brand new mobile phones. It shows that
people build their live around technology instead of real connection.

It leads us to the questions” What should we do now?”. I believe reducing time of

using mobile phones for at least by half, for starters, will be great. We can also ask
ourselves how many hours per day we use for mobile phones and whether it brings
positive impacts or not. When we do reflection to ourselves and learn from others,
we might realize that mobile phones and learn from others, we might realize that

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mobile phone seems like a malady. However, they are just a small device, a
convenience tool, that we need to be able to control, it will not be able to control us.

(Adapted from


15. Based on the text, we may conclude that the writer suggest that we….
A. stop using mobile phones
B. should not buy a new moble phone unless necessary
C. should not use various application in a mobile phone
D. replace mobile phone with face-to-face contact
E. reduce the time to spend with mobile phone at least by half
16. The writer illustrates that mobile phone as a “malady”. This idea means
A. people are aware with this catasthrope
B. it is a tragedy that human cannot avoid
C. the impact of mobile phones
D. the use of mobile phones can be a kind of addiction that hard to cure
E. mobile phone users get less time to meet others face-to-face
17. The following statements are TRUE about ‘nomophobia”except….
A. it is a fear of someoneof having no phones
B. it is a feeling of restless due to losing a mobile phones
C. it is a feeling of desiring the latest style of a mobil phone
D. it is a fear of someone of having a not-working mobile phone
E. it is a psychological disorder due to having no mobile phone
18. The text mainly talks about….
A. the first type of mobile phone
B. how mobile phones affect other’s lives
C. people’s dependency on mobile phones
D. the convenience of using mobile phones
E. the history of development of mobile phones
19. “…. a convenience tool, that we need to be able to control, it will not be able
to control us.”
The underlined word has similar meaning with…

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A. Accessibility
B. Delay
C. Handicap
D. Disadvantage
E. Hindrance
20. One of disadvantages of mobile phones mentioned in the text is….
A. It used by many people
B. People depend their lives on it
C. It makes people lives simple and easy
D. It is a convenience tool
E. It forces people to meet face-to-face

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Kunci Jawaban

1. B
2. E
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. E
10. C
11. E
12. B
13. E
14. A
15. E
16. D
17. E
18. B
19. A
20. C

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Literasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris

REFERENSI 1 Februari 2022. 30 Vocabulary Sulit yang Sering Dijumpai dalam

UTBK SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris. Diakses 26 November 2022, dari

@2022, Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan 57

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