UKBM Song Bahasa Inggris

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UKBM B.ING.3.9/4.9/2/9.9

1. Identitas UKBM/ B.ING/3.9/4.9/2/9.9

a. Nama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
b. Kelas / Semester :2
c. Kompetensi Dasar :

3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait
kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK
4.9 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur
kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK

d. Materi Pokok : song ( lagu yang terkait dengan kehidupan remaja).

e. Alokasi Waktu : 2 Jp x 5
f. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan, presentasi dan analisis,

peserta didik dapat menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur
kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK dan menangkap makna secara kontekstual
terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait
kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK, sehingga peserta didik
dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya,
mengembangkan sikap jujur, peduli, dan bertanggungjawab, serta
dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis,
berkomunikasi, berkolaborasi, berkreasi (4C).
g. Materi Pembelajaran :

o Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK, MA/MAK Kelas X Wajib.

Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, hal. 193 s.d.
203 dan (2) Th. M. Sudarwati dan Eudia Grace. 2014. Pathway to
English General Program for Senior High School Grade X, hal
193, 194, 195, MEDIATAMA, Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris kelas Peminatan
Ilmu Bahasa dan Budaya, Kur 2013, oleh Seto Hidayat, Ardana Neswari
Purba, Arlis Dwi Siswanti, Erlina Setijani, dan Teguh Sarosa.

2. Peta Konsep


 Definition
 Social Function
 Language Features
 Topic
 Structuure

3. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

a. Pendahuluan
Sebelum belajar pada materi ini silahkan kalian membaca dan memahami
narasi di bawah ini.
Song is a brief composition written or adapted for singing. Song has some
different type. They are classical, pop, rock, metal, country, hip hop, ballads,
dance, and love song. Song lyrics is divided into four parts, they an tittle of
song, the singer lyric, and chorus of song lyric.

Types of songs

a. Classical Songs
As the name suggests, classical songs are those in which traditional
music has a main role. For example , Symphony No 9 ; Ode To Joy –
Ludwig van Beethoven.
b. Pop Songs
Pop songs are those which have contemporary lyrics and upbeat
rhythm, basically for the youth culture, for example , I do – Colbie

c. rock songs

rock songs are most popular among teenagers and youngsters. They consist of
clear pieces of lead guitar, bass guitar, drums, and keyboard as some of the
main instruments. For example, Starlight, - MUSE.

d. Metal Songs

Metal Songs are a bit more hard – sounding than rock songs. For example,
Carpe Diem Baby – Metallica.

e. Country Songs

Country songs are suitable for easy listening. They mainly consist of clean lyrics
with music pieces using classical guitars and other traditional instruments. For

NOTE: selengkapnya untuk country song bisa di teruskan di buku sumber hal.1.

Untuk dapat menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut, silahkan kalian

lanjutkan ke kegiatan belajar berikut dan ikuti petunjuk yang ada dalam UKB

b. Inti
1) Petunjuk Umum UKBM
Baca dan pahami materi “ Song “ pada Buku Teks Pelajaran Bahasa
a) Setelah memahami isi materi dalam bacaan berlatihlah untuk
berfikir tinggi melalui tugas-tugas yang terdapat pada UKBM ini
baik bekerja sendiri maupun bersama teman sebangku atau
teman lainnya.
b) Kerjakan UKBM ini dibuku kerja atau langsung mengisikan pada
bagian yang telah disediakan.
c) Kalian dapat belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui kegiatan
ayo berlatih, apabila kalian yakin sudah paham dan mampu

permasalahan dalam kegiatan belajar yang ada, kalian boleh

sendiri atau mengajak teman lain yang sudah siap untuk
mengikuti tes formatif agar kalian dapat belajar ke UKBM

2) Kegiatan Belajar

Kalian sudah siappp ???

Ayo…… ikuti kegiatan belajar berikut dengan penuh kesabaran dan
penuh konsentrasi ya !!!

Kegiatan Belajar 1

Sebelum melakukan kegiatan belajar 1, perhatikan dan amati lagu

tersebut dibawah ini dulu!!

1. Listen to the recording and repeat. Pronounce the words correctly.

Then find the meaning of words that are not familiar to you.
( Pathway to English, kelompok peminatan,Elangga kls X Pge 193. ).

Peace, joyful, brigther, strangle, hurt, crucify, heart, glow, space, wound, race,

2. Listen to the song. Complete the missing lyrics.

Pathway To English SMA/MA Kls X Peminatan, hal 193

Heal the world

Music and lyrics by Michael Jackson

There’s a place in your heart

And I know that it is love
And this ( 1 ) …………… could be much
Brigther than ( 2 ) ……………….
And if you really try
You’ll find there’s no need to ( 3 ) …………
In this place you’ll fell
There’s no hurt or ( 4 ) …………………..
There are ( 5 ) …………….. to get therre
If you care enough for the ( 6 ) ………….
Make a little space
Make a better ( 7 ) …………

( 7 ) ……………. The world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the ( 8 ) …………… human race
There are people ( 9) ……………….
If you care enough for the living
Make a better ( 10 ) ………….
For you and for me
If you want to ( 11 ) ……………. Why
There’s a love that cannot ( 12 ) ………….
Love is strong
It only cares for ( 13 ) …………. Giving
If we try we shall see
In this bliss we cannot feel fer or ( 14 ) ………..
We stop existing and start living
Then it ( 15 ) ………….. that always
Loves enough for us ( 16 ) …………..
So make a better world
Make a better world ……
*Back to chorus
And the ( 17 ) …………… we were conceived in
Will reveal a joyful ( 18 ) ………………
And the world we once belived in
Will shine again in ( 19 ) …………….
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this ( 20 ) ……………

3. Have you ever listened the song above? The song above is one of
“Michael Jackson’s song. After you read the song lyric above,
answer the questions below!
a. What is the title of the song?
b. Who is the singer?
c. Which part is repeated several times
d. What does “ chorus “ mean?
e. What is the song about?
f. What would the writter want to do with the song?
g. Play the song and sing together with the whole class.

Setelah membaca dan menganalisis lagu diatas kalian bentuk

kelompok masing-masing beranggotakan 5 orang. Diskusikan bersama
anggota kalian :

1. Make a group of 4 to 6 with your friend!

2. Read the song lyrics entitled “ everybody Needs a Best

Everybody Needs a Best Friend
3. Ask the meaning of difficult word to you teacher!
4. Discuss the parts of (the song
Norah with) your group

My words are lazy

My thoughts are lazy

But this is one thing I’m sure of

Everybody needs a best friends

A fool could see decidedly

That you’re a ten and I’m a three

A royal breed is what you need

So how did you come to be stuck with a bummer like me

Oh you got a head full of someone dreadful

But how that someone adores you

Everybody needs a best friend

I’m happy I’m yours

I’m just a clown

And I’ll bring you down

But you just don’t care

Cause your best friend is me

Adapted from: http//www.azlyrics. com

accessed on September 19th 2013 at 11.00 a.m

a. What is the title of the song?


b. Who is the singer?

c. Which part is repeated several time
d. What does “ chorus “ mean
e. What is the song about?
f. What would the writter want to do with the song?
g. Play the song and sing together with the whole class.

Ayoo Berlatih !

Setelah kalian memahami materi pada kegiatan belajar 1 melalui

literasi, pengamatan dan diskusi dengan teman-teman, cobalah berlatih
soal-soal berikut

To the sky

( Owl City )

Shipwreck in a sea of faces

There’s a dreamy world up there

Dear friends in higher places

ini ya...
carry me away from here

travel light, let the sun eclipse you

cause your flight is about to leave

and there’s more to this brave


they you’d ever believe



Source :

4. Answer these questions according to the text above!


1. What is the song about?

a. Love
b. Friendship
c. Family
d. Peace
e. Broken heart
2. Carry me away from here ( the first stanza )
The synonym of the underlined word is ……
a. Fix
b. Hold
c. Keep
d. His dream
e. His friend
3. To whom does the singer dedicate this song?
a. His father
b. His love
c. His life
d. His dream
e. His friend


( written by A. May)

Mother, how

With me everything is ok

Mother, how are you today? Verses

Mother, don’t ( 2. Worry/ hurry), I’m fine

Promise to ( 3 . see/ sea) you this summer

This time there will be no (4. Delight/delay)

Mother, how are you today? Verses

Refrain ; 1 ( 5. Found / fond ) the man of my dreams

Next time you will get to ( 6. Now/ know him

Many (7. Think / things) happened ( 8. While/ whilst ) was away

Mother, how are you today?

Source, Pathway to English SMA/MA kls X, Peminatan, hal 195

1. Discuss the following questions with your friends and your teacher.

a. What kind of music do you like?

b. What is your favourite song?
c. Why do you like that song?
because of its musical arrangement, its singer or its lyrics?
d. Do you agree if it is aid that a song lyric is like a poem? Why?
e. Do you agree if it is said that a song lyric is like a poem? Why?
f. Mention some song themes?
g. What is the function of songs?
h. Mention some songs that have beautiful and inspiring lyrics.


Ayoo Berlatih !

Setelah kalian memahami materi pada kegiatan belajar 2, cobalah

berlatih soal-soal berikut ini ya...

2. Find five songs in English and fill in the table.

No The title genre singer Theme

Rhyme is a word that corresponds with another in terminal sound

Example: behold and cold

Bake and make

Chair and hair

3. Listen to the song “ Don’t Cry For Me Argentina “ . Find the rhymes in
the song

Kegiatan belajar 2


Jika sudah memahami, kegiatan belajar 2, mari kita lanjutkan pada kegiatan
belajar 3, ayo berlatih berikut.

Ayo berlatih!!
Setelah memahami contoh di atas, maka selesaikanlah tugas berikut di buku
kerja kalian!
1. Make a group of your friend!
2. Read the song lyric entitled “ I believe I can fly’!
3. Ask the meaning of the song!
4. Write the result of group discussion on a piece of paper!
5. Discuss the meaning of the song!
6. One member of the group tells the result of discussion orally in front of
the class!

Note: young gesture, expression, and pronunciation will be marked by your


I believe I Can Fly

( R Kelly)

I used to think that I could not go on

And life was nothing but an awful song

But now I know the meaning of true love

I’m learning on the everlasting arms

If I can see it, then I can do it

If I just believe it, there’s nothing to it

( chorus: )

I believe I can fly

I believe I can touch the sky

Spread my wings and fly away

I believe I can soar

I see me running through that open door

I believe I can fly

I believe I can fly

I believe I can fly


See I was on the verge of breaking down

Sometimes silence can seem so loud

There are miracles in life I must achieve

But first I know it stars inside of me, oh

If I can see it, than I can be it

If I just believe it, there’s nothing to it

Hey, cause I believe in e, oh

Hey, if I just spread my wings

I can fly

I can fly

I can fly, hey

If I just spread my wings

I can fly – eye- eye

Hum, fly –eye-eye

Source: http;//

Accessed on September 20th 2013 at 09.30 a. m

c. Penutup

Bagaimana kalian

Setelah kalian belajar bertahap dan berlanjut melalui

kegiatan belajar 1, 2 dan 3, berikut diberikan Tabel
untuk mengukur diri kalian terhadap materi yang sudah kalian pelajari.
Jawablah sejujurnya terkait dengan penguasaan materi pada UKB ini di
Tabel berikut.

Tabel Refleksi Diri Pemahaman Materi

No Pertanyaan Ya Tidak
1. Apakah kalian telah memahami pengertian song ?


2. Apakah kalian telah memahami pengertian social

function lagu tersebut?
3. Apakah kalian telah memahami apa itu tittle, apa
itu verses pada lag tersebut?
4. Apakah kalian dapat memahami topik lagu
5. Apakah kalian bisa menyanyikan lagu – lagu

Jika menjawab “TIDAK” pada salah satu pertanyaan di atas, maka pelajarilah
kembali materi tersebut dalam Buku Teks Pelajaran (BTP) dan pelajari ulang
kegiatan belajar 1, 2 dan 3 yang sekiranya perlu kalian ulang dengan
bimbingan Guru atau teman sejawat. Jangan putus asa untuk mengulang
lagi!. Dan apabila kalian menjawab “YA” pada semua pertanyaan, maka
lanjutkan berikut.

Dimana posisimu?
Ukurlah diri kalian dalam menguasai materi pelaku ekonmi dalam kegiatan
ekonomi dalam rentang 0 – 100, tuliskan ke dalam kotak yang tersedia.

Setelah kalian menuliskan penguasaanmu terhadap materi tentang lagu

( song ) lanjutkan kegiatan berikut secara mandiri untuk mengevaluasi
penguasaan kalian !
Kerjakan di buku kerja masing-masing.

Good day
( Paul Westerberg)


Good day doesn’t have to be a Friday

Doesn’t need to be your birthday
The next one then you won’t survive
Sing a long hold my life
A good day is any day that you’re
Asked me mmmm, you had to ask me
In the dreams you tell me
Tell them only you were tired
Sing along hold my life
A good dy is any day that you’re alive
Yeah, agood day is any day that you’re
A bad day comes every once in a while
Your body says
Fourteen hundred shooting stars and
( every time)
A bad day comes every once in your
Body life
Good by
Hold my life one last time


1. What is good day according to the song above?

a. Friday
b. Your birthday
c. Sunday
d. Any day that you’re alive
e. The next day
2. These are the days
The underlined words refer to ……
a. Good day
b. Bad day
c. Friday
d. Your birthday
e. The next day


1. Listen to an inspiring song which is released on 2000 to 2009!


2. Find its lyric and write the lyric!

3. Read the song lyric carefully!
4. Answer the following question!
a. What is the tittle of the song?
b. Who is the singer?
c. What does the song tell about?
5. Write an analysis about that song based on your opinion!
6. Before you submit it, ask your parent or trustee to give the signature on your
work sheet! Then, submit it to your teacher!

Setelah menyelesaikan soal di atas dan mengikuti kegiatan belajar, silahkan

kalian berdiskusi dengan teman lalu tuliskan penyelesaian permasalahan
diatas ke buku kerja masing-masing !
Ini adalah bagian akhir dari UKBM materi song , mintalah tes formatif
kepada Guru kalian sebelum belajar ke UKBM berikutnya.
Sukses untuk kalian !!!



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