Bab 4 Recount Text
Bab 4 Recount Text
Bab 4 Recount Text
Jenjang Sekolah Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)
Kompetensi Keahlian REGULER
Kelas X
Fase E
Elemen/Domain Recount Text (Membaca-memirsa)
Capaian Pembelajaran Di akhir fase E, peserta didik dapat membaca dan merespon
berbagai macam teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur,
eksposisi, recount dan report.
Alokasi Waktu 2 x 45
1. Simple Present Tense
2. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi struktur tekt dari report text menggunakan kata kata sendiri dengan tepat.
3. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi language feature dengan kata kata sendiri dengan benar.
4. Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan specific information dari recount text dengan
menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan atau tertulis dengan benar.
5. Peserta didik menulis teks report sederhana menggunakan kata kata sendiri dengan benar.
6. M e n u l i s d a n Mempresentasikan hasil harya berupa teks report sederhana yang sudah dibuat secara
Mengingat dan memahami social functions, generic structure dan language feature dari Recount Text.
Bagaimana kalian menceritakan pengalaman yang berkesan dimasa lalu ?
Kalau bercerita tentang masa lalu kalian menggunakan tenses apa yang paling tepat ?
Apa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam menyusun recount text ?
Guru membuat presentasi tentang recount text.
Guru memberikan contoh teks recount
Guru menggandakan LKPD
Pendahuluan 1. Peserta didik dan Guru memulai dengan berdoa bersama.
2. Peserta didik disapa dan melakukan pemeriksaan kehadiran bersama dengan guru.
3. Peserta didik bersama dengan guru membahas tentang kesepakatan
yang akan diterapkan dalam pembelajaran
4. Peserta didik dan guru berdiskusi melalui pertanyaan pemantik:
• Bagaimana kalian menceritakan pengalaman yang berkesan dimasa
lalu ?
• Kalau bercerita tentang masa lalu kalian menggunakan tenses apa yang
paling tepat ?
• Apa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam menyusun recount text ?
1. INTI Tahap I : Stimulation (Pemberian Rangsangan)
1. Peserta didik disajikan materi tentang recount text yang terdiri atas :
- Social function
- Struktur tekt
- Language feature
- Contoh contoh recount text
- Menjawab pertanyaan tentang specific information
- Cara menulis recount text sederhana
10. Peserta didik dapat menanyakan hal yang tidak dipahami pada guru
11. Peserta didik mengomunikasikan kendala yang dihadapi selama mengerjakan
12. Peserta didik menerima apresiasi dan motivasi dari guru.
13. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi bersama guru
14. Peserta didik mengerjakan asesmen sumatif
15. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan berdoa dan mengucapkan salam
Asesmen non kognitif Apa yang sedang kamu rasakan saat ini?
Bagaimana perasaanmu saat belajar sendiri di rumah?
Hal apa yang paling menyenangkan dan tidak menyenangkan?
Apa yang kamu inginkan dalam pembelajaran hari ini?
Asesmen kognitif Asesmen Formatif : Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik
Asesmen Sumatif : Soal Latihan
Recount text Teks yang menceritakan tindakan, kejadian yang dialami penulis pada masa
Grace, Eaudia. 2019. Pathway to English. Jakarta: PT Gravindo Pratama.
Lande, Shyla. 2017. Forward English for Vocational School. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.
Frank, Marcella. 2013. Modern English. Jakarta: Stamford Heile.
Link Slide materi :
Menginformasikan / inform
1. Orientation
It is the introduction of a person, place, animal or object that the writer
is talking about.
Example :” Last month, Sarifudin and his friends spent their holiday in
Jeju island.”
2. Events
It tells/describe about the series of events in the story. It is a description
of something by describes features, forms, colours or anything.
Example :
- “Sarifudin and his friends had lunch together.”
- “Then, Saripudin and Jono played toy ship on the lake.”
- “After that Jono and Juki painted a picture.”
- “Jumadi and Junaidi played canoe.”
3. Reorientation (Optional). It is the closing part of the text. It
tells about the impression of the events experienced.
Ex : “They were very happy.”
4. Language feature
1. Using Simple Past Tense and Past Continous Tense.
Example :
Last month, Sarifudin and his friends spent their holiday in Jeju island.
Sarifudin and his friends had lunch together. Then, Saripudin and Jono
played toy ship on the lake. After that Jono and Juki painted a picture.
Jumadi and Junaidi played canoe. They were very happy.
2. Using Action Verbs
Last month, Sarifudin and his friends spent their holiday in Jeju
island. Sarifudin and his friends had lunch together. Then, Saripudin and
Jono played toy ship on the lake. After that Jono and Juki painted a
Jumadi and Junaidi played canoe. They were very happy.
3. Using Cronological connector such as : then, the next day, after that,
Last month, Sarifudin and his friends spent their holiday in Jeju island.
Sarifudin and his friends had lunch together. Then, Saripudin and Jono
played toy ship on the lake. After that Jono and Juki painted a picture.
Jumadi and Junaidi played canoe. They were very happy.
3. Biograpyc recount
4. Imaginative recount
Example of Re
That giant ship which carried 2,200 passengers and crews had struck an
iceberg. Two and a half hour later the ship sank into the deep North Atlantic
Ocean at 2:20 a.m.
From that tragedy, more than 1,500 people went down in the sinking ship.
Some of them froze to death in the icy North Atlantic water and around 700
people (high class woman and children) survived.
Unfortunately that giant luxurious ship was not equipped with much more
lifeboats and good emergency procedures so that the victims of that tragedy
were more than the half passengers and crews.
That tragedy became popular again some years later after James Cameron
directed a movie entitled Titanic in 1997.
The movie that was inspired by the tragedy of the sinking titanic was a fiction
story about the members of different social class who meet in that ship and
fallen in love. It was the best movie at that year and still remembered by a lot
of people around the world until now.
Contoh teks biography
Jendral Sudirman
Jendral Sudirman was a high rangking Indonesian military officer during the
Indonesian national revolution. He was the first commander in chief of the
Indonesian armed forces, he continues to be widely respected in the country.
On 12 November 1945, at an election to decide the military’s commander-in-
chief in Yokyakarta. The 24 years old Sudirman was chosen over Oerip
Soemohardjo in a close vote. While waiting to be confirmed. Sudirman ordered an
assault on british and dutch forces in ambarawa. The ensuing battle and British
withdrawal strengthened Sudirman’s popular support and he was ultimately
confirmed on 18 December. Jendral Sudirman commanded military activities
throughout java including a show of force in Yokyakarta on 1 march 1949. When
the Dutch begun withdrawing in July 1949 Sudirman was recalled to Yokyakarta
and forbidden to fight further. In late 1949 Sudirman tuberculosis returned and
he retired to Magelang where he died slightly more than a month after the Dutch
recognised Indonesia’s independence . He is buried at Semaki heroes cenmetery
in Yokyakarta.
At first I felt cold for 24 hours and I was alone in my room. Nobody knew about it. I
didn’t tell my family because I was afraid they would angry with me.
After that, something had happened in my body and I still did not recognize it. I lived as
I did usually, went to school, go home, eating, doing some activities and so on.
I realized at the first time that I had a super power was when I was getting an accident.
I rode a motor cycle and suddenly there was a bus crashed me. I bounced out of the
road and my motor cycle was totally broken.
But at that case, I did not feel any hurt. There was no blood out of my body.
I was angry at that time because the bus did not stop and escaped. I run after it and I
didn’t know why I could run so fast and jump so high.
I jumped to the back of the bus and climbed it like a spider. I went to the front, stooped
the bus and took the driver out of the bus door.
I knew that I was no more normal human being. I did nothing more to the bus driver. I
went back home and decided the next action to do after that.
I did nothing like the Spiderman at the movie that help people to catch the criminals.
I was an opportunist super hero. I was afraid of killing people so that I hide my power
from anybody else. I used my power only when I or my family and friends got into
Analyze the generic Structure thiS recount text!
Learning activity 2.
A trip to the zoo
Yesterday my family and I went to the zoo to see elephant. When we got to the zoo we went to the shop
to buy some food to give to the animals. After getting the food we went to the nocturnal house where we
saw birds and reptiles which only come out at night.
Before lunch we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad nearly fell off when
he let go of the rope. During lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw some other
animals , like bear, monkey, tiger and some pelicans .
I really enjoyed this family trip. I enjoyed spending time with my family, and also learning about
animals at this time.
2. Why did the writer and his family feel very tired after having a trip to the zoo?
preSent your oWn recount text in front of your friendS!
ASPEK Belum Kompeten (0-6) Cukup Kompeten (6-7) Kompeten (8-9) Sangat Kompeten (10)
Proses Peserta didik tidak terlibat Peserta didik terlibat dalam Peserta didik terlibat dalam Peserta didik terlibat dalam
penyusunan dalam penyusunan teks penyusunan teks recount penyusunan teks recount penyusunan teks secara
teks recount. recount. namun kurang aktif. secara aktif tetapi menutup ecountaktifdan terbuka
diri untuk diskusi. untuk
Proses presentasi Peserta didik tidak mampu Peserta didik mampu Peserta didik mampu Peserta didik mampu
hasil. mempresentasikan hasil mempresentasikan hasil mempresentasikan hasil mempresentasikan hasil
penyusunan teks recount. penyusunan teks recount penyusunan teks recount penyusunan teks recount
namun dengansikap yang dengan sikapyang baik dengan sikap yang baik
kurang baik. namun tidak mampu dan mampu berdiskusi.
Hasil Peserta didik tidak Peserta didik kurang mampu Peserta didik mampu Peserta didik mampu
penyusunan menyusun teks mengidentifikasi dan kurang mengidentifikasi tetapi tidak mengidentifikasi dan
teks recount. mampu menyusun teks mampu menyusun teks recount menyusun teks recount
recount. recount sesuai dengan funsi sesuai dengan funsi sosial, sesuai dengan funsi sosial,
sosial, struktur teks dan unsur struktur teks dan unsur struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan dengan baik kebahasaan dengan baik atau kebahasaan dengan baik
Ketapang, 11 Juli 2022
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata pelajaran,