Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris - Living Well For A Healthful Tomorrow - Fase F

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Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris

Living Well
for a Healthful Tomorrow

Fase F Kelas XI
Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow
Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris

Kepala Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan
Kementerian Pendidikan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi
Anindito Aditomo

Penanggung Jawab
Plt. Kepala Pusat Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran
Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan
Kementerian Pendidikan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi

Yeyet Nurhayati (SMAN 1 Parung)
Lasma Dwina Rosmalianti Tulusita (SMAN 4 Bandar Lampung)

M. Heru Iman Wibowo (Pusat Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran)
Yogi Anggraena (Pusat Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran)
Prayoga Rendra Vendiktama (Pusat Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran)
Adesti Komalasari (Konsultan)
Itje Chodidjah (Konsultan)
Stien Matakupan (Pusat Studi Pendidikan dan Kebijakan)
Dadan (Bandung Independent School)
Isry Laila Syathroh (IKIP Siliwangi)
Marjenny (SMAN 1 Batanganai)

Desainer Sampul
Ahmad Saad Ibrahim
Kementerian Pendidikan,
Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi
Republik Indonesia



Fase F Kelas XI

Informasi Umum
Nama Penyusun : Lasma Dwina Rosmalianti Tulusita, M.Pd. (SMAN 4 Bandar Lampung)

Yeyet Nurhayati, S. Pd., M. Pd. (SMAN 1 Parung)

Instansi : SMAN 4 Bandar Lampung

SMAN 1 Parung

Fase : F

Kelas : XI

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Alokasi waktu : 6 x 45 menit (3 pertemuan)

Judul : Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow (Asking, Stating, and Defending Opinion)

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Peserta didik mampu menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam komunikasi efektif untuk menyampaikan

pendapat dalam percakapan transaksional lisan mengenai topik yang dekat dengan keseharian

peserta didik atau isu yang terkini sesuai usia mereka.

Tentang Modul:
1. Modul ini dapat disesuaikan pada kondisi di kelas sehingga pelaksanaaan pembelajaran dilakukan

secara bertahap dan lengkap.

Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

Pusat Kurikulum dan

2. Modul ini disertai dengan bentuk latihan dan asesmen yang akan mengukur ketercapaian tujuan


3. Modul ini memberikan alternatif kegiatan pembelajaran yang tidak memerlukan penggunaan

sarana dan prasarana berbasis teknologi namun demikian guru dapat mengeksplorasi penggunaan

aplikasi berbasis teknologi yang sesuai dengan konteks pembelajaran.

1. Penilaian Formatif

Pertemuan 1: mengidentifikasi kosakata dan kata kerja umum berhubungan dengan topik

“Membangun Kebiasaan Hidup Sehat;” merespon beberapa pertanyaan dengan memberikan

pendapat dan alasan berkaitan dengan topik “Membangun Kebiasaan Hidup Sehat;” memberikan

beberapa contoh language expressions : menanyakan, menyatakan, dan mempertahankan


Pertemuan 2: menyatakan dan mempertahankan pendapat berdasarkan kegiatan hidup sehat;

mempertahankan dan menyatakan pendapat berdasarkan gambar hidup sehat; menyatakan dan

mempertahankan pendapat berdasarkan beberapa topik.

2. Penilaian Sumatif

Pertemuan 3: melakukan debat dengan topik yang telah ditentukan.

1. Astuti, Puji dkk. 2022. Bahasa Inggris: English for Change untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI. Jakarta:

Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi.

2. Astuti, Puji, dkk. 2022. Buku Panduan Guru Bahasa Inggris: English for Change untuk SMA/MA

Kelas XI. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi.

3. Sumber rubrik penilaian:

“Fluency Pronunciation and Accent Vocabulary Grammar Details.” n.d.


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Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi
Republik Indonesia

“DEBATE RUBRIC 3 2 1 Viewpoint.” n.d. Accessed November 26, 2023.


4. Sumber materi:

“Wheel of Names | Random Name Picker.” 2019. 2019.
“How to Express Your Opinion in English.” n.d. VOA.
World Health Organisation. 2010. “A Healthy Lifestyle - WHO Recommendations.” World Health
Organisation. May 6, 2010.
Walton, erin. n.d. “13 Fail-Safe Icebreakers to Use in Class Today ‹ EF Teacher Zone.” EF Teacher

5. Sumber video:

Stillwater Area Public Schools. 2018. “Let’s Talk - Healthy Habits.” YouTube.

“The Healthy Debate between Cooked Vegetables and Raw Vegetables | GMA.” n.d. Accessed November 26, 2023.

Mares, Gina. 2020. “Talk about Health and Lifestyle – Video.” Oxford Online English. September

17, 2020.

This & That Fatyz. 2019. “Debate / Junk Food.” YouTube.
“DEBATE RUBRIC 3 2 1 Viewpoint.” n.d. Accessed November 26, 2023.

Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

Pusat Kurikulum dan

6. Sumber gambar:

“Free Photo | Top View Healthy Food for Immunity Boosting Composition.” n.d. Freepik. Accessed

November 26, 2023.

“Free Photo | Full-Length Side View of Two Guys Jogging at the River on the Bridge.”
n.d. Freepik. Accessed November 26, 2023.
“Free Photo | Man Sleeping on Bed in the Morning.” n.d. Freepik. Accessed November
26, 2023.
“Free Vector | Hand Drawn Flat People Talking.” n.d. Freepik. Accessed November 26,
Freepik. n.d. “Free Vector | Stress Concept Illustration.” Accessed November 26, 2023.
“Free Vector | Pack of People Enjoying Their Hobbies.” n.d. Freepik. Accessed
November 26, 2023.
“Free Vector | Flat Travel Background.” n.d. Freepik. Accessed November 26, 2023.

“Free Vector | Hygiene Habits Cartoon Posters. Girl Washing Hands.” n.d. Freepik. Accessed

November 26, 2023.

Freepik. n.d. “Free Vector | Scientists Studying Genetically Modified Food in Laboratory.
Man and Woman Conducting Scientific Research Using Equipment Flat Vector
Illustration. Biology, Technology, Agriculture Concept for Banner.” Accessed
November 26, 2023.
“Food.” n.d. Accessed November 26, 2023.
“Free Photo | Front View Burger on a Stand.” n.d. Freepik. Accessed November 26,
Freepik. n.d. “Free Photo | Crispy Fried Chicken on a Plate with Salad and Carrot.”
Accessed November 26, 2023.
Freepik. n.d. “Free Vector | Realistic Poster with Citrus Fruits and Glasses of Cold Fresh
Juice on White.” Accessed November 26, 2023.

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“Free Vector | Teenage Boy Swimming in Blue Water.” n.d. Freepik. Accessed November 26, 2023.

“Free Photo | Travel Adventure with Baggage.” n.d. Freepik. Accessed November 26, 2023.

Freepik. n.d. “Free Vector | Literature Book Club Labels Collection.” Accessed November 26, 2023.

“Free Vector | Hand Drawn Sale Illustration with Characters.” n.d. Freepik. Accessed November 26,


Freepik. n.d. “Free Photo | Soccer Player Action on the Stadium.” Accessed November 26, 2023.

Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1

Indikator Tujuan Pembelajaran:

1. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi kosakata berhubungan dengan topik “Membangun

Kebiasaan Hidup Sehat.”

2. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi language expressions : menanyakan, menyatakan, dan

mempertahankan pendapat.

3. Peserta didik mampu menggunakan language expressions : menanyakan, menyatakan, dan

mempertahankan pendapat berkaitan dengan topik “Membangun Kebiasaan Hidup Sehat.”

1. Guru menyampaikan gambaran umum kriteria kesuksesan/ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran.

Contoh instruksi guru

“Today, we will identify vocabulary related to developing a healthy lifestyle. You will also learn

how to recognize language expressions related to asking, stating, and defending opinions.

Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

Pusat Kurikulum dan

Finally, you will learn how to ask, state, and defend opinions related to developing a healthy


2. Peserta didik diberikan Ice Breaking berupa Total Physical Response bertemakan “Developing

Healthy Life” dengan menggunakan ibu jari mereka. Peserta didik yang setuju dengan

pernyataan yang diberikan guru dapat mengangkat ibu jari mereka ke atas namun bila mereka

tidak setuju mereka dapat membalik arah jempol ke bawah.

Contoh Instruksi Guru

“Good morning, class. Today, we are going to play a game. I will read some statements about

healthy life and you need to respond by your finger. If you agree, you can show your thumbs up

but if you don’t agree you can show your thumbs down.”

Beberapa pernyataan yang bisa dibacakan

I can eat noodle as much as I like

I need to dedicate more time to my leisure activities

I don’t like fruit and vegetables so I can skip eating them.

I must learn to smoke because it is cool.

I can skip breakfast and dinner. I just need to have lunch.

Consuming fresh water is beneficial for my health

The best time to sleep is at 10 in the evening.

Teenagers should sleep for 12 hours.

I must exercise to be healthy;

3. Setelah ice breaking, guru dapat memberikan pertanyaan pemantik tentang “Developing healthy


Contoh pertanyaan pemantik:

Is healthy life important?

What do you know about a healthy life?

What do you do to have a healthy life?

How do you start a healthy lifestyle?

Contoh jawaban peserta didik

I am not sure if a healthy lifestyle is a way to be healthy

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To maintain a healthy life, I make sure to prioritize regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, and get

enough sleep.

Yes, having a healthy life is crucial. It not only enhances physical well-being but also positively

influences mental and physical health.

To start a healthy lifestyle, I need to start by eating balanced meals with fruits and vegetables,

engaging in regular physical activities like walking or exercising, getting enough sleep, and

avoiding too much stress.

4. Peserta didik dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Setiap kelompok diberi gambar yang berbeda. Guru

memberikan pertanyaan yang mengarahkan peserta didik pada sub topik yang akan dibahas di

kegiatan selanjutnya.

Contoh Instruksi Guru

Now, we are going to examine pictures related to developing healthy habits. Take a look at the

picture I have provided for each group, and then discuss the questions.

1. What do you see in each picture? Is it a healthy habit?

2. Can you relate it to a healthy life? Give your reason.

Contoh jawaban peserta didik

Picture 2 is about exercising. A lot of people go to the gym these days because they want to be

healthy. They exercise every day. Some are very disciplined, but others are not. They are worried

about how they look.

Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

Pusat Kurikulum dan

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

Vegetable and Fruit Exercising Sleeping

Sumber: (“Free Photo | Top View Sumber: (“Free Photo | Full-Length Side Sumber: (“Free Photo | Man Sleeping on
Healthy Food for Immunity Boosting View of Two Guys Jogging at the River on Bed in the Morning” n.d.)
Composition” n.d.) the Bridge” n.d.)

Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6

Socializing Managing Stress Doing Hobbies

Sumber: (“Free Vector | Hand Drawn

Sumber: (“Free Vector | Pack of People
Flat People Talking” n.d.)
Enjoying Their Hobbies” n.d.)
Sumber: (Freepik n.d.)

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Picture 7 Picture 8 Picture 9

Good Hygiene Holiday Choose products with no


Sumber: (Freepik n.d.)

Sumber: (“Free Vector | Hygiene
Habits Cartoon Posters. Girl Washing
Hands” n.d.) Sumber: (“Free Vector | Flat Travel
Background” n.d.)

Selama tanya-jawab berlangsung, peserta didik diarahkan guru untuk bisa menemukan sub-pokok

bahasan yang akan mereka pelajari, yaitu: Developing Healthy Habits


Kegiatan 4 merupakan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi proses dan multimodal.

5. Guru menanyakan hasil diskusi peserta didik.

Contoh Instruksi Guru

Are there any volunteers to present the results of the discussion? Could you share the outcomes of

your conversation? Can we start with picture 1?

Contoh jawaban peserta didik

Picture one showcases fresh products from the market, including an abundance of vegetables and

fruits. We believe that a healthy lifestyle is connected to the consumption of these natural foods.

When we incorporate a variety of vegetables and fruits into our diet, it promotes overall body

health. Emphasizing healthy meals is crucial as it contributes to the well-being of our bodies.

Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

Pusat Kurikulum dan

6. Peserta didik menyimak video tentang Healthy Habits (Stillwater Area Public Schools, n.d.).

Scan the QR Code or watch it directly via https://

Contoh Instruksi Guru

All right, class, let's move to the next activity. We'll be watching a video on healthy habits. Before

we start, please take a moment to review the mind map I've provided. As you watch the video, try

to complete the mind map by noting down phrases you hear. Feel free to write down as much as

you can.

7. Kegiatan individu. Guru memberikan mind-map untuk dilengkapi oleh peserta didik. Mereka

menyimak tayangan video dan melengkapi mind map dengan frasa yang mereka dapatkan selama

tayangan video.

Contoh Instruksi guru:

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All right, class. We're about to watch a video about a healthy lifestyle. Your task is to watch

attentively and take note of phrases or words related to the provided sub-topics. Feel free to jot

down as much information as you can.

Mind map yang akan dilengkapi peserta didik

8. Peserta didik melengkapi mind map yang diberikan.

9. Peserta didik mendiskusikan jawaban bersama sama guru.

Contoh pertanyaan Guru

1. How do you explain using words to talk about different parts of a topic?

2. What knowledge do you have about each sub-topic?

Jawaban peserta didik menyesuaikan tingkat pemahaman teks yang disimak.

1. When we discuss fruits and vegetables, we are referring to nutritious foods.

In my opinion stress is not good for our body.

2. I learned that rest is important for a healthy life. Rest means managing our time well, like

making sure we have enough time to sleep.

Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

Pusat Kurikulum dan



Kegiatan 6, 7 dan 8 juga dapat digunakan untuk melihat kemampuan awal peserta didik dalam

menghasilkan ide/frasa yang berhubungan dengan topik Membangun Kebiasaan Hidup Sehat.

*Kegiatan ini bisa dilakukan secara bersama di kelas. Guru menyiapkan mind-map dalam karton

besar untuk diisi oleh peserta didik secara perorangan dengan cara menuliskan atau menempelkan

jawaban dalam post-it di bawah sub-topik.

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* Bila memungkinkan, peserta didik dapat menggunakan teknologi seperti padlet atau Google


Di kegiatan berikutnya, peserta didik yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menuliskan lebih banyak

kata/frasa dapat dipasangkan dengan peserta didik yang belum memiliki ide.

10. Peserta didik menyaksikan sebuah acara talkshow dari youtube.

Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

Pusat Kurikulum dan

Contoh Instruksi Guru

After watching the video about healthy habits, I believe you've learned some ways to develop

healthy routines. Now, I'll show you another video that explains how to organize a presentation

and use language expressions for asking for an opinion, stating an opinion, and defending your

opinion. Please pay attention to two important points: how to structure a presentation like a

talk-show and how to ask for, state, and defend opinions. Let's watch it together...

11. Guru membagikan teks dari video tersebut (hal 133 pdf buku Guru). Peserta didik membaca dalam

hati selama 10 menit untuk menyimak kedua hal yaitu: struktur presentasi sebuah talk show dan

bagaimana cara menanyakan, menyatakan, dan mempertahankan pendapat.

Contoh Instruksi Guru

You have just watched the video. Now, I will show you the written text from the video. Read for 10

minutes and identify two points from the text:

How to structure a presentation in a form of talk-show

How to ask for an opinion, state an opinion, and defend an opinion.

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12. Guru bertanya tentang struktur presentasi yang memiliki pembukaan, isi dan penutup serta

memiliki language expressions berupa menanyakan pendapat, memberikan pendapat dan alasan.

Peserta didik memberikan respon. Guru dapat menjelaskan kedua poin yang terdapat pada teks


Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

Pusat Kurikulum dan

Contoh Instruksi Guru

Okay, class. You have read the text for 10 minutes. It is about the food whether better cooked or

raw. I would like you to tell me which sentence is part of

● Opening of talk show

● Content of talk show

● Closing of talk show

● Asking opinion

● Stating opinion

● Defending opinion

Contoh jawaban peserta didik

Opening of talk show

● This one we’re going to talk about how you prepare food and house could affect how

much nutrition you’re actually getting.

● Well, good morning. First thing first.

Content of talk show

● So broccoli. It's a great source of vitamin K, C, and folate. It is als fiber and antioxidant rich

that has been linked with reducing damaging free radicals in the body.

● So let's move on to tomatoes. Yes, talking about Tomatoes. So tomatoes are a great source

of lycopene and they've been linked to so many benefits including reduced risk of heart

disease and decreased chances of developing some cancers.

13. Guru memberikan exposure berupa language expressions dari buku peserta didik hal 101.

Peserta didik membaca nyaring mengikuti guru.

Contoh Instruksi Guru

Now, I want to show you other expressions that you can use to ask, state, and defend your

opinion. Let’s read loudly. Repeat after me.

Contoh dari Buku peserta didik hal 101

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14. Peserta didik mengecek pemahaman 2 poin yang ada kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah


Contoh Instruksi Guru

Let's find out how much you've learned today. Taker a look at the rubrics provided below and

use a checkmark to indicate whether you have understood (yes) or not (no)


Can you recognize the


Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

Pusat Kurikulum dan

Can you recognize the


Can you recognize the


Is there any example of

asking a question?

Is there an example of

expressing an opinion?

Is there an example of

providing reasoning?

Total answer

15. Peserta didik membuat kelompok beranggotakan 5 atau 6. Guru memberikan pilihan sub topik

untuk dijadikan acuan untuk membuat talk-show.

Contoh Instruksi Guru

Now, let's move to the next activity. Do a presentation in a group of 5-6 students. Each group is

given a different topic. Don't forget to include the expressions about asking, stating and

defending opinions during your presentation.

The presented topics include:

● Exercise

● Sleep

● Fruit and Vegetables

● Stress Management

● Socialization

● No Chemicals

16. Peserta didik mempresentasikan talk-show secara berkelompok

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Talk-show (5-6 orang) terdiri dari

Host (1 atau 2 peserta didik)
Bintang tamu (1 atau 2 peserta didik)
Ahli (1 atau 2 peserta didik)

Topik yang dipilih : Berdasarkan yang sudah disepakati kelas dan merupakan bagian dari
membangun hidup sehat.

1. Host membuka talk-show, memperkenalkan topik dan bintang tamu lalu memberikan
pertanyaan kepada salah satu bintang tamu, lalu memberikan kesempatan ahli untuk
2. Host memberikan pertanyaan kepada bintang tamu lainnya dan memberikan
kesempatan kepada ahli ke dua untuk menanggapi respon dari bintang tamu.
3. Host memberikan kesimpulan dan menutup acara.

17. Peserta didik dan guru merefleksikan kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan terutama

dalam konten.

Contoh Instruksi Guru

After finishing your presentation, please participate in a group discussion about your planning,

practice, and presentation. Read the provided rubrics and discuss each question. Lastly, review

your group's performance by indicating whether you can answer yes or no.

Student’s Reflection

Reflections Yes No

Does the talk show begin with an opening?

Is there an explanation provided for the topic being presented?

Is there any section that asks for opinions?

Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

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Is there a section expressing an opinion?

Is there a section where the opinion is defended?

Does the talk show conclude with a closing statement?

What steps will you take for the next meeting if you have "no" answers?

Teacher’s reflection

Questions Yes No

Have I facilitated students in

comprehending language

expressions such as asking,

stating, and defending


Have I guided students in

comprehending the different

parts of the presentation in the

form of a talk show?

18. Peserta dapat membuat postingan di IG atau Tiktok berdurasi 2-5 menit sebagai kegiatan

enrichment dengan topik “ Why I choose to …. to develop healthy life.”

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Pertemuan 2

Indikator Tujuan Pembelajaran:

1. Peserta didik mampu membuat pernyataan dan memberikan alasan gaya hidup sehat

berdasarkan makanan.

2. Peserta didik mampu melengkapi dialog rumpang dengan ungkapan menanyakan, menyatakan,

dan mempertahankan pendapat dengan tepat.

3. Peserta didik mampu membuat dialog berisi ekspresi menanyakan, menyatakan dan

mempertahankan pendapat mengenai suatu topik berhubungan dengan gaya hidup sehat.

Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Guru menyatakan tujuan pembelajaran

Contoh instruksi guru:

Today, we will learn how to express and justify opinions related to food for the purpose of

developing a healthy lifestyle. You will also learn how to engage in dialogue using language

expressions for asking, stating, and defending opinions. Finally, you will gain the ability to

construct a dialogue that includes expressions for asking, stating, and defending opinions on

specific topics related to developing a healthy lifestyle.

2. Peserta didik diberikan kegiatan ice breaking activity “Win Lose or Draw”. Peserta didik dibagi

dalam 2 kelompok besar dan berbaris menghadap papan tulis. Peserta didik akan berlomba

menuliskan makanan atau minuman yang mereka konsumsi di pagi hari. Anggota kelompok yang

bergantian menuliskan dan pemenangnya adalah kelompok yang tercepat menuliskan


Contoh instruksi guru:

Let's play "Win, Lose, or Draw." Everyone should stand in two lines and face the whiteboard,

creating two groups. These groups will compete against each other to name foods or drinks they

consume for breakfast. The winning group is the one that can write the fastest answers. .

Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

Pusat Kurikulum dan

3. Peserta didik melihat beberapa pilihan makanan pada sebuah website. Mereka memilih gambar

yang mereka sukai dan berkelompok dengan peserta didik yang memiliki minat yang sama.

Sumber: (“Food,” n.d.)

Contoh instruksi guru:

Okay, class, today we will log in to a specific website. Choose a food that you prefer, and then


yourselves with those who have chosen the same picture.

Alternatif Kegiatan Pengelompokan Peserta Didik

Peserta didik dapat membuat kelompok secara mandiri secara manual atau dengan menggunakan


4. Guru memperlihatkan sebuah dialog. Peserta didik mengamati teks tersebut lalu

menggarisbawahi beberapa ekspresi yang menanyakan pendapat, memberikan pendapat dan

mempertahankan pendapat.

Contoh Instruksi Guru

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Now, please pay attention to the dialogue that you've had here. It's time for you to read and

identify the language expressions that we have learned during this meeting. Look for expressions

related to asking opinions, stating opinions, and defending opinions.

Contoh jawaban peserta didik

Asking opinion Do you know that brown rice is a source of complex carbohydrates and

it’s good for your body?

What about your healthy eating?

Stating opinion But I don’t like it. I’d better have more vegetables.

The menu I like is brown rice, with fried chicken, spinach, broccoli, and I

like to drink yogurt.

Defending opinion Yes, I know that, but fried chicken is my favorite. I eat a lot of

vegetables to make them healthier.

Teks dialog dapat diakses dari buku guru halaman 130

Teuku : Hi Sindi, it’s 7:30 in the morning. The class hasn’t started yet. What are you writing? Did you

forget to do your homework?

Sindi : Of course not. I’m creating a healthy food menu that I’m going to eat.

Teuku : Wow, it looks interesting.

Sindi : Sure. Healthy food is essential for our bodies.

Teuku : Yes, that’s right. I eat healthy food, too. What is your favorite food, Sindi?

Sindi : I love the combination of salmon and broccoli. And drink orange juice. What about you?

Teuku : Do you use brown rice?

Sindi : No. I don’t use brown rice. It doesn’t taste good, I don’t like having brown rice in my meals.

Teuku : Do you know that brown rice is a source of complex carbohydrates and it’s good for your


Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

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Sindi : But I don’t like it. I’d better have more vegetables. What about your healthy eating?

Teuku : The menu I like is brown rice, with fried chicken, spinach, broccoli, and I like to drink yogurt.

Sindi : But not all the foods that you eat are healthy, you eat fried chicken, it is not healthy.

Teuku : Yes, I know that, but fried chicken is my favorite. I eat a lot of vegetables to make them


Sindi : I think you should cut back on fried chicken. Because many other substances can harm your


Teuku : Okay, but I like it. But I’ll think about your opinion. **The teacher came to class. All students

return to their seats.

5. Peserta didik merefleksikan kemampuan diri sendiri kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah

dilaksanakan terutama dalam language expression.

Do you think you can identify

language expression to …

ask for an opinion?

State opinion?

defend your opinion?

Contoh Instruksi Guru

Alright, class, you've just identified language expressions in the text. Put a tick (v) in the provided

column of emoticons to evaluate your ability in asking opinions, stating opinions and defending



Bila guru menemukan lebih banyak emoji tidak bahagia, sebaiknya guru mengulangi

penjelasan dan memberikan contoh bervariasi dalam menanyakan pendapat/menyatakan

pendapat/ mempertahankan pendapat.

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Here are some expressions you can use to give your opinion and ask for your partner’s

opinion. You will need to use these expressions in a discussion activity

Giving your opinion

I think... / I don’t think ...

I believe... / I don’t believe ...

In my opinion,

For me,

Personally, I think …

Asking for someone’s opinion

Do you agree?

What do you think?

What do you think about ... (this)?

Do you think that’s right?

What’s your view?

Are you OK with that?

Sumber: (“Opinions,” n.d.)

Guru dapat mengakses materi dari sumber lain seperti di bawah ini:

How to Express Your Opinion in English

Knowing how to express your opinion in English is valuable whether you are speaking or

writing. In today’s program we will look at phrases you can use to share your point of view.

Common phrases

Many phrases are suitable in everyday speech and some types of writing, such as on blogs

and personal websites. You have probably already seen or used some of these phrases:

I think…

I believe…

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I feel…

In my opinion… and

I would say…

For example, imagine you have your own food website. Today you’re writing or talking

about the world’s best street food. You might say:

In my opinion, Bangkok has the best street food.

Add strength

But suppose you wanted to make the statement stronger. You can do it by adding an adverb

or adjective. For example:

I really think…

I strongly believe…

I truly feel… or

In my honest opinion…

In addition, giving reasons for your opinion adds strength to the claim. Let’s hear the street

food statement again:

In my honest opinion, Bangkok has the best street food. I have never seen more choices of

what to eat – and everything I’ve tried has been delicious!

Formal phrases

Next, let’s look at a few phrases that are more common in formal situations. You might, for

example, hear one of these at a business meeting or a conference, or in a formal paper:

From my point of view…

From my perspective…

In my view… or

It seems to me that…

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Here’s an example:

In my view, cruise ships should be banned. They produce massive amounts of waste and

use the dirtiest fuel in the world.

Though phrases like “In my view…” are usually more formal than ones like “I think,” there is

no rule for where or when you can use them. It’s often a matter of personal choice.

Asking for opinions

So, imagine you’ve expressed yourself. But what about the opinion of others? Often, when

we express an opinion or suggestion, it’s a good idea to ask other people for theirs. Phrases

like these help show our desire to hear from others:

What do you think of…?

What are your thoughts on…?

How do you feel about…? and

What’s your opinion on…?

You can use these questions in many kinds of situations. You might ask, for instance:

What’s your opinion on Futbol Club Barcelona?

How do you feel about the new art director?

What are your thoughts on tonight’s activities?

Agreeing & disagreeing

Finally, let’s talk about agreeing and disagreeing.

Agreeing is the easy part. To show agreement, you can use short, clear statements. Let’s

suppose a friend says, “I think summer is way more fun than winter!” You might show you

agree by giving one of these responses:

So do I.

Me too.

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I agree. or

I couldn’t agree more.

Note that, “agree” is a verb in English, so be careful not to say, “I agree” for the present

tense verb.

You can also give reasons for your agreement:

I completely agree! I couldn’t live without beach days and outdoor festivals.

But what if a person says something you disagree with?

With close friends or family, we can use informal, direct phrases to say we disagree. You

might say something like:

I disagree!

I don’t agree. or

Yeah, but…

Here’s how that sounds:

Yeah, but winter has just as many fun things to do. You just have to dress warmly.

At other times, such as in discussions of more serious subjects, or in professional situations,

these phrases can be too direct.

Common way to disagree politely is to tell the person you respect their opinion before

sharing your own. Try phrases like these:

I see what you’re saying but…

You have a point there but… or

I understand where you’re coming from but…

Listen to a short exchange:

We’re paying sky-high rents and other costs. Our business would save a lot of money by

changing cities.

I see what you’re saying but, in my view, now is not the right time to leave Los Angeles. The

city offers too many incentives.

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Sumber: (“How to Express Your Opinion in English,” n.d.)

6. Peserta didik menyaksikan sebuah tayangan video mengenai gaya hidup sehat yang terdiri atas

Part 1:Talking about Exercise and Part 2: Activity, Talking about Diet. Hal yang perlu

diperhatikan adalah guru hanya menayangkan video dengan judul yang telah tertulis. Video Part

3 tidak ditayangkan karena mengandung unsur yang tidak sesuai dengan konteks masyarakat

Indonesia. Peserta didik tidak mendapatkan link video. Peserta didik mengerjakan quiz yang ada

pada website tersebut. Peserta didik dan guru mendiskusikan jawaban dari quiz tersebut.

Contoh instruksi guru:

Alright, everyone. We're about to watch a video, and later, we'll check how well you understood

the words and concepts from today's lesson with a quiz. The quiz contains 20 questions, and you'll

find out your score when you finish.

Transkip video:
Video part 1: Talking about Exercise and Activity

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Stephanie: What’s in this box? It’s so heavy!

Daniel : I ordered some kettlebells.

Stephanie: Kettlebells? What for?

Daniel : I’ve decided to start working out.

Stephanie: You? I never imagined you being a fitness enthusiast.

Daniel : I’m not, but I realized the other day that I’m incredibly out of shape. I was running to

catch the bus, and I was so out of breath. I didn’t even run that far! I think my lifestyle

has got more and more sedentary, plus I’m getting a bit flabby.

Stephanie: Well, good for you! So, what’s your workout routine going to be?

Daniel : I’m not sure. I want to do a little bit of weight training, and maybe some running, and

just get a bit fitter generally. It’s difficult at the moment, though. I tried to run 1k

yesterday, and I just couldn’t.

Stephanie: Don’t give up! Doing anything is better than doing nothing. If you keep trying, it’ll get


Daniel : You think?

Stephanie : Sure. When I started running, it was really difficult, but after a month, I could do 5k.

Not fast, but still, I could do it.

Daniel : Oh? 5k? That seems impossible right now. I guess it’s something to aim for, though.

Stephanie : Go for it!

In the dialogue, you heard some words relating to fitness and exercise.

We have a challenge for you. Look at definitions of three words.

Do physical training (verb)

Describes a lifestyle without much physical activity (adj.)

Describes a person who is unfit (adj. phrase)

Can you remember the words and phrases which match these definitions? If you want, you can go

back and review the dialogue, and try to find them.

Here are the answers.

Do physical training (verb) = work out

Describes a lifestyle without much physical activity (adj.) = sedentary

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Describes a person who is unfit (adj. phrase) = out of shape

‘Work out’ can include many different types of exercise, but it’s mostly used for focused training,

for example using weights or doing aerobics. Generally, when you use the verb ‘work out’, you

mean that you follow a routine of different exercises.

Nowadays, many of us have sedentary lifestyles. ‘Sedentary’ is in the same word family as the

verb ‘sit’. If you’re sedentary, you spend most of your time sitting down.

If someone doesn’t do much exercise, you can describe them as ‘unfit’, ‘out of shape’ or ‘in bad

shape’. Be careful: you can use these to describe yourself, but they could be rude if you use them

to describe someone else.

All these words have direct opposites: unfit, fit; out of shape, in shape; in bad shape, in good


What about you? Do you work out? What do you do? What can you do to avoid being sedentary if

you have an office job? What’s the best exercise for someone who’s out of shape? Think about

how to answer these questions. Pause the video and try to answer them out loud.

Want more practice? Watch this Oxford Online English lesson on describing people’s appearance

in English.

Ready? Let’s look at our next point to help you talk about health and lifestyle in English.

Transkip Video Part 2: Talking about Diet

Daniel: I’m hungry. Shall we order? Pizza?

Stephanie: No, not for me. I’m on a diet.

D: Really? How come?

S: I’ve just been eating really badly lately. I’m not trying to lose weight; I just want to eat more

healthily. It’s nothing drastic; I’m just trying to stay off junk food, fried food, get my five a day, and

so on.

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D: Yeah, I should probably think about that, too. I eat a lot of takeaways and packaged food, and I

definitely don’t eat enough fruit and vegetables. I doubt it’s good for me. I can never stick to a diet,


S: I know what you mean. I think it’s better to make small changes. That way, you don’t have to

think about it too much.

D: True, but I have such a sweet tooth. I find it really hard to resist anything sweet: cakes,

chocolate, biscuits… If someone offers something like that to me, I can’t say no.

S: Another tip that someone told me which works well: plan your meals in advance. It works for

me, at least.

D: That’s a good idea.

Let’s look at some sentences you heard.

I’m not trying to —- weight.

I’m just trying to —- off junk food.

I’m trying to get my —- a day.

I can never —– to a diet.

I have such a —– tooth.

Can you remember or guess the missing words? Think about it for a moment!

Could you do it? Let’s check.

I’m not trying to lose weight.

I’m just trying to stay off junk food.

I’m trying to get my five a day.

I can never stick to a diet.

I have such a sweet tooth.

Next, what do these key words and phrases mean?

If you’re overweight, you might try to lose weight. The opposite is ‘put on weight’, meaning to get

heavier or fatter. You can also say ‘gain weight’.

‘Stay off’ means something like ‘avoid’. It’s often used to talk about bad habits that you’re trying to

give up.

So, you might say ‘I’m trying to stay off sweet food’, or ‘I’m trying to stay off cigarettes’, or ‘I’m

trying to stay off Netflix’.

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‘Five a day’ refers to eating fruit and vegetables. In many countries, health advice is to eat at least

five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. It’s often used with the verb ‘get’, as in ‘I don’t always

get my five a day’, meaning that I don’t always eat enough fruit and vegetables.

If you stick to something, you continue doing it. It’s often used to talk about good habits. So, if you

stick to a diet or an exercise routine, then you do it regularly and don’t give up.

Finally, if you have a sweet tooth, you… Wait, can you guess? What do you think this means?

It means you like sweet food very much.

There are many other useful words and phrases in the dialogue, so we recommend watching it

again and finding vocabulary you could use. Can you use the language from the dialogue to talk

about your diet and eating habits? Try it!

Next, talking about health and lifestyle in English…

Sumber: (Mares 2020)

7. Peserta didik mengerjakan quiz yang ada pada website tersebut.

Soal 1

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Soal 2

Soal 3-20 dapat diakses di website dan peserta didik dapat melihat perolehan nilainya.

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8. Peserta didik dan guru mendiskusikan jawaban dari quiz tersebut.

9. Peserta didik duduk berkelompok dan setiap kelompok disediakan 30 koin dan flash cards

berisikan gambar atau topik yang dapat menstimulasi percakapan.

Contoh Instruksi Guru:

Alright, class, let's engage in a game called "Talking Chips." Each group receives 30 coins and a

set of topics for discussion. During your turn, you can choose a topic and engage in one of these

activities: asking a question, stating opinions, or defending opinions. Participants earn one coin for

asking a question or expressing an opinion. The game begins with a clockwise turn, but anyone

with ideas can take a turn and earn a coin. The game duration is 10 minutes.

Flash Cards

Sumber: (“Free Photo | Front View

Burger on a Stand,” n.d.) Sumber: (Freepik, n.d.) Sumber: (Freepik, n.d.)

Sumber: (“Free Photo | Travel

Sumber: (Freepik n.d.) Sumber: (“Free Vector | Hand Drawn
Adventure with Baggage” n.d.)
Sale Illustration with Characters” n.d.)

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Sumber: (Freepik n.d.) Sumber: (“Free Vector | Teenage Boy

Swimming in Blue Water” n.d.)
Sumber: (“Free Photo | Full-Length
Side View of Two Guys Jogging at the
River on the Bridge” n.d.)

Contoh jawaban peserta didik:


Asking question

What foods do you consume for a healthy lifestyle?

Is Nasi Uduk a nutritious breakfast?

Can we assert that having fried rice for breakfast is unhealthy?

Stating opinions

I believe that vegetables and fruits are healthy.

In my opinion, fruit juice is sugar-free, making it a healthy option.

As far as I am concerned, Nasi Uduk is not very healthy.

Defending opinions

Consuming Nasi Uduk daily may not be beneficial for our health since it is cooked in coconut milk,

which has high levels of calories and fats.

In my view, fruit juice is a healthy beverage as it contains a substantial amount of the vitamins,

minerals, and plant chemicals present in the fruit.

Jawaban peserta didik dapat bervariasi

10. Guru meminta setiap anggota kelompok untuk mengambil koin dan berlatih menggunakan

ungkapan menanyakan, menyatakan, dan mempertahankan opininya terhadap satu hal yang

dipilih. Peserta didik lain mengambil satu koin lagi dan memberikan tanggapannya. Kegiatan

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berlangsung hingga semua anggota mendapatkan koin sebagai tanda bahwa dia sudah

berpartisipasi dalam kegiatannya.

Contoh instruksi guru:

Alright, let's start the game called "Taking Chips." Each of you will be in a group. Take one coin,

then select a language expression: asking for an opinion, stating an opinion, or defending an

opinion. Once you've completed your task, you can keep the coin, and it's the next player's turn.

The next player will respond to the question or state and defend their opinion. This process

continues with each player taking their turn.

11. Pada saat kegiatan berlangsung, guru berkeliling kelas dengan membawa lembar observasi

keaktifan peserta didik dalam berkomunikasi dengan ungkapan menyatakan pendapat dan

mempertahankan pendapat.

Lembar Observasi Partisipasi Peserta Didik dalam Kegiatan Talking Chips

Lembar Observasi Partisipasi Peserta Didik

Materi : Asking, Stating and Defending Opinion

No Nama Asking Opinion Stating Opinion Defending Opinion Ket.

Yes No Yes No Yes No

1. Azraa Aliya

12. Guru memberikan umpan balik kegiatan Talking Chips dan mendiskusikan refleksi yang

diberikan peserta didik.

Contoh instruksi guru:

After doing the "Talking Chips" game, this is the time for you to assess yourself at your learning

experience by answering the following questions. There is no right or wrong answer. Just be


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Lembar Refleksi Kegiatan Talking Chips bagi peserta didik.

1. Using a scale from 1 to 5, please indicate how well you understand the processes of asking for an

opinion, stating an opinion, and defending an opinion. Fill in the stars accordingly.

2. CAN YOU….

Can you ask your opinion?

Can you state your opinion?

Can you defend your opinion?


What have you learnt ?


What would you like to improve?

What would you like to learn in the future?

13. Peserta didik melakukan telaah seksama pada gambar di buku halaman 109. Mereka

mengidentifikasi hal-hal baik dan tidak baik yang terlihat dari gambar.

Contoh instruksi guru

All right, everyone... Let's practice asking for an opinion, stating an opinion, or defending an

opinion using this picture. Take a look at the image and write down some phrases or sentences

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related to it. Who would like to begin with a sentence or phrase? Feel free to write it on the

whiteboard, so you can share your ideas with your classmates.

Kemungkinan jawaban peserta didik:

● They are riding bicycle

● Riding bicycle with friends

● They are wearing helmets

● Riding bicycle is good for health

● Healthy people

● Tiring activity

● Riding bicycle makes me healthy

● I love riding bicycle

● Students like riding bicycle

14. Peserta didik membuat kalimat baru menggunakan ekspresi menanyakan, menyatakan, dan

mempertahankan pendapat.

Contoh instruksi Guru

Okay, class. Look at the phrases or sentences that your friends have written down. Can you modify

into language expressions of asking opinion/stating opinion/ defending opinion? Let me give you

some examples.

➔ Is riding a bicycle good for health?

I think riding a bicycle is good for health because it exercises our body.

➔ Why do I say riding a bicycle is healthy?

It is because it helps us to develop muscles, regulate calories and strengthen our body.

15. Guru menjelaskan kegiatan peserta didik berpasangan untuk melakukan Think-Pair Share.

Peserta didik boleh memilih topik yang akan dibahas berpasangan. Peserta didik bebas memilih

dari beberapa website. Salah satunya adalah dari blog berikut. Setelah pembahasan dilakukan

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bersama pasangan, setiap pasangan akan berbagi hasil diskusi dengan 2 pasangan yang lain dan

mendengarkan pendapat/pertanyaan atas apa yang mereka presentasikan.

QR Code


Contoh instruksi guru:

Okay, class,,, Now I would like you to work in pairs. Read an article about seven healthy living

blogs. Get the article by scanning the QR Code or going directly to:

Pick one blog that you think is the best. List down your reasons.

Next, share your group opinion with 2 other pairs and tell your group choice along with the

reasons. Be ready to defend your choice in case someone disagrees.

16. Guru mengamati kegiatan peserta didik dengan memberikan catatan pada lembar observasi.

Lembar Observasi Partisipasi Peserta Didik dalam Kegiatan Think-Pair-Share

Lembar Observasi Partisipasi Peserta Didik

Materi : Asking, Stating, and Defending Opinion

No Nama Asking Opinion Stating Opinion Defending Opinion Ket.

Yes No Yes No Yes No

1. Azraa Aliya

17. Guru memberikan umpan balik atas performance peserta didik selama kegiatan dengan

memberikan pertanyaan:
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What have you learned from other group presentations?

18. Peserta didik membaca artikel tentang gaya hidup sehat. Peserta didik mendiskusikan

langkah-langkah menjalankan gaya hidup sehat.


Contoh instruksi guru:

Okay, class. Now we are going to discuss a healthy lifestyle and the challenges associated in

developing one..

Teks artikel:
A healthy lifestyle

To ensure a healthy lifestyle, WHO recommends eating lots of fruits and vegetables, reducing fat,

sugar and salt intake and exercising. Based on height and weight, people can check their body mass

index (BMI) to see if they are overweight. WHO provides a series of publications to promote and

support healthy lifestyles.

12 steps to healthy eating

1. Eat a nutritious diet based on a variety of foods originating mainly from plants, rather than


2. Eat bread, whole grains, pasta, rice or potatoes several times per day.

3. Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits, preferably fresh and local, several times per day (at least

400g per day).

4. Maintain body weight between the recommended limits (a BMI of 18.5–25) by taking moderate

to vigorous levels of physical activity, preferably daily.

5. Control fat intake (not more than 30% of daily energy) and replace most saturated fats with

unsaturated fats.

6. Replace fatty meat and meat products with beans, legumes, lentils, fish, poultry or lean meat.

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7. Use milk and dairy products (kefir, sour milk, yogurt and cheese) that are low in both fat and


8. Select foods that are low in sugar, and eat free sugars sparingly, limiting the frequency of

sugary drinks and sweets.

9. Choose a low-salt diet. Total salt intake should not be more than one teaspoon (5g) per day,

including the salt in bread and processed, cured and preserved foods. (Salt iodization should be

universal where iodine deficiency is a problem)

10. WHO does not set particular limits for alcohol consumption because the evidence shows that

the ideal solution for health is not to drink at all, therefore less is better.

11. Prepare food in a safe and hygienic way. Steam, bake, boil or microwave to help reduce the

amount of added fat.

12. Promote exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months, and the introduction of safe and adequate

complementary foods from the age of about 6 months. Promote the continuation of

breastfeeding during the first 2 years of life.

Sumber:: (World Health Organisation 2010)

19. Peserta didik bekerja berpasangan membuat dialog. Setiap pasangan memilih salah satu langkah

untuk menjalani gaya hidup sehat. Peserta didik boleh mengambil bahan tambahan dari internet.

Contoh instruksi guru:

Create a dialog with your partner about staying healthy. Find more information about difficulties of

maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Your dialogue should include an introduction, talk about healthy

habits, and end the conversation.

Contoh jawaban peserta didik

Peserta Didik A: Hey, have you heard about the new gym that opened up down the street?

Peserta Didik B: Yeah, I've been meaning to check it out. Do you go there regularly?

Peserta Didik A: Definitely! It's important for me to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Peserta Didik B: That's great, but I don't really like working out in gyms. I prefer outdoor activities

like hiking or running.

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Peserta Didik A: I understand, but are you sure those activities alone are enough for your overall


Peserta Didik B: Well, I also eat a well-balanced diet and drink lots of water.

Peserta Didik A: Hmm, that's good. But sometimes having guidance from trained professionals at a

gym can help reach fitness goals more efficiently.

20. Guru menilai performa peserta didik sesuai dengan rubrik yang telah disediakan.

Rubrik Penilaian

Sumber: “Fluency Pronunciation and Accent Vocabulary Grammar Details.” n.d.

Pedoman Penskoran :

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N: Jumlah skor yang diperoleh siswa

25: Jumlah maksimal yang diperoleh siswa

Rumus: N : 25 X 100 = nilai akhir peserta didik

Contoh: N=19

Maka : 19 : 25 X 100 = 76

21. Guru mendiskusikan umpan balik kepada peserta didik berdasarkan rubrik penilaian dan hasil

performa mereka.

Contoh instruksi guru:

Now that you have learned a lot about asking, stating, and defending opinions, I would like to give

you some feedback.

22. Guru meminta peserta didik melakukan refleksi.

Contoh instruksi guru:

Now, could you please write down some of your favorite expressions for stating your opinion and

for defending your opinion. Write your answers in your notebook.

Kemungkinan jawaban peserta didik dapat bervariasi.

23. Guru mendiskusikan hasil refleksi peserta didik.

Contoh instruksi guru:

Can somebody share their reflection?

What should you do to improve your understanding of the concept?

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Peserta didik dapat melakukan penelusuran internet mengenai berbagai gaya hidup sehat lalu

membuat video berdurasi minimal 3 menit menjelaskan satu pilihan gaya hidup sehat atau kesulitan

menjalankan sebuah gaya hidup sehat disertai alasan dan argumentasi yang menjelaskan pendapat


Contoh instruksi guru

Now that you've completed your dialogue, your presentations were fantastic. After finishing your

dialogue, if you have more to share, make a great 3-minute video. Post it on your social media and

send me the link. You can talk about a healthy lifestyle you chose and why, with one or two reasons.

Or, discuss a challenge in staying healthy, explaining the reasons with one or two arguments.

Refleksi Guru

Setelah menyelesaikan rangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran berbicara, guru dapat menjawab pertanyaan


1. Aktivitas mana yang berjalan paling lancar?

2. Apa faktor-faktor yang membuatnya lancar?

3. Aktivitas mana yang kurang lancar?

4. Apa faktor-faktor yang membuatnya kurang lancar?

5. Apa saja praktik-praktik baik pengajaran berbicara kali ini?

Pertemuan 3

Indikator Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Peserta didik melakukan debat dengan topik yang telah ditentukan.

Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.

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Contoh Instruksi guru:

Today, we will learn about debating. In a debate, there are two groups: one supports a topic

(affirmative team), and the other challenges it (opposing team). Even though each team has its

own viewpoint, the roles of speakers in the groups stay the same. The first speaker of each team

starts the discussion by defining the topic and explaining each speaker's role. Then, the second

until the fifth speaker provides strong reasons and arguments to support their team's position. At

the end, the sixth speaker wraps up the talk, points out important things, and supports the team's

view. Both teams follow these roles for a fair and interesting debate

2. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan yang akan peserta didik lakukan selama proses pembelajaran.

Contoh instruksi guru:

As we form distinct teams, students will be assigned various topics to work on. Each topic will

be divided between two opposing teams, necessitating each team to construct a cohesive group

speech before presenting their respective viewpoints.

3. Peserta didik berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ice breaking “This or That” (walton, n.d.). Permainan

ini untuk mengetahui pendapat peserta didik akan beberapa kalimat terkait tema Healthy Life for a

Healthy Future. (walton, n.d.)

Contoh instruksi guru:

Let's kick off with some interactive games. Here's the plan: First, everyone, please stand up and

form a line. Direct your attention to the whiteboard, where I've labeled the left side as 'yes' and

the right side as 'no.' If you find yourself in agreement with the statement labeled 'yes,' make

your way to the left side; conversely, if you align with 'no,' head to the right side.

Contoh kalimat yang dibacakan:

Getting eight hours of sleep is beneficial for our overall well-being.

Vitamins are essential for maintaining good health, not just for sick individuals.

Effective stress management contributes to a healthy life.

Socializing plays a crucial role in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Living in big cities can be stressful and may have implications for one's overall well-being."

4. Guru mereviu materi sebelumnya dengan menanyakan thesis statement dan argumennya dari

setiap kelompok secara lisan.

Contoh instruksi guru:

Now, I would like to hear the outcome of the discussion from group 1. Could you please share

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the thesis statement and the supporting arguments with me?

5. Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik yang mengarah pada kaitan materi menulis teks analytical

exposition dengan kegiatan debat yang akan dipelajari.

"What is the most crucial element to include in an analytical exposition text?"

"Have you ever watched a debate before?"

"Have you ever participated in a debate?"

6. Guru mengaitkan kegunaan kemampuan berdebat dengan argumen yang rasional dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari dan masa depan peserta didik.

The skills acquired in a debate will be necessary for your future. For example, they are needed

when you defend your opinion on something.

7. Guru mengaitkan kegiatan dengan dimensi Profil Pelajar Pancasila.

“Throughout the activities in this session, you will learn how to cooperate and think critically in

discussing the topic.”

8. Guru meminta peserta didik menyaksikan sebuah video debat terkait dengan Healthy Life for a

Healthy Future.

Link video dapat diakses di Buku peserta didik halaman 132.

Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

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Watch a video about why junk food should be banned. Scan the following QR Code or visit the

link to watch the video:

Transkrip audio dapat diakses di Buku Guru halaman 168-169.

Debate : Should Junk Food be Banned in Schools?

Hello. This is Fatima. Today, we’re going to talk about junk food.

Should it be banned in schools? Let’s listen to this debate between Layla and Ali.

Layla : Junk food should be banned in schools.

Ali : No. it shouldn’t.

Layla : Junk food is unhealthy.

Ali : People are free to eat what they love.

Layla : It may cause health problems in the heart and bones.

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Republik Indonesia

Ali : It isn’t that bad! Healthy food can be just as bad sometimes.

Layla : Unhealthy food may be bad for brain function.

Ali : Some people think it’s delicious.

Layla : It may make children lazy or hyperactive.

Ali : I believe that eating junk food from time to time can make you feel happy.

Layla : It doesn’t get vitamins for our body.

Ali : If junk food is banned in schools, kids will still eat it anywhere.

Layla : Habits are often formed during childhood.

Ali : People should make their own decisions and choices.

Fatima : Thank you, Layla. Thank you, Ali. And thank you everybody for listening. In my opinion, yes,

junk food must be banned. Thinking of our children. Their health, their brains, their study and their

future. What about you? What is your opinion? Tell us your opinion in the comment down below.

9. Guru dan peserta didik mendiskusikan isi video dengan memberikan beberapa pertanyaan terkait

isi video.

Contoh pertanyaan guru:

Who agrees with Ali?

Can you explain why?

Do you have the same ideas as Layla?

Why do you think she is correct?

10. Guru mengarahkan pemahaman peserta didik tentang debat dengan menuliskan argumen pro dan

kontra yang muncul dalam video.

After watching the video, can you identify different opinions presented in it?

Let’s write them down.

The Topic is “Should Junk Food be Banned in School?”

Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

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Pros: Ali Cons: Layla

People are free to eat what they love Junk food is unhealthy

It isn’t that bad! Healthy food can be just as bad It may cause health problems in heart and bones


Some people think it’s delicious. Unhealthy food may be bad for brain function

I believe that eating junk food from time to time It may make children lazy or hyperactive

can make you feel happy.

If junk food are banned in schools, kids will still It doesn’t got vitamins for our body

eat it anywhere.

People should make their own decisions and Habits are often formed during childhood


11. Guru mengundang peserta didik untuk menyampaikan pendapatnya dan menuliskan pendapat

mereka di dalam kolom yang sesuai (Pros atau Cons).

Contoh instruksi guru:

Write your opinion in the space provided.

Pros Cons

Contoh jawaban peserta didik:

Pros Cons:

We have to educate the people who work at the But educating people will take a long time.

school’s canteen about healthy food. Well, at least try to keep you out of the doctor.

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Buying fast food or junk food helps people earn

some money.

12. Guru dan peserta didik mendiskusikan konsep debat melalui teks.

After watching the video, let’s read a text about a good debate

Materi teks tentang debat dapat diakses di buku teks utama siswa English for Change halaman


Debating Rules

Now that you know the rules for debating, you need to learn also about what debate is
because debating is a kind of presenting ideas in front of the public.
A debate is an organized argument or contest of ideas in which the participants discuss a topic
from two opposing sides. Those who agree with this statement or idea are the “Pro” side. Those
who will not agree with this statement or idea are the “Con” side. Each side will show in an
organized and clever way why they believe to have the right answers. They will use examples and
evidence to support their ideas while working towards a conclusion.
The aim of a debate is to convince the opposition that you are right. When the two sides
agree on the subject or when one side’s arguments are more convincing than the other side, that
is when the debate comes to a close. In a formal debate, a mediator (a person that has not agreed
with the Pro or the Con) will decide who the winner should be. In an informal debate the
argument can continue until the time when one side gives up.

13. Guru dan peserta didik mendiskusikan isi teks.

Now, let’s discuss the text.

What is the text about?

What are the two sides of the opinion you will find in a debate?

If you were in a debate, which side would you take, the pros or the cons?

14. Guru meminta peserta didik menjawab beberapa pertanyaan pada halaman 133 di buku teks


Living Well for a Healthful Tomorrow

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15. Guru dan peserta didik mendiskusikan jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut.

Kemungkinan jawaban peserta didik:

1. A presentation is more challenging because you have to prepare and deliver it alone.

2. I have to read a lot to generate good ideas, and I will also consult my friends for additional


3. Recommendation is more effective because it is practical and achievable..

16. Guru membagi peserta didik menjadi tiga kelompok besar yang terdiri atas dua belas anggota per


Contoh instruksi guru:

"Okay, class. I'd like to organize you into two groups: girls and boys. Girls, please count from 1 to

3. Boys do the same, counting from 1 to 3.

Now, gather with your friends who have the same number. We'll have three large groups, each

consisting of both boys and girls. So, each group will have twelve students in total."

17. Setiap kelompok dibagi menjadi dua kelompok lebih kecil yang terdiri atas enam anggota.

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Contoh instruksi guru:

"Good job. Now, within the larger groups, please divide yourselves into two smaller groups,

ensuring an equal mix of boys and girls in each group. Each smaller group should have six


18. Kelompok kecil tersebut akan menjadi kelompok pro dan kontra. Peserta didik duduk dalam

kelompok yang sudah ditentukan.

Contoh instruksi guru.

Now, Lets’ twist a coin to decide whether your group is pro or contra.


Ilustrasi pembagian kelompok dan tema:

Kelompok 1 (12 orang) Kelompok 2 (12 orang) Kelompok 3 (12 orang)

Tema 1 Tema 2 Tema 3

Kelompok Pro Kelompok Kelompok Pro Kelompok Kelompok Pro Kelompok

(6 orang) Kontra (6 orang) Kontra (6 orang) Kontra

(6 orang) (6 orang) (6 orang)

19. Guru memberikan tiga mosi berbeda kepada kelompok besar (12 orang) dan peserta didik

mendiskusikan pendapat mereka dalam kelompok kecil (6 orang) sesuai dengan pembagian materi

yaitu pro atau kontra.

Contoh instruksi guru:

Ok, big groups. I am going to give you some motions that you will develop into a debate. Please

take one of the rolled papers. So I need a representative of each group to come forward.

Contoh mosi untuk debat:

1. Eating healthy foods is expensive.
2. Working takes away time for exercise.
3. The statement “Big is beautiful” is correct..

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Pusat Kurikulum dan

Mosi debat dapat bervariasi

20. Peserta didik mendiskusikan argumen mereka dalam kelompok dengan arahan guru.

Jawaban peserta didik dapat bervariasi.

21. Guru memberikan arahan pedoman penilaian ketika peserta didik melakukan debat.

Contoh instruksi guru:

Ok. Class. I am going to explain about the rubric for debate. There are six criteria in a debate that

I will score. There are viewpoint or ideas, use of facts and examples, relevance of supporting

arguments, strength of arguments, speaking voice and preparation. Each of them will be scored

1 to 3. So, please prepare your best ideas.

Rubrik Penilaian Debat:

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Sumber: (“DEBATE RUBRIC 3 2 1 Viewpoint” n.d.)

Pedoman penskoran:

Rumus: N : 18 X 100 = nilai peserta didik

N = Jumlah skor yang diperoleh peserta didik

18 = Jumlah maksimal skor

Contoh : N = 16

Maka: 16 : 18 X 100 = 88

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22. Peserta didik dalam kelompok besar secara bergantian melakukan debat dengan arahan guru.

23. Guru memberikan penilaian berdasarkan rubrik yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya.

24. Guru memberikan umpan balik pada performa setiap kelompok.

Contoh instruksi guru:

After watching you do the debate, I have noted down several important things on your


First debate. Team A has developed very good arguments but you need to be more careful on

delivering your ideas from the right person. Do not switch roles.

Umpan balik guru dapat bervariasi.

25. Guru mengarahkan peserta didik menyimpulkan kegiatan pembelajaran.

Contoh instruksi guru:

Ok. Class. As I have told you just now, your debates have been very interesting. Now, I need

Your opinion on several things:

Is the debate easy or difficult ?

Which part of the debate is easy for you?

Which part of a debate is difficult for you?

What should you do to prepare before participating in a debate?

Jawaban peserta didik dapat bervariasi.

26. Guru meminta peserta didik memberikan refleksi atas kegiatan pembelajaran

menggunakan teknik DEAL (Description, Examination, Articulation of Learning)

Contoh instruksi guru:

Alright students. After having the debate, I want everybody to write his or her reflection of the

activity. Please follow my instructions:

First, describe what you have done in the class. The descriptions are: what have you done just

now?; Who are your teammates?; What was your motion?; How do you feel about the debate?

Second, explain your experience. What did you do during the debate? Have your group developed

good arguments and reiteration?; what are the good and bad things about the debate?

Third, what is your plan to improve your debating skills?

27. Guru mendiskusikan hasil refleksi beberapa peserta didik.

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Republik Indonesia

28. Guru memberikan refleksi atas kegiatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan teknik DEAL seperti

yang peserta didik lakukan.

Contoh refleksi guru:

It is my turn to tell you about my reflection.

I would describe the debates just now as very good. Everybody participates based on his/her role

appropriately. (Description)

28. Guru memberikan informasi kegiatan pertemuan berikutnya.

Contoh instruksi guru:

Next week, we are going to learn about Financial Literacy. Please read one article about it or you

can watch a video from youtube on how to have good financial literacy.

29. Guru menutup pembelajaran dan memberi salam.

Contoh instruksi guru:

That concludes our class for today. I will see you all next week.

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