Kuliah Parasitoid

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Parasitoid Predator Patogen

Membunuh, mengisap energi Membunuh, memakan Membunuh, meng-
pada saat inangnya masih hidup, mangsanya dengan cepat, urangi reproduksi,
untuk kepentingan keturunannya untuk kepentingan dirinya pertumbuhan lambat,
lama hidup hama lebih
Hanya imago betina yang Jantan, betina, imago dan Keefektifannya ter-
mencari inang dan larva yang fase pra-imago dapat gantung pada kondisi
memarasit inangnya. Telur atau memangsa lingkungan atau
larva diletakkan pada, dalam kelimpahan inang
atau dekat inang
Memarasit inangnya pada Dapat memangsa semua Menginfeksi stadium
stadium tertentu. Dalam memilih stadium .Dalam memangsa. tertentu. Spesialis pada
inangnya lebih bersifat spesialis lebih bersifat generalis spesies target
(monofag atau oligofag) (Polifag, oligofag atau
Pengembangan Parasitoid



 Ilmu Pengetahuan :
- Taksonomi
- Biologi
- Ekologi
- Perilaku
- Seleksi parasitoid
- Metodologi
- Sistem PHT
- Analisis ekonomi

 Teknik
- Mass rearing
- Penyimpanan
- Transportasi dan Release
- Kesesuaian habitat dan manipulasi
- Evaluasi
1.Pencarian awal di daerah asal
2.Iklim dan lingkungan similar
3.Flora, fauna dan habitat beragam
EKSPLORASI 4.Cukup luas dan beragam
5.Dekat dari centre of foreign

1. Teknik pencarian
2. Teknik koleksi
3. Teknik pengiriman

Masalah : perlu perbanyakan

- Tidak membutuhkan pemeliharaan
- Tahan lama
- Ukurannya kecil
2. Inang
- Inang alami
- Inang alternatif
- Inang pengganti (factitious host)
- Inang/makanan buatan (artificial diet)
3. Parasitoid
- Kuantitas
- Kualitas
CONTOH : PARASITOID Diadegma semiclausum

 I. Perbanyakan tanaman inang

Pesemaian Bumbung Pot

(7 hari ) (7-14 hari ) (14 -21 hari )

kubis siap dipakai (± 100 tanaman)

II. Perbanyakan inang (P. xylostella)

PEMBIAKAN MASSAL Plutella xylostella

3-6 hari3-6 hari 1-2 hari

Pupa P.xylostella
(400 puPupa P.xylostella
( pa/kPupa P.xylostella
urungan) imago
instar I

4 hari

6 hari
Instar II

2 hari

3 hari
III. Perbanyakan parasitoid D. semiclausum

PEMBIAKAN MASSAL Diadegma semiclausum

22oC (16-25oC)

3-6 1 hari 3 hari

Kokon D.eucerophaga telur Larva

7 hari


Diadegma semiclausum
Pada 7º (4-10oC)

Selama 2 minggu Lepas di lapangan

Perbanyakan Parasitoid pada inang alternatif
(C. cephalonica)
Perbanyakan Parasitoid Trichogramma sp.
Contoh : Perbanyakan predator Coccinella sp.

I. Perbanyakan Tanaman inang

II. Perbanyakan mangsa alami (kutu daun)
III. Perbanyakan predator Coccinella sp.

Kutu daun + imago Coccinella sp.

Untuk pengujian

Telur Larvar Pupa Imago

Pembuatan formulasi makanan buatan untuk predator
Coccinella sp.


Larva lebah madu

Contoh : Perbanyakan predator burung hantu, (Tito alba )

T. alba muda akan

mencari sarang di
sekitar lokasi sarang
Secara alami

 Secara alami, T. alba  bersarang di lubang-lubang pohon,

gua, sumur, bangunan-bangunan tua atau pada tajuk
pepohonan yang berdaun lebat. Kebiasaan bersarang di
lubang pohon misalnya, cukup beresiko terhadap
kelangsungan hidup dan perkembangan anakan, jika lubang
pohon yang ada tidak cukup memberikan ruang gerak.
 Penempatan sarang buatan haruslah
memperhatikan luasan kebun yang ingin
dicakupi. Sebagai contoh, pada areal kelapa
sawit yang berbatasan dengan pemukiman
dimana diketahui terdapat burung hantu,
dipasang sarang buatan pada jarak 500 –
1000 meter.
 Apabila sarang buatan telah dihuni, maka secara sistematis
dipasang sarang buatan dengan jarak kurang lebih 500 meter,
sehingga satu sarang buatan mencakupi kurang lebih 25 hektar
tanaman. Beberapa pilihan lain dari desain sarang buatan yang
dapat dipergunakan sebagai sarana memperbanyak populasi T.
alba  pada suatu areal kebun
Steps in Rearing and Releasing Earwigs into
the Field
1. Mass-rear predatory earwigs in an artificial diet of 1:1
combination of dog food and ground corn cob.
2. Release reared third and fourth instar and adult earwigs at the
rate of one earwig per square meter, usually in late afternoon.
3. Walk across the rows and place one earwig into the growing
point of every fourth plant (hill) along the row, zigzagging
through the length of the row and back to the starting point
until 50 earwigs (for small-scale trial) are released into a 50-
m2 lot.
4. Follow the same distribution pattern for large-scale trials,
releasing 250 earwigs into a 250-m plot.
Use of Predatory Earwigs to Suppress Asian
Corn Borer
Isolasi dengan seleksi asetat

 Beberapa gram sumber isolat disuspensikan ke dalam media

pertumbuhan bakteri yang mengandung natrium asetat
 Kocok.
 Setelah beberapa jam media tersebut dipanaskan pada suhu 80°C
selama beberapa menit. Pemanasan ini akan membunuh sel-sel
bakteri atau mikroorganisme yang sedang tumbuh termasuk
spora-spora bakteri lain yang tumbuh.
 Sebagian kecil dari suspensi yang telah dipanaskan diratakan
pada media padat.
 Koloni-koloni yang tumbuh kemudian dipindahkan ke media
sporulasi Bt.
 Koloni yang tumbuh pada media ini dicek keberadaan spora atau
protein kristalnya untuk menentukan apakah koloni tersebut
termasuk isolat Bt
Cara Perbanyakan pada Media Cair

 Yang diperlukan sebagai bioinsektisida adalah

protein kristalnya, maka diperlukan media yang
dapat memicu terbentuknya kristal tersebut.
 Media yang mengandung tryptose telah diuji cukup
efektif untuk memicu sporulasi Bt.
 Dalam 2–5 hari Bt akan bersporulasi dalam media
ini dengan pengocokan pada suhu 30°C.
Kadafer :
-Penggerek batang
-Ulat grayak
-Penggerek polong kedelai
Sistem kontrol kualitas perbanyakan agens hayati

Quality Control in Insect Mass Production

Production control Process control Product control

Performance of Rearing Process Rearing Product

Rearing Operations quality quality
1. Perbanyakan tanaman atau bagian tanaman
2. Perbanyakan inang


Figure 2: Adult (left) and larva (right) of P. reichei

3. Perbanyakan parasitoid untuk hama Brontispa

Three wasp parasitoids of B. longissima are

known in Java. Two of these are egg
parasitoids: the trichogrammatid Hispidophila
brontispa; and the encyrtid Ooencyrtus
pindarus. One H. brontispa wasp develops per
Brontispa egg, producing about 15-17 percent
parasitism (Kalshoven, 1981; Waterhouse and
Norris, 1987
Parasitoid Tetrastichus brontispae
 Three wasp parasitoids of B. longissima are known in Java. Two of these are egg
parasitoids: the trichogrammatid Hispidophila brontispa; and the encyrtid Ooencyrtus
pindarus. One H. brontispa wasp develops per Brontispa egg, producing about 15-17
percent parasitism (Kalshoven, 1981; Waterhouse and Norris, 1987), and O. pindarus
produces about 10 percent parasitism (Kalshoven, 1981). The eulophid, Tetrastichus
brontispa, which is found in 60-90 percent of the pupae (Awibowo, 1934) and 10 percent of
the larvae, develops in 18 days; about 20 specimens emerge from one Brontispa pupa.
 Parasitized larvae may die before pupation, but parasitoids will emerge. However, the level
of parasitization by T. brontispa is not always high and Lange (1950) recorded an average
of only 16 percent in pupae. The life cycle of T. brontispa is 16-21 days (Lever, 1936a, b;
Lange, 1953). Tetratichus brontispa (Fern.) was introduced to Taiwan from Guam to control
B. longissima in 1983. The percentage of parasitism recorded from field recoveries made in
Chen-chin-hu and Lin-bien were 21.2-79.2 percent and 9.3-36.2 percent, respectively
 Two native wasp parasitoids are known in the Rabaul district of Papua New Guinea: the
non-specific egg parasitoid, Trichogrammatoidea nana, and the eulophid larval parasitoid,
Chrysonotomyia sp. A large percentage of Brontispa eggs are attacked by T. nana, which
has also been bred from Brontispa eggs in the Solomon Islands. Chrysonotomyia sp. is
comparatively rare.

 International protocols for importing biological control agents were strictly followed. A
dossier was prepared and all necessary authorization was obtained from relevant
 5. Mass rearing of biological control agent at laboratory condition
 At the laboratory provided by the management of Sun Island resort, mass rearing of the
parasitoid began upon arrival of the parasitoids. To mass rear the parasitoids, the coconut
hispid beetle was also required to be reared. Both these activities were carried out at Sun
Island by MOFAMR staff assisted by resort staff.

 The rearing procedure developed by Long Nam University, Viet Nam was followed.
 Following the exposure of the first generation of parasitoids (i.e. those that emerged from
the mummies imported from Viet Nam) to Brontispa host larvae for parasitization, a
representative sample (some 100 dead parasitoids preserved in a vial with 80 percent
ethanol) were sent to the Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom, for
verification and confirmation of the identity of A. hispinarum. This follows international
protocols to ensure that the only the desired species is imported and used for mass rearing
in the recipient country.
 International protocols for importing biological control agents were strictly followed. A
dossier was prepared and all necessary authorization was obtained from relevant ministries.
 5. Mass rearing of biological control agent at laboratory condition
 At the laboratory provided by the management of Sun Island resort, mass rearing of the
parasitoid began upon arrival of the parasitoids. To mass rear the parasitoids, the coconut
hispid beetle was also required to be reared. Both these activities were carried out at Sun
Island by MOFAMR staff assisted by resort staff.

 The rearing procedure developed by Long Nam University, Viet Nam was followed.
 Following the exposure of the first generation of parasitoids (i.e. those that emerged from
the mummies imported from Viet Nam) to Brontispa host larvae for parasitization, a
representative sample (some 100 dead parasitoids preserved in a vial with 80 percent
ethanol) were sent to the Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom, for
verification and confirmation of the identity of A. hispinarum. This follows international
protocols to ensure that the only the desired species is imported and used for mass rearing
in the recipient country.

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