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Absentees Email

Senior School - Athelstone

Mr Phil Donato, Head of Senior School

2 Manresa Court, Athelstone, South Australia 5076

P: (08) 8334 9300

E: [email protected]

CRICOS Provider Code: 00603F

Junior School - Norwood

Mr Nic Boys, Head of Junior School

62 Queen Street, Norwood, South Australia 5067

P: (08) 8130 7100

E: [email protected]

Ignatius Early Years - Norwood

Mrs Rosemary Allen, Head of Ignatius Early Years

58 Queen Street, Norwood, South Australia 5067

P: (08) 8130 7180

E: [email protected]

Finance and Fees

All enquiries relating to fees, payments and related activities can be directed to:

Fees and Accounts Receivable
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm
(08) 8334 9339
[email protected]

Feedback and Complaints

At Saint Ignatius’ College we are committed to delivering high quality education and care to our students. We are also focused on creating an environment for all members of the College community where they can feel welcomed, valued and supported. Feedback from our community is therefore necessary and beneficial in allowing us to deliver on our commitment.

As we strive to meet the needs of every member of our community we have established a system to facilitate open communication where users can feel comfortable to provide feedback or raise concerns and complaints.

For your convenience, we provide you the following options:

Providing general feedback
In following the principles of Ignatian leadership, we strive to practice two-way communication with all members of our College community. We understand that listening to the voices within our community is vital for identifying areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. For this reason, we welcome all types of feedback related to any aspect of the College.

Email your feedback to a relevant member of staff
In providing general feedback we advise you to contact the relevant member of staff by email. Email addresses can be obtained by contacting the Junior School Front Office on 8130 7100 or Senior School Front Office on 8334 9300.

Upon receiving your email, the recipient will aim to acknowledge receipt within 24 hours and inform you of an action plan for addressing the issue you have raised.

If you are unsure about the best person to contact please email [email protected] and delivery of your message to the most suitable recipient will be arranged for you.

Reporting complaints or disputes
In reporting complaints or disputes we ask that you please consider the College’s Procedure for Reporting and Resolving Complaints.

Urgent matters

If you feel that your complaint is of a critical nature and requires immediate attention we advise you to contact the Executive Assistant to the Leadership Team, Clare Piercey on 8334 9321 in the first instance. Ms Piercey will aim to connect you to the relevant member of the Leadership Team in a timely manner.

Should your matter involve a complaint of abuse against any member of staff, present or past, of a Jesuit school or other ministry please visit the Professional Standards page for further direction.