
This tumblr aspires to become a helpful resource for history (and mainly fashion history) research and focuses primarily on illuminations from medieval and renaissance manuscripts.

Note: I am not a professional fashion historian. If you spot any inconsistency or outright fallacy somewhere in the picture descriptions please feel free (or even better, obliged) to let me know!

Posts tagged "monster"

end of the 13th century France or Flanders

Lausanne, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire

U 964: Biblia Porta

fol. 228r

15th century (first quarter?) France?

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France

Français 606: L´Epistre Othea by Christine de Pisan

fol. 4v - Perseus slaying the sea monster, saving Andromeda

Casual monsterslaying.