Post an Ad

Reach creatives by purchasing an ad.

❝We found some amazing candidates on ilovecreatives, including one that we ultimately hired.”
— Travis Nagle


Pick an Ad

Purchase your ad before Monday 1PM PT to get into the Wednesday Newsletter.

Questions? Read our FAQs
Interested in a Partnership? Contact Us

Starting at $20

Text Only Ad

Starting at $35

Text & Image Ad

Purchase your Ad by Monday 1PM PT to get into the Wednesday Newsletter.

Purchase your Ad by Monday 1PM PT to get into the Wednesday Newsletter.

Purchase your Ad by Monday 1PM PT to get into the Wednesday Newsletter.

Purchase your Ad by Monday 1PM PT to get into the Wednesday Newsletter.

Purchase your Ad by Monday 1PM PT to get into the Wednesday Newsletter.

✦Ad Types:
We’ve got add-ons to increase your reach.



Includes Web

We've been sending out our newsletter every Wednesday since 2015 and grew our community through word of mouth. Your Ads will be seen by an engaged community of creatives (~47K subscribers).



Includes Web + Newsletter

Get extra 👀 on your Ad with Instagram Stories. In addition to your Ad being in the Newsletter, you can also have the same Ad shown in our Instagram Stories on Wednesday. The Story links to your Ad and we'll Mention your IG account on the Story.


Dedicated Job Ad

Includes Web, Newsletter & IG

For Job ads where you want to include a description of the role and your company.

Computer-ilovecreatives-small 2.jpg

❝Highly recommend to anyone looking for super talented creatives.❞

— CC DesRosiers, Founder/CEO of Troop

Asked Questions

What if I purchase after Monday 1PM PT?
If you purchase after Monday 1PM PT, your Ad will run in next week's newsletter.
When are ads posted?
All ads will be posted between Monday 1PM PT and before the Wednesday newsletter goes out.
When can I post again?
Please don't purchase repeat Ads for the same thing two weeks in a row. We will refund you! We like to keep things interesting for our audience. If you're not sure whether it's too soon to re-post, email us and ask!
Is my Ad guaranteed to be posted on the website/newsletter/Instagram?
The editorial team reviews every Ad before posting, and not every Ad is approved (though most are). If your Ad isn't approved, you'll be given a full refund. Here are a few examples of Ads that we don't post: coaching/mentorship services, unpaid jobs/internships, surveys, investment opportunities, anything too woo-woo.
How much traffic do you guys get on the website?
~200K pageviews a month.
What are your newsletter stats?
We have about 47K Subscribers and a 36% Open Rate (Industry Standard is 20%).

Have more questions?
Contact us at [email protected]

Gaw, thanks guys.

Ad Testimonials


Who will your ad reach?

A list of creatives that have opted into getting ads from you!