
[email protected]

​Orcid: 0009-0003-5828-0869

Before turning to academia, Moshe Shemesh served as a senior intelligence  officer in the IDF (Research and Assessment Branch) for many years.
After receiving his Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and Science  in 1983, he joined the Ben-Gurion Institute staff.
Prof. Shemesh teaches Middle Eastern Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.


Recent Publications


The Palestinian National Re-awakening: In the Shadow of Leadership Crisis, From the Mufti to Shuqayri 1937-1967,The Ben-Gurion Research Institute, 2012 [Hebrew] Book Cover and Summary

Co-editor: National Trauma, Yom kippur War: After Thrty Years and another War
The Ben-Gurion Research Institute, 2008 [Hebrew]  trauma.pdfBook Cover

Arab Politics, Palestinian Nationalism and the Six Day War: The Crystallization of Arab Strategy and Nasir's Descent to War 1957-1967, Brighton, 2008 coverbook.pdfBook Cover

From the Nakba to the Naksa: The Arab-Israeli Conflict and the Palestinian National Problem, Nasir's Road to the Six-Day War, The Ben-Gurion Research Institute, 2004, [Hebrew].

Co-editor, Political Thought and Political History: Studies in Memory of Elie Kedourie, Frank Cass, London, 2003. 

The Palestinian Entity 1959-1974, Arab Politics and the PLO, 2nd (revised) edition, Frank Cass, London, 1996.



'On Two Parallel Tracks—The Secret Jordanian-Israeli Talks(July 1967-September 1973)', Israel Studies, vol. 15, number 3, fall 2010

'Nasir's Strategy for 'Eliminating the Traces of Aggression, June 1967- September 1970, A Reassessment,' Iyyunim  Bitkumat Israel, 19, 2009 (Hebrew)

'The Origins of Sadat's Volte-Face', Israel Studies, vol. 13.2, Summer 2008

'The Fidai'yun Organization's Contribution to the Descent to the Six-Day War', Israel Studies, vol. 11, Spring 2006

'The Palestinian Leadership Crisis September 1948, "Part II, lyunim Bitkumat Israel, vol 15, 2005 (Hebrew)

'The Palestinian Leadership Crisis: From the Early 1930s to the “All-Palestine Government", 1948'
(Part I), Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, vol. 14, 2004, [Hebrew]

'Prelude to the Six-Day War: the Arab-Israeli Struggle over the Water Resources' Israel Studies, vol. 9.3, fall 2004

'The Palestinian Society in the Wake of the 1948 War: From Social Fragmentation to Consolidation', Israel Studies, vol. 9.1, Spring 2004

'Did Shuqayri Call for Throwing the Jews into the Sea', Israel Studies, vol. 8. 2,  Summer, 2003

'The Arab Strategy Towards The Arab-Israeli Conflict, January 1964-June 1967', in: Gammer, M., J. Kostiner, and M. Shemesh, (eds.),
Political Thought and Political  History, Frank Cass, London,  2003

'The IDF Raid on Samoa': The Turning Point in Jordan's Relations with Israel and the West Bank Palestinians', Israel Studies, vol.7.1, Spring 2002.

'Syria's Struggle Over Water With Israel 1959-1967', in: Ma'oz, M., J. Ginat,  and O.Winkler, (eds.), Modern Syria, Sussex, Academic Press, Brighton, 1999

    Professional Activities
    Prof. Shemesh is a Member of the Israel Studies editorial board.