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Flagos Wp/rmc/Belgija
Coat of arms of Wp/rmc/Belgija
Motto(nl) Eendracht maakt macht
(fr) L'union fait la force
(de) Einigkeit macht stark
Themeskeri giľi (Himna)Brabançonne
ThagarFilip I.
PremijerisAlexander De Croo
Buchľipen30528 Km2
Jekhupruneder bodosSignal de Botrange (694 m)
Šerutno forosBruselos
Bešutne manuša11 584 008 (1 January 2022) [1]
Hustota379.46 Manuša/Km2
Štatno čhibHolanďiko čhib, Francuziko čhib, Ňemciko čhib
LoveEuro (€) (EUR)
HDI0,937 (bares upre) (2021) [2]
Telefoniskero anglodžaro+32
Internetoskero kodos.be
Location of Wp/rmc/Belgija

E Belgija ((nl) België, (fr) Belgique, (de) Belgien) hin thagaripen andre Europa. O šerutno foros andre Belgija hino o Brusel.

Andre Belgija dživen manuša so vakeren nekhbuter duje čhibenca. 60% manuša vakeren flamiko čhibaha (holanďiko čhib) u 40% manuša vakeren francuziko čhibaba. Frimeder sar 1% manuša so dživen andro them pre vichodno sera vakeren ňemciko čhibaha. Andro šerutno foros vakeren oficijalňe duje čhibenca, flamiko čhib the francuziko čhib aľe nekhbuter manuša vakeren francuziko čhibaha.

Belgijakero čhibakero averipen the o politicke konflikti so džan jekhetane hine sikhade andre upre rajengero kompleksno sistemos savo hin kerdo šove rajibendar.


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O Belgijakero jekhupruneder bodos

O Holanďiko, o Ňemciko, o Luxemburiko the o Francuziko hine thema saven hin themutne agora la Belgijaha. O jekhupruneder bodos pes vičinel Signal de Botrange. Jov pašľol 694 m upre le moroske.

E Belgija hiňi kerďi trine regionendar: Flamiko regionos, Valoňiko regionos the Brusel.

Flagos Erbos Provincija Flamiko nav Francuziko nav Ňemciko nav Šerutno foros Buchľipen[3] Populacija
(1 januaris 2019)[4]
Hustota Poštakero kodos[5] Geokodos[5] FIPS[5] Kodos ISO 3166-2:BE[5]
Antwerpen Antwerpen Anvers Antwerpen Antwerpen 2876 Km2 1857986 647 manuša/Km2 2000–2999 BE.AN BE01 VAN
Vichodno Flamiko Oost-Vlaanderen Flandre orientale Ostflandern Ghent 3007 Km2 1,515,064 504 manuša/Km2 9000–9999 BE.OV BE08 VOV
Flamiko Brabantiko Vlaams-Brabant Brabant flamand Flämisch-Brabant Leuven 2118 Km2 1,146,175 542 manuša/Km2 1500–1999, 3000–3499 BE.VB BE12 VBR
Limburgiko Limburg Limbourg Limburg Hasselt 2427 Km2 874,048 361 manuša/Km2 3500–3999 BE.LI BE05 VLI
Zapadno Flamiko West-Vlaanderen Flandre occidentale Westflandern Bruges 3197 Km2 1195796 375 manuša/Km2 8000–8999 BE.WV BE09 VWV
Hainaut Henegouwen Hainaut Hennegau Mons 3813 Km2 1344241 353 manuša/Km2 7000–7999 (West),
6000–6999 (East,
shared with Luxembourg)
Liège Luik Liège Lüttich Liège 3857 Km2 1,106,992 288 manuša/Km2 4000–4999 BE.LG BE04 WLG
Luxembourg Luxemburg Luxembourg Luxemburg Arlon 4459 Km2 284638 64 manuša/Km2 6000–6999
Namur Namen Namur Namür Namur 3675 Km2 494325 135 manuša/Km2 5000–5999 BE.NA BE07 WNA
Valoňiko Brabanťiko Waals-Brabant Brabant wallon Wallonisch-Brabant Wavre 1097 Km2 403599 368 manuša/Km2 1300–1499 BE.BW BE10 WBR
Regionos Brusel šerutno Foros Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Région de Bruxelles-Capitale Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt Foros Brusel 162,4 Km2 1208542 7442 manuša/Km2 1000–1299 BE.BR BE02 BBR
Belgija België Belgique Belgien Foros Brusel 30689 Km2 11431406 373 manuša/Km2


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E Belgija chunďa peskero korkororipen le Holanďikostar andro berš 1830.


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O thagareskero zoznamos

Nav Berša Čiro
1. Léopold I. Leopold I.


1831-1865 34 berša, 4 čhona the 20 ďivesa
2. Leopold II.


1865-1909 44 berša
3. Albert I. Albert I.


1909-1934 24 berša, 1 čhona the 25 ďivesa
4. Leopold III. Leopold III.


1934-1944 17 berša, 4 čhona the 23 ďivesa
5. Baudouin I. Baudouin


1951-1993 42 berša the 14 ďivesa
6. Albert II Albert II.

(1934- )

1993-2013 19 berša, 11 čhona the 12 ďivesa
7. Filip Filip (1960- ) 2013-akana 11 berša the 125 ďivesa


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  1. https://statbel.fgov.be/en/themes/population/structure-population; Statbel; retrieved: 11 September 2022; archive URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20220709102227/https://statbel.fgov.be/en/themes/population/structure-population.
  2. https://hdr.undp.org/data-center/human-development-index#/indicies/HDI; Human Development Report; publication date: 2022.
  3. "Be.STAT".
  4. "Structuur van de bevolking | Statbel".
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 "Province of Belgium". statoids.com.