Papers by Stalis Norma Ethica

Cardiovascular disease is the primary cause of mortality in the world due to the formation of blo... more Cardiovascular disease is the primary cause of mortality in the world due to the formation of blood clots or thrombi in blood vessels. Bacterial proteases commonly function as thrombus dissolver agents in the pharmaceutical industry. Bacterial isolate HSFI-10 (Holothuria scabra Fermented Intestine-10) previously isolated from Rusip fermented sea cucumber had demonstrated thrombolytic activity. This study aimed to produce crude protease of HSFI-10 strain at an optimized incubation time and determine the thrombolytic activity of crude and dialysate proteases on A, B, AB, and O blood types. Isolate HSFI-10 was first molecularly identified and found to be Bacillus cereus with a homology level of 99.80% with Bacillus cereus strain ST06. The optimum crude enzyme was obtained after 48-h incubation with an activity of 222.52 U/mL, which increased to 438.84 U/mL after ammonium sulfate precipitation and dialysis. Clot lysis activity of crude enzymes was measured based on the gravimetry method...
Socialization of the Importance of Early Diabetes Mellitus Prevention using Poster Media for Young Tenants of Boarding House in Tembalang Sub-District, Semarang
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 1, 2021

Science and technology Indonesia, Jan 19, 2023
Commercial proteases, such as Nattokinase (NK), Staphylokinase (SAK), and Streptokinase (SK) play... more Commercial proteases, such as Nattokinase (NK), Staphylokinase (SAK), and Streptokinase (SK) play an important role in the destruction of thrombus, the main cause of death in cardiovascular disease. The latest technology combining enzymes with certain drugs is the target of new research in the thrombolytic area. The first step is to develop protease from Bacillus thuringiensis HSFI-12 bacteria as an antithrombotic agent, characterization of the bacterial enzyme is necessary. This study aims to determine the specificity of protease from Bacillus thuringiensis HSFI-12 to explore its potential as an antithrombotic agent in terms of anticoagulant and fibrinolytic activities. The molecular weight and specificity of bacterial protease were determined with a zymographic method with casein as substrate. Bacillus thuringiensis HSFI-12 was first cultured on Nutrient Agar (NA) media and then on Skim Milk Agar (SMA) media. The obtained crude protease from Skim Milk Broth (SMB) was then concentrated as dialysate. Both crude and dialysate proteases were tested for their specific activity, as well as anticoagulant and fibrinolytic activities. Next, the dialysate's molecular weight and specificity on the casein substrate were investigated using the zymographic method. As result, protease activity in crude form is lower than that in dialysate, which was 0.5570 ± 0,004 U/mL and 2.1767 ± 0,005 U/mL, respectively. The molecular weight of the obtained bacterial protease was between 117-133 kDa and the enzyme is capable of degrading casein as shown on the zymogram. Overall, both crude and dialysate proteases of Bacillus thuringiensis HSFI-12 show potential as an antithrombotic agent for exhibiting anticoagulant and antiplatelet activities. Yet, it could not exhibit direct fibrinolytic activity implying the possibility that the enzyme plays a role as a plasminogen activator, which can dissolve fibrin by activating plasmin.

Latar belakang: Ginjal merupakan organ yang berfungsi menjaga komposisi darah, mengendalikan kese... more Latar belakang: Ginjal merupakan organ yang berfungsi menjaga komposisi darah, mengendalikan keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit tubuh dan produksi hormon serta enzim yang mengendalikan tekanan darah. Deteksi dan pencegahan penyakit gagal ginjal kronis (PGK) penting dilakukan sejak dini karena PGK pada anak dan remaja dapat berdampak buruk bagi hidup kedepannya. Tujuan: Memberikan pengetahuan dan penyuluhan tentang penyebab dan pencegahan PGK kepada kelompok remaja. Metode: Kegiatan penyuluhan dilaksanakan di Uluta Eco Sanctuary Kabupaten Deli Serdang yang diikuti oleh kelompok remaja Sadakata. Pre-test diberikan sebelum penyuluhan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pemberian materi tentang pencegahan penyakit gagal ginjal kronik menggunakan media poster. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan pemberian pos-test kepada responden. Hasil: Seluruh anggota kelompok remaja Sadakata mendapatkan peningkatan pengetahuan berdasarkan hasil pre-test dan pos-test dengan rata-rata nilai pos-test lebih tinggi dari nil...

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis
Protease enzymes are enzymes that are able to hydrolyze peptide bonds in proteins into simple com... more Protease enzymes are enzymes that are able to hydrolyze peptide bonds in proteins into simple compounds. The protease enzyme used was derived from fermented sea cucumber digestive organs (HSFI-8). HSFI-8 uses meat tenderizer as well as an anticoagulant agent. The samples used were beef, chicken and tuna whose protein profile was analyzed using SDS-PAGE. Three types of meat were soaked in HSFI-8 at a concentration of 30% v/v for 3 h. In addition, protease enzymes as therapy for the treatment of CVD. The second sample, human blood, was tested for anticoagulant by Lee-White in vitro. Blood samples were treated with the addition of HSFI-8 as an anticoagulant which measured blood clotting time. The results showed that soaking beef using HSFI-8 was able to break the peptide bonds in proteins which were marked by the addition of minor protein bands. There was no change in the amount of protein bands in chicken and cob meat. The results of the anticoagulant test showed that HSFI-8 was able ...

Buletin Pengabdian Bulletin of Community Services
The purpose of this service was to provide counseling, training, and technical guidance in three ... more The purpose of this service was to provide counseling, training, and technical guidance in three areas of the partnership program (food technology, economy, and health) to potato farmers in the village. In the field of food technology, counseling included how to process potatoes into flour, chips, and sticks. Counseling in the field of economics focused on the importance of entrepreneurship supported by e-commerce in marketing processed potatoes. Health education in the form of video screenings and distribution of posters about the dangers of open defecation (BABS). The results of the activity obtained information that the community’s understanding of how to wash hands properly was good, but needed guidance on healthy toilet standards. Extension activities in the health sector had a positive impact in increasing knowledge about the correct way to defecate. Counseling in the field of food technology and economics encouraged the growth of seven groups for introducing food technology a...
Characterization of Bacteria from Liquid Clinical Laboratory Waste with Potential as Bioremediation Agent
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and life sciences, Apr 8, 2005
Prospective In Vivo Assays on the Antithrombotic Potential of Protease Extracted from Bacillus sp. HSFI-12
Advances in Biological Sciences Research
A Literature Review on the Potential of the Biodiversity of Thrombolytic Protease-Producing Bacteria Isolated from Brown Seaweeds Chnoospora sp
Advances in Biological Sciences Research

Chromium (VI) or Cr (VI) is one of heavy metal ions, which presence in the environment comes from... more Chromium (VI) or Cr (VI) is one of heavy metal ions, which presence in the environment comes from industrial waste water disposal such as metallic coating, leather tanning and paint industry. Cr (VI) ions are toxic as they could cause lung cancer, chronic infection and polyps. An effort to decrease Cr (VI) concentration has been done by using TiO₂ impregnated Zeolite ZSM-5 (TiO₂-ZSM-5) at 1,25% w/v concentration with pH variation within 75-minute of UV exposure time. This study aims to investigate the effect of pH variation after addition of TiO₂- ZSM-5 powder on Cr (VI) solution, in a way to reduce the presence of the toxic ions in its solution. Object of this study was Cr (VI) solution at concentration of 50 mg/L. The evaluation was carried out on Cr (VI) solutions as samples including vontrol after adding Zeolite ZSM-5 alone, TiO₂ alone and TiO₂ impregnated Zeolite ZSM5 powder. Data analysis was carried out statistically using One-way Annova.The results showed that initial Cr (VI...

Sago Larva (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) is a high source of animal protein typical from Papua. One... more Sago Larva (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) is a high source of animal protein typical from Papua. One of weakness sago larva as foodstuff that is easily rot. To avoid decomposition can be done with fumigation and salting preservation. The purpose of this research is looking at the profile of protein fumigation with and without salting in sago larva. The method used is the method of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfat-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Research sample used about 13 sago larva. One of sago larva used as a control without salting and fumigation, 6 of sago larva used time fumigation variation 2,4,and 6 minutes, than 6 of sago larva used time fumigation variation with salting at concentration 10% b/b. The results showed sago larva as a control has 31 protein bands different with band after fumigation with and without salting. Larva have been smoked for 2 minutes had 30 protein bands, for 4 minutes had 35 protein bands and for 6 minutes had 32 protein bands. While larva with ...

Milkfish (Chanos chanos) is potential source of easily digested, yet easily decayed animal protei... more Milkfish (Chanos chanos) is potential source of easily digested, yet easily decayed animal protein. Salting using table salt (NaCl) is a common technique used to prevent early spoilage on milkfish meat. In study, the effect of salting on of milkfish was investigated using SDS-PAGE method. The aim were: 1. To evaluate protein profile before and after salting in milkfish at varied salt concentration and salting time. 2. To recommend milkfish salting process based on denaturation level of protein reflected by changes in protein profile compared to that of control. Seven portionsof meat from one fresh milkfish was used as samples (6 portions) and control (1 portion). All samples were salted using NaCl at concentration of 10, 20, and 30% b/b in varied salting time of 30 and 60 mins. The results showed that the milkfish meat before salting process (control) had atotal 15 protein bands. The total protein band number decreased in samples salted for 30 mins at NaCl concentrations of 10, 20 a...

Enzymes are complex protein moleculer produced by living cells playing role as catalysts in vario... more Enzymes are complex protein moleculer produced by living cells playing role as catalysts in various chemical processes in the body. Among enzymes playing an important role in human life is protease. The purpose of this study was to determine the presence of protease-producing bacteria found on 120-h postfermented oncom and to identify the bacteria based on its 16S rRNA gene analysis. Bacterial isolation and purification was carried out using Nutrient Agar media with spread technique. Of the six bacterial isolates isolated from the oncom sample after 120 hours of fermentation, there was one isolate that had protease activity, namely IROD 5. The protease enzyme income test was carried out using Skim Milk Agar media. Molecular identification process was carried out through sequential analysis of 16S rRNA using PCR method using primers forward F: 5'-AGAGTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3 'and reverse R: 5'-GGTTACCTTGTTAC. GACTT-3 primers' followed by sequencing process. The protease enzyme production test to bacterial isolate was conducted using Skim Milk Agar. Molecular identification was performed through analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequence using PCR method followed by sequencing process. A single bacterial isolate having proteolytic activity was obtained based on observation of the clear zone of protease surrounding the bacterial colony with a diameter of 72 mm. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of the obtained proteolytic bacterial strain IROD5 has been obtained and analysis on the gene sequence resulted 99% similarity levels with sequence of similar gene s of Staphylococcus hominis. As conclusion, the obtained bacterial isolate in this studyis apotential protease enzyme producer and molecularly identified as Staphylococcus hominis strains IROD5.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Mahasiswa Unimus, 2019
Enzim protease berperan penting dalam bidang pangan dan kesehatan, khususnya dalam proses pembuat... more Enzim protease berperan penting dalam bidang pangan dan kesehatan, khususnya dalam proses pembuatan pengawet non-formalin. Sumber-sumber penghasil protease baru perlu dicari. Rusip merupakan produk fermentasi udang yang mengandung protein tinggi sehingga berpeluang sebagai sumber bakteri penghasil protease. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengisolasi bakteri proteolitik yang terdapat pada rusip udang windu pasca fermentasi 72 jam dan mengidentifikasi bakteri berdasarkan sekuen gen 16S rRNA. Proses isolasi dan purifikasi koloni bakteri dilakukan menggunakan media Nutrient Agar. Uji penghasilan enzim protease dilakukan pada media Skim Milk Agar. Proses identifikasi molekuler dilakukan melalui analisis sekuen gen 16S rRNA bakteri yang diamplifikasi dengan metode PCR. DNA hasil amplifikasi berukuran 1500 bp kemudian disekuensing. Berdasarkan hasil pensejajaran sekuen dengan DNA Baser Assembler dan BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) diketahui gen 16S rRNA strain RPM3.B yang diperoleh mempunyai tingkat kemiripan 99.80% dengan gen 16S ribosomal RNA isolat bakteri Bacillus cereus strain Sihong-668-3. Kesimpulannya, strain RPM3.B merupakan bakteri penghasil enzim protease yang potensial dan diberi nama Bacillus cereus strain IRPMD-3 (Indonesian Rusip Penaeus monodon Day-3).

Protease enzyme has function to hydrolyze peptide bonds in proteins into simpler molecules to dig... more Protease enzyme has function to hydrolyze peptide bonds in proteins into simpler molecules to digest by the body which important to food industry. One of effort to increase the production of protease enzymes is looking for new sources of protease particularly from bacterial groups. The purpose of this study was to obtain an isolate of protease-producing bacteria found on postfermentation oncom 72 hours, and to identify the protease-producing bacteria based on the analysis of 16S rRNA gene. Isolation and purification process of bacterial colony was carried out on Nutrient Agar medium with spread technique, production test of protease enzyme was performed using Selective Skim Milk Agar. The process of Molecular identification process was carried out through analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragment sequences which were amplified using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method, and continued by sequencing. The result of bacteria isolation was found one isolate which has proteolytic activity in Skim Milk Agar medium which has clear zone diameter of 78.00 mm. A similarity analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that IROD3 (Indonesian Red Oncom Day-3) has 99% similarity level with the 16S rRNA gene fragment of Bacillus megaterium strain CS17 (access code Genbank: MG430224.1).

Detection of Salmonella bacteria based on their virulence genes is among essential steps in the e... more Detection of Salmonella bacteria based on their virulence genes is among essential steps in the eradication of clinical infection by bacteria. In this study, two pair of primers, PhoPF-PhoPR: 5’- CCGCGCAGGAAAAACTCAAA-3’ and 5’-ATCTGTTCCAGCATCACCGG -3’ as well as PhoQF-PhoQR: 5’-AGAGATGATGCGCGTACTGG-3’ and 5’- CAGACGCCCCATGAGAACAT-3’, had been successfully designed using Primer3Plus to detect the presence of phoP and phoQ genes in Salmonella spp. Using genomic DNA of 44 genomic data of Salmonella spp. as templates, PhoPF-PhoPR could produce 520-bp amplicon, while PhoQF-PhoQR could result in 598-bp amplicon. Results of in silico PCR showed that both pairs of primers PhoPF-PhoPR and PhoQF-PhoQR could detect only Salmonella enterica species, and no Salmonella bongori species could be detected based on phoP and phoQ sequences. Both pairs of PhoPF-PhoPR and PhoQF-PhoQR primers were also able to detect the virulence genes in most of the studied subspecies of Salmonella enterica available i...

Sago larvae (Rhynchophorus ferruginesus) is a source of animal protein originated from Papua, whi... more Sago larvae (Rhynchophorus ferruginesus) is a source of animal protein originated from Papua, which has a high protein content. One of the disadvantages of sago larvae as a food ingredient is that it decomposes easily. To avoid decay, preservation could be done by heating with an oven and microwave, but the influence of the heating process to the quality of protein needs to be investigated. The purpose of this study was to analyze the profile of sago larvae protein baked in an oven and microwave with a time variation of sago larvae. The method used was SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis). The samples used were 13 sago larvae. Alarvae sample was used as a control and was not roasted with an oven and microwave, 6 larvae were baked with an oven with a variation of time 1, 2 and 3 minutes then the other 6 were roasted by microwave with a time variation of 1, 2 and 3 minutes. The results showed that sago larvae as a control had a number of protein bands 26, unlike the protein bands after baking with an oven and microwave. Larvae that have been baked in the oven for 1 minute found 17 protein bands, 20 protein bands were found for 2 minutes, and for 3 minutes were found 10 protein bands. Whereas in the sago larvae sample which was baked in the microwave for 1 minute found 16 protein bands, for 2 minutes found 11 protein bands and for 3 minutes found 12 protein bands. These results indicatedthe longer the heating time, the higher the level of protein denaturation.This marked by more protein bands on protein profile with smaller molecular weight values.

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 2022
Blood culture is the gold standard for diagnosing typhoid fever, but it has limitations such as m... more Blood culture is the gold standard for diagnosing typhoid fever, but it has limitations such as media and laboratory equipment, specimen volume, and examination time. However, the Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend serology due to its low sensitivity. The purpose of this study was to determine the molecular properties of the protein pilli of Salmonella typhi (S. typhi) that the findings can be used to develop a typhoid fever diagnostic reagent. The SDS-PAGE method was used, as well sequence analysis with ProtParam, ProtScale, and PSIPRED. The SDS-PAGE profile reveals one major protein (42 kDa) and fourteen minor proteins. The pili protein subunit 42 kDa had an amino acid (AA) sequence with a length of 390 AA, according to bioinformatics analysis. According to the ProtParam results, the pili protein subunit 42 kDa has good stability with a value of 40 and is a hydrophilic protein with an average GRAVY value of-0.950. PSIPRED results show that among the secondary structural elements, coil strand predominates, followed by-helix and-strand. It is concluded that this protein is immunogenic and that it can be used to develop a more specific and sensitive diagnostic reagent for typhoid fever.
2020 ICABST Abstract Proceeding Pathogenicity Scoring System

Proteolytic and Clot Lysis Activity Screening of Crude Proteases Extracted from Tissues and Bacterial Isolates of Holothuria Scabra
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are still the leading mortality causes in the last decades. The ai... more Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are still the leading mortality causes in the last decades. The ailments are multifactorial characterized by excessive clot (thrombus) formation in the blood vessels. Thrombus could be degraded through thrombolysis mechanism by plasmin activated by various fibrinolysis agents including, urokinase, nattokinase, or streptokinase. However, the use of these agents is restricted by relatively high cost, short half-life, allergic reaction, and bleeding effects. The search for more economical and safer thrombolytic (clot lysis) agents are essential to address the underlying problem in CVD therapy. Among Holothurians, H. scabra has been known to have the highest protein content making it ideal substrate for protease enzymes including fibrinolytic types with clot lysis properties. However, isolation of a proteases with antithrombotic activities either from tissue or from bacteria of H. scabra has not been reported. This study aimed to screen proteolytic and clo...
Papers by Stalis Norma Ethica