Innovation Holding Structure License

Unleash Your Innovation Potential

An Innovation Holding Structure License is a commercial license that is similar to a Prescribed Company license which is a type of corporate vehicle and categorised as Private Companies.

These benefits make Innovation Holding entities amenable for use as holding or interim holding entities within wider transaction, financing or asset holding structures, subjected to the below requirements around the ownership and 

control of the Innovation Holding entity. A prescribed company can be established by a Qualifying Purpose only. 

  • Subsidized Commercial Licensing at USD 1,000 (annual fee) + USD 100 registration Fee
  • Quick registration and access to the DIFC Ecosystem
  • Start with 1 flexible desk (min requirement) at USD 500(+VAT) per month
  • Up to 4 visas on the first desk; and discounted visa costs for up to 40% 

  • License Requirements
  • Steps to apply
  • Popular Documents