This is a podcast by, for, and about the working class today (in partnership with In These Times magazine). Working People is a podcast about working-class lives in 21st-century America. In every episode you'll hear interviews with workers from around the country, from all walks of life. We'll talk about their life stories, their jobs, politics, and families, their joys and hopes and frustrations. Working People aims to share and celebrate the diverse stories of working-class people, to remind ourselves that our stories matter, and to build a sense of shared struggle and solidarity between workers around the country.
Working People
The Upsurge
The Upsurge is a podcast about UPS, the Teamsters & the future of the American labor movement, produced in partnership with In These Times. On July 31, the labor contract of 350,000 UPS workers will expire, and if their demands aren't met in a new collective bargaining agreement, they may launch one of the largest strikes in U.S. history. The contract fight by the Teamsters union, which represents the workers, may be the most important fight for the labor movement in a generation. Through interviews with UPS workers themselves, as well as experts and other workers and activists, The Upsurge explores what makes this an unprecedented moment in U.S. history. Please become a patron to keep this show going. The show is hosted by Teddy Ostrow, a labor reporter from Brooklyn. It is produced by NYGP with the help of audio producer Ruby Walsh. Your patronage will help support Teddy, Ruby, and NYGP editor Sabrina Kessler, in addition to production overhead.
In The Gap
Black women still only make 62 cents on the dollar compared to white, non-Hispanic men.
In recognition of these ongoing disparities, In These Times presents In The Gap, a 12-episode podcast series. Episodes feature everyday Black women and experts alike sharing their personal experiences and insights on how the gender pay gap, pay discrimination and systemic inequality affects the lives and livelihoods of Black women in the American workforce in 2020. Hosted and produced by award-winning veteran Black journalist Chandra Thomas Whitfield.
Find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Read interviews with Chandra Thomas Whitfield via Forbes and MadameNoire.