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SELECT avg(voto), count(voto), nome,cognome FROM studenti,voti WHERE
e_matricola=matricola GROUP by matricola HAVING count(voto) >1 order by cognome,nome 2. SELECT DISTINCT(matricola),nome,cognome FROM studenti,voti WHERE e_matricola=matricola and voto<5 3. SELECT cognome,nome from studenti order by datadinascita desc 4. SELECT cognome,nome, count(voto) from studenti,voti where matricola=e_matricola GROUP by matricola HAVING count(voto)<6 order by cognome,nome 5. SELECT cognome ,nome, avg(voto) from studenti,voti where e_matricola= matricola group by matricola having avg(voto)<6 6. SELECT matricola,nome,cognome,datadinascita,voto,docente,idmateria from studenti,voti,materie where E_idmateria=idmateria and e_matricola= matricola 7. SELECT count(DISTINCT nome,cognome) from voti,studenti where e_matricola=matricola and voto is not null